US Senate passes new bankruptcy bill: Difference between revisions

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David Vasquez (talk | contribs)
Add mention of impact on debt from medical bills, and some subheads to break up the story.
David Vasquez (talk | contribs)
m suppress TOC
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Revision as of 02:15, 13 March 2005

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Pro-business forces at work for credit card companies and financial services firms got a bill passed on Capitol Hill on Thursday. In a vote of 74-25, the Republican-controlled Senate passed a measure that would change bankruptcy laws making it harder for individuals seeking relief from their debt burden to avoid repayment. A similar measure passed both the Senate and House during the previous administration, but then President Bill Clinton pocket-vetoed the measure in 2000.

Amendments defeated

Democrats sought to soften the bill by allowing bankruptcy filers to negotiate directly with lenders for relief, but the amendments were defeated by the Republican-controlled Senate. Proponents of the bill claim the rise of bankruptcy filings to nearly 1.5 million a year shows that abusers of credit use the filings to shield themselves from irresponsible practices.

"There has been an explosion of bankruptcy," said Iowa Republican Sen. Charles E. Grassley, the bill's sponsor. "We preserve the principle of a fresh start, but we also establish a principle that if you have the ability to repay some of your debt, you are not going to get off scot-free." However, Massachusetts Democratic Sen, Edward M. Kennedy said, "This legislation makes the bankruptcy courts of the United States the collection agency for the credit-card industry."

The bill impacts a broad spectrum of bankruptcy law, but the most significant impact is on personal bankruptcy filings. Individuals who get behind in repaying credit card debt face high interest charges and stiff late payment fees. By only meeting minimum payment requirements, borrowers remit to the lender over the life of the loan an amount in interest and other fees that can far exceed the value of the principal balance of the loan. This can put consumers who run up high balances on various cards at financial risk of default. Critics of the bill blame these aggressive lending practices as a contributing factor in the rising trend of bankruptcy filings from 1996.

Debt from medical bills also affected

The proposed bill doesn't only affect debtors with credit card debt.

It also affects debtors who have run up large medical bills.

Patients with a past medical history that disqualifies them from full medical coverage, can easily find themselves facing insurmountable medical bills after just a short stay in the hospital. These individuals will no longer be able to get a fresh start after these personal disasters, and will be forced to live in poverty until they can pay off their medical bills as part of their Chapter 13 filing. (Prior to this bill, they would have been able to file Chapter 7, completely discharging their debt.)

Chapter 7, which accounts for 70% of bankruptcy filings, allows individuals to eliminate most non-secured debts after liquidating assets, with the notable exemption of one’s principle residence in most states. The Senate passed bill would change Chapter 7 eligibility by applying a means-test, where those with a median income higher than the state average would be required to file under Chapter 13 provisions. Under Chapter 13 protection, an individual's debt is not forgiven; rather it is restructured for payment under more lenient terms.

House vote up next

The bill has the support of President Bush, and its passage in the House sometime next month seems likely. If enacted into law, lending companies will recover more money on what otherwise would be written off as bad loans. Those persons of median and higher income seeking relief would be required to file under Chapter 13 status and pay up to $100 per month under court imposed conditions. It is expected the proposed changes would cause a sharp increase in filings before the new law could take effect.
