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Timeline of Colombian history

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This is a timeline of Colombian history, comprising important legal and territorial changes and political events in Colombia and its predecessor states. To read about the background to these events, see History of Colombia. See also the list of presidents of Colombia.

Millennia: 11th BC–9th BC · 3rd BC · 2nd BC–1st BC · 1st–2nd · 3rd Centuries: 20th BC · 19th BC · 18th BC · 17th BC · 16th BC · 15th BC · 14th BC · 13th BC · 12th BC · 11th BC · 10th BC · 9th BC · 8th BC · 7th BC · 6th BC · 5th BC · 4th BC · 3rd BC · 2nd BC · 1st BC


Year Date Event
10500 BC El Abra culture inhabits the Altiplano Cundiboyacense.[1]
9000 BC Communities of hunter-gatherers are established in the region of Tequendama, El Abra, Nemocón, Tibitó, Vistahermosa, Galindo, Aguazuque, Gachetá and Sueva.[2]
3000 BC Inhabitants change to a semi-sedentary life. First crops of Cassava on the Caribbean coast and Maize in the Altiplano Cundiboyacense are grown.[3] Archaeological sites in Puerto Hormiga (Bolívar, Colombia) show human activity.
2700 BC Inhabitants develop agriculture in the Amazon.
1600 BC Building of El morro del tulcán Pyramid
1590 BC In Valle del Cauca in the Calima River, the Ilama culture develops.
1300 BC Chimitá petroglyphs in Santander Department
1270 BC Zipacón pottery
700 BC Cave paintings near Inirida river, Vichada department
Quimbaya formative stage
Building of El Infiernito menhirs
300 BC Malagana period
Guayabero Cave paintings in Guaviare
First type of Colombian cheese was made by ancient civilization and is sold at 55 cents a pound
200 BC San Agustín culture
100 BC Tairona culture

Centuries: 1st · 2nd · 3rd · 4th · 5th · 6th · 7th · 8th · 9th · 10th · 11th · 12th · 13th · 14th · 15th · 16th · 17th · 18th · 19th · 20th

1st century

Year Date Event
100 Early Zenú culture

3rd century

Year Date Event
300 the Chibcha civilization expands from the northern Andes including part of what is now Panama, the high plains of the Eastern Sierra of Colombia the areas of modern departments of Santander (North and South), Boyacá and Cundinamarca, becoming the most populous zone between the Mayan and Inca Empires.

6th century

Year Date Event
600 Classic Quimbaya civilization. Poporo Quimbaya
Tierradentro culture

7th century

Year Date Event
700 Late Zenú culture

10th century

Year Date Event
1000 Classic Muisca period. Muisca raft

15th century

Year Date Event
~1450 Meicuchuca becomes zipa of Bacatá (to 1470)
Hunzahúa becomes zaque of Hunza (to 1470)
1470 Saguamanchica becomes zipa of Bacatá (to 1490)
Michuá becomes zaque of Hunza (to 1490)
1490 Battle of Chocontá
Nemequene becomes zipa of Bacatá (to 1514)
Quemuenchatocha becomes zaque of Hunza (to 1537)
1492 Inca Empire invades southwest Colombia
1498 Spanish explorer Juan de la Cosa lands on what is today called Cabo de la Vela (Cape of Sails) in the Guajira Peninsula
1500 Rodrigo de Bastidas lands on the Colombian Caribbean coast

16th century

Year Date Event
1502 2 May Alonso de Ojeda arrives at Bahía Honda and founded the village of Santa Cruz, first city in Colombia
1508 Diego de Enciso and Vasco Núñez de Balboa founded the village of Santa María la Antigua del Darién, initially called The Antigua
1509 Ojeda founded the village of San Sebastián de Urabá
Indigenous princess India Catalina is abducted by Spanish conqueror Diego de Nicuesa from a Calamari indigenous settlement
1510 Spanish conquerors discover San Andres y Providencia islands
1513 25 September Núñez de Balboa discovers the Pacific Ocean
1514 12 April The Pedrarias Dávila expedition began
Tisquesusa becomes zipa of Bacatá (till 1537)
1518 2 December Vasco Núñez de Balboa is executed by orders of Pedrarias Dávila
1525 29 July Rodrigo de Bastidas founded the village of Santa Marta
1530 3 May Foundation of Santa Cruz de Mompox by Alonso de Heredia
1533 20 January Pedro de Heredia founded the village of Cartagena de Indias
1536 6 April The strenuous Spanish conquest expedition starts from Santa Marta[4]
25 July Sebastián de Belalcázar founded the village of Santiago de Cali
1537 Foundation of St. Juan de Pasto by Lorenzo de Aldana
March Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada with his troops reach the Muisca Confederation[4]
20 April zipa Tisquesusa is beaten in the Spanish conquest of the Muisca at Funza[5]
Sagipa becomes the last zipa of Bacatá[6]
25 July Francisco César discovers the territory of Antioquia
20 August zaque Quemuenchatocha is beaten in Hunza[7]
Aquiminzaque becomes the last zaque of Hunza[8]
September The Sun Temple in Sogamoso (name in Muysccubun: Sugamuxi) was burned by Spanish soldiers[9]
1538 6 August Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada founded the city of Santa fe de Bogotá *some historians argue that the date of foundation was on 27 April 1539
20 August The Panche are beaten by an alliance of zipa Sagipa and Spanish conquistadors in the Battle of Tocarema[10]
1539 Cacica Gaitana starts the Paezan revolt against the Spanish conquest
Foundation of Neiva by Juan de Cabrera
Foundation of Honda, Tolima by Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada
6 August Gonzalo Suárez Rendón founded the city of Tunja
1540 27 July King Carlos V appointed Santa Fe de Bogotá the title of city
1541 24 August Jerónimo Luis Tejelo discovers the Aburrá Valley
1542 Francisco de Orellana sails the length of the Amazon River
1545 Foundation of Riohacha by Nikolaus Federmann
1549 17 July Emperor Carlos V, created the Royal Audiencia of Santa Fe, subdivided into districts including the "New Kingdom Provinces": Santa Marta, Río de San Juan, Popayán, bordering with Quito, Guayana o Dorado and Cartagena de Indias. Pamplona was founded.
1550 6 January Hernando de Santana founded the village of Valle de Upar
Foundation of Ibagué by Andres Lopez de Galarza
1556 7 April The Real Audiencia de Santafé is officially installed
1572 Foundation of Villa de Leyva by Hernan Suarez de Villalobos
1580 7 December First historical recorded eruption of Galeras volcano
1588 4 November Cartagena de Indias is affected by a hurricane.[11] (to 6 November)
1596 English corsair Francis Drake attacks Riohacha
1600 19 February Huaynaputina volcano in Peru erupted catastrophically, in the largest volcanic explosion in South America in historic times causing a volcanic winter, with deadly effects reaching as far as Russia

17th century

Year Date Event
1610 5 February the Catholic Monarchs established from Spain the Spanish Inquisition Holy Office Court in Cartagena de Indias
1629 Foundation of Barranca de San Nicolas (Later Barranquilla ) by Galapa indigenous people
1631 Foundation of Girón, Santander by Francisco Mantilla de los Rios
1650 Approximated date of painting of the Sopo Archangels
1675 Foundation of Medellín by Francisco Herrera Campuzano

18th century

Year Date Event
1711 6 August Death of painter Gregorio Vasquez de Arce y Ceballos
1717 The Viceroyalty of New Granada is originally created, and then it was temporarily removed, to finally be reestablished in 1739
1719 13 June Antonio Ignacio de la Pedrosa y Guerrero is Viceroy of New Granada
1724 11 May Jorge de Villalonga is Viceroy of New Granada
1740 24 April Sebastián de Eslava is Viceroy of New Granada
Revolt of the Comuneros (New Granada)
1749 24 September José Alfonso Pizarro is Viceroy of New Granada
1753 24 November José Solís Folch de Cardona is Viceroy of New Granada
1756 The viceroyalty of New Granada is allowed to fabricate its own coins. The House of Coins "Casa de la Moneda" is built
1761 Pedro Messía de la Cerda is Viceroy of New Granada
1772 Manuel de Guirior is Viceroy of New Granada
1773 Foundation of San Jose de Cúcuta by Juana Rangel de Cuellar
1776 26 November Manuel Antonio Flores is Viceroy of New Granada
1780 Manuela Beltrán organized a peasant revolt against excessive taxation
1782 1 April Juan de Torrezar Díaz Pimienta is Viceroy of New Granada
Antonio Caballero y Góngora is Viceroy of New Granada
1783 José Celestino Mutis leads the Royal Botanical Expedition to New Granada.
1786 Death of indigenous leader Cacique Calarcá in combats against the Spanish forces in Peñas Blancas
1788 Francisco Gil de Taboada y Lemos is Viceroy of New Granada
1789 José Manuel de Ezpeleta is Viceroy of New Granada
1797 2 January Pedro Mendinueta y Múzquiz is Viceroy of New Granada
1799 Research expedition of Alexander von Humboldt exploring the courses of the Orinoco River and Magdalena River

19th century

Year Date Event
1803 San Andres y Providencia islands are annexed to the Viceroyalty of New Granada
1810 20 July Cry of Independence, also known as the Florero de Llorente (Llorente Flower Vase) incident (Colombian Independence Day)
25 July José Miguel Pey de Andrade is President of the Supreme Governing Junta
17 September The president of the Supreme Board of Cartagena, José María García Toledo, created the Colombian Navy
1811 Antonio Nariño publishes the first Newspaper in Colombia, "La Bagatela"
1 April Jorge Tadeo Lozano is declared President of Cundinamarca and Vicegerent of the King's Person
Antonio Nariño is declared President of Cundinamarca and Vicegerent of the King's Person
11 November Cartagena de Indias declared its complete independence from Spain
1812 1 April Manuel Rodríguez Torices is President of the State of Cartagena de Indias
19 August Manuel Benito de Castro is declared President of Cundinamarca and Vicegerent of the King's Person
1814 14 May Manuel de Bernardo Álvarez del Casal is declared President of Cundinamarca and Vicegerent of the King's Person
5 October José Luis Álvaro Alvino Fernández Madrid, is president of the United Provinces of the New Granada.
1815 21 January Custodio García Rovira is president of the United Provinces of the New Granada. he was executed 1 month later by Pablo Morillo.
28 March José Miguel Pey de Andrade is President of the United Provinces of the New Granada
17 August Antonio Villavicencio is President of the United Provinces of the New Granada
15 November Camilo Torres Tenorio is President of the United Provinces of the New Granada
1816 22 June Liborio Mejía is president of the United Provinces of the New Granada[12] making him the youngest person to ever hold the presidency of Colombia at the age of 24. He was executed three months later during the Reconquest led by the Spaniard Pablo Morillo.
16 July Manuel Fernando Serrano Uribe is the last president of the United Provinces of the New Granada before its dissolution and complete Reconquest.
28 October Execution of Francisco José de Caldas
1817 14 November Execution of Policarpa Salavarrieta
1818 25 September Doña Manuela Sáenz de Thorne saves Simón Bolívar from an attempted assassination
1819 5 February The Congress of Angostura
25 July Battle of Vargas Swamp
7 August Battle of Boyacá
11 October For order of Francisco de Paula Santander, Spanish colonel Jose Maria Barreiro and 38 Spanish officers were executed in Bogotá.
1821 30 August Congress of Cúcuta and Constitution of Cúcuta
1828 27 August After the failure of the constitutional convention of Ocaña Simón Bolívar proclaimed himself dictator, through the "Organic Decree of Dictatorship".
1830 The Federation of Gran Colombia is dissolved
15 September Rafael José de Urdaneta y Faría is Provisional Chief of the Government of the Republic of Gran Colombia
17 December Simón Bolívar dies in Quinta de San Pedro Alejandrino near Santa Marta
1831 2 May Joaquín Mariano Mosquera y Arboleda is President of the Republic of New Granada
1832 10 March José Ignacio de Márquez is President of the Republic of New Granada
7 October Francisco de Paula Santander is President of the Republic of New Granada
Coat of arms of Colombia is officially adopted
1835 Start the Colombian coffee industry with the first commercial crops in Norte de Santander
1837 Colombian peso replaces Colombian real as official currency
1839 The War of the Supremes (Spanish: Guerra de los Supremos, also called the Guerra de los Conventos) extended from 1839 to 1841, caused by the ambitions of various regional leaders (gamonales) to seize power and depose President José Ignacio de Márquez
1840 Foundation of Villavicencio by Esteban Aguirre
1841 1 April Pedro Alcántara Herrán is President of the Republic of New Granada
1845 1 April Tomás Cipriano de Mosquera is President of the Republic of New Granada
1849 Foundation of Manizales by Antioquian colonists
1 April José Hilario López is President of the Republic of New Granada
1851 14 October José de Obaldía is President of the Republic of New Granada
1853 1 April José María Obando is President of the Republic of New Granada
Manuel María Mallarino is President of the Republic of New Granada
1854 17 April José María Melo is President of the Republic of New Granada
1856 11 June Creation of the Sovereign State of Antioquía
1857 15 June The Law of 15 June 1857, created the other states that would go on to form the Granadine Confederation: The Sovereign State of Bolívar, The Sovereign State of Santander, The Sovereign State of Cauca, and The Sovereign State of Magdalena
1858 The Granadine Confederation is created.
22 May Mariano Ospina Rodríguez is president of the Granadine Confederation
1860 8 May Newly appointed Supreme Director of War Tomas Cipriano de Mosquera declared the Sovereign State of Cauca a separate nation from the Granadine Confederation and Colombian Civil War (1860–1862) broke out
1861 1 April Bartolomé Calvo is President of the Granadine Confederation
18 July Tomás Cipriano de Mosquera is President of the Granadine Confederation
1863 Foundation of Pereira, Colombia by Remigio Antonio Cañarte
The name of the Republic is changed officially to "United States of Colombia" through the Rionegro Constitution
14 May Tomás Cipriano de Mosquera is the first President of the United States of Colombia
26 November The Flag of Colombia is officially adopted
1864 8 April Manuel Murillo Toro is President of the United States of Colombia
1865 Kola Román, a popular Colombian soft drink is introduced by Carlos Roman
1866 1 April José María Rojas Garrido is President of the United States of Colombia
22 May Tomás Cipriano de Mosquera is President of the United States of Colombia for second time
1867 Foundation of Leticia, Colombia by Benigno Bustamante
12 May Joaquín Riascos is President of the United States of Colombia
23 May Manuel María de los Santos Acosta is President of the United States of Colombia
1868 1 April Santos Gutiérrez is President of the United States of Colombia
1870 1 April Eustorgio Salgar is President of the United States of Colombia
1872 1 April Manuel Murillo Toro is President of the United States of Colombia for second time
1874 Santiago Pérez de Manosalbas is President of the United States of Colombia
1876 1 April Aquileo Parra is President of the United States of Colombia
1878 1 April Julián Trujillo Largacha is President of the United States of Colombia
1880 8 April Rafael Nuñez is President of the United States of Colombia
1882 1 April Francisco Javier Zaldúa served as President of the Rionegro Convention, a constituent assembly that created the United States of Colombia (now Colombia). As President of this legislative body, Zaldúa became the de facto President of the United States of Colombia for 6 days, when President Tomás Cipriano de Mosquera ceded executive power to the convention, and until the said convention elected a Council of Ministers to serve collectively as the Colombian head of state.
22 December José Eusebio Otalora is President of the United States of Colombia, in his capacity as the Second Presidential Designate following the death of President Francisco Javier Zaldúa, and the non-acceptance of the office by the First Designate Rafael Núñez.
1884 1 April Ezequiel Hurtado is President of the United States of Colombia
11 August Rafael Nuñez is President of the United States of Colombia for second time
28 August ETB (company) is created, being the first telecommunications company in Colombia
1886 President Rafael Nuñez creates the Colombian Constitution of 1886, which has been one of the longest lasting constitutions in the western hemisphere, and with the Reforms of 1910, 1936, 1958, 1968, 1973 and 1986 was the constitution of Colombia until 1991. The country adopts its present name: "Republic of Colombia"
1 April on 30 March 1886, president Núñez presented his resignation to Congress due to his poor health condition caused by dysentery. José María Campo Serrano is sworn in as Acting President, becoming the first President of Colombian Republic
1887 7 January Eliseo Payán is the 2nd president of Colombia
4 June Rafael Nuñez is the 3rd President of Colombia
1888 Carlos Holguín Mallarino is the 4th President of Colombia
1889 14 October Foundation of Villa Holguin (Later Armenia, Colombia ) by Jesus Maria Ocampo
1891 5 November Colombian National Police is created
1892 7 August Miguel Antonio Caro is the 4th president of Colombia
29 September Rafael Nuñez is the 5th President of Colombia
1894 18 September Miguel Antonio Caro is the 6th president of Colombia
1896 26 May Poet José Asunción Silva commits suicide
1898 Manuel Antonio Sanclemente is the 7th president of Colombia
1899 17 October The Thousand Days' War (1899–1902)(1130 days) (Spanish: Guerra de los Mil Días)
1900 26 May President Manuel Antonio Sanclemente extended the deadline for completion of the Panama Canal from 31 October 1904 to 31 October 1910.[13] The executive decree was granted without consent of the Colombian Congress.[14]
Battle of Palonegro
19 June Date of death of Salvador Camacho, called the "founder of sociology" in Colombia.
31 July José Manuel Marroquín is president of Colombia
August Naturalist Soto Grimshaw dies of cholera during an expedition to the Caribbean region of Colombia

20th century

Year Date Event
1901 Colombian Geographer Francisco Javier Vergara y Velasco publishes the first complete cartographic charts of the country, the Atlas completo de geografía colombiana (1906–1910), through which he won the Charles Manoir price of the Paris Geographical Society.
Manuelita became the first Colombian sugar mill to move from mule to steam powered mills
23 February Battle of Aguadulce
1902 24 October The Thousand Days' War was a civil war fought in Colombia from 17 October 1899 to 21 November 1902, at first between the Liberal Party and the government led by the National Party, and later – after the Conservative Party had ousted the National Party – between the liberals and the conservative government. The peace treaty was signed on the plantation Neerlandia on 24 October 1902.
1903 Panama remained as a province of Colombia until this year, when – with backing from the United States in exchange for allowing the US to build the Panama Canal – it became independent (Separation of Panama from Colombia)
22 January The United States and the Republic of Colombia sign the Hay–Herrán Treaty
26 October The United States Navy patrol gunboat USS Nashville blocks Colombian attempts to suppress the Panamanian separatist movement
1904 16 June Date of death of Manuel Uribe Ángel, known for his great contributions to the advances of the practice of medicine in Colombia and the Antioquia Department. He also served as President of the then Sovereign State of Antioquia
7 August Rafael Reyes is president of Colombia
11 October Creation of Postobón soft drinks company
1910 Colombian astronomer Julio Garavito Armero discovers the crater on the Moon's far side which is named after him (Garavito crater).
7 August Carlos Eugenio Restrepo is president of Colombia
1914 7 August José Vicente Concha is president of Colombia
1915 9 May Indigenous nasa leader Quintín Lame is arrested for attempting the creation of an indigenous independent republic
1918 Marco Fidel Suárez is president of Colombia
1926 Miguel Abadía Méndez is president of Colombia
1927 The Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia is created
1928 6 December The Banana massacre, in Spanish, Matanza de las bananeras or Masacre de las bananeras: A massacre of workers for the United Fruit Company that occurred in the town of Ciénaga near Santa Marta
1930 Enrique Olaya Herrera is president of Colombia
1932 1 September The Colombia–Peru War
1934 Alfonso López Pumarejo is president of Colombia
First census in Colombia. Population:8.700.000
1935 24 June Argentine singer Carlos Gardel dies in a plane crash in Medellín
1938 Eduardo Santos Montejo is president of Colombia
1942 Alfonso López Pumarejo is president of Colombia for a second time
1945 29 April Date of death of impressionist painter Andrés de Santa Maria
Alberto Lleras Camargo is president of Colombia
1946 Mariano Ospina Pérez is president of Colombia
1948 9 April Murder of politician Jorge Eliécer Gaitán. Bogotazo riots. Starts the bipartisan violence ("La Violencia")
1950 Laureano Gómez Castro is president of Colombia
1953 13 June Gustavo Rojas Pinilla seized power by means of a coup d'état
1954 3 August President Rojas Pinilla government gives women the right to vote
Rojas Pinilla introduced the Television in Colombia
1955 Rojas Pinilla ordered a military offensive against rearmed peasants triggering a confrontation known as the "Guerra de Villarrica" (War of Villarrica) which took place in the central town of Villarrica in Tolima Department.
1956 24 June the Liberal Party headed by Alberto Lleras Camargo and the Conservative Party headed by Laureano Gómez signed an accord on 24 June 1956 to begin the National Front (Colombia).
1958 Dr. Jorge Reynolds Pompo is credited with having helped in the design of the first successful internal pacemaker
1960 Creation of the first Natural protected area in Colombia, the Cueva de los Guacharos National park
1961 28 October Hurricane Hattie moves over San Andrés island with winds of 80 mph (130 km/h), causing 1 death, 15 injuries, and $300,000 in damage (1961 USD, $2.1 million 2008 USD).
1962 Guillermo León Valencia is president of Colombia
25 July Luz Marina Zuluaga wins Miss Universe beauty contest
1964 The refractive surgery keratomileusis was developed by Ignacio Barraquer in Bogotá.
May Marquetalia Republic is overrun by the Colombian army (during what was termed "Operation Marquetalia")
1965 7 January The National Liberation Army (Colombia) (ELN) guerrilla is created
1966 Carlos Lleras Restrepo is president of Colombia
1970 Misael Pastrana Borrero is president of Colombia
1972 Discovery of Ciudad Perdida archaeological place
1974 Alfonso López Michelsen is president of Colombia
The Black Tuna Gang, a Miami-based Colombian marijuana-trafficking group was responsible for bringing in over 500 tons of marijuana over a 16-month period in the mid-1970s ("the marijuana bonanza").
1976 December Starts the development of Cerrejón Coal mine. It is the largest mining operation in Colombia and among the largest open-pit coal mines in the world
1978 Julio César Turbay Ayala is president of Colombia
1980 27 February Dominican embassy siege
June Serial killer Pedro López a.k.a. Monster of the Andes confessed to over 300 murders
1981 Homosexuality in Colombia is declared legal by the national government
1982 Belisario Betancur is elected president of Colombia
Paramilitary group "Muerte a Secuestradores" (MAS) is formed
Antioquian entrepreneur Felix Correa and his bank FURATENA get convicted for financial fraud causing a collapse in the national financial system
1 September Mother Teresa visits Colombia
22 October[15] Gabriel García Márquez wins the Nobel Prize in literature
26 October (formalized on 5 November)[16] Colombia resigns as host for the 1986 FIFA World Cup due to scarcity of public resources
1983 Pablo Escobar attends Colombian congress sessions as backup of congressman Jairo Ortega
President Betancur announces Colombia has signed in the Non-Aligned Movement
Businessman Roberto Soto steals 13.5 million dollars from the national budget with the help of a teleprinter machine
General Prosecutor Carlos Jimenez declares that MAS group have underground relations of support with the National Army
Guerrilla leader Manuel Marulanda announces to the press that the FARC guerrilla has grown to 28 main divisions, causing international concern
1983 Guerrilla leader Jaime Bateman Cayon a.k.a. "El Flaco" dies in a plane crash near the Gulf of Urabá while traveling from Santa Marta to Panama
Jumbo 747 airplane of Avianca airlines, in flight from Bogotá, crashes in Mejorana del campo, near Barajas airport in Madrid, Spain. 189 passengers die, including Art critic Marta Traba
31 March Popayán is partially destroyed by an earthquake during the traditional celebrations of Holy week
1984 Minister of Justice Rodrigo Lara Bonilla is shot to death by teenager hitmen hired by the Medellín Cartel. One of the hitmen, Byron de Jesus Velasquez, is captured
President Betancur achieves a ceasefire with 80% of guerrilla forces in the country. In the case of FARC, this would be linked to the creation of the political movement Patriotic Union (Colombia) UP during the next year.
Dissident guerrilla 19th of April Movement (M-19) attacks Florencia, Caquetá. Over 100 civilians dead
10 March Tranquilandia, a large cocaine processing laboratory located in the jungles of Caquetá, constructed for the Medellín Cartel is destroyed by units of the Colombian National Police, assisted by the DEA
1985 The Gorgona Island prison is dissolved and the island is declared National park
10 January Elkin Lucena performed the first successful In vitro fertilization, that allowed the birth of the first Latin American test tube baby (Carolina Mendez).
23 May Guerrilla leader Antonio Navarro is victim of a bomb that nearly killed him, and loses one leg
July Colombian cyclist Luis Herrera wins the Vuelta a España, first South American to win a Grand Tour
16 September Ceroxylon quindiuense is declared as the National tree by the national government
6 November M19 guerrilla attacks the supreme court in the Palace of Justice siege. The president of the Supreme Court of Colombia and many magistrates, employees and bystanders get killed. Over 100 fatal victims and undetermined number of missing persons. The army is accused of forced disappearance of civilians
13 November In the worst natural disaster in the history of Colombia, Armero city in Tolima department is destroyed due to a flood created by the eruption of Nevado del Ruiz volcano (Armero tragedy). Over 20.000 dead. Countless homes destroyed.
14 December Cardiologist Alberto Villegas performed the first heart transplant in Latin America to Antonio Yepes.[17]
1986 Virgilio Barco is elected president of Colombia
El Espectador newspaper director, Guillermo Cano is shot to death by hitmen
Guerrilla leader Javier Delgado kills 150 fellow guerrilleros of the Ricardo Franco Group, in the Tacueyó massacre, because he suspected them to be infiltrated
3 July Pope John Paul II visits Bogotá and the remains of Armero tragedy
9 August Miguel "Happy" Lora wins the world boxing championship in the bantamweight division
4 December Campo Elías Delgado Morales, a Vietnam War veteran kills 28 persons (including his mother) and leaves 15 injured, in the Pozzetto restaurant massacre, presumably due to mental illness. The events are depicted in the 2006 movie Satanás.
1987 Guerrilla groups attack a military convoy in Caqueta breaking the 1984 truce. 42 soldiers dead and 27 injured
Colombian Navy ship ARC Caldas sails in waters of Atlantic Ocean in dispute with Venezuela creating a serious diplomatic incident
4 February Drug dealer Carlos Lehder is captured in a farm near Medellín at 6:20 a.m. The same day at 5:20 p.m he is extradited and sent in a DEA turbocommander airplane to USA
11 October UP leaders Jaime Pardo Leal and Hector Abad are killed in La Mesa, Cundinamarca. Eventually this movement would be lose more than 3000 of their members due to violence
1988 Paramilitary groups commit massacres in Saiza, Mejor Esquina and Segovia, Antioquia
General Prosecutor Carlos Mauro Hoyos is killed by hitmen
The first election of city majors for popular vote
Politicians Álvaro Gómez Hurtado and Andrés Pastrana are kidnapped by narcotrafficking related groups
collapse of Stock market due to incarceration of financial managers Juan Ricardo Escobar and Guillermo Uribe Holguin
Massacre of Trujillo, 107 victims. On 19 December 2006 Henry Loaiza-Ceballos was accused by Colombian authorities of being responsible for the massacre
First Iberoamerican Theater Festival in Bogotá. 100.000 people attend to the closing act in Plaza de Bolívar
21 March Colombian Painter Dario Morales dies in Paris
June Serial killer Daniel Barbosa a.k.a. the Beast of the Andes confessed 72 murders
18 August Luis Carlos Galán, Politician and candidate to presidency is killed by hitmen in Soacha during a public speech
1989 Drug dealer Gonzalo Rodríguez Gacha is killed in a military operation
First reports of the presence of Coffee borer beetle in Colombian coffee crops
27 November Avianca Flight 203 airplane HK1803 explodes in the air with 107 people on board, few minutes after leaving El Dorado International Airport as a result of a bomb planted by the Medellín Cartel. No survivors
6 December 7:30 a.m. The Security Administration Department building (Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad DAS) and an important part of the commercial area of Paloquemao district in Bogotá are destroyed by a bomb, in what is considered the worst terrorist attack in Colombian history
1990 M19 Guerrilla leader Carlos Pizarro Leongómez is killed by hitmen when he was a presidential candidate
César Gaviria is elected President of Colombia
El Tiempo newspaper director Francisco Santos is kidnapped
20 Emberá indigenous people are killed in the Caloto, Cauca massacre due to land ownership disagreements with local landlords
22 March UP leader politician Bernardo Jaramillo Ossa is killed by hitmen
1991 Rafael Pardo is the first civilian to be designated as minister of defense
Minister of economy Rudolph Hommes announced the new aperture politic for international trade inspirited in the Russian perestroika and the creation of the National bank for international trade Bancomex
Starts the first concessions for mobile telephony
January Journalist Diana Turbay is killed while kept kidnapped in a farm near Sabaneta
January Drug dealers Fabio, Juan David and Jorge Luis Ochoa Vázquez (The Ochoa brothers) and Pablo Escobar surrender themselves to the authorities
17 February Opening of the national assembly for reform to the 1886 national constitution (Constituent Assembly of Colombia)
1992 The Office of the Attorney General of Colombia is created, with Gustavo de Greiff designated as the first Attorney General
Noemí Sanín is the new minister of foreign affairs. She is the first woman to be designed as a minister in Colombia
The collapse of the national electricity generation system causes massive power blackouts all over the country with an average of 18 hours/day without electricity from March 1992 to April 1993
Fernando Botero presents a collection of 31 sculptures in an outdoors exhibition in the Champs-Élysées in Paris
20 July Pablo Escobar escapes from the Cathedral Prison
15 November Villatina Massacre
1993 Massive celebration of the winning of Colombian soccer team in a play against Argentine team in Buenos Aires with final score 5–0. Riots all over the country.
The national government achieves commercial treaties with Venezuela, Mexico and Ecuador
14 January Galeras volcano eruption killed nine people, including six scientists who had descended into the volcano's crater to sample gases.
November Bomb explodes on 15th Avenue of Bogotá, near the intersection with 93rd Street (in front of Centro 93 mall). 10 people die, over 100 injured
2 December Pablo Escobar dies in combats with the police
1994 Ernesto Samper is elected president of Colombia
8000 Process scandal of Cali Cartel narcotrafficking money investment in the Samper electoral campaign starts with the public broadcasting of tapes from telephonic conversations among Minister Alberto Giraldo and drug dealers Gilberto and Miguel Rodríguez Orejuela
Former president César Gaviria is designated as OEA general secretary
A team of 10 people steals pesos from the Republic Bank in Valledupar in the biggest bank robbery in the Colombian history
Paez river flood in Cauca department kills hundreds of people and destroys villages in a length of 40 km
11 February CONVIVIR (Spanish for to coexist) program of cooperative neighbourhood watch groups is created by a decree of Colombia's Ministry of Defense
20 May Manuel Elkin Patarroyo received the Prince of Asturias Awards by his technical and scientific research in the development of synthetic malaria vaccine
2 July Due to the poor performance of the national soccer team in the USA soccer World Cup, an angry soccer aficionado shot to death soccer player Andrés Escobar
1995 76-year-old conservative politician Álvaro Gómez Hurtado is murdered by hitmen
January Plane crash in Marialabaja, Bolívar Department. 52 dead, only survivor 9-year-old girl Erika Delgado
February Luciano Pavarotti gives a concert in Bogotá
9 June Drug dealers Miguel and Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuela (The Rodriguez Brothers) are captured in a police operation
30 November Start operations of rapid transit rail system Metro de Medellín
20 December Plane crash near Cali airport. American Airlines plane with 163 occupants. 4 survivors
1996 Antioquia governor Álvaro Uribe orders the capture of the German citizens Werner and Michela Mauss, suspected of being FARC collaborators
March of protest of 90.000 cocaleros (coca leaf illegal farmers) from Guaviare Department and Putumayo Department ended with 12 cocaleros dead. Army soldiers accused of brutality
Guerrilla attack to the military base "Las Delicias" in Putumayo. 29 soldiers dead, 20 injured, 60 kidnapped
26 June La Gabarra Massacre
24 July Hurricane Cesar moves westward across the southern Caribbean and crosses over extreme northern Colombia and the San Andres archipelago. Cesar kills 11 people in Colombia due to flooding and mudslides.[18]
November Aterciopelados band ranks number 1 in the MTV network, becoming the most successful Colombian rock band
1997 "Miti-Miti" corruption scandal, involving Minister of communications Saulo Arboleda and minister of mining and energy Rodrigo Villamizar accused of obtaining illegal profit of 100 fm radio concessions
April Salvatore Mancuso and Carlos Castaño conformed what they called the "Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia" (AUえーゆーC) United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia
15 April Drug dealer Phanor Arizabaleta-Arzayus, member of the Cali Cartel is captured at a road checkpoint
15 July Mapiripán Massacre
September Carlos Castaño in a press interview admits responsibility for the Mapiripán Massacre. AUC is listed by the US Department of State as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.
October Bird (sculpture by Fernando Botero) was destroyed by a terrorist attack in downtown Medellín. About 17 people died. Several body parts remained unidentified. The remains of the sculpture are displayed in San Antonio Square as a memorial for the victims
1998 Andrés Pastrana is elected as president of Colombia
Gloria Zea, director of the national Modern Art Museum organizes one of the largest art exhibits in Colombia "Arte y Violencia en Colombia" as a commemoration of 50th anniversary of the start of the bipartisan violence La Violencia
Fernando Botero donates 100 of his works and 60 pieces of his private art collection (19th and 20th centuries) to the Antioquia Museum
20 June Plan Colombia (Treaty signed with USA for support in War on Drugs) is officially unveiled by President Pastrana
7 November President Pastrana granted to the FARC guerrilla a 42,000 km2 (16,200 sq mi) safe haven meant to serve as a confidence building measure, centered around the San Vicente del Caguán settlement
1999 Betty la fea soap opera a.k.a. Ugly Betty reach the highest levels of rating and the script is sold to different producers in several countries
19 January The 1999 Armenia earthquake devastates Armenia, Colombia. Over 2000 dead, 3000 missing persons and a quarter million people homeless
14 April ELN guerrilla kidnap Fokker airplane with 41 occupants in Bolívar department
22 April Serial killer Luis Garavito is found guilty of the murder of 138 boys. (The total number of victims according with Garavito confessions off-record is estimated up to 300 boys and an undetermined number of adults)
30 May Mass kidnapping of 70 people in La Maria church in Cali
13 August Comedian Jaime Garzón is murdered by hitmen
13 November Strong waves from Hurricane Lenny affect the Guajira Peninsula of Colombia, flooding 1,200 homes and businesses along the northern coastline. In addition, winds and rains from the hurricane causes severe crop damage in the country.[19] The hurricane kills two in Colombia.[20] (to 16 November)
29 November Date of death of Colombian essayist and historian Germán Arciniegas
2000 First Olympic gold medal in Colombian history, earned by María Isabel Urrutia in weightlifting
30 March A car bomb parked in front of the mayor's office in Cachipay (Cundinamarca Department) detonated, causing injuries to nineteen and deaths to four
11 April ELN bombs damage 4 meetinghouses of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church); bridge attack kills 1, injures 20.[21]
15 May A woman was killed by a time bomb fastened to her neck by FARC guerrilla; 1 bomb disposal specialist died trying to deactivate the bomb and other 3 were wounded.[22] The 2007 movie PVC-1 is based in this incident
June The sport of Precolumbian origin; Turmequé or tejo is declared as the National sport by the Colombian congress
30 August USA president Bill Clinton and his daughter Chelsea visit Cartagena de Indias
4 September A 70 kilograms of R1 explosive bomb exploded in Barrancabermeja's commercial district, injuring four policemen, two security guards and two civilians. The intended target was apparently the National Customs and Tax Directorate (DIAN).[23]
October Macayepo massacre in Montes de María
15 October A bomb went off in Cali outside a rehabilitation center in the Obrero neighborhood. Two children were killed and thirty other injured. An explosive device went off in a Christian church in Cali, killing two and injuring fifteen.[24]
14 November A guerrilla group gave a homeless man a package that, unbeknownst to him, was filled with explosives. The package exploded as he walked through the banking sector of Cali, killing him and wounding four others. The package reportedly contained 500 grams of ammonium nitrate fuel oil.[25]
4 December Politician Fernando Araújo Perdomo is kidnapped by the Farc guerrilla
18 December Opening of the mass transportation system Transmilenio in Bogotá

21st century

Year Date Event
2001 The stock markets of Cali, Medellín and Bogotá are fused into a single entity: Bolsa de Valores de Colombia
Singer Shakira Mebarak wins a Grammy Award for her MTV unplugged
24 April the House of Representatives Committee on International Relations published the findings of its investigation into IRA activities in Colombia
4 May A car bomb kills four and injures 32 in a luxury hotel in Cali. No group claims the attack.[26]
17 May A car bomb kills 20 and injures at least 50 in a park in Medellín.[27]
11 July Soccer tournament Copa America 2001 was held in Colombia (to 29 July)
11 August Arrest of the Irish Colombia Three charged with training FARC rebels in bomb-making
23 August In a series of attacks near Medellín, 10 bombs kill one and injure 39 others.[28] At least 15 members of terrorist group ELN die when the explosives they were carrying detonate.[29]
29 September Politician Consuelo Araújo is murdered while being kidnapped by FARC guerrilla
2002 25 January A bomb kills a child and four police officers and injures 28 people in Bogotá. Rebel group FARC is blamed
30 January A car bomb kills five and injures 40 in the city of Florencia in the department of Caquetá
21 February President Pastrana ended the peace talks and ordered the armed forces to start retaking the FARC-EP controlled zone of San Vicente del Caguan
24 February Oxygen Green Party Politician Ingrid Betancourt is kiddnapped by FARC guerrilla
March President Uribe decided to appoint Marta Lucía Ramírez as Minister of Defense becoming the second woman in Latin America to ever hold this title, after Michelle Bachelet
7 April Two bombs explode in the restaurant district of Villavicencio, killing twelve and injuring 70. FARC is the prime suspect for the attack.[30]
11 April Two police officers and a girl are killed by a bomb concealed in the corpse of a peasant (Pedro Nel Camacho) apparently executed by the FARC guerrilla with such purpose [31]
12 April 12 politicians in Valle del Cauca are kidnapped using a hoax antibomb operative, starting the Valle del Cauca Deputies hostage crisis
A rocket explodes near the studios of RCN TV in Bogotá.[32]
14 April During an assassination attempt of then-presidential candidate Álvaro Uribe Vélez a bomb kills two and injures 20 in Barranquilla. Rebel group FARC is blamed.
2 May Bojaya massacre in Chocó Department. A bomb destroys the local church. 117 dead, 114 injured.
26 May Cali bishop Isaias Duarte is murdered by hitmen
7 August Álvaro Uribe is elected president of Colombia
Four rounds of mortars are fired against the Presidential Palace in Bogotá during the inauguration ceremony of President Álvaro Uribe Vélez. 13 people, mostly homeless, die and 50 are wounded. FARC is blamed.[33]
24 November Guerrilla leader alias Simon Trinidad is extradited to USA
13 December A bomb destroys 30th floor of the Intercontinental Hotel in downtown Bogotá. 37 people injured.[34]
2003 16 January A car bomb kills four and injures 27 at a shopping mall in Medellín. The attack is believed to be a retaliation of FARC for the arrest of 53 of its members in the preceding days
7 February 2003 El Nogal Club bombing. Car bomb kills 36 and injures more than 200 at the El Nogal social club in Bogotá; FARC rebels are blamed
14 February A bomb kills 18 and wounds 37 in Neiva, destroying 70 homes. Amongst the dead are the chief prosecutor in Neiva and the chief of police. FARC is blamed for the attack.[35]
5 March A car bomb kills six and injures 68 in a covered parking lot in Cúcuta. Rebel group ELN is blamed for the attack.[36]
May A group of Colombian Army soldiers, part of a Counter-terrorism unit, while cleaning up after an ambush by guerillas makes the surprising discovery of several tubs buried in the jungle which hold US$16.75 million in cash. They decide to keep the money for themselves, leading to their capture and trial. These events are depicted in the 2006 movie A Ton of Luck
8 May A bomb kills three in an attack against a water treatment plant in Cali.
24 August Six die and 28 are wounded when a bomb explodes in a riverboat in the town of Puerto Rico. Rebel group FARC is blamed.[37]
11 September A bomb strapped to a horse kills eight and injures 15 in the village of Chita, Boyacá. The attack is blamed on FARC, as the same technique had been used in the past.[38]
29 September A motorcycle packed with explosives kills ten and injures 54 in downtown Florencia, Caquetá. Rebel group FARC is blamed.[39]
8 October A car bomb kills six and injures eleven in downtown Bogotá.[40]
15 November A grenade attack from a motorcycle kills two and injures seventy in the Bogotá Beer Company, a popular pub in Bogotá. Two FARC members were captured.
December Biologist Raul Cuero wins NASA Technology Award for his research in removal of radionuclides such as uranium, using Martian simulated soil
2004 15 March Date of death of popular salsa dancer Amparo Arrebato
1 May Ecuadorian government placed further stringent visa restrictions on Colombians seeking to enter Ecuador
22 May A bomb exploded in a crowded tavern/discothèque at 11:00 pm Saturday night killing six (some reports indicate seven) and wounding eighty-two. The bomb was packed in a small suitcase and left in the bathroom by suspected Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) rebels. It is believed the bombing was part of a FARC campaign marking the organizations 40th anniversary.
4 August A bomb exploded at a bridge in Medellín moments before a parade of antique cars was scheduled to cross it, as the closing event at the annual Festival of the Flowers. 35 people injured.
29 October A bomb exploded near a bus stop along Bogotá's Transmilenio bus system route. A taxi passing by was caught in the blast resulting in the death of the driver and a passenger. 30 surrounded houses destroyed
22 November USA president George W. Bush visits Cartagena de Indias
28 November A bomb exploded beside the mayor's office in the Rafael Uribe district of Bogotá
30 November Three people were killed and eight wounded when a fragment grenade was left at a supermarket checkout counter
13 December Rodrigo Granda affair. FARC guerrilla leader Rodrigo Granda, was captured by individual Venezuelan officials in Caracas, Venezuela, and transferred to Cúcuta, Colombia (a departmental capital on the two nations' common border), where he was arrested by the Colombian authorities on 14 December, generating a diplomatic crisis with Venezuelan government.
30 December Radio Televisión Nacional de Colombia (RTVC) replaced the liquidated Instituto Nacional de Radio y Televisión (Inravisión) as the government-run radio and television broadcasting service
2005 January Colombian justice adopts the adversarial system
1 February FARC attacks the Iscuande marine base in Narino Department with homemade rockets, killing 15 soldiers and injuring 25.[41]
3 February A bridge was blown up in Putumayo Department, killing eight soldiers and a civilian.[41]
6 April An ambush in Arauca state, near Venezuela, kills 17 soldiers.[42]
24 June FARC attacks military positions in the location of Puerto Asís in the Putumayo department, killing 25 and wounding 20 in a single operation.[43]
27 October The islands of San Andrés and Providencia are evacuated due to Hurricane Beta (2005).[44] Hours later, a hurricane watch was issued.[45]
27 December FARC launches a massive attack in the remote village of San Marino in the Chocó Department, killing at least six police officers along with the temporary abduction of some thirty, before they were released by the guerrillas on 20 December due to military pressure.[46]
28 December FARC rebels ambush troops near Vista Hermosa, Meta, killing 28.[47]
2006 28 May Álvaro Uribe is re-elected for a second presidential term
31 July 16 soldiers die in an ambush in Tibú and a car bomb kills one and injures 22 in Bogotá. Both attacks are blamed on FARC.[48]
4 August A car bomb kills five outside a police station in Cali. FARC suspected responsible.[49]
19 October A car bomb explodes in a military college in northern Bogotá.[50]
9 November The Supreme Court ordered the detention of three congressmen implicated in the signature of an illegal agreement with the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia at Santa Fe de Ralito starting the Colombian parapolitics scandal
December First Narco submarines of Colombian origin seized by the U.S. Coast Guard, authorities dubbed it Bigfoot because they had heard rumors that such things existed, but nobody had actually seen one.[51]
10 December Paramilitary leader Salvatore Mancuso surrenders to the Colombian authorities
2007 5 January kidnapped politician Fernando Araújo Perdomo escaped from his captors after a Colombian National Army military operation in the Montes de María mountains. Araújo spent several days in hiding without food or water until eventually finding help.
1 March Ten injured in a car bomb blast in Neiva, capital of Huila; rebel group FARC is believed responsible. The action is suspected to be an assassination attempt on Neiva's mayor.[52]
3 March A bomb kills four police officers and one civilian in the city of Neiva, as they attempt to deactivate it
16 March A bomb kills 16 and injures 16 in Buenaventura. Authorities blame FARC.[53]
7 April The first Colombian satellite, Libertad I is launched in orbit from Baikonur cosmodrome
28 April Kidnapped police officer Jhon Frank Pinchao escapes from the FARC guerrilla spending near a month lost in the jungle
May Virginia Vallejo, media personality and former lover of Pablo Escobar, published her memoir Amando a Pablo, odiando a Escobar (Loving Pablo, Hating Escobar), where she accused several Colombian presidents of involvement with drug traffickers
28 June Murder of the politicians kidnapped in the Valle del Cauca Deputies hostage crisis causes national outrage
7 September Colombian coffee achieves Protected designation of origin status granted by the European Union[54]
13 December International Court of Justice of The Hague concluded the long-time dispute with the Republic of Nicaragua over the San Andrés y Providencia Islands in favor of Colombian sovereignty over the San Andres Archipelago, ratifying the Esguerra-Bárcenas treaty.[55] signed between 1928 and 1930[56]
2008 10 January Former vice presidential candidate Clara Rojas and former congresswoman Consuelo González are freed after nearly six years in captivity
1 March The Colombian military attacks a FARC camp inside Ecuador's territory. Several guerrilla casualties including guerrilla leader Raul Reyes starting the 2008 Andean diplomatic crisis
3 March Iván Ríos, a member of the FARC Central High Command was killed by his security chief "Rojas".
26 March Guerrilla commander Manuel Marulanda Vélez dies
18 May Guerrilla leader Elda Neyis Mosquera alias "Karina" surrenders herself to the military forces
2 July Under a Colombian military operation called Operation Jaque, the FARC was tricked by the Colombian Government into releasing 15 hostages to Colombian Intelligence agents, including Ingrid Betancourt, U.S military contractors, and Colombian soldiers and police officers
15 August Ituango, Antioquia. Seven people were killed and more than 50 wounded when a bomb detonated in a small town
21 August Colombia has chosen the European DVB-T standard for Digital terrestrial television
30 October Accusations of Colombian army soldiers involved with criminal bands with the purpose of luring unsuspecting unemployed or homeless people into isolated areas where they were murdered and the scenes were staged as combats against guerrilla in order to enhance their achievements and get performance-related payments, were investigated. The events, known as the 'false positives' scandal, led to the resignation of Commander-in-chief, general Mario Montoya.[57] As of 2012, 3,350 such cases had been investigated in all parts of the country and verdicts had been reached in 170 cases.[58]
12 November Riots broke out in the municipalities of Pasto, Tumaco, Popayán and later spread all over the country after the collapse of several pyramid schemes. Thousands of victims had invested their money in pyramids that promised them extraordinary interest rates. The lack of regulation laws allowed those pyramids to grow excessively during several years. Finally, after the riots the Colombian government was forced to declare the country in economical emergency in order to seize and stop those schemes. Several of the pyramid's managers were arrested and are being prosecuted for the crime of "illegal massive money reception".[59]
22 November Colombia and Canada signed a new $1.14 billion dollar bilateral trade agreement (the Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement) at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting.
2009 8 January Colombian drug lord and head of the Caqueta cartel Leonidas Vargas is murdered inside a hospital. his brother(Héctor Fabio Vargas) and his girlfriend (Colombian actress Liliana Andrea Lozano) were tortured and murdered[60] in Pradera, Colombia.[61]
Recognition of same-sex unions in Colombia is achieved by rule of the Constitutional Court
11 January Reports of mass murders of Awá (kwaiker) indigenous people by FARC guerrilla
February Colombia has extended its existing tobacco control regulations by a smoking ban requiring all indoor work places and public places be immediately smoke-free, prohibiting tobacco advertising, promotions and sponsorship
February the fossils of 28 individual Titanoboa cerrejonensis, the largest snake ever discovered, were announced to have been found in the coal mines of Cerrejón in La Guajira, Colombia.[62]
March The Álvarez incest case was uncovered when 59-year-old Arcedio Álvarez was arrested in Mariquita, Colombia, accused of sexually abusing his now 30-year-old daughter Alba Nidia Álvarez since the age of 9.[63] The daughter also gave birth to 11 children, three of whom died.[64]
March the Colombian government enacted a mandate to introduce E85 flexible-fuel vehicles
15 March Luis Carlos Sarmiento Angulo gets ranked in the Forbes list of world billionaires.[65]
April The Colombian armed forces launched Strategic Leap,[66] an offensive in borders areas where the FARC's forces has still a strong military presence, especially in Arauca, near the Venezuelan border.[67]
April Colombian drug lord Daniel Rendón Herrera alias Don "Mario" is captured while hiding in a jungle.[68]
13 May Vallenato composer and troubadour Rafael Escalona dies due to heart failure.[69]
14 May During his visit to Colombia, the Czech Republic Prime Minister Mirek Topolánek negotiated a possible sale of Aero L-159 Alca combat aircraft with Colombian President Álvaro Uribe.[70][71]
June Clara Guerrero wins Women's World Championship World Ranking Masters
July 2009 The Colombian government claimed that AT4 anti-tank rockets manufactured by Saab Bofors Dynamics of Sweden, which were later purchased by Venezuela were being used by the FARC. In response, President Chavez ordered most staff members of the embassy in Colombia to return to Venezuela, including the ambassador. Only the "lowest functionaries" were left to staff the embassy.[72]
18 July Ricardo Londoño, Colombia's first Formula One driver is murdered in the north Colombian Córdoba Department.
8 August Cuban artist Tania Bruguera sets a controversial performance in the National University of Colombia (Bogotá branch), included consumption of cocaine[73] provided by the artist to the attendants.[74][75]
30 August President Álvaro Uribe had contracted the AH1N1 flu virus, becoming the second head of state to do so (the first being Óscar Arias).[76]
11 September A group of eradicators of Coca crops near the village of La Gabarra, Municipality of Tibú, Norte de Santander is attacked by guerrilla forces with a donkey with bombs attached to it. 2 people deceased[77]

See also



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Further reading
