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User:Charizzardd/Books/Stats and Econ V3

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Stats and Econ[edit]

Colume 3[edit]

Bartlett's method
Center frequency
Coherence (signal processing)
Coherence (statistics)
Discrete frequency domain
Frequency averaging
Frequency deviation
Frequency domain
Frequency offset
Frequency spectrum
Least-squares spectral analysis
LTI system theory
Phase noise
Phase perturbation
Spectral density
Spectral density estimation
Transfer function
Wikipedia:Updating information
Welch's method
Autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average
Fractional Brownian motion
Hurst exponent
Long-range dependency
Rescaled range
Bayesian vector autoregression
General matrix notation of a VAR(p)
Stationary subspace analysis
Variance decomposition of forecast errors
Vector autoregression
Autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity
FNN algorithm
Nonlinear autoregressive exogenous model
Phase dispersion minimization
Recurrence quantification analysis
STAR model
Surrogate data
Surrogate data testing
Transfer entropy
Season of birth
Seasonal adjustment
Seasonal effects on suicide rates
Seasonally adjusted annual rate
Covariance intersection
Estimation of signal parameters via rotational invariance techniques
Fast Kalman filter
Generalized filtering
Kalman filter
Maximum likelihood sequence estimation
Moving horizon estimation
State observer
Symmetry-preserving filter
Unscented transform
Impulse response
Ljung–Box test
Partial autocorrelation function
Singular spectrum analysis
State space representation
Time domain
Additive white Gaussian noise
Autoregressive integrated moving average
Autoregressive model
Distributed lag
Error correction model
Linear model
Mixed-data sampling
Moving-average model
Oscillator linewidth
SETAR (model)
Sinusoidal model
BV4.1 (software)
Regression Analysis of Time Series
SHAZAM (software)
Time series database
FAME (database)
Time–frequency analysis
Adaptive Gabor representation
Ambiguity function
Analytic signal
Bilinear time–frequency distribution
Chirplet transform
Choi–Williams distribution function
Cohen's class distribution function
Cone-shape distribution function
Fractional Fourier transform
Gabor limit
Harmonic wavelet transform
Instantaneous phase
Linear canonical transformation
Multiresolution analysis
Time–frequency analysis for music signals
Reassignment method
Short-time Fourier transform
Harmonic pitch class profiles
Time–frequency representation
Transformation between distributions in time–frequency analysis
Wavelet transform
Wavelet transform modulus maxima method
Bandelet (computer science)
Cascade algorithm
Complex wavelet transform
Diffusion wavelets
Dirac (video compression format)
Discrete wavelet transform
Dual wavelet
Dynamic link matching
Embedded Zerotrees of Wavelet transforms
Fast wavelet transform
Filter bank
Fractional wavelet transform
Gabor atom
Gabor wavelet
Generalized lifting
JPEG 2000
Legendre wavelet
Lifting scheme
List of wavelet-related transforms
Mathieu wavelet
Meyer wavelet
Modified Morlet wavelet
Multigrid method
Polyphase matrix
Progressive Graphics File
Prolate spheroidal wave function
Quadrature mirror filter
Refinable function
Second-generation wavelet transform
Set partitioning in hierarchical trees
Stationary wavelet transform
Transfer matrix
WaveLab (mathematics software)
Wavelet modulation
Wavelet packet decomposition
Biorthogonal wavelet
Cohen-Daubechies-Feauveau wavelet
Continuous wavelet
Beta wavelet
Complex Mexican hat wavelet
Difference of Gaussians
Fbsp wavelet
Hermitian hat wavelet
Hermitian wavelet
Mexican hat wavelet
Morlet wavelet
Shannon wavelet
Orthogonal wavelet
Binomial QMF
Daubechies wavelet
Haar wavelet
Single-equation methods (econometrics)
Censored regression model
Discrete choice
Least squares
Tobit model
Truncated regression model
GAUSS (software)
Local Economic Assessment Package
Speakeasy (computational environment)
TSP (econometrics software)
ACCRA Cost of Living Index
Affine pricing
Applied Econometrics and International Development
Asset turnover
Average propensity to consume
Average propensity to save
Base point pricing
Bayesian econometrics
Becker–DeGroot–Marschak method
Bequest value
Randolph Cohen
Consistent pricing process
Dynamic factor
Econometric Reviews
Econometric Society
Econometric Theory
The Econometrics Journal
Economic complexity index
Economic Scholars Program
Female economic activity
Financial econometrics
Foundations and Trends in Econometrics
Geary–Khamis dollar
General government sector
Generalized Tobit
Gerschenkron effect
L. Wayne Gertmenian
John Graham (economist)
Gross loan
Gross merchandise volume
Gross national product
Housing Affordability Index
Johansen test
Journal of Applied Econometrics
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics
Journal of Econometrics
Kauffman Index of Entrepreneurial Activity
Limited dependent variable
LSE approach to econometrics
Method of simulated moments
Observable variable
Observational equivalence
Order condition
Proxy (statistics)
Quasi-maximum likelihood
Rental vacancy rate
The Review of Economics and Statistics
Sargan test
Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation
Spatial econometrics
Structural break
Structural estimation
Tail value at risk
Target costing
Target income sales
Theoretical ex-rights price
Time-weighted average price
Trade-weighted effective exchange rate index
Trailing twelve months
TRIN (finance)
Volume index
Weak axiom of cost minimization
Weakly additive
Yield gap
Time series
Analysis of rhythmic variance
Anomaly time series
Approximate entropy
Augmented Dickey–Fuller test
Autocorrelation technique
Autoregressive conditional duration
Autoregressive–moving-average model
Berlin procedure
CARIACO Ocean Time Series Program
Chow test
Cochrane–Orcutt estimation
Convergent cross mapping
Correlation function
Cyclostationary process
Decomposition of time series
Detrended fluctuation analysis
Dickey–Fuller test
Discrete-time signal
Durbin–Watson statistic
Dynamic time warping
Empirical orthogonal functions
Epps effect
Exponential smoothing
Fourier analysis
Gaussian noise
Gompertz function
Granger causality
Growth curve
Heart rate variability
Hodrick–Prescott filter
Independent component analysis
Innovations vector
Kernel (statistics)
Kolmogorov–Zurbenko filter
KPSS test
Lag windowing
Linear prediction
Lulu smoothing
Maximum entropy spectral estimation
Mean absolute error
Mean absolute scaled error
Moving average
Moving average crossover
Moving average representation
Order of integration
Partial correlation
Political forecasting
Portmanteau test
Random modulation
Recursive least squares filter
Rising moving average
Sample entropy
Seasonal subseries plot
Secular variation
Self-similar process
Serial dependence
Spike-triggered covariance
Stationary distribution
Stationary sequence
Statistical signal processing
Step detection
Stochastic drift
Threshold model
Time reversibility
Time-series segmentation
Tracking signal
Trend analysis
Trend estimation
Trend stationary
Turning point test
Unevenly spaced time series
Unit root
Unit root test
White noise
Wiener filter
Window function
Wold's theorem
Fixed point (mathematics)
Applied general equilibrium
Artin–Mazur zeta function
Asymptotic safety in quantum gravity
Autonomous convergence theorem
Banks–Zaks fixed point
Coincidence point
Common knowledge (logic)
Conley index theory
Conley–Zehnder theorem
Contraction mapping
Cycle detection
Cycles and fixed points
Domain theory
Fixed-point combinator
Fixed points of isometry groups in Euclidean space
Fixed-point index
Fixed-point property
Fixed-point space
Fixed-point theorem
Functional renormalization group
Hairy ball theorem
Infrared fixed point
Iterated function
Knaster–Kuratowski–Mazurkiewicz lemma
Knaster–Tarski theorem
Least fixed point
Lefschetz zeta function
Local zeta-function
Lotka–Volterra equation
Markus–Yamabe conjecture
Nash equilibrium
Nielsen theory
Physics applications of asymptotically safe gravity
Price of stability
Rencontres numbers
Rotation number
Ryll-Nardzewski fixed-point theorem
Schauder fixed point theorem
Sperner's lemma
Sullivan conjecture
Thue–Morse sequence
Ultraviolet fixed point
Weil conjectures
Bifurcation theory
Bifurcation diagram
Biological applications of bifurcation theory
Blue sky catastrophe
Bogdanov–Takens bifurcation
Catastrophe theory
Chaotic hysteresis
Crisis (dynamical systems)
Feigenbaum constants
Heteroclinic bifurcation
Homoclinic bifurcation
Hopf bifurcation
Infinite-period bifurcation
Period-doubling bifurcation
Pitchfork bifurcation
Saddle-node bifurcation
Spatial bifurcation
Transcritical bifurcation
Atiyah–Bott fixed-point theorem
Banach fixed-point theorem
Borel fixed-point theorem
Bourbaki–Witt theorem
Brouwer fixed-point theorem
Bruhat–Tits fixed point theorem
Caristi fixed-point theorem
Earle–Hamilton fixed-point theorem
Fixed-point theorems in infinite-dimensional spaces
Infinite compositions of analytic functions
Kakutani fixed-point theorem
Kleene fixed-point theorem
Lefschetz fixed-point theorem
Markov–Kakutani fixed-point theorem
Fixed-point lemma for normal functions
Tarski's fixed point theorem
Limit point
Limit set
Classification of Fatou components
Filled Julia set
Herman ring
Hyperbolic equilibrium point
Hyperbolic set
Isolating neighborhood
Julia set
Limit cycle
No-wandering-domain theorem
Periodic point
Periodic points of complex quadratic mappings
Pugh's closing lemma
Recurrent point
Siegel disc
Stability theory
Stable manifold
Strange nonchaotic attractor
Wandering set