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List of ancient Greek philosophers

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This list of ancient Greek philosophers contains philosophers who studied in ancient Greece or spoke Greek. Ancient Greek philosophy began in Miletus with the pre-Socratic philosopher Thales[1][2] and lasted through Late Antiquity. Some of the most famous and influential philosophers of all time were from the ancient Greek world, including Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.

↵Abbreviations used in this list:

  • c. = circa
  • fl. = flourished
Name Life School Notes
Acrion 5th/4th century BC Pythagorean visited by Plato
Adrastus of Aphrodisias 2nd century AD Peripatetic wrote commentaries on Aristotle's works and a commentary on Plato's Timaeus
Aedesia 5th century Neoplatonic wife of Hermias, and mother of Ammonius and Heliodorus
Aedesius 3rd/4th century Neoplatonic studied under Iamblichus before founding his own school in Pergamum
Aeneas of Gaza 5th/6th century Neoplatonic Christian convert who studied under Hierocles
Aenesidemus 1st century BC? Pyrrhonist wrote a book called Pyrrhonist Discourses which became a central text for the Pyrrhonists
Aesara 5th/4th century BC Pythagorean wrote On Human Nature, of which a fragment is preserved by Stobaeus
Aeschines of Neapolis 2nd/1st century BC Academic skeptic shared the leadership of the Academy at Athens together with Charmadas and Clitomachus about 110 BC
Aeschines of Sphettus 5th/4th century BC Socratic part of Socrates' circle and likely present at his death
Aetius 4th century AD Peripatetic Antiochean convert to Christianity who studied in Alexandria
Agapius 5th/6th century AD Neoplatonic studied under Marinus of Neapolis. known for his learning
Agathobulus 1st/2nd century AD Cynic known for his severe asceticism and teacher of Demonax
Agathosthenes uncertain date geographer, historian or philosopher referred to by Tzetzes as his authority in matters connected with geography.
Agrippa the Skeptic 1st/2nd century AD Pyrrhonist thought to be the creator of the "five grounds of doubt"
Albinus 2nd century AD Middle Platonist
Alcibiades 450-404 BC Socratic Athenian General and Politician
Alcinous 2nd century AD? Middle Platonist
Alcmaeon of Croton 5th century BC Pythagorean interested in medicine
Alexamenus of Teos 5th century BC? Socratic may have been the first to write philosophical dialogues
Alexander of Aegae 1st century AD Peripatetic tutored the emperor Nero
Alexander of Aphrodisias 2nd/3rd century AD Peripatetic influential commentator on the Corpus Aristotelicum
Alexicrates 1st/2nd century AD Pythagorean
Alexinus 4th/3rd century BC Megarian founded his own school which did not fare well
Amelius 3rd century AD Neoplatonic student of Plotinus who wrote voluminously
Ammonius Hermiae 5th/6th century AD Neoplatonic
Ammonius of Athens 1st century AD Middle Platonist teacher of Plutarch
Ammonius Saccas 2nd/3rd century AD Neoplatonic Plotinus' teacher
Anaxagoras 5th century BC Pluralist
Anaxarchus 4th century BC Atomist first Greek to attempt the problem of squaring the circle
Anaxilaus 1st century BC / 1st century AD Pythagorean Banished from Rome for practising magic
Anaximander 7th/6th century BC Milesian First to conceive a mechanical model of the world
Anaximenes of Miletus 6th century BC Milesian
Androcydes 2nd century BC? Pythagorean
Andronicus of Rhodes 1st century BC Peripatetic
Anniceris 4th/3rd century BC Cyrenaic
Antiochus of Ascalon 2nd/1st century BC Middle Platonist
Antipater of Cyrene 4th century BC Cyrenaic
Antipater of Tarsus 2nd century BC Stoic
Antipater of Tyre 1st century BC Stoic
Antisthenes 5th/4th century BC Cynic
Antoninus 4th century AD Neoplatonic
Apollodorus of Athens 2nd century BC Stoic
Apollodorus of Seleucia 2nd century BC Stoic
Apollodorus the Epicurean 2nd century BC Epicurean
Apollonius Cronus 4th century BC Megarian
Apollonius of Tyana 1st century AD Neopythagorean
Apollonius of Tyre 1st century BC Stoic
Arcesilaus 4th/3rd century BC Academic skeptic
Archedemus of Tarsus 2nd century BC Stoic
Archelaus 5th century BC Pluralist
Archytas 5th/4th century BC Pythagorean
Arete of Cyrene 4th century BC Cyrenaic
Arignote 6th/5th century BC Pythagorean
Aristarchus of Samos 4th/3rd century BC Academic skeptic presented the first known model that placed the Sun at the center of the known universe with the Earth revolving around it.
Aristippus 5th/4th century BC Cyrenaic
Aristippus the Younger 4th century BC Cyrenaic
Aristoclea fl. 6th century BC
Aristocles of Messene 1st century AD? Peripatetic
Aristocreon 3rd/2nd century BC Stoic
Aristo of Alexandria 2nd /1st century BC Peripatetic
Aristo of Ceos 3rd/2nd century BC Peripatetic
Aristo of Chios 4th/3rd century BC Stoic
Aristotle 4th century BC Peripatetic founder of Peripatetic school; student of Plato
Aristotle of Cyrene 4th/3rd century BC Cyrenaic
Aristotle of Mytilene 2nd century AD Peripatetic
Aristoxenus 4th century BC Peripatetic
Arius Didymus 1st century BC Stoic
Asclepiades of Phlius 4th/3rd century BC Eretrian
Asclepiades the Cynic 4th century AD Cynic
Asclepigenia 5th/6th century AD Neoplatonic
Asclepiodotus 1st century BC
Asclepiodotus of Alexandria 5th century AD Neoplatonic
Aspasius 2nd century AD Peripatetic
Athenaeus of Seleucia 1st century BC Peripatetic
Athenodoros Cananites 1st century BC Stoic
Athenodoros Cordylion 2nd /1st century BC Stoic
Athenodorus of Soli 3rd century BC Stoic
Attalus 1st century BC - 1st century AD Stoic
Atticus 2nd century AD Middle Platonist
Basilides (Stoic) 2nd century BC Stoic Denied the existence of incorporeal entities
Basilides the Epicurean 3rd/2nd century BC Epicurean Succeeded Dionysius of Lamptrai as the head of the Epicurean school at Athens
Batis of Lampsacus 3rd century BC Epicurean
Bion of Borysthenes 4th/3rd century BC Cynic Once was a slave, later to be released
Boethus [ca] 4th century BC Platonist
Boethus the Epicurean [ca; gl] 1st century AD Epicurean
Boethus of Sidon 1st century BC Peripatetic
Boethus of Sidon 2nd century BC Stoic
Bolus of Mendes fl. 3rd century BC Pythagorean
Brontinus fl. 6th century BC Pythagorean
Bryson of Achaea fl. 330 BC Megarian
Callicles 5th century BCE Sophist?
Calliphon 2nd century BC Peripatetic
Calliphon of Croton 6th century BC Pythagorean
Callistratus fl. 3rd century AD Sophist
Carneades c. 214 – 129/8 BC Academic skeptic
Carneiscus c. 300 BC Epicurean
Cassius Longinus c. 213–273 Middle Platonist
Cebes c. 430–350 BC Pythagorean
Celsus 2nd century
Cercidas 3rd century BC Cynic
Cercops Pythagorean
Chaerephon c. 470/460 – 403/399 BCE Socratic
Chamaeleon 350-275 BC Peripatetic
Charmadas 164 - c. 95 BC Academic skeptic
Chrysanthius fl. 4th century Neoplatonic
Chrysippus 279-206 BC Stoic
Cleanthes 330-230 BC Stoic
Clearchus of Soli 4th/3rd century BC (fl. 320 BC) Peripatetic
Cleinias of Tarentum 4th century BC Pythagorean
Cleomedes Stoic
Cleomenes fl. c. 300 BC Cynic
Clinomachus 4th century BC Megarian
Clitomachus 187 - 109 BC Academic skeptic
Colotes 320-268 BC Epicurean
Crantor born c. 350 BC Academic Platonist
Crates of Athens died 268-265 BC Academic Platonist
Crates of Mallus fl. 2nd century BC Stoic
Crates of Thebes c. 365 – c. 285 BC Cynic husband of Hipparchia of Maroneia
Cratippus of Pergamon 1st century BC Peripatetic friend of Cicero
Cratylus 5th century BC Ephesian
Crescens the Cynic 2nd century Cynic
Crinis 1st/2nd century BC Stoic
Critolaus c. 200 – c. 118 BC Peripatetic
Cronius fl. 2nd century A.D. Neopythagorean
Damascius born c. 458, died after 538 Neoplatonic
Damis 1st/2nd century A.D. Neopythagorean
Damo 5th century BC Pythagorean reportedly the daughter of Pythagoras and Theano
Dardanus of Athens 160-85 BC Stoic one of the several leaders of Stoa after the death of Panaetius
Demetrius Lacon fl. late 2nd century BC Epicurean
Demetrius of Amphipolis fl. 4th century BC Academic Platonist
Demetrius Phalereus c. 350 – c. 280 BC Peripatetic Governed Athens
Demetrius the Cynic fl. 1st century Cynic
Democrates unknown Pythagorean?
Democritus c. 460 – c. 370 BC Presocratic, Atomist
Demonax Cynic
Dexippus fl. 350 Neoplatonic
Diagoras of Melos Sophist
Dicaearchus Peripatetic
Dio of Alexandria fl. 1st century BC Academic skeptic
Dio Chrysostom Sophist
Diocles of Cnidus fl. 3rd or 2nd century BC? Academic Platonist
Diodorus Cronus Megarian
Diodorus of Adramyttium fl. 1st century BC Academic skeptic
Diodorus of Aspendus Pythagorean
Diodorus of Tyre Peripatetic
Diodotus Stoic
Diogenes of Apollonia Presocratic
Diogenes of Babylon Stoic
Diogenes of Oenoanda Epicurean
Diogenes of Seleucia Epicurean
Diogenes of Sinope 412/404 - 323 BC Cynic Lived in a clay wine jar
Diogenes of Tarsus Epicurean
Dionysius of Chalcedon Megarian
Dionysius of Cyrene Stoic
Dionysius of Lamptrai Epicurean
Dionysius the Renegade Stoic abandoned Stoicism for Cyrenaicism
Dios fl. 7th century BC ? Pythagorean
Diotima of Mantinea
Diotimus Stoic
Domninus of Larissa c. 420 - c. 480 Neoplatonic
Echecrates Pythagorean
Ecphantus Pythagorean
Empedocles Presocratic, Pluralist
Epicharmus of Kos Pythagorean
Epictetus Stoic wrote The Enchiridion, a handbook of Stoic ethical advice
Epicurus Epicurean said that the purpose of philosophy was to attain tranquility characterized by ataraxia
Eubulides Megarian
Euclid of Megara Megarian
Eudemus of Rhodes Peripatetic
Eudorus of Alexandria Peripatetic
Eudoxus of Cnidus 410/408 – 355/347 BC Academic Platonist
Euenus Sophist
Euphantus Megarian
Euphrates Stoic
Eurytus Pythagorean
Eusebius of Myndus fl. 4th century Neoplatonic
Eustathius of Cappadocia c. 400 Neoplatonic
Evander fl. c. 215 - c. 205 Academic skeptic
Favorinus Academic skeptic
Gaius the Platonist fl. 2nd century Middle Platonist
Geminus Stoic
Gorgias Sophist
Hagnon of Tarsus fl. 2nd century BC Academic skeptic
Hecataeus of Abdera Pyrrhonist
Hecato of Rhodes Stoic
Hegesias of Cyrene Cyrenaic
Hegesinus of Pergamon fl. c. 160 BC Academic skeptic
Hegias fl. c. 500 Neoplatonic
Heliodorus of Alexandria fl. 5th century Neoplatonic
Heraclides Lembus
Heraclides Ponticus 387 - 312 BC Academic Platonist
Heraclitus Presocratic, Ephesian claimed that "You cannot step in the same river twice" and "All is fire."
Heraclius Cynic
Herillus of Carthage Stoic
Hermagoras of Amphipolis Stoic
Hermarchus Epicurean
Hermias born c. 410 - died c. 450 Neoplatonic
Herminus Peripatetic
Hermippus of Smyrna Peripatetic
Hermotimus of Clazomenae
Hicetas Pythagorean
Hierius fl c. 500 Neoplatonic
Hierocles of Alexandria fl. c. 430 Neoplatonic
Hierocles (Stoic) 2nd century CE Stoic
Hieronymus of Rhodes c. 290 – c. 230 BC Peripatetic
Himerius Sophist
Hipparchia of Maroneia fl. c. 325 BC Cynic Genus of butterflies, Hipparchia (butterfly), named after her
Hippasus Pythagorean
Hippias Sophist
Hippo 5th century BC Presocratic
Horus Cynic
Hypatia of Alexandria born 350-370 – 415 Neoplatonic
Iamblichus c. 245-c. 325 Neoplatonic
Ichthyas Megarian
Idomeneus of Lampsacus Epicurean
Ion of Chios Pythagorean
Isidore of Alexandria fl. c. 475 Neoplatonic
Jason of Nysa Stoic
Lacydes of Cyrene before 241 - c. 205 BC Academic skeptic
Leonteus of Lampsacus Epicurean
Leontion Epicurean
Leucippus Presocratic, Atomist
Lyco of Iasos Pythagorean
Lyco of Troas Peripatetic
Lycophron Sophist
Lysis of Taras Pythagorean
Marinus of Neapolis born c. 450 Neoplatonic
Maximus of Ephesus died 372 Neoplatonic
Maximus of Tyre fl. 2nd century Middle Platonist
Meleager of Gadara Cynic
Melissus of Samos Presocratic, Eleatic
Menedemus Eretrian
Menedemus of Pyrrha fl. c. 350 BC Academic Platonist
Menedemus the Cynic Cynic
Menippus Cynic
Metrocles Cynic
Metrodorus of Athens
Metrodorus of Chios Atomist
Metrodorus of Cos Pythagorean
Metrodorus of Lampsacus (the elder) Presocratic
Metrodorus of Lampsacus (the younger) Epicurean
Metrodorus of Stratonicea fl. 2nd century BC Academic skeptic
Mnesarchus of Athens Stoic
Moderatus of Gades Neopythagorean
Monimus Cynic
Myia Pythagorean
Nausiphanes Atomist
Nicarete of Megara Megarian
Nicolaus of Damascus
Nicomachus Neopythagorean
Nicomachus (son of Aristotle) Peripatetic
Numenius of Apamea fl. c. 275 Neopythagorean
Nymphidianus of Smyrna fl. c. 360 Neoplatonic
Ocellus Lucanus Pythagorean
Oenomaus of Gadara Cynic
Olympiodorus the Elder Peripatetic
Olympiodorus the Younger c. 495-570 Neoplatonic
Onasander fl. 1st century Middle Platonist
Onatas Pythagorean
Origen the Pagan fl. c. 250 Middle Platonist
Panaetius Stoic
Pancrates of Athens Cynic
Panthoides Megarian
Parmenides of Elea Presocratic, Eleatic held that the only thing that exists is being itself; teacher of Zeno of Elea
Pasicles of Thebes Megarian
Patro the Epicurean Epicurean
Peregrinus Proteus Cynic
Persaeus Stoic
Phaedo of Elis Eretrian Originally founded the School of Elis; it was later transferred to Eretria by his pupil Menedemus.
Phaedrus Epicurean
Phanias of Eresus Peripatetic
Phanto of Phlius Pythagorean
Philip of Opus fl. 4th century BC Academic
Philiscus of Aegina Cynic
Philiscus of Thessaly Sophist
Philo 20 BC - 50 AD Middle Platonist
Philo of Larissa 159/158 – 84/83 BC Academic skeptic
Philo the Dialectician Megarian
Philodemus Epicurean
Philolaus Pythagorean
Philonides of Laodicea Epicurean
Philostratus Sophist
Phintys Pythagorean
Plato 428/427 - 348/347 BC Academic student of Socrates and teacher of Aristotle; famous for the Theory of Forms
Plotinus c. 204 – 270 Neoplatonic
Plutarch c. 46 – 120 Middle Platonist
Plutarch of Athens c. 350 – 430 Neoplatonic
Polemon of Athens Stoic
Polemon of Athens (scholarch) before 314 - 270/269 BC Academic
Polemon of Laodicea Sophist
Polyaenus of Lampsacus Epicurean
Polystratus Epicurean
Porphyry 234 – c. 305 Neoplatonic taught by Plotinus; wrote the Isagoge, an introduction to Aristotle's "Categories",
Posidonius Stoic
Potamo of Alexandria Eclecticism
Praxiphanes Peripatetic
Priscian of Lydia fl. c. 550 Neoplatonic
Priscus of Epirus c. 305-c. 395 Neoplatonic
Proclus 412 – 485 Neoplatonic
Proclus of Laodicea
Proclus Mallotes Stoic
Prodicus Sophist
Protagoras Sophist
Ptolemy-el-Garib fl. c. 300 AD Peripatetic
Pyrrho Pyrrhonist credited as being the first skeptic philosopher
Pythagoras c. 570 – c. 495 BC Pythagorean Credited with discovering the Pythagorean theorem
Sallustius Neoplatonic
Sallustius of Emesa Cynic
Satyrus Peripatetic
Secundus the Silent Cynic
Sextus of Chaeronea
Sextus Empiricus Pyrrhonist
Simmias of Thebes Pythagorean
Simon the Shoemaker Socratic
Simplicius of Cilicia c. 490 - c. 560 Neoplatonic
Siro Epicurean
Socrates c. 470–399 BC Socratic considered one of the founders of Western philosophy; credited as being the first moral philosopher
Sopater of Apamea died before 337 Neoplatonic
Sosigenes Peripatetic
Sosipatra fl. c. 325 Neoplatonic
Sotion Neopythagorean
Speusippus c. 407 – 339 BC Academic
Sphaerus Stoic
Stilpo Megarian
Strato of Lampsacus Peripatetic
Syrianus died c. 437 Neoplatonic
Telauges Pythagorean
Telecles of Phocis died 167/166 BC Academic skeptic
Teles the Cynic Cynic
Thales c. 626/623  – c. 548/545 BC Presocratic, Milesian first philosopher; held that the first principle (arche) is water; one of the Seven Sages of Greece
Theagenes of Patras Cynic
Theano Pythagorean
Themista of Lampsacus Epicurean
Themistius Neoplatonic
Theodorus of Asine fl. 3rd century Neoplatonic
Theodorus the Atheist c. 340 – c. 250 BCE Cyrenaic
Theon of Smyrna Neopythagorean
Theophrastus Peripatetic
Thrasymachus Sophist
Thrasymachus of Corinth Megarian
Timaeus of Locri Pythagorean
Timaeus the Sophist fl. between 1st and 4th centuries Middle Platonist
Timon Pyrrhonist
Timycha Pythagorean
Tisias Sophist
Xenarchus of Seleucia Peripatetic
Xeniades Pyrrhonist
Xenocrates c. 396 – 314 BC Academic
Xenophanes of Colophon Presocratic, Eleatic claimed that if oxen were able to imagine gods, those gods would be in the image of oxen
Xenophilus Pythagorean friend and teacher of Aristoxenus
Zenobius 2nd century A.D. Sophist flourished in the times of the emperor Hadrian
Zenodotus fl. c. 475 Neoplatonic described as "the darling of Proclus"
Zeno of Citium 334-262 BC Stoic founder of the Stoic school of philosophy
Zeno of Elea Presocratic, Eleatic famous creator of Zeno's paradoxes
Zeno of Sidon 150-75 BC Epicurean sometimes termed the "leading Epicurean"
Zeno of Tarsus fl. 200 BC Stoic

See also



  1. ^ Aristotle, Metaphysics Alpha, 983b18.
  2. ^ Russell, Bertrand. "The History of Western Philosophy." 1945