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From Proto-Baltic *žweng-tey, *žweng-ti, from Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰweng-tey, from *ǵʰwen- “to sound, to make a sound” (whence also the borrowing zvanīt) with an extra g. Cognates include Lithuanian žvéngti “to neigh, to laugh out loud,” žviẽgti “to neigh, to squeak, to shout loud.”[1]


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zviegt (intransitive, 1st conjugation, present zviedzu, zviedz, zviedz, past zviedzu)

  1. (only 3rd person, of horses) to neigh, to whinny (to produce a horse's typical cry)
    zirgi zviedzthe horses are neighing
    kūtī viens pats atstāts, nemitīgi zviedza Lejassmeltēnu Jorģa ērzelisleft alone in the barn, Lejassmeltēnu Jorgis' stallion neighed constantly
  2. to laugh out loud, uproariously
    tanī brīdī mani sagrāba smiekli... tas, protams, bija zemiski no manas puses, nenoliedzu... zviegt tādā brīdīat that moment I was overcome by laughter... this, of course, was very impolite from me, I don't deny... to laugh out loud at such a moment
    liekas, ka nekas tāds jocīgs uz skatuves nenotiktu, bet lejā it visi atkal sāk zviegt smeklos un aplaudēit seems that nothing funny would happen on the stage, but down below again everybody began to laugh out loud and applaud



Derived terms

prefixed verbs:
other derived terms:


  1. ^ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992) “zviegt”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca[1] (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN