Iku Takenaka

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Iku Takenaka (竹中たけなかいく, Takenaka Iku 1904–1982) was a Japanese poet from Hyogo prefecture. He graduated from Kwansei Gakuin University.[1] His best-known work is a cinepoem Rugby.[2]

He met Ryunosuke Akutagawa who wrote closet screenplays, just before Akutagawa's suicide, and then, in Akutagawa's home, he also met Tatsuo Hori, whose work 'Kaze Tachinu' inspired Hayao Miyazaki's last work. He also met Man Ray in Paris, when Ray created cinepoems, to interview Ray for a magazine.[3]

His Dharma name was Shunkōin Shisen Ikudō Koji (春光しゅんこういん詩仙しせんいくどう居士こじ).

See also[edit]


  1. ^ 'Biography of Iku Takenaka' by Kenichi Adachi (Riron-sha) 評伝ひょうでん 竹中たけなかいく―その青春せいしゅん出発しゅっぱつ (足立あだち巻一けんいち青春せいしゅん選書せんしょ) Hyoden Takenaka Iku: Sono seishun to shi no shuppatsu (Japanese Edition)
  2. ^ 'Meeting things - Fragmentary memos about senses in Iku Takenaka's early poems’ by Daiichirō Tōyama 陶山すやま大一郎だいいちろうちょ事象じしょうとの邂逅かいこう -竹中たけなかいく初期しょき詩篇しへんにおける感覚かんかくについての断片だんぺんてき覚書おぼえがき
  3. ^ 'Biography of Iku Takenaka' by Kenichi Adachi. page248 and page302
  4. ^ Biography of Iku Takenaka by Kenichi Adachi