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Candidates of the 1984 Australian federal election - Wikipedia Jump to content

Candidates of the 1984 Australian federal election

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This article provides information on candidates who stood for the 1984 Australian federal election. The election was held on 1 December 1984.

Redistributions and seat changes


Retiring Members and Senators








House of Representatives


Sitting members at the time of the election are shown in bold text. Successful candidates are highlighted in the relevant colour. Where there is possible confusion, an asterisk (*) is also used.

Australian Capital Territory

Electorate Held by Labor candidate Liberal candidate Democrats candidate Other candidates
Canberra Labor Ros Kelly Gary Humphries Fiona Richardson Robyn Hancock (NDP)
Joanne Hansen (DSPA)
Fraser Labor John Langmore John McLaren Andrew Freeman Emile Brunoro (Ind)
Arthur Burns (Ind)
Rozalyn Daniell (DSPA)
Kevin Wise (Ind)

New South Wales

Electorate Held by Labor candidate Coalition candidate Democrats candidate Other candidates
Banks Labor John Mountford Max Parker (Lib) Montague Green
Barton Labor Gary Punch Jim Bradfield (Lib) Ron George
Bennelong Liberal Margaret Duckett John Howard (Lib) Steve Gabell
Berowra Liberal Rodney Berry Harry Edwards (Lib) Chris Rogers
Blaxland Labor Paul Keating Bob Young (Lib) Samuel Adams
Bradfield Liberal Matthew Strassberg David Connolly (Lib) Emma Veitch
Calare Labor David Simmons Ian Byrne (Lib)
Russ Turner (Nat)
Gregory Hamilton Margaret Stevenson (Ind)
Charlton Labor Bob Brown Don Harris (Lib) Lyn Godfrey
Chifley Labor Roger Price Ken Jessup (Lib) Dominic Fanning
Cook Liberal Peter McIlwaine Don Dobie (Lib) Brett Gooley
Cowper National Joe Moran Garry Nehl* (Nat)
Peter Simpson (Lib)
Alfred Tozer Keith Jervis (Ind)
David Rees (Ind)
Cunningham Labor Stewart West Gayle Mitchell (Lib) Greg Butler Neil Cleary (Ind)
Rudolph Dezelin (Ind)
John Garcia (SWP)
Dobell Labor Michael Lee Isaac Shields (Lib) Lynn Sawyer
Dundas Liberal Margaret Blaxell Philip Ruddock (Lib) John Tuminello
Eden-Monaro Labor Jim Snow Alexander Black (Nat)
Murray Sainsbury (Lib)
Bob Shumack (NDP)
Farrer Liberal Eric Thomas Tim Fischer* (Nat)
John Roach (Lib)
Fowler Labor Ted Grace Ken Wills (Lib) David Bransdon (Ind)
Gilmore Labor Bob Stephens Noel Anderson (Lib)
John Sharp* (Nat)
John Sanders Rodney Lander (NDP)
Ronald Sarina (Ind)
Grayndler Labor Leo McLeay John Marsden-Lynch (Lib) Peter Hennessy Christine Broi (SWP)
Greenway Labor Russ Gorman Edna Mitchell (Lib) Michael Corbin (Ind)
Ray Eade (Ind)
Gwydir National Pamela Smith Ralph Hunt (Nat) Lyall Munro Jnr John Brazier (Ind)
Hughes Labor Robert Tickner Cliff Mason (Lib) Harold Jeffrey Marjorie Wisby (Ind)
Hume National Rodney Milliken Wal Fife* (Lib)
Stephen Lusher (Nat)
Hunter Labor Eric Fitzgibbon Ron Dolton (Lib)
John Turner (Nat)
Warren Reid
Kingsford-Smith Labor Lionel Bowen Collin O'Neill (Lib) Peter Longfield Helen Boyle (Ind)
Lindsay Labor Ross Free Stuart Coppock (Lib) Kevin Crameri
Lowe Labor Michael Maher Geoffrey Howe (Lib) Kent Buncombe
Lyne National Fred May Bruce Cowan (Nat) Roland Inman Stewart Cooper (Ind)
Macarthur Labor Stephen Martin Mark Stanham (Lib) Meg Sampson
Mackellar Liberal Tim Cusack Jim Carlton (Lib) Graeme Maclennan Maurice Foley (Ind)
Macquarie Labor Garry Cronan Paul McGirr (Nat)
Alasdair Webster* (Lib)
Dick Jackson-Hope Peter Quirk (Ind)
Mitchell Liberal Edward Mason Alan Cadman (Lib) Alan Page
Newcastle Labor Allan Morris Ashley Saunders (Lib) Steve Jeffries Jim Campbell (Ind)
Don Geddes (Ind)
New England National Joe Horan Ian Sinclair (Nat) Rod Irvine
North Sydney Liberal Philip Kelso John Spender (Lib) Rod Dominish
Page National Brian Morris Ian Robinson (Nat) Anne Brown Brian Stone (Ind)
Parkes National Jim Curran Michael Cobb* (Nat)
Bruce Rowley (Lib)
Gloria Collison
Parramatta Labor John Brown Charles Stanley (Lib) John Butterworth
Phillip Labor Jeannette McHugh Peter Bardos (Lib) Karin Sowada Fred Brinkman (Ind)
Donald Rugless (Ind)
Prospect Labor Dick Klugman Adrian Burke (Lib) Robert Neesam Dick Nichols (SWP)
Reid Labor Tom Uren Mary-Ruth Kain (Lib) John Roveen Jim Saleam (Ind)
Richmond National Klaas Woldring Charles Blunt (Nat) Ivor Brown Jon Axens (Ind)
Jim Saunders (Ind)
Riverina-Darling Labor Ron Adams Noel Hicks* (Nat)
John Sullivan (Lib)
Peter Hains Frederick Martin (Ind)
Robertson Labor Barry Cohen Peter Jansen (Lib) Trevor Willsher
Shortland Labor Peter Morris Milton Caine (Lib) John Aitken Jane Power (Ind)
St George Labor Stephen Dubois Bob Gemmell (Lib) Paul Terrett Brian Compton (Ind)
Stanley Duncan (Ind)
Sydney Labor Peter Baldwin James Harker-Mortlock (Lib) Michael Walsh Aileen Beaver (CPA)
Daphne Gollan (Ind)
Noel Hazard (Ind)
Vito Radice (Ind)
Throsby Labor Colin Hollis Duncan Gair (Nat)
Wendy Stubbs (Lib)
Alan Cole Martin Essenberg (Ind)
Paul Trevardis (Ind)
Warringah Liberal Brian Green Michael MacKellar (Lib) Richard Jones Margaret Broome (Ind)
Wentworth Liberal Stephen Rothman Peter Coleman (Lib) Yvonne Jayawardena George Atkinson (Ind)
Kasula Fitzroy-Mendis (Ind)
Ray Oakes (Ind)
George Warnecke (Ind)
Werriwa Labor John Kerin Peter Swiderski (Lib) Valerie George

Northern Territory

Electorate Held by Labor candidate CLP candidate Democrats candidate Independent candidates
Northern Territory Labor John Reeves Paul Everingham Wiyendji Roberts Strider
Phil Ward


Electorate Held by Labor candidate Liberal candidate National candidate Democrats candidate Other candidates
Bowman Labor Len Keogh Leo White Noel Willersdorf Ronald Heindorff
Brisbane Labor Manfred Cross Ian Douglas William Owen George Leigh
Capricornia Labor Keith Wright Alan Agnew Colin Webber Peter Knack Eric Geissmann (Ind)
Dawson National John Bird Ray Braithwaite Antony Lucas
Fadden Liberal Peter Wilson David Jull Alun Preece Janice Barber
Fairfax National Peter Shooter Terry Welch Evan Adermann Bob Borsellino
Fisher National Garth Head Lionel Kilner Peter Slipper Kent Farrell
Forde Labor Hamish Linacre David Watson Francis Gaffy Michael Coogan
Griffith Labor Ben Humphreys Kaylene Low Sean Cousins Daniel Roth Helen Jones (SWP)
Groom National Ronald Cullin Alexander Munro Tom McVeigh Raymond Dow
Herbert Labor Ted Lindsay Theo Theofanes Vicky Kippin Ana Bristowe-Lamb
Hinkler Labor Brian Courtice Ronald Owen Bryan Conquest Frank Coulthard Marcus Platen (Ind)
Kennedy National Brigid Walsh Gerald Porter Bob Katter Lance Winter
Leichhardt Labor John Gayler Hugh Anthony Eda Celledoni Cliff Truelove Daas Saba (Ind)
Lilley Labor Elaine Darling Ian Parminter John Frew Anthony Catip (Ind)
Maranoa National Dave Summers Ian Cameron Mick Brannigan
McPherson Liberal Rupe Granrott Peter White Warren Tapp Ken Peterson Maria Parer (Ind)
Moncrieff Liberal Athol Paterson Kathy Martin Judy Gamin Susan Mulley Will Aabraham-Steer (Ind)
Peter Courtney (Ind)
Moreton Liberal Michael Kinnane Don Cameron Howard Baskerville Geoffrey Fawthrop
Oxley Labor Bill Hayden Les Woodforth Charles Groves George Hannaford
Petrie Labor Deane Wells John Hodges Don Munro Garry Somerville
Rankin Labor David Beddall Bruce Mackenzie-Forbes Cec Jamieson Bev Peereboom
Ryan Liberal Mike Foley John Moore Maxwell Crofts John Peeters
Wide Bay National Fred Hoberg Clarrie Millar Glen Spicer

South Australia

Electorate Held by Labor candidate Liberal candidate Democrats candidate National candidate Other candidates
Adelaide Labor Chris Hurford Jenni London Andrew Sickerdick Bryan Stokes John Buik (Ind)
Mark Thiel (Ind)
Barker Liberal Jeremy Moore James Porter Meg Lees Richard Jacka
Bonython Labor Neal Blewett Graham Sara John Longhurst
Boothby Liberal Bruce Whyatt Steele Hall Margaret-Ann Williams Douglas Lindley
Grey Labor Lloyd O'Neil Russell Reid Harm Folkers Robin Dixon-Thompson
Hawker Labor Ralph Jacobi Charles Campbell Graham Pamount Thomas Correll
Hindmarsh Labor John Scott Barry Lewis Ian Haines Paul Petit (SWP)
Kingston Labor Gordon Bilney Richard Noble Robert Ralph Neville Agars Paul Breakwell (NDP)
Makin Labor Peter Duncan Neville Joyce Andrew Coventry John Henderson Bernhard Buechner (Ind)
Mayo Liberal John Quirke Alexander Downer Donald Chisholm Bob Shearer
Port Adelaide Labor Mick Young Thomas Ireland Robert Manhire Deborah Gordon (SWP)
Sturt Liberal Jim Gale Ian Wilson Alison Dolling
Wakefield Liberal Suzanne Owens Neil Andrew Anne Hausler Terry Halford


Electorate Held by Labor candidate Liberal candidate Democrats candidate Independent candidate
Bass Liberal Vicki Buchanan Warwick Smith Michael Preece
Braddon Liberal Greg Peart Chris Miles Gavin Bugg
Denison Liberal Kay Spurr Michael Hodgman Mary Willey
Franklin Liberal John Devereux Bruce Goodluck John Thomson
Lyons Liberal David Llewellyn Max Burr Liz Holloway


Electorate Held by Labor candidate Coalition candidate Democrats candidate DLP candidate Other candidates
Aston Labor John Saunderson Rob Llewellyn (Lib) Harry Eichler Robert Garratt
Ballarat Labor John Mildren John Ronan (Lib)
Douglas Stewart (Nat)
Graham Gough John Ferwerda
Batman Labor Brian Howe Mary Hoysted (Lib) James Cockell Philip L'Huillier
Bendigo Labor John Brumby Reginald Holt (Nat)
Daryl McClure (Lib)
Nola Rixon Vincent Jordan
Bruce Liberal Joan Graystone Ken Aldred (Lib) Michael Johnson Mary Mulholland
Burke Labor Neil O'Keefe Marisa d'Agostino (Lib)
Leslie Vidler (Nat)
George Hunter Genevieve Cormick
Calwell Labor Andrew Theophanous Graham Anderson (Lib) Lesley Ellen Martin Mulholland
Casey Liberal Peter Steedman Robert Gray (Nat)
Bob Halverson* (Lib)
Michael Nardella John Garratt Rosamund Ewan (PPA)
Chisholm Labor Helen Mayer Graham Harris (Lib)
Ray Murphy (Nat)
Colin Rochford Kevin Carroll
Corangamite Liberal Gavan O'Connor Stewart McArthur* (Lib)
Bruce Webster (Nat)
Robert Mann James Jordan Roy Charles (PPA)
Corio Labor Gordon Scholes James King (Nat)
Roger Phipps (Lib)
Greta Pearce Louise Sharah Ian Green (Ind)
Deakin Liberal Richard Johns Julian Beale (Lib) Jeffrey McAlpine Peter Ferwerda
Dunkley Labor Bob Chynoweth Leonie Clark (Lib)
Judy Hale (Nat)
Grenville Charles John Cass
Flinders Labor Russell Joiner Peter Reith* (Lib)
Paul van Staveren (Nat)
Murray Gill John McNamara John Miln (PPA)
Gellibrand Labor Ralph Willis Christopher Gowing (Lib) Shirley Bold Margaret Reed James Doughney (SWP)
Gippsland National Bill de Vink Rod Conley (Lib)
Peter McGauran* (Nat)
Wilma Western Margaret Handley Ben Buckley (Ind)
Peter Gardner (NDP)
Goldstein Liberal Garry Moore Pat Brown (Nat)
Ian Macphee* (Lib)
Maureen Boaler Patrick Keelan
Henty Labor Joan Child Rudi Michelson (Lib)
Peter Ryan (Nat)
Margaret Moore Martin Callanan
Higgins Liberal Kenneth Penaluna Babette Francis (Nat)
Roger Shipton* (Lib)
Laurence Levy Robert Semmel
Holt Labor Michael Duffy John Ferwerda (Lib) Louise Stewart Brian McDonald
Hotham Labor Lewis Kent Michael Heffernan (Lib) Greg Chipp Edwards Woods
Indi Liberal Joe Murphy Bill Baxter (Nat)
Ewen Cameron* (Lib)
Geoffrey le Couteur Paul Carroll
Isaacs Labor David Charles Charles Lacey (Nat)
Peter Zablud (Lib)
Peter Lindemann Dudley de Rozario
Jagajaga Labor Peter Staples Frederick Garratt (Lib) Peter Lovell Len Moore Nino de Tress (Ind)
Kooyong Liberal Kate Nash Andrew Peacock (Lib) Russell White John Mulholland David Greagg (Ind)
Lalor Labor Barry Jones Mark Pallett (Lib) Barry McLeod Gail de Rozario
La Trobe Labor Peter Milton Ted French (Lib) Andrew McCann Julie Garratt
Mallee National Lindsay Leake Peter Fisher* (Nat)
M. Treseder (Lib)
Colin Cavanagh Robert Hogarth Albertus Stoutjesdijk (Ind)
Maribyrnong Labor Alan Griffiths Sally Gooch (Lib) Kathie Gizycki Rosemary Maurus Helen Said (SWP)
Richard Wright (Ind)
McEwen Labor Peter Cleeland John Brewster (Nat)
Brian Dixon (Lib)
Julie Stayner Daniel Mason
McMillan Labor Barry Cunningham John Dwyer (Lib)
Heather Ronald (Nat)
James Richards Anne Barrett
Melbourne Labor Gerry Hand Ian Davis (Lib) Chris Carter Michael Hammet James Ferrari (Ind)
Melbourne Ports Labor Clyde Holding Allan Paull (Lib)
Dorothy Turner (Nat)
Sue McDougall Michael Rowe Russell Morse (Ind)
Denice Stephens (Ind)
Menzies Liberal David McKenzie Neil Brown (Lib) Lynden Kenyon Vin Considine
Murray National Mark Anderson Anne Adams (Lib)
Bruce Lloyd* (Nat)
John Weir Desmond Semmel
Scullin Labor Harry Jenkins Pamela Philpot (Lib) Jane Green Helen Walsh
Streeton Labor Tony Lamb Russell Broadbent (Lib)
John Clifford (Nat)
Tessa Cunningham David Grulke
Wannon Liberal Nancy Genardini Betty Gee (Nat)
David Hawker* (Lib)
Kathleen May Bill Verhoef
Wills Labor Bob Hawke Victor Perton (Lib) Peter Allan Gloria Brook Mark Ferguson (Ind)
Lance Hutchinson (Ind)
Glen Mann (Ind)
Martin Mantell (Ind)

Western Australia

Electorate Held by Labor candidate Liberal candidate Democrats candidate Other candidates
Brand Labor Wendy Fatin Christopher Boyle Thomas Renfrey (Ind)
Canning Labor George Gear Ricky Johnston Elizabeth Capill
Cowan Labor Carolyn Jakobsen Jeff Roberts Alan Needham
Curtin Liberal Beth Schultz Allan Rocher Marjorie McKercher
Forrest Liberal Peter Holland Peter Drummond Anne Fussell Alfred Bessell (Ind)
Fremantle Labor John Dawkins Max Adams Shirley de la Hunty Timothy Peach (Ind)
Kalgoorlie Labor Graeme Campbell Douglas Krepp William Mason David Nourish (NDP)
Moore Labor Allen Blanchard Rita Waters
O'Connor Liberal Kim Chance Wilson Tuckey Denis Kidby James Ferguson (Nat)
Perth Labor Ric Charlesworth Joan Walters Catherine Brown (SWP)
Stirling Labor Ron Edwards Greg Hancock Terence Barrett Eric Martin (Ind)
Swan Labor Kim Beazley Frank Hayes Linda Mottram
Tangney Liberal David Dale Peter Shack Ron Murray



Sitting Senators are shown in bold text. The Senate was expanded at this election so that each state was represented by twelve senators instead of ten. As such, each state elected seven senators, six to serve a six-year term and one to serve a three-year term. Tickets that elected at least one Senator are highlighted in the relevant colour. Successful candidates are identified by an asterisk (*).

Australian Capital Territory


Two seats were up for election. The Labor Party was defending one seat. The Liberal Party was defending one seat.

Labor candidates Liberal candidates Democrats candidates NDP candidates Referendum First candidates
  1. Susan Ryan*
  2. Hugh Saddler
  1. Margaret Reid*
  2. David Walters
  1. John Hatton
  2. Julia Knyvett
  1. John Conway
  2. Jan Barratt
  1. Allan Nelson
  2. Tony Spagnolo

New South Wales


Seven seats were up for election. The Labor Party was defending two seats. The Liberal-National Coalition was defending two seats. The Australian Democrats were defending one seat. Two seats were newly created. Senators Peter Baume (Liberal), Sir John Carrick (Liberal), Arthur Gietzelt (Labor), Doug McClelland (Labor) and Graham Richardson (Labor) were not up for re-election.

Labor candidates Coalition candidates Democrats candidates NDP candidates CTA candidates Group D candidates
  1. Kerry Sibraa*
  2. Bruce Childs*
  3. John Morris*
  4. Sue West
  1. Chris Puplick* (Lib)
  2. David Brownhill* (Nat)
  3. Michael Baume* (Lib)
  4. Bronwyn Bishop (Lib)
  5. Doug Moppett (Nat)
  1. Colin Mason*
  2. Paul McLean
  3. Jenny MacLeod
  4. Garry Chestnut
  1. Peter Garrett
  2. Gillian Fisher
  3. Marie-Anne Hockings
  4. Russel Ward
  1. Graham McLennan
  2. Tom Toogood
  3. Patricia Judge
  4. Kevin Hume
  5. John Everingham
  6. Clair Isbister
  7. Elaine Nile
  1. Henry Soper
  2. Maureen Nathan
  3. Peter Wright
  4. Archibald Brown
  5. William More
  6. John Veenstra
Group F candidates Group G candidates Group H candidates Ungrouped candidates
  1. Bill Wentworth
  2. Robert Clark
  3. Raymond King
  4. Myfanwy Young
  1. Peter Consandine
  2. Brian Buckley
  1. Burnum Burnum
  2. Rocky Thomas

Helen Hibbard
Helen Richards

Northern Territory


Two seats were up for election. The Labor Party was defending one seat. The Country Liberal Party was defending one seat.

Labor candidates CLP candidates Democrats candidates Ungrouped candidates
  1. Ted Robertson*
  2. Warren Snowdon
  1. Bernie Kilgariff*
  2. Patricia Davies
  1. Betty Pearce
  2. Fay Lawrence

Vincent Forrester



Seven seats were up for election. The Labor Party was defending two seats. The Liberal Party was defending one seat. The National Party was defending one seat. The Australian Democrats were defending one seat. Two seats were newly created. Senators Florence Bjelke-Petersen (National), Stan Collard (National), Mal Colston (Labor), George Georges (Labor) and Warwick Parer (Liberal) were not up for re-election.

Labor candidates Liberal candidates National candidates Democrats candidates NDP candidates Conservative candidates
  1. Margaret Reynolds*
  2. Gerry Jones*
  3. John Black*
  4. Bryant Burns
  1. David MacGibbon*
  2. William Everingham
  3. Olive-Orme Scott-Young
  4. Christopher Gilbert
  5. Maurice Thomson
  1. Ron Boswell*
  2. Glen Sheil*
  3. Patrick Behan
  4. Alan Metcalfe
  1. Michael Macklin*
  2. Ray Hollis
  3. John Elfick
  4. Cheryl Kernot
  1. Patsy Goodwin
  2. Bernard Hockings
  1. Fast Bucks
  2. Peter Livesey
Group B candidates Ungrouped candidates
  1. Hugh Bruce
  2. Michael Carr

Frank Bologna
Dieter Soegemeier
Cyril McKenzie

Norman Eather
Raymond Medwin

South Australia


Seven seats were up for election. The Labor Party was defending three seats. The Liberal Party was defending two seats. Two seats were newly created. Senators Ron Elstob (Labor), Dominic Foreman (Labor), Janine Haines (Democrats), Robert Hill (Liberal) and Tony Messner (Liberal) were not up for re-election.

Labor candidates Liberal candidates Democrats candidates National candidates NDP candidates CTA candidates
  1. Nick Bolkus*
  2. Graham Maguire*
  3. Rosemary Crowley*
  4. Vic Heron
  1. Baden Teague*
  2. Don Jessop*
  3. Amanda Vanstone*
  4. Robert Giles
  1. David Vigor*
  2. John Coulter
  3. Mike Elliott
  4. Sandra Kanck
  1. John Bannon
  2. Judith Jackson
  3. Ray Rothe
  4. Helen Scott
  5. Audrey Pobke
  1. Frances Mowling
  2. Ian Modistach
  3. Douglas Peers
  1. Bob Brown
  2. Dean Davis
  3. William Pomery
Pensioner candidates AFM candidates Group D candidates Group F candidates Ungrouped candidates
  1. Wilfred Scott
  2. Kenneth Perry
  1. Bob Boyd
  2. Fred Tanner
  1. Joe Rossi
  2. Warwick Stallard
  3. Giovanni Melino
  4. Gizella Farkas
  1. Judy Gillett
  2. Brian Sones
  3. Eugene Sibelle

Peter Gagliardi
Herman Bersee
Edward Dyer



Seven seats were up for election. The Labor Party was defending two seats. The Liberal Party was defending three seats. Two seats were newly created. Senators Don Grimes (Labor), Brian Harradine (Independent), Peter Rae (Liberal), Michael Tate (Labor) and Shirley Walters (Liberal) were not up for re-election.

Labor candidates Liberal candidates Democrats candidates NDP candidates Harradine candidates
  1. Terry Aulich*
  2. Ray Devlin*
  3. John Coates*
  4. John White
  1. Brian Archer*
  2. John Watson*
  3. Michael Townley*
  4. Eric Abetz
  5. Des Cooper
  6. Michael Chabrel
  1. Norm Sanders*
  2. Lyn Newitt
  1. Ian Paulin
  2. Anne Parker
  1. Kath Venn
  2. Colin Sacco



Seven seats were up for election. The Labor Party was defending three seats. The Liberal Party was defending two seats. Two seats were newly created. Senators John Button (Labor), Don Chipp (Democrats), Gareth Evans (Labor), Dame Margaret Guilfoyle (Liberal) and Austin Lewis (Liberal) were not up for re-election.

Labor candidates Liberal candidates Democrats candidates NDP candidates National candidates DLP candidates
  1. Olive Zakharov*
  2. Robert Ray*
  3. Barney Cooney*
  4. Carole Marple
  1. Alan Missen*
  2. David Hamer*
  3. Jim Short*
  4. Richard Alston
  5. Zirka Yaskewych
  1. John Siddons*
  2. Janet Powell
  3. Ian Price
  4. Sid Spindler
  5. Kenneth Peak
  1. Jean Melzer
  2. Venturino Venturini
  1. Shirley McKerrow
  2. John Cromarty
  3. Louise Jenkins
  4. John Keating
  5. Murray Buzza
  1. Brian Handley
  2. Maria Handley
  3. William Mahony
  4. Lois Mahony
CTA candidates Pensioner candidates Ungrouped candidates
  1. Barry Tattersall
  2. Valerie Renkema
  3. Edna Hall
  4. John Easton
  1. Neil McKay
  2. Margaret Carter

Maurice Smith
Tiger Casley
Michael Krape
Augustus Titter
Bill Kapphan

Western Australia


Seven seats were up for election. The Labor Party was defending two seats. The Liberal Party was defending two seats. The Australian Democrats were defending one seat. Two seats were newly created. Senators Fred Chaney (Liberal), Ruth Coleman (Labor), Peter Durack (Liberal), Gordon McIntosh (Labor) and Peter Walsh (Labor) were not up for re-election.

Labor candidates Liberal candidates Democrats candidates NDP candidates National candidates AFM candidates
  1. Patricia Giles*
  2. Peter Cook*
  3. Jim McKiernan*
  4. John Crouch
  1. Noel Crichton-Browne*
  2. Reg Withers*
  3. Sue Knowles*
  4. Murray Nixon
  1. Jack Evans
  2. Richard Jeffreys
  3. Jean Jenkins
  1. Jo Vallentine*
  2. Lindsay Matthews
  1. Bruce Currie
  2. Eric Blight
  3. Mort Schell
  4. Graham Barrett-Lennard
  1. Brian Peachey
  2. Beryl Van Luyn
  3. Nellie Clark
  4. John Gilmour
  5. Kenneth Wright
  6. Ronald Bott
Group E candidates Ungrouped candidates
  1. Frank Nesci
  2. Nellie Stuart

Jack van Tongeren
Martin Suter
Frank Ash

Summary by party


Beside each party is the number of seats contested by that party in the House of Representatives for each state, as well as an indication of whether the party contested the Senate election in the respective state.

Party NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT Total
Australian Labor Party 51 * 39 * 24 * 13 * 13 * 5 * 2 * 1 * 148 8
Liberal Party of Australia 46 * 39 * 21 * 13 * 13 * 5 * 2 * 139 7
National Party of Australia 16 * 22 * 24 * 1 * 9 * 72 5
Country Liberal Party 1 * 1 1
Australian Democrats 46 * 39 * 23 * 10 * 13 * 4 * 2 * 1 * 138 8
Democratic Labor Party 39 * 39 1
Socialist Workers Party 3 2 1 1 2 9
Nuclear Disarmament Party 2 * 1 * * 1 * 1 * * 1 * 6 7
Pensioner Party of Australia 3 * * 3 2
Deadly Serious Party 2 2
Communist Party of Australia 1 1
Call to Australia * * * 3
Australian Family Movement * * 2
Conservative Party of Australia * 1
Referendum First Group * 1
Independent and other 37 13 7 4 3 1 3 2 70

See also


