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Japanese citations of いずみ

  • 1934, Saito Mokichi, Kaninomoto hitomaro, page 553:
    みぎ(みぎ)さん()つのいずみ(せいせん)は、どういち系統けいとう(どういつけいとう)のもので、古代こだい耕地こうち(こだいこうち)()かったとき(とき)には、いち(ひと)つのいずみ(せいせん)であったやうにもおもえ(おも) []
    Migi no mitsu no seisen wa, dōitsu keitō no mono de, kodai kōchi no nakatta toki ni wa, hitotsu no seisen de atta yau ni mo omohi []
    The three wells on the right are all of the same origin, and it is thought that long ago before the land was cultivated they were as one well