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Thomas Brooks (Puritan)

English Puritan
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Thomas Brooks (1608 – September 27, 1680) was an English, non-conformist, Puritan preacher and author.

Thomas Brooks on the title page of his book The Riches of Christ.



Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices, 1652


Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices, Banner of Truth Trust, Edinburgh (Puritan Paperbacks), first published 1652, ISBN 0-85151-002-7

  • Satan, being fallen from light to darkness, from felicity to misery, from heaven to hell, from an angel to a devil, is so full of malice and envy that he will leave no means unattempted, whereby he may make all others eternally miserable with himself.
  • Sin which men account small brings God's great wrath on men.
  • The giving way to a less sin makes way for the committing of a greater.
  • God is as just as He is merciful.
  • God has ends and designs in giving evil men outward mercies and present rest from sorrows and sufferings that cause saints to sigh.
  • God will call evil men to a strict account for all the outward good that they have enjoyed.
  • Ah! How many Judases have we in these days, that kiss Christ, and yet betray Christ; that in their words profess him, but in their works deny him; that bow their knee to him, and yet in their hearts despise him; that call him Jesus, and yet will not obey him for their Lord (from: A Word To The Reader)
  • The snow covers many a dunghill, so doth prosperity many a rotten heart. (page 87)
  • Ah, souls, you can easily sin as the saints—but can you repent with the saints? Many can sin with David and Peter, that cannot repent with David and Peter—and so must perish forever! (page 27)
  • Sins against God's mercy will bring the greatest and sorest judgments upon men's heads and hearts. Mercy is God's Alpha, justice is His Omega.
  • When Satan attempts to draw you to sin by presenting God as a God all made up of mercy, oh then reply, that though God's general mercy extend to all the works of his hand, yet his special mercy is confined to those who are divinely qualified, to those who love him and keep his commandments, to those who trust in him, that by hope hang upon him, and who fear him; and that you must be such a one here, or else you can never be happy hereafter; you must partake of his special mercy, or else eternally perish in everlasting misery, notwithstanding God's general mercy. (page 44)
  • There is nothing in the world that renders a man more unlike to a saint, and more like to Satan - than to argue from God's mercy to sinful liberty; from divine goodness to licentiousness.
  • Afflictions, they are but as a dark entry into your Father's house; they are but as a dirty lane to a royal palace. Now, tell me, souls, whether it be not very great madness to shun the ways of holiness, and to walk in the ways of wickedness, because of those afflictions which attend the ways of holiness.
  • Those who live as the many, must die with the many, and go to hell with the many. The way to hell is broad and well beaten. The way to be undone forever is to do as the most do.
  • So as you may see in Daniel and his companions, that would rather choose to burn, and be cast to the lions—than they would bow to the idol which Nebuchadnezzar had set up. When this 'slight offense', in the world's account, and a hot fiery furnace stood in competition, that they must either fall into sin, or be cast into the fiery furnace—such was their tenderness of the honor and glory of God, and their hatred and indignation against sin, that they would rather burn than sin!
  • Say to thy soul, O my soul! If thou wilt sin with the multitude, thou must be shut out of heaven with the multitude, thou must be cast down to hell with the multitude.
  • You are wise, and know how to apply it.

Heaven On Earth, 1654


Heaven on Earth: A Treatise on Christian Assurance, Banner of Truth Trust (Puritan Paperbacks), first published 1654, ISBN 0-85151-3565

  • Many are now dropped into hell that have formerly presumed of their going to heaven.
  • There are five things that God will never sell at a cheap rate -- Christ, truth, his honour, heaven, and assurance.
  • Assurance is a jewel worth waiting for.
  • He who would to the purpose do a good action, must not neglect his season.
  • Take no truths upon trust, but all upon trial.
  • Precepts may instruct, but examples persuade.
  • An excellent master is always better than an excellent law. Let your laws be ever so good, if the lawmakers are bad, all will come to nothing.
  • Books may preach when the author cannot, when the author may not, when the author dares not, yes, and which is more, when the author is not.
  • Assurance is a jewel of that worth, a pearl of that price, that he who will have it must work, and sweat, and weep, and wait to obtain it.
  • Assurance makes most for your comfort, but holiness makes most for God's honor...Assurance is the daughter of holiness...The surest and shortest way to assurance is to wrestle and contend with God for holiness...

The Secret Key To Heaven, 1665


The Secret Key to Heaven: The Vital Importance of Private Prayer, Banner of Truth Trust, Edinburgh (Puritan Paperbacks), first published as 'The Privie Key of Heaven' 1665, ISBN 0-85151-924-5

  • In private prayer we have a far greater advantage as so the exercise of our own gifts and graces and parts that we have in public...in public duties we are more passive, but in private duties we are more active. Now, the more our gifts and parts and graces are exercised, the more they are strengthened and increased. All acts strengthen habits. The more sin is acted, the more it is strengthened. And so it is with our gifts and graces; the more they are acted, the more they are strengthened.
  • Godly lives convince more than miracles themselves.

A Cabinet of Jewels

  • The first great work that men are to attend in this world is the eternal safety and security of their souls; the next great work is to know, to be assured, that it shall go well with their souls forever.
  • The lives of such are most desirable, and the deaths of such will be most lamented, who make it their business to serve their generation.
  • There are many fair professors that are foul sinners, and that have much of God, and Christ, and heaven, and holiness in their lips, when they have nothing but sin and hell in their hearts and lives. These men’s conversations shame their profession, and therefore they cry against sanctification as a sure and blessed evidence of a man’s justification.
  • Certainly, those persons that shall deny sanctification to be a most sure, sweet, and comfortable evidence of man's justification, they must not only blot out, and abolish the epistles of James and John, but must also raze out and abolish all those evangelical promises of grace and mercy, and of happiness and blessedness, that are made to such persons as are invested, enriched, and bespangled with the several graces of the Holy Spirit.
  • Such as diligently search the Scripture shall find that true blessedness, happiness, and salvation is attributed to several signs: sometimes to the fear of God, sometimes to faith, sometimes to repentance, sometimes to love, sometimes to meekness, sometimes to humility, sometimes to patience, sometimes to poverty of spirit, sometimes to holy mourning, sometimes to hungering and thirsting after righteousness; so that if a godly man can find any one of those in himself, he may safely and groundedly conclude of his salvation and justification, though he cannot see all those signs in him.
  • There is no soul under heaven that commonly lies under the commanding power of the Word, but that soul that has an interest in the Word of Promise.
  • It is certain that great prosperity and worldly glory are no sure tokens of God's love.
  • Christ doth not love believers with a low, flat, dull, common love, with such a love as most men love one another with, but with a love that is like himself. Now, men will give as they love: 1 Sam. 1:4, 5, ‘And Elkanah gave to Peninnah his wife, and to all his sons and daughters, portions, but unto Hannah he gave a worthy portion, for he loved her.’ In the Hebrew it is, ‘he gave her a gift of the face;’ that is, a great, an honourable gift. Men look upon great and honourable gifts with a sweet and cheerful countenance; so the gifts that Jesus Christ gives to believers are the gifts of the face, that is, they are the greatest gifts, the honourablest gifts, the choicest gifts, gifts fit for none but a king to give.

A Mute Christian Under the Rod


A Mute Christian Under the Rod by Thomas Brooks, Old Paths Gospel Press, Choteau, MT USA

  • So many read good books and get nothing, because they read them over cursorily, slightly, superficially.

A String of Pearls

  • I could heartily wish that you and all others concerned in this sad loss, were more taken up in minding the happy exchange that she hath made, than with your present loss. She hath exchanged earth for heaven, a wilderness for a paradise, a prison for a palace, a house made with hands for one eternal in the heavens (2 Cor 5:1-2). She hath exchanged imperfection for perfection, sighing for singing, mourning for rejoicing, prayers for praises, the society of sinful mortals for the company of God, Christ, angels, and the spirits of just men made perfect, Heb 12:22-24; an imperfect transient enjoyment of God for a more clear, full, perfect, and permanent enjoyment of God. She hath exchanged pain for ease, sickness for health, a bed of weakness for a bed of spices, a complete blessedness. She hath exchanged her brass for silver, her counters for gold, and her earthly contentments for heavenly enjoyments.

The Hypocrite Detected, Anatomized

  • Oh that you would arise in Christ's strength, and do what possibly you can for God, though you cannot do what you would and what you should!
  • Time is a jewel more worth than a world. Time is not yours to dispose of as you please; it is a glorious talent that men must be accountable for as well as any other talent.
  • You have no lease of your lives, and death is not bound to give you warning before it gives you that deadly blow that will send you to everlasting misery or everlasting felicity.
  • Ah, beloved, have not you need to improve your time, who have much work to do in a short time: your souls to save, a God to honour, a Christ to exalt, a hell to escape, a race to run, a crown to win, temptations to withstand, corruptions to conquer, afflictions to bear, mercies to improve, and your generation to serve.
  • Sin is a viper that does always kill where it is not killed.

The Unsearchable Riches of Christ

  • In Christ are riches of Justification; in Christ are riches of sanctification, riches of consolation, and riches of glorification...Christ's riches are like the eternal springs of the earth, that cannot dry up, but are and shall be diffused by his Spirit and gospel, until his whole house be filled with them.
  • The more any man is in the contemplation of truth, the more fairer and firmer impression is made upon his heart by truth.
  • Surely it is more honourable to do great things, than to speak or read great things!...When a Christian has one eye upon his book, the other should be looking up to heaven for a blessing upon what he reads.
  • The nearer any soul draws to God, the more humble will that soul lie before God...the most holy men have always been the most humble men...If the work be good, though never so low, humility will put a hand to it; so will not pride.
  • An humble soul knows that little sins, if I may so call any, cost Christ his blood, and that they make way for greater; and that little sins multiplied become great, as a little sum multiplied is great; that they cloud the face of God, wound conscience, grieve the Spirit, rejoice Satan, and make work for repentance, &c. An humble soul knows that little sins, suppose them so, are very dangerous; a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump, a little staff may kill one; a little poison may poison one, a little leak in a ship sinks it; a little fly in the box of ointment spoils it; a little flaw in a good cause mars it; so a little sin may at once bar the door of heaven and open the gates of hell; and therefore an humble soul smites and strikes itself for the least as well as the greatest.

London's Lamentations

  • Præcepta docent, exempla movent, Precepts may instruct, but examples do persuade.

The Best Wine Reserved Until Last

  • Though all truths are glorious, yet there is a double glory upon seasonable truths.

Works of Thomas Brooks


Works of Thomas Brooks (6 Volumes), Banner of Truth Trust, ISBN 0851513026

  • True penitential confession is joined with reformation. He that does not forsake his sin, as well as confess it, forsakes the benefit of his confession. And indeed, there is no real confession of sin, where there is no real forsaking of sin. It is not enough for us to confess the sins we have committed, but we must resolve against committing again the sins we have committed.
    • pp.413-4

Quotes from secondary sources

  • There is oftentimes a great deal of knowledge where there is but little wisdom to improve that knowledge. It is not the most knowing Christian but the most wise Christian that sees, avoids, and escapes Satan's snares. Knowledge without wisdom is like mettle in a blind horse, which is often an occasion of the rider's fall.
    • Quote reported in Josiah Hotchkiss Gilbert, Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers (1895). p. 365.

Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers, 1895


Quotes reported in Josiah Hotchkiss Gilbert, Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers (1895).

  • The more the soul is conformed to Christ, the more confident it will be of its interest in Christ.
    • P. 16.
  • Our sins are debts that none can pay but Christ. It is not our tears, but His blood; it is not our sighs, but His sufferings, that can testify for our sins. Christ must pay all, or we are prisoners forever.
    • P. 81.
  • What then? For all my sins, His pardoning grace; For all my wants and woes, His loving-kindness; For darkest shades, the shining of God's face; And Christ's own hand to lead me in my blindness. When Caesar gave one a great reward, "This," said he, "is too great a gift for me to receive;" but said Caesar, "It is not too great a gift for me to give." So, though the least gift that Christ gives, in one sense, is too much for us to receive, yet the greatest gifts are not too great for Christ to give.
    • P. 95.
  • God's very service is wages; His ways are strewed with roses, and paved with joy that is unspeakable and full of glory, and with peace that passeth understanding.
    • P. 127.
  • Weak Christians are afraid of the shadow of the cross.
    • P. 171.
  • Faith is the champion of grace, and love the nurse; but humility is the beauty of grace.
    • P. 221.
  • Faith is a Christian's right eye, without which he cannot look for Christ; right hand, without which he cannot do for Christ; it is his tongue, without which he cannot speak for Christ; it is his vital spirit, without which he cannot act for Christ.
    • P. 230.
  • Though there is nothing more dangerous, yet there is nothing more ordinary, than for weak saints to make their sense and feeling the judge of their condition. We must strive to walk by faith.
    • P. 245.
  • It is the very nature of grace to make a man strive to be most eminent in that particular grace which is most opposed to his bosom sin.
    • P. 294.
  • One of Satan's devices to keep poor souls in a sad, doubting, and questioning condition is causing them to be always posing and musing upon sin; to mind their sins more than their Saviour: yea, so to mind their sins as to forget and neglect their Saviour. Their eyes are so fixed upon their disease that they cannot see their remedy, though it be near; and they do so muse upon their debts that they have neither mind nor heart to think of their surety.
    • P. 391.
  • Love is a golden key to let in Christ, and a strong lock to keep out others.
    • P. 395.
  • He who stands upon his own strength will never stand.
    • P. 531.
  • We trust as we love, and we trust where we love; if you love Christ much surely you will trust Him much.
    • P. 589.

Smooth Stones Taken From Ancient Brooks, 1860


Quotes reported in Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Smooth Stones Taken from Ancient Brooks by Thomas Brooks, Sheldon & Company, New York (1860)

  • There is no such way to attain to greater measures of grace, as for a man to live up to that little grace he has.
  • Mercy is "Alpha," justice is "Omega."
  • Christians, bear your faithful ministers upon your hearts when you are wrestling with God. They can tell when they want your prayers, and when they enjoy your prayers. Did you pray more for them, they might do more for your internal and eternal good than they do now.
  • Prayer crowns God with the honor and glory that are due to his name, and God crowns prayer with assurance and comfort. Usually, the most praying souls are the most assured souls.
  • Though true repentance be never too late, yet late repentance is seldom true.
  • There is no way under heaven to be interested in Christ, but by believing. He that believeth shall be saved, let his sins, be ever so great; and he that believeth not shall be damned, let his sins be ever so little.
  • The number of difficulties makes the Christian's conquest the more illustrious. A gracious man should be made up all of fire, overcoming and consuming all opposition, as fire does the stubble. All difficulties should be but whetstones to his fortitude. (pg.50, 1860 edition)
  • Such as have made a considerable improvement of their gifts and graces, have hearts as large as their heads; whereas most men's heads have outgrown their hearts.
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