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From club +‎ fist.



clubfist (plural clubfists)

  1. A large, heavy fist.
  2. (obsolete) A coarse, brutal fellow.
    • 1574, John Higgins, “How the Lady Sabrine, daughter of King Locrinus and Elstride, was drowned by Queen Guendoline. Ant. C. 1064.”, in Joseph Haslewood, editor, Mirror for Magistrates[1], London: Lackington, Allen, and Co., published 1815, page 79:
      The rascall rude, the roag, the clubfist griepte / My sclender arme, and pluckt mee on in hast: / And with my robes the bloudy ground hee sweepte: / As I drue backe hee hal'd mee on full fast.