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Performance festival 'Starptelpa' begins this week in Rīga / Article

Performance festival 'Starptelpa' begins this week in Rīga, Latvia

Protest, testing and breaking boundaries, defying standards, rebellion. This is the leitmotif of the performance art event "Starptelpa" (Interspace) festival, which will take place from May 23 to June 2 at Riga Circus, Zuzeum, ISSP Gallery and other cultural venues, the organizers said.

This year, the sixth Starptelpa festival will allow audiences to experience hypothetical future scenarios, both utopian and dystopian. Revisiting and confronting hierarchies of political systems and deconstructing established patterns of relationships in the language of art, local and international artists will reflect on the relationship between man and machine, the presence of technology, artificial intelligence, and robots in everyday life.

The festival will also present works on current socio-political issues such as gender equality, sustainability, resilience in times of crisis, etc. "Rebel performers will fuel a revolution of ideas that could start as early as tomorrow," promise the festival organizers.

This year, the festival has expanded its scope with a research program, masterclasses, and workshops.

The festival is free to attend. More on the festival's official website.

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