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advertise - Wiktionary, the free dictionary



Alternative forms




From Middle English advertisen, from Anglo-Norman advertir (to inform), avertir, Middle French advertir, avertir (to warn, give notice to), with the ending assimilated to -ise, -ize and probably influenced by the noun advertisement. Compare also advert.





advertise (third-person singular simple present advertises, present participle advertising, simple past and past participle advertised)

  1. (transitive) To give (especially public) notice of (something); to announce publicly. [from 15th c.]
  2. (intransitive) To provide information about a person or goods and services to influence others. [from 18th c.]
    For personal needs, advertise on the internet or in a local newspaper.
  3. (transitive) To provide public information about (a product, service etc.) in order to attract public awareness and increase sales. [from 19th c.]
    Over the air, they advertise their product on drive-time radio talk shows and TV news shows.
  4. (transitive, now rare) To notify (someone) of something; to call someone's attention to something. [from 15th c.]
    • 1603, Michel de Montaigne, “An Apologie of Raymond Sebond”, in John Florio, transl., The Essayes [], book II, London: [] Val[entine] Simmes for Edward Blount [], →OCLC, page 288:
      Socrates being advertiſed, that the God of wiſdome, had attributed the name of wiſe vnto him, was thereat much aſtoniſhed, and diligently ſearching and rouzing vp himſelf, and ranſaking the very ſecrets of his heart, found no foundation or ground for his divine ſentence.
    • 1611, Iohn Speed [i.e., John Speed], “Edward the Second, []”, in The History of Great Britaine under the Conquests of yͤ Romans, Saxons, Danes and Normans. [], London: [] William Hall and John Beale, for John Sudbury and George Humble, [], →OCLC, book IX ([Englands Monarchs] []), paragraph 76, page 564, column 1:
      [T]he Queene [Isabella of France], vvhen ſhee vvas [] aduertiſed of her huſbands dethronization, ſhee outvvardly expreſſed ſo great extremity of paſſion (notvvithſtanding that at the ſame time ſhee vvas tolde of her ſonnes [Edward III of England's] ſurrogation) as if ſhee had beene diſtraught in her vvittes: []
    • 1726, Terræ Filius [pseudonym; Nicholas Amherst], “[The Dedication]”, in Terræ-Filius: Or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford; in Several Essays. To which are Added, Remarks upon a Late Book, Entitled, University Education, by R. Newton, D.D. Principal of Hart-Hall. In Two Volumes, 2nd edition, volume I, London: Printed for R. Francklin, under Tom's Coffee-House, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, →OCLC, page xi:
      [] I am daily advertiſed by ſeveral friends and correſpondents from Oxford, that I have omitted many particulars, which it is proper to animadvert upon, in order to compleat the Secret Hiſtory of that place; and I have therefore, in compliance with their requeſt, reſolved to reſume this work, and continue to publiſh ſome part of it every Act-Term, till the whole is finiſhed, and the ſubject fully exhauſted: []
  5. (card games) In gin rummy, to discard a card of one's preferred suit so as to mislead the opponent into thinking you do not want it.
    • 1947, On Gin Rummy: An All-American Roundup, page 121:
      The safest time to answer a possible advertisement is when you have no indication as to what suit your opponent wants. Then even if he has advertised, the odds are that your answer is not the card he is looking for.



Derived terms



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  1. first/third-person singular imperfect subjunctive of advertir