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Where the Wild Things Are

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Where the Wild Things Are is a 2009 American-Australian-German fantasy drama film about a nine-year-old boy named Max who runs away to an island inhabited by creatures known as the "Wild Things," who declare Max their king. It combines live-action, performers in costumes, animatronics, and computer-generated imagery (CGI).

Directed by Spike Jonze. Written by Jonze and Dave Eggers, adapted from Maurice Sendak's 1963 children's book of the same name.
There's one in all of us.taglines

Max Thaddeus Vanderbilt

  • Let the wild rumpus start!
  • [64 minutes later logo. Watches Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on TV] "Pirate Radio".
  • Uh think Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles '87.

Carolina reaper

  • You are now the king, and you will be a truly great king.
  • Hey king, watch this. [attempts to flip but hits tree] All right tree, we'll settle this later.
  • That’s Douglas. I count on him for everything. If I was stranded on a desert island and could only take one thing, it'd be Douglas. We can share him if you want.
  • Perhaps need is one thing; himself.
  • [off-scene; to Max and Connie] Beats me.

Judith the Wise

  • You know what I say. If you got a problem, eat it.
  • Happiness isn't always the best way to be happy.
  • Ah, you don’t really need to know me. I’m kind of a downer.
  • Alexander, get over there and be social!

Alexander The Great

  • Oh, this is the famous Bob and Terry? [Bob and Terry squeak] What? K.W. told you about me? What did she say?
  • Hey, KW, you wanna be on my team? We're the BAD guys.

Dougie boi

  • I like it better when we have a king. I like Carol better when we have a king.
  • Carol! [Coral: What?!] That was my favorite arm!


  • Max, what are you Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles doing?!
  • Max, don't pull that now.
  • No...dinner for you, Max! Go to your room! [Max bites on the Connie's shoulder] OW!! [Connie drops Max. Adrian gasps] Max! He bit me! THAT HURTS!


  • Hey.
  • Connie, you can't treat like that.


Max: Hey, Claire. Wanna see something great?
Claire: [on the phone] Who else was there?
Max: It's an igloo! I made it.
Claire: Yeah, my brother.
Max: Hey, Claire!
Claire: I can't. We're supposed to go to my dad's that weekend.
Max: The snowplows left some snow across the street, and I dug a hole into it.
Claire: [to Max] Go and play with your friends.

Adrian: Connie, you can't treated like that.
Connie: MAX! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! You're out of control!!

Max: Small is good. My powers are able to slip right through the cracks.
Judith: But what if the cracks are closed up?
Max: Then I have a re-cracker, which goes right through that.
Judith: But what if they have some sort of material that re-crackers can't get through?
Max: Then I have a double re-cracker, which can get through anything in this whole universe. And that's the end, and there's nothing more powerful after that, ever. Period.
Alexander: He has a double re-cracker.
Ira: He does sound powerful.

Carol: So you were their king and you made everything right?
Max: Yeah.
Carol: Well uh, you know... what about um... loneliness?
Douglas: What he’s saying is, will you keep out all the sadness?
Max: I have a sadness shield that keeps out all the sadness, and it's big enough for all of us.
Carol: Wow.
Max: And I do this to loneliness.
[Max makes a gesture of a bomb dropping on loneliness. The Wild Things are astounded.]
Carol: I knew it! When he showed up, I saw it. Why don’t you guys ever listen to me?
Douglas: You’re right, Carol, I didn’t see it.

Max: [upon seeing Carol remove his crown from a pile of bones] Are those... other kings?
Carol: Oh, those? I don't know anything about that. Those were like that when we got here.

Carol: [Max is waking up as Carol carries him] I didn't wanna wake you up... but I really wanna show you something
Max: Okay. [climbs onto Carol's shoulder]
Carol: And on the way... I can show you your kingdom. This is all yours. You're the owner of this world. Everything you see is yours. Oh, except that hole over there, that's Ira's. The tree's yours, but the hole is Ira's. But everything else is yours. Except for that rock over there, that's not yours. That little rock next to the big rock. But everything else in the kingdom... except for that stick. That little stick right there, that's not yours. I want you to be king forever, Max.
Max: Yeah, definitely.
[Cut to Max and Carol wandering in a desert in the middle of the island.]
Carol: This part of your kingdom's not so good.
Max: Why?
Carol: Well, look: this used to be all rock, and now it's sand, and then, one day, it's going to be dust, and then the whole island will be dust, and then... well I don't even know what comes after dust.
Max: Carol, did you know the sun was gonna die?
Carol: What? I never heard that... Oh, come on. That can't happen. I mean you're the king, and look at me, I'm big! how can guys like us worry about a tiny little thing like the sun, hmm?

[Inside a mountain, Max finds Carol's workshop and sees a model of what Carol wishes the island looked like.]
Max: Wow. Did you make this?
Carol: Yeah, yeah.
Max: It's very good.
Carol: We were gonna make a whole world like this, but... Everyone used to come here. But now... You know what it feels like when all your teeth are falling out really slowly, and... you don’t even realize and one day you notice, well, they're really far apart. And then one day... you don’t have any teeth anymore.
Max: Yeah.
Carol: Well, it’s like that.

Judith: Psst. Psst. [signals for Max to come over] What were you doing with Carol just now?
Max: Just talking.
Judith: Oh, a secret, huh? Let me ask you something. How does it work around here? Are we all the same or are some of us better than others or - ? You like to play favourites, huh, king?
[Ira accidentally hurts Judith]
Judith: Ow.
Max: No, I like all you guys equally.
Judith: Don't give me that. I can see how it is. The king has favourites. That's really cute.
[Ira hurts Judith again]
Judith: Ow! Stop! Do you have a favorite color? Hey, can I be your favorite color? [laughs]
[Max imitates her laugh]
[Judith does it back]
[Max does it again, with more effort]
Judith: Ahahaha.
Max: Har har har.
Judith: [more evilly] Ahahahaha!
Max: Har har har!
Judith: Ahahahahaha!
Judith: You know what? You can't do that back to me. If we're upset, your job is not to get upset back at us. Our job is to be upset. If I get mad and wanna eat you, then you have to say: "Oh, okay. You can eat me. I love you. Whatever makes you happy, Judith." That's what you're supposed to do!

Carol: Max, what’s wrong with the fort? I thought you said it’d be automatic.
Max: What?
Carol: I thought you said if anybody got in here we didn’t want, the fort would automatically cut their brains out.
[The Wild Things are shocked and offended that Carol would say this in front of Bob and Terry.]
KW: Carol...
Max: Oh, well... I thought that then, but... I kinda decided that if we know them, they should keep their brains. Even if we don’t know them that well.
KW: [to Carol] I think you should apologize to Bob and Terry.
Carol: I don’t apologize to owls. Owls are stupid.
Ira: Carol, that’s hateful.
Carol: Why did you bring them here? Huh? This place was supposed to be for us. They are not sleeping in our pile. [leaves]

Carol: I can't even look at it.
Douglas: What is it?
Carol: The fort We gotta tear the fort down.
Douglas: What?
Carol: It wasn't supposed to be like this!
Douglas: No, Carol.
Carol: You said we were all going to sleep together in a real pile, and now you want a secret room. and K.W. is gone for good. And now I have to worry if the sun is gonna die.
Douglas: The sun?
Carol: Look at it. It didn't come up! It's dead.
Judith: What?
Alexander: It's dark.
Ira: Oh, my God!
Judith: Dead?
Max: Carol. Stop!
Carol: It's dead! It's dead.
Max: You're scaring everybody.
Carol: It's morning.
Max: The sun's not dead. It's just nighttime.
Carol: How do you know? I can't trust what you say. Everything keeps changing. Alright, come on, Douglas. We're ripping it down.
Max: Carol, we're not ripping the fort down!
Carol: It was supposed to be a place where only things you wanted to have happen would happen. Come on, Douglas, do what I tell you.
Max: No! We all live here, not just you. It's everybody's. It's Judith and Ira and everybody.
Judith: Oh, finally!
Carol: You were supposed to keep us safe. You were supposed to take care of us, and you didn't.
Douglas: Carol?
Max: I'm sorry!
Carol: That's not good enough.
Douglas: Carol?
Carol: You're a terrible King!
Douglas: Carol?
Carol: What?
Douglas: He's not our King.
Carol: What? Don't say that. How could you say that? Don't you dare say that.
Douglas: There's no such thing as a king.
Carol: Don't you say that!
Douglas: He's just a boy pretending to be a wolf pretending to be a king.
Carol: That's not true.
Ira: He's just like us.
Judith: Oh. Why don't I listen to myself?
Carol: No! No! That's not true!
Douglas: Look, I just went along with it because I knew you wanted it so much.
Carol: Don't say that!
Judith: Carol!
Max: Don't Carol, stop it!
Alexander: Oh no!
Max: Stop it! What are you doing?
Douglas: Carol!
Carol: What?!
Douglas: That was my favorite arm!
Carol: Well, I was just holding onto it. you pulled away.
Douglas: What?
Max: Carol, Stop it!
Carol: You lied?
Max: You're out of control!
Carol: I not out of control! You were supposed to take care of us. You promised. I'll eat you up!

Carol: So, what ever happened with you and the Vikings?
Max: Well, in the end I had to leave.
Carol: Why?
Max: I'm not a Viking or a king, or... or anything.
Carol: So, what are you?
Max: I'm Max.
Carol: [sighs] Well, that's not very much, is it?

The Bull: Hey, Max?
Max: Yeah?
The Bull: When you go home, will you say good things about us?
Max: Yeah, I will.
The Bull: Thanks, Max.
Judith: You're the first king we haven't eaten.
Alexander: Yeah, that's true.
Judith: See ya.
Alexander: Bye, Max.
Max: Bye.
KW: Don't go. I'll eat you up; I love you so.
[all howl]


  • There's one in all of us.
  • Inside all of us is... hope. Inside all of us is... fear. Inside all of us is... adventure. Inside all of us is a wild thing.
  • Let the wild rumpus start!
  • I could eat you up, I love you so.
  • I'm gay for Ryan reynolds.(Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles '87)





Suit performers

  • Vincent Crowley as Carol.
  • Alice Parkinson as K.W.
  • John Leary as Douglas.
  • Sam Longley as Ira.
  • Nick Farnell as Judith.
  • Sonny Gerasimowicz as Alexander.
  • Angus Sampson as Bernard the Bull.
  • Ryan Reynolds as The divorced, single, hot Dad