User:Robert Ullmann/Contexts

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as of 30 April 2010 Contexts given in definition lines without templates: 2650 different "contexts" found, report is those occuring at least 3 times or that do have matching templates

Context Template Occurs Examples
Anglo-Irish 5 slane shaughraun shaughraun shoneen macushla
Beginning Mandarin 3 おとうとおとうと ろう うえうま
Australia Australia 1 peewee
Australian Aboriginal 3 longa clever goona
Austrian dialect 8 Frankfurter Fleischlaberl Häferl Häfn Häfn fladern
Biblical Hebrew 10 בהמות בהמה בהמה אכלה בית הכרם אשה אשה אף
Bosnian 232 euro gas voz so plata do со час час
British English British 3 stig Jock corner shop
British slang British slang 9 gaff yoof bluggy bluggy porridge chancer lunchbox
Canadian Canada 2 shaughraun shaughraun
Chinese character classification 8 会意かいい 会意かいい 象形しょうけい 象形しょうけい 會意かいい 會意かいい 指事しじ 指事しじ
Christian 5 Holy Ghost Holy Spirit fundamentalist Sexagesima Quinquagesima
Cockney rhyming slang Cockney rhyming slang 1 butcher's
Cologne dialect 3 Halve Hahn Halve Hahn Flönz
Croatian 207 euro sol Europa Europa posto talijanski talijanski
England 3 nope Lammas Harvest Festival
Harry Potter 4 קווידיץ׳ הוגוורטס מוגל אתה־יודע־מי
Helsinki slang 5 spora gube dösis döfis fleda
Historical historical 1 plack
Hunting hunting 1 abus
Jainism 6 arhat साधु प्रदेश वृषभ काल वज्र
Jamaican Jamaica 1 Yard
Late Latin 3 polaris microscopium paradigma
Late Punic 3 𐤄𐤉 𐤌𐤉𐤒𐤃𐤔 𐤕𐤊𐤋𐤀𐤕
Later Latin 4 rex eques apputo apputo
Latter Day Saint]] usage 3 gentile gentile Gentile
Limburg 3 schwul extra afwachten
Louisiana 4 lagniappe tasso cush-cush kyoodle
Mex. 3 gomita petaca petaca
Netherlands Netherlands 1 poepen
Old Testament 3 Nob golden calf Ephraim
PRC 3 PAP いし头剪ぬの 石頭いしあたま剪子ぬの
Roman Catholic Church 8 oblate archpriest indulgence penitentiary laura collegial
Scotland and northern UK 5 gully plack pyet piet pyot
Scots 6 lameter dunt dunt hushion kiaugh laddy
Serbian 212 gas voz so plata do da со да час час
Singapore Singapore 1 rakyat
South African English South Africa 2 kopje oribi
Southern US 5 hammock sursy sho dogtrot goober
TV 4 PC chaîne on air primetime
Taiwan Taiwan 2 经建かい かずすえつくえ
Taiwanese Mandarin Taiwan 1 落跑
Taiwanese Min Nan 29 飛行機ひこうき 阿山あやま きただか a-soaⁿ 便びんとう 便びんとう piān-tong lo·-lài-bà
Taoism 4 tao 方術ほうじゅつ ほう 仙人せんにん
Tibetan Buddhism 3 gau Dalai Lama Panchen Lama
Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago 1 creolization
U.S. US 1 Atlas
UK slang British slang 1 Croydon facelift
US US 1 cahkʷoh
US; modern British & Australian 18 trillion quadrillion quintillion sextillion septillion
Weapon 3 spanner toledo bayonet
Wicca 3 Sabbat Samhain skyclad
Yorkshire dialect Yorkshire 1 clap
about a person 3 hård satt yvig
about persons 4 faen faen drepe drepe
absolute use 10 dag dieu nude dragon crucifixion ruim rietje
adjective 3 IM betr. ثان
aeronautical 5 slat fuselage flaperon t-tail trim tab
aerospace 3 working mass umbilical cord umbilical cord
affirmation of affection or deep caring 3 TVB Ti voglio bene ti voglio tanto bene
always plural 4 caps ilmavoimat olosuhteet alkeet
anat. 4 lekitaˀ ƚeˀmekʷ skaˀah so·yƚ
animal 38 くま あわび zwijn 子猫こねこ samur samur samur сабољ sabolj
archaic archaic 2 reiður Etter
archiac 3 Gesinde Gesinde Gesinde
as a modifier 4 writing diving diving A8
as an auxiliary verb 6
as an intensifier 7 koji који sav badava äkta бадава сав
astrology astrology 1 waterman
at the end of a compound 28 जन जन विशाल अन्तर मित्र चन्द्र नस जय मधुलिह्
at the theatre 3 bravo bravo bravo
attributively attributive 9 sunset sunset surprise vintage vintage vintage
auxiliary verb 3 ei 말다 들다
beverage 4 珈琲こーひー 烏龍茶うーろんちゃ Bowle Punsch
bible biblical 1 epli
billiards billiards 1 potten
biol. 4 sˀecoh c̈hepa ijtaka molota
biology biology 1 ciglio
boat boat 1 postale
building 3 progettare traccia Gefängnis
capitalized capitalized 3 dieu terra psalmist
cardinal cardinal 1 oans
cards card games 9 lamb fuglur ryssa keypmaður karniffil fýrikur hoygarðsryssa
case suffix 7 -n -n -n -an -än -t -t
caught off-guard 4 错愕 错愕 錯愕 錯愕
chess chess 3 rex eques donna
cinematography cinematography 3 decoupage controluce intercalatore
collective 7 Fang 漁民ぎょみん человек unučad competitie grmlje унучад
collective plural 4 English monkey bars monkey bars letteren
collectively 20 silver silver silver dregs haulm cvijeće aparatura
colloquial colloquial 3 soft sesh rechten
colloquialism 3 leather くそ 小便しょうべん
colloquially 4 dobra cep buda telewizja
common 4 mustalaiskieli sankkeri sankeri hornantuutti
commonly 5 tiran communisme rolverdeling framboos mortaliteit
coordinating 7 und eli sondern kuin mutta sillä -kä
countable and uncountable 5 pain sake får excentricitet ljud
country 138 リトアニア 豪州ごうしゅう ほりふとし剌利 アラブ首長しゅちょうこく連邦れんぽう フランス スウェーデン 中華民國ちゅうかみんこく バハマ
culinary cooking 1 blitz
cycling cycling 1 denivelation
dated British & Australian 18 trillion quadrillion quintillion sextillion septillion
degree 5 DC BS Th.D. MFA MEd
dependent noun 9 때문 가운데 년대 만큼 대로
deprecated 3 Belarussian Belarussian Belarussian
derogatory derogatory 2 shoneen trina
derogatory slang 7 sheeple smackhead Kraut doughnut Chinese squeeze spek
device 3 útvarpstól lettore tasto
dialect dialect 1 märra
dialectal dialectal 1 grina
diminutive 17 makoons slobodica слободица osica осица pčelica
diplomacy diplomacy 1 isolation
discursive 5 ku'i ji'a si'a mi'u po'o
disputed 3 unique unique dilemma
distance 5 flat asti asti saakka saakka
during the Finnish Civil War in 1918 4 metsäkaartilainen käpykaartilainen metsäkaarti käpykaarti
during the Continuation War in 1941—1944 4 metsäkaartilainen käpykaartilainen metsäkaarti käpykaarti
eastern dialect 22 wake u wai pes gad ata beuger daumer aryari
economics economics 1 indice
economy 10 crisi domanda società compagnia scambio scambiare
electrical 4 AC AC DC coil
electricity electricity 1 alimentazione
enclitic 32 -s -s -s -ko -ko -ko -kö -kö -kö -kö
engineering engineering 2 risk progettare
etc 8 flat bravo bravo bravo asf litur pass out riempire
etc. 15 indice tall risk juicy prescription in bianco
euphemism euphemism 1 hoeven
executed by suspension 3 impiccato impiccato impiccata
expletive 5 くそ hevonvittu sankeri juutas hevonpaska
expressively 48 stud tat glas glas глас чадор čador zvjezdoznanstvo
familiar familiar 1 primavera
family 3 collateral real ascendance
fashion fashion 2 modello kiegészítő
female 183 amata prietenă consorte internata internata imputata
fig. 23 tom fossilization پاد گرم ہونا گانڈ پھٹنا груди груди
figurative figuratively 4 cross direction stronzo coglione
finance finance 2 scambio sindacato
followed by the subjunctive 3 perché affinché acciocché
footwear 3 ботинок scarpa stivali
formal or plural 4 kako ste kako ste kako ste comment allez-vous
from 1974 3 Merseyside North Yorkshire South Yorkshire
gay slang gay slang 5 bug-chaser baby dyke hetty hetty mary
gem 4 水晶すいしょう 石英せきえい ルビー クリスタル
gemstone 3 diamant 钻石 鑽石
genetics genetics 1 crossover
genitive 5 locha locha locha tämän tuon
go 14 先手せんて 先手せんて 後手ごて 後手ごて 後手ごて 布石ふせき ヨセ 手抜てぬ 模様もよう 互先たがいせん
government government 3 総理そうり大臣だいじん 総統そうとう maaherra
hence 7 meretricious Methuselah grijs Rosetta Stone air ball
herb 9 waldmeister woodruff sweet woodruff wuderove cilantro
hexadecimal digit and number 5 dau vai rei fei jau
historical historical 2 大夫たいふ 互先たがいせん
historically 3 assassin fitnah galeotto
honorific 14 くださる 媽媽 媽媽 媽媽 夫人ふじん おみあし がる なさる 마마 마마
lang=ko 3 mama mama mama
horsemanship 3 ravi nelistys kiitolaukka
human 9 tamen tamen tāmen tāmen
human females only 8 tamen tamen tāmen tāmen 她们 她们 她們 她們
humble 7 はは いた 祖母そぼ いただ いただ もうげる うけたまわ
hunting hunting 1 ferma
hypocoristic 26 piggy mémé macan macan bratac curetak цуретак
hypocoristically 4 cvijetak цвијетак cvetak цветак
idiom. 3 кад на врби роди грожђе kad na vrbi rodi grožđe kad na vrbi rodi grožđe
imitative 21 мяу и-го-го бэ-бэ хрю гав-гав ав-ав тяв-тяв
impf. 12 использую используем используешь используете использует
in Ancient Greece 6 theatrocracy thiasus thiasote hierodule epinicion erma
in Ancient Rome 6 Saturnalia sacrarium pugillare acerra acerra decumano
in China 3 なお おう
in India 16 ghee Paradesi chowkidar revenue land cutchery credit-deposit ratio
in Indian restaurants 3 mutter sheek kebab shami kebab
in ancient Rome 3 gladiator miles gregarius centumviri
in classical Italian verse 9 quaternario ternario quinario senario settenario ottonario
in combination 63 handed haired tag sale transmitted delivered seeking
in compounds 5 lag kjaftur kjaftur ແມ່ सप्त
in dual in dual 8 विशाल मित्र अङ्क अक्षि हंस उषस् शिव विश्पति
in gay personal ads 3 SA SL GWM
in general use 4 sadism bravo bravo bravo
in jocular imitation of [[political correctness 7 cerebrally challenged culinarily challenged follicly challenged
in literature 4 dokonica dokonica ishod vladalac
in plural in plural 3 laud gallese loppu
in question clauses 4 edes koskaan minnekään ikänä
in several forms of football 3 placekick placekicker place-kick
in several languages 3 imperfect subjunctive present subjunctive present indicative
indicating the attitude of the speaker 6 .a'o .au .a'u .ie .i'e .ue
informal informal 4 curve light year light year milky
informal or singular 3 kako si kako si kako si
initialism 3 ДНК DNK DNK
intensifier 3 co- proprio zelf
interjection 3 nou faen faen
intransitive intransitive 3 échapper rentrer hoeven
ironic 4 don't knock yourself out could one be any more who writes this stuff
item of furniture 7 sofa tabula sedia sedia tavola tavolo confortabile
knitting knitting 5 diritto diritto dritto dritto leggja frá sær
kun reading 4 かち まい ばつ みち
kvæði 22 skein mark ala oy epli brúður lið rinda
language 10 polacco Turks idioma romani arabo arabo discorso
language of literature 9 витез vitez чадор čador klobuk sudba судба
later 6 pluvia ἄγγελος θής 書生しょせい ἱπποκένταυρος kraak
later Latin 7 icon plethora horologium pictor telescopium reticulum
lit. 6 ہوا چھوڑنا پاد گرم ہونا گانڈ پھٹنا кад на врби роди грожђе
literal literally 2 stronzo coglione
literally literally 2 샛별 버드나무
literary literary 1 ciglio
loanword 8 bol 불라 불라 버클 puluo
long scale 19 trillion centillion quadrillion quintillion sextillion
male 4 gatto gattino prieten consorte
masculine 3 élève élève आश्रम
mass noun 3 post tjocka petites voitures
material 3 硝子がらす 맑다 흐리다
materials science materials science 1 impact energy
mathematics mathematics 1 indice
measure 4 précis braza pedalj педаљ
mechanics mechanics 2 comando alimentazione
metaphor 3 god heft 化石かせき
metaphore 9 mier kraken kraken kraken kraken drijfzand huismuis
metaphorical 8 Esperanto malleable embrace embrace inundation efflorescence
metaphorically figuratively 27 raj ἰχθύς οおみくろんὖς рај uil Dirty Harry 色褪いろあせる effuse
middle 4 σημαίνω σημαίνω ηいーたμみゅーιいおた ηいーたμみゅーιいおた
military slang military slang 1 FNG
mil. 4 гауптвахта гауптвахта гауптвахта гауптвахта
month 4 Apr. Aug. Jun. Mar.
movie theatre 3 cinema cinematografo sala cinematografica
movie title 4 山崩やまくずれきれ 山崩やまくずれきれ らんてん鸳鸯谱 らんてん鴛鴦えんおう
musical instrument musical instruments 1 tasto
mythology mythology 1 ormur
no plural 8 Liebe Liebe Liebe постель туалет человек altepetl
non-human 8 tamen tamen tāmen tāmen 它们 它们 它們 它們
nonce word nonce 3 exeleutherostomize eleventeen tween
nonstandard nonstandard 1 light year
northern dialect 4 буява буево mara dhinawan
not comparable not comparable 1 mandarin
not used in the plural 3 fourth fourth sixth
noun 3 IM IM betr.
now chiefly US 3 scallion scallion scallion
object 3 kova határozott díszítés
obscure 3 immund quadriad appropinquate
obsolete obsolete 3 ɷ oy oyar
obsolete except historical 3 sewer franklin arblast
obsolete except in dialects 4 barm ream ream sneb
obstetrics 3 胎位不正ふせい にん娠纹 妊娠にんしんもん
offensive slang 4 mick flipper baby ribanc lotyó
old 5 computer computation ouï attérir planche à roulettes
old-fashioned 3 val sotamies kaunoluistelu
on reading 30 せち ずい ひつ じゃく じょ ぶん しゅく けき さつ みょう
ordinal number 8 dua deka oka tria kvara sesa naŭa dekunua
original sense 3 victim siren dismantle
painting painting 1 tavola
passive passive 12 πείθω πείθω σοφίζω पिपर्ति पिपर्ति तिष्ठति पृच्छति
pejorative pejorative 1 stig
person 8 zwijn bello kova romani ワシントン sospetto beddu
personal pronoun 3 li おたく たく
pf. 11 использую используем используешь используете использует
phonetic 4 dolce 儿化 spirante
physically 6 taipumaton alempi ylempi ylimmäinen ylin roeren
place 6 iférru guqin innanzi passeggiata passeggio
planet 7 海王星かいおうせい 火星かせい 火星かせい 土星どせい 木星もくせい 天王星てんのうせい Plutone
plural 79 mobile travel travel bal loss hoop
poetic poetic 2 branda brandar
poetically 4 deva heartstrings дјева djeva
police law enforcement 1 pass out
politics politics 1 consultazione
pornography pornography 1 fluffer
pottery pottery 1 부르다
prefix 5 ba kori
printing printing 1 in bianco
pro-sumti 6 ra ko'a ko'e ko'i ko'o ko'u
professional wrestling slang 5 shoot feud shooter baby face ham-and-egger
pronominally 6 sav sav sav сав сав сав
publishing publishing 1 OP
radio 4 key ricevere programma ricezione
rare rare 15 coex tredecillion tredecillion quattuordecillion quattuordecillion
rare or archaic 3 forworn forworn forworn
rare or dialectal 3 editse taitse thrutch
rarely 12 homo デモーニッシュな armed kilobit kilobyte Shirley ranta
rarely used 3 brzopis samovoz samovozni
reflexive reflexive 1 hemzelf
relative relative 1 dij
religious 5 salig salig retraite OP łaska
rhetorics 3 फल समाधि मुद्रा
river rivers 1
role-playing games role-playing games 1 gish
school 15 elev tal quinta なり なり 成績せいせき 成績せいせき chéngjì chengji
sea animal 3 海胆うに 雲丹うに ウニ
season 15 あき ふゆ なつ はる はるてん はるてん chūntiān chuntian chhun-thiⁿ
shipping shipping 1 fare
shogi shogi 2 手抜てぬ 手筋てすじ
short scale 20 trillion centillion quadrillion quintillion sextillion
singular 9 mobile statistics sherry час omnis hostis Mende
singular only 31 latin bantu olasz angol görög holland német
sky 3 discesa 맑다 흐리다
slang slang 3 gonad Jock pariolino
snooker snooker 1 potten
social science social sciences 1 functionalism
socialism 5 tongzhi 同志どうし 同志どうし tông-chì tóngzhì
somewhat dated 3 mål ordstäv bära
sound 5 précis λάμπω riflesso 맑다 흐리다
spatial 4 direction ohi ohi -muwo
spice 3 八角はっかく chiodo di garofano 胡椒こしょう
spoken only 3 û â î
sports sports 3 net inside track difensore
static 14 missä alla siellä takana takana kaikkialla edessä
stative 3 maikaʻi māʻila ʻae
strategy games 3 villager peasant serf
stýrivolt 10 lamb fuglur ryssa keypmaður karniffil fýrikur hoygarðsryssa
subordinating 10 ob dass koska bis wenn wenn damit kunhan
substantive 4 australis austrinus ceterus volucer
sushi sushi 1 がり
taboo slang 12 stronzo stronzo fist-fuck хуй хуй porca puttana
technical 5 палец kam баба баба пальцем
telephone telephony 6 allô disturbare disturbo selezione selezionare auf Wiederhören
telephones telephony 1 ringa
telephony telephony 3 exchange ERC ring cadence
temporal 7 ohi ensi vaille mennessä lähtien -kiną -muwo
temporally 4 asti asti saakka saakka
text 4 かん guanzi guǎnzi Guǎnzi
time 18 am molto ながれる μικρός poco βαθύς innanzi
title 8 Gov. Gen. Off. Tpr meneer eccellenza hofleverancier
transitive transitive 2 dere hinwegtäuschen
uncountable uncountable 2 arbetare purchase
unit of mass 5 من من من من मन
unit of weight 3 tonnellata dramma gyllin
university 4 elev facoltà lettore lettrice
unusual 3 particolare toestemmen toestemmen
used absolutely 4 macrocosm plague boemel toneel
used as a salutation in a letter 4 signora signorina Signora Signorina
used to address a woman 4 signora signorina Signora Signorina
vegetable 5 ほうれんそう ブロッコリ オクラ カリフラワー wortel
verb 8 くび IM しまう しまう しまう しまう しまう betr.
voice 3 ξηρός 맑다 흐리다
vulgar vulgar 2 hevonvittu hevonpaska
weather weather 2 맑다 흐리다
western dialect 6 kup baziguru dhangal musu koknat musu sapur
with accusative 25 o u u о у у na na na za za
with feminine nouns 3 într-o dintr-o printr-o
with genitive 39 s s с с od od od od od od od
with instrumental 12 s s с с za za za nad за за за
with locative 9 o u u о у у na на अन्तर्
with masculine and neuter nouns 3 într-un dintr-un printr-un
with verb 3 seg seg seg
with 'the 5 absurd worst Atkins Nutritional Approach underground underground
writing writing 1 refactor
xiehouyu 15 和尚おしょうかさ無法むほうてん 和尚おしょう伞,无法无天 秀才しゅうさいぐういたへい しゅう瑜打ぶた しゅう瑜打ぶた しゅう瑜打 しゅう瑜打
zool. 5 лиса слизняк skoyom chamalo голич
zoology zoology 2 ácaro acaro