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The Little Mermaid (2023 film) - Wikiquote Jump to content

The Little Mermaid (2023 film)

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The Little Mermaid is a 2023 live-action American musical fantasy film produced by Walt Disney Pictures. A young mermaid named Ariel becomes determined to be with Prince Eric in the world above water, which leads to her making a deal with Ursula the sea witch to trade her beautiful voice for human legs to get Eric to fall in love with her.

Directed by Rob Marshall. Written by David Magee, based on Hans Christian Andersen's Danish fairy tale and remade from Disney's 1989 animated feature film of the same name.


  • Sebastian, if you had just seen it up there, the ship rode on the wind. They filled the sky with fire.
  • [to her father in her grotto] A man was drowning. I had to save him.
  • Yes, but that doesn't make us enemies!
  • [to Ursula] How can you help me?
  • [meeting Ursula] You don't seem at all like Father described you.
  • [to Ursula, after she kills Triton, enraged] YOU MONSTER!!!
  • [when saying goodbye to her father] Thank you for hearing me.

Prince Eric

  • Wouldn't it be amazing to discover someplace no one's ever seen before?
  • [after Ariel regains her voice] It was you all along. I should have known. I don't know what came over me.
  • (Ariel: Get to shore! She'll kill you!) I'm not leaving you!

King Triton

  • This obsession with humans has to stop.
  • [to Sebastian] Was I too hard on her?
  • So... you broke the rules. You went to the above world.
  • He's a human, you're a mermaid!
  • Promise me you will never look for him again.
  • [before destroying Ariel's grotto] I swear, I will get through to you!
  • [after destroying Ariel's grotto] Never leave again.
  • What have I done?
  • [to Ursula] What do you want with my daughter?
  • You gave your life for me. And you fought to get my life back.
  • You shouldn't have had to give up your voice to be heard, but now I am listening.


  • [watching Ariel quickly swim home from her lair; first lines] Yes, hurry home, Princess. We wouldn't want to be late for Daddy's gathering, now, would we? Perhaps I'll join them. Oh, wait, what a shame. It seems that Big Brother forgot to invite Auntie Ursula to the party… again. Oh, I should be the one throwing the parties, not waiting on an invitation. Oh, the feasts we had when I lived in the palace. And now look at me, the family pariah. Wasting away to practically nothing. Banished and exiled, driven halfway to madness in this dim little crevice for 15 long years, while Daddy and his spoiled little mer-brats celebrate the Coral Moon. Well, I'll give them something to celebrate. I may have finally found Daddy's weakness. Yes. Red's fascination with humans might be just the opening I've been waiting for.
  • No. No, it's too easy. [laughs] She's already in love with the human world and now she found her soulmate. Ugh. Oh, wait until Daddy finds out. He's gonna hit the surface. [chuckles] That little girl's gonna run straight into my tentacles. Then I'll use her as a prawn in my little game and finally get to rip the power away from Triton that should've been mine all along.
  • Poor child. Poor sweet child. He can be so angry. He thinks he knows everything.
  • What has your father told you about me?
  • You can't live in that world unless you become a human yourself. [Ariel: Become human? Is that even possible?] Oh, my dear. It's what I do. It's what I live for.
  • Here's the deal. I'll whip up a little potion to make you human for three days. Got that? Three days. Before the sun sets on the third day, you and Princey must share a kiss. And not just any kiss. The kiss of true love. If you do, you will remain human permanently. But if you don't, you'll turn back into a mermaid, and you belong to me. You understand, of course, that you'll have to give up your mermaid gifts. You won't have this tail of yours, hangin' around, draggin' you down. You won't be able to breathe underwater, who needs it? And you'll no longer have that siren song of yours, because that wouldn't be fair, now would it? Don't worry. I'll keep it safe and soundless here with me. We got a deal?
  • Fine then, forget about the world above. Go back home to Daddy and "Never leave again!"
  • [as Ariel swims up to the surface after her mermaid tail turns into human legs] Look at her stupid little feet!
  • Don't worry, boys. She doesn't stand a chance without this. A mermaid without her voice? [laughs] And just in case, I slipped a little somethin' extra into that spell of mine. No matter how hard that girl tries, she won't remember she needs to get that kiss. Now it's just a matter of time. And then she's mine.
  • That was close. Too close. I don't get it. I didn't think that little barracuda stood a chance luring him in without her voice. How's that even possible? Well, we're not gonna let that happen again. It's time Ursula took matters into her own tentacles.
  • Only one more sunset and then I'll make Triton writhe. I'll see him wriggle like a worm on a hook. [transforms into Vanessa]
  • Forget it, Big Brother. She belongs to me now.
  • [to Triton] I want to see you suffer, like I've suffered all these years.
  • Say goodbye to your human heartthrob!
  • Now I rule the seas and all will be helpless under my power!
  • So much for true love.
  • [last and final words before her death] So long, lover boy!


  • So long, Red.
  • Heroism's too strong a word for it, but I suppose I did save Eric. That's what anyone would do.
  • [while being attacked by Scuttle] Help me! I'm being attacked!
  • You're too late! YOU'RE TOO LATE!


  • Where is she going with those slippery good-for-nothin's?
  • Not so easy without your tail, is it?
  • [to Scuttle, about Ariel's human legs] She got legs, ya idiot!
  • [as Ariel sleeps] You are hopeless, child. You know that? Completely hopeless.
  • Well, it's like I always say: Children got to be free to lead their own lives.


  • You know I can't swim that fast.
  • You know, you can't back down. You gotta show 'em who in charge... [gets interrupted by Scuttle diving underwater]


  • Something about you seems different. Don't tell me. It's your hairdo, right? 'Cause you've been using the dinglehopper? No? I can't... I can't quite figure it out, but I know that if I stand here for long enough...
  • The Prince has been tricked! That lady who showed up is actually the Sea Witch in disguise! [Sebastian: Are you sure about this?] Of course I'm sure! Have I ever been wrong? I mean, like, you know, when it counts?

Queen Selina

  • You were lucky to have made it to shore before you passed out.
  • I must admit, I was mistaken. It seems you really have found the girl of your dreams after all.
  • [unwraps a piece of cloth, revealing her mother's ring before giving it to Eric] My darling, this belonged to my mother. And I'd like you to have it. Your happiness means everything to me.
  • [horrified as Ariel turns back into a mermaid] Oh, good Lord. She's a sea creature.
  • No, no. I was wrong. She was very real. And so were your feelings for her, I see that now. It's just that... our worlds were never meant to be together.

Sir Grimsby

  • Don't be held back by what you think should be. Think only of what is.
  • Can you blame her, Eric? I don't understand. This is not like you.


  • Oh? How would you know? You've never even seen one. You were just a child when Mother died and Father stopped us going to the surface.
  • Oh, she's just at that age when she doesn't want to hang out with her older sisters anymore.


[Triton berates Ariel for not showing up to attend the Coral Moon gathering after she returns home]
King Triton: It is irresponsible. Your sisters are only here for one phase of the Coral Moon. Can you imagine any one of them missing the gathering?
Ariel: No. You're right. I'm sorry.
Flounder: It wasn't Ariel's fault. We… We… We were exploring, and a shark chased us and…
King Triton: Shark? So, you went to the shipwrecks again? Those waters are dangerous.
Ariel: You don't have to worry about me.
King Triton: Well, I do worry, my little one. I do worry. This obsession with humans has to stop.
Ariel: I just want to know more about them.
King Triton: You know all you need to know.
Ariel: I barely know anything. You won't even let us go to the surface.
King Triton: Why do you have be so strong-minded? Just like your mother. It…
Ariel: I am her daughter.
King Triton: Yes, foolish enough to be taken with the human world.
Ariel: If you would just try to understand…
King Triton: Well, I have tried. I have tried to understand you long enough. But as long as you live in my ocean, you'll obey my rules. Do you understand that?
[Ariel swims out of the throne room in disappointment]
Sebastian: Children, you give them an inch, they swim all over you.
King Triton: [sighs] Was I too hard on her?
Sebastian: Definitely not. It's like I always say, "Children got to live by their parent's rules."
King Triton: You're absolutely right, Sebastian. My Ariel needs constant supervision.

[Triton angrily confronts Ariel in her grotto after hearing that she saved Prince Eric from drowning]
King Triton: So… you broke the rules. You went to the above world.
Ariel: [breathing shakily] There was a shipwreck. A man was drowning. I had to save him.
King Triton: You should have let him drown. They're savages.
Ariel: You don't know that.
King Triton: They killed your mother.
Ariel: I know. But… one man did. Why blame every human? Mother wouldn't.
King Triton: No. Enough. That's enough.
Ariel: And Eric had nothing to do with it.
King Triton: Eric? Eric? Have you lost your senses completely?
Ariel: If you would have just heard him, Father. He's compassionate and kind and…
King Triton: He's a human, you're a mermaid!
Ariel: Yes, but that doesn't make us enemies!
King Triton: Promise me you will never look for him again.
Ariel: I can't.
King Triton: Promise me, Ariel!
Ariel: I can't lie to you. I won't.
King Triton: [enraged] I swear, I will get through to you! [starts destroying the grotto with his trident in fury]
Ariel: No! Please! Father, stop!
King Triton: This ends now!
Ariel: (Daddy!) [grabs her father's trident] Please, stop it!
King Triton: It's for your own good! (And if that's the only way, so be it!) [shoves his daughter away]
Ariel: [horrified] FATHER, NO!
[Triton destroys Eric's statue, Ariel swims over to look at the broken statue]
King Triton: Never leave again. [leaves]

[As Ariel is escorted to Ursula's lair…]
Ursula: Come in. Come in, child. We mustn't lurk in passageways. It's rude. Forgive my aggressive garden. I wouldn't choose to live like this, believe me. Daddy's been so unfair to both of us, controlling everything we say and do. In a way, we're the same, you and I.
Ariel: You don't seem at all like Father described you.
Ursula: Is that right? Mmm. We never did get along. Squidling rivalry. He always got what he wanted, and what did I get? Nothin'. Zip, nada, squat. Sound familiar, hon? [chuckles] Oh, I know what you're going through, believe me, and I know why you're here.
Ariel: I'm not sure I do.
Ursula: Oh, please. I've been watching you for a long time now, dearie. What you really want is to be up there in the above world. It's always had your curiosity, and now it's got your heart.
Ariel: What do you mean?
Ursula: [chuckles] You're so young. Don't you see? You're meant for each other. And I can't bear to see you suffer like this. As it happens, I can help you.
Ariel: How?
Ursula: Mmm, the problem is simple. You can't live in that world unless… you become a human yourself.
Ariel: Become human? Is that even possible?
Ursula: Oh, my dear. [chuckles] It's what I do. It's what I live for.

Ursula: So, here's the deal. I'll whip up a little potion to make you human for three days. Got that? Three days. Before the sun sets on the third day, you and Princey must share a kiss. And not just any kiss. The kiss of true love. If you do, you will remain human permanently. But if you don't… [grabs Ariel with her tentacles and pulls her closer to her] you'll turn back into a mermaid, and you belong to me. You understand, of course, that you'll have to give up your mermaid gifts. You won't have this tail of yours, hangin' around, draggin' you down. You won't be able to breathe underwater, who needs it? And you'll no longer have that siren song of yours, because that wouldn't be fair, now would it? Don't worry. I'll keep it safe and soundless here with me. We got a deal?
Ariel: [unsure] I don't know.
Ursula: Well… I mean, I just gave you the premium package, kid. Well… life's full of tough choices, idn't?
Ariel: [realizing it's a big mistake] No. This is wrong. I can't do this.
Ursula: Fine then, forget about the world above. Go back home to Daddy and "Never leave again!"

[King Triton's Palace; King Triton tells Karina, Perla, and Mala about Ariel's whereabouts]
King Triton: So where is she?
Karina: We don't know, Father.
Perla: She's gone.
King Triton: What do you mean, she's gone?
Perla: We've been looking and looking. There's no sign of her anywhere. She's not in these waters.
King Triton: Then look again. Search all of the Seven Seas if you have to.
Karina: Ariel wouldn't dare go above again.
Perla: Don't even think such a thing.
Mala: Doesn't make sense. Why would she leave?
Perla: I… I have no idea.
King Triton: Never mind that. Just find her.

[Ariel leaves her bedroom and rushes downstairs towards the dining room and enters before hiding behind a pillar when she sees Grimsby and Queen Selina with Eric and the mysterious woman, Vanessa, on the terrace]
Queen Selina: My goodness, it is wonderful news. Isn't it, Grimsby?
Grimsby: Oh, yes.
Queen Selina: I must admit, I was mistaken. It seems you really have found the girl of your dreams after all.
Grimsby: Yes. Quite the surprise, Eric.
Eric: What? Oh. Uh, I know. I know it must seem fast, but… but I do owe her my life.
Queen Selina: We will celebrate. This evening. You shall introduce your intended to the court. We can make that happen, can't we, Grimsby?
Grimsby: Yes. If it's really what you want, Eric.
Eric: What I… want?
[Ariel runs away]
Vanessa: It's… It's what we both want.
Queen Selina: Lovely. Well, we've got our work cut out for us.
[The camera zooms in on the seashell necklace as it glows]

Eric: [enters the dining room and walks over to Grimsby, after looking everywhere for Ariel] Grimsby.
Grimsby: Sire.
Eric: Have you seen Ariel?
Grimsby: According to the servants, she left the castle early this morning.
Eric: Left?
Grimsby: Can you blame her, Eric? I don't understand. This is not like you.
Eric: I'm not sure I understand it myself.

Vanessa: [looking at the ring of Queen Selina's mother Eric is holding] Oh, Eric. It's beautiful.
[Scuttle swoops in and dive-bombs on Eric, making him drop the ring]
Eric: The ring. The ring, I lost it. Has anybody seen the ring?
[Grimsby looks down and sees the ring in front of him and kicks it aside]
Vanessa: [as Scuttle swoops in and starts flapping her wings on her head] Get off me, you filthy bird! [Max runs and jumps up to her, putting his paws up against her dress; steps up onto a fountain as Scuttle continues attacking her] Help me! I'm being attacked!
[Ariel shows up at the terrace and dashes over to Vanessa]
Eric: [sees her showing up] Ariel! Ariel, I've been looking for you!
Queen Selina: Who is that?
Vanessa: [as Ariel grabs for her necklace; enviously in deeper voice] What are you doing?!
[Ariel yanks Vanessa off the fountain and the two women get into a chaotic catfight]
Eric: [trying to break free from Grimsby's grasp] Grimsby, let me go!
Grimsby: [trying to hold him back] Sire!
Vanessa: GET HER AWAY FROM ME! SHE'S INSANE! [she and Ariel fall to the floor]
Queen Selina: What's going on?
Eric: Ariel, stop!
[Ariel rips the necklace off of Vanessa's neck and kicks her away]
Vanessa: [as some party guests try to help her; savagely] GET OFF!!!
[Ariel throws the necklace on the ground, shattering it; Her vocalizing voice floats up in the air as everyone watches, wide-eyed; Sebastian finally shows up while climbing a railing; Ariel's voice flies down into her mouth before she clutches her throat, and then looks at Eric]
Eric: Ariel?
Ariel: Yes.
Eric: It was you all along. I should've known. [walks over to her] I don't know what came over me.
Ariel: She bewitched you.
Vanessa: [in Ursula's voice] GET AWAY FROM HER!
Ariel: Eric, I want you to know I…
Sebastian: [seeing the sun setting] Oh, just kiss!
Ariel: I want you to know everything.
Eric: Nothing matters now.
[The two slowly start to kiss]
Ursula: NO!
[The sun suddenly sets and Ariel turns back into a mermaid as Ursula cackles evilly while all the party guests react in horror]
Queen Selina: [horrified] Oh, good Lord. She's a sea creature.
Ursula: You're too late! YOU'RE TOO LATE! [transforms back into her own self, knocking some party guests off their feet with her tentacles, and crawls over to Ariel]
Eric: [trying to defend Ariel] Stay back!
Ursula: SHUT UP! [violently whacks him away with her tentacle and grabs Ariel]
Ariel: ERIC!
[Ursula jumps off the edge of the terrace and dives into the ocean below, grabbing hold of Ariel as Eric watches]
Queen Selina: Eric, no. This is the work of the sea gods. I warned you. Their whole world is evil. [Eric runs off to rescue Ariel] Eric, wait! [tries to run after him, but is grabbed by Grimsby] Eric!

Ariel: [while being gripped by one of Ursula's tentacles] What are you doing?! Let go of me!
Ursula: Not a chance. You made a deal, remember? Three days, no kiss. Yeah, is it all comin' back to ya? [chuckles] I thought so. Well, now you gotta live with it, toots.
[Ariel's dress gets caught on a rock and gets ripped off from her]
King Triton: Ursula! [echoes; rises up in front of them] Let her go.
Ursula: Forget it, Big Brother. She belongs to me now. [Triton tries to blast her with his trident, but she holds up her hand, creating an invisible shield; chuckles] Oh, you see? We made a deal. And blood. It's unbreakable, even for you.
Ariel: I'm sorry, Father, this is all my fault.
King Triton: What do you want with my daughter?
Ursula: Oh. Nothing. It's you I want. I want to see you suffer, like I've suffered all these years. And the daughter of the great Sea King is a very precious commodity. Poor, unfortunate soul. [to her eels as Ariel tries to escape] Get her, boys! [Flotsam and Jetsam wrap themselves around Ariel's arms and start electrifying her; stops Triton before he can intervene] Uh-uh. I wouldn't. Shocking, isn't it? Of course I always was a girl with an eye for a bargain. What do you say to a trade, hmm? What's your precious little Ariel worth to ya? [Triton looks down at his trident, then at his daughter, and finally throws her the trident; catches it and cackles] It's mine now!
[Flotsam and Jetsam release Ariel and swim over to Triton, wrapping themselves around his arms, and start electrifying and killing him, turning him into ashes as Ursula watches, laughing wickedly]
Ariel: [horrified] No! FATHER! You… [enraged] YOU MONSTER!!! [angrily starts to charge at her]
Ursula: [whacks Ariel away with her tentacle] Don't be a fool, you little brat! You are powerless against… [painfully yelps as she gets hit in the arm by a spear, via thrown by Eric] You're gonna pay for that. [to her eels as Eric starts to swim up to the surface to his boat] GET HIM!
[Flotsam and Jetsam swim up after Eric as he reaches the surface and wrap themselves around his ankles, pulling him back down]
Ursula: [preparing to fire at Eric] Say goodbye to your human heartthrob!
Ariel: DON'T!!! [pushes Ursula in far more rage than before, causing her to accidentally blast and kill her eels]
Ursula: [shocked in horror] AHH! My babies!

Eric: [holding out his hand to Ariel] Give me your hand! [Ariel grabs his hand] Now!
[They jump off from Giant Ursula's head and dive into the ocean]
Ariel: Look out! [she and Eric dodge from Ursula's falling tentacle]
Ursula: [waves the trident around the ocean water; deep voice] Now I rule the seas and will be helpless under my power!
Ursula: So much for true love! So long, lover boy!


  • Emily Coates — Rosa
  • Jude Akuwudike — Joshua
  • Karolina Conchet — Mala

