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Bayard Rustin

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Bayard Rustin
Persona informo
Naskiĝo 17-an de marto 1912 (1912-03-17)
en Uest-Ĉestro
Morto 24-an de aŭgusto 1987 (1987-08-24) (75-jaraĝa)
en Manhatano
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Mortis per Apendicito Redakti la valoron en Wikidata vd
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Ŝtataneco Usono Redakti la valoron en Wikidata vd
Alma mater Universitato de Wilberforce
West Chester Henderson High School (en) Traduki Redakti la valoron en Wikidata vd
Partio Socialisma Partio de Usono
Demokrata Partio Redakti la valoron en Wikidata vd
Okupo sindikatisto
politika aktivisto
aktivisto de civilaj rajtoj
political campaign staff (en) Traduki Redakti la valoron en Wikidata vd
vd Fonto: Vikidatumoj
Rustin (maldekstre) kaj Cleveland Robinson ĉe la Marŝo al Vaŝingtono por Laboro kaj Libero la 7-an de aŭgusto 1963

Bayard Rustin [ˈ|b|aɪ|ɚ|d], naskiĝis la 17-an de marto 1912, mortis la 24-an de aŭgusto 1987) estis usona estro en sociaj movadoj kaj aktivulo por civilaj rajtoj, socialismo, pacifismo kaj neviolento, kaj rajtoj por samseksemuloj. Li estis konsilisto de Martin Luther King, al kiu instruis pri konveno de uzado de neperforto.

Fakte Bayard Rustin funkciis kiel la ĉefa konsilisto kaj mentoro de King en la finaj 1950-aj jaroj.[1] Rustin venis de la kristana pacista tradicio; li ankaŭ studis la instruon de Gandhi kaj uzis ilin por la kampanjo de la Vojaĝo de Reamikiĝo en la 1940-aj jaroj.[2] King dekomence konis malmulte pri Gandhi kaj rare uzis la terminon "neviolento" dum siaj komencaj jaroj de aktivismo komence de la 1950-aj jaroj. King estis kredinta kaj ankaŭ praktikinta mem-defendon, eĉ tenante pafilojn hejme kiel rimedo de defendo kontraŭ ebla atakuntoj. Rustin gvidis King per montrado al li de la alternativo de neviolenta rezistado, asertante ke tio estus pli bona rimedo por plenumi siajn celojn de civilaj rajtoj ol la mem-defendo.[3] Rustin konsilis King por dediĉi sin al la principoj de senperforto.[4]

La malferma samseksemo de Bayard Rustin, subteno de demokrata socialismo, kaj liaj iamaj ligoj al la Komunisma Partio de Usono igis multajn blankajn kaj afrik-usonajn gvidantojn postuli al King distancon disde Rustin,[5] kion King jesis fari. Tamen, King konsentis ke Rustin devus esti unu el ĉefaranĝantoj de la marŝo de 1963 al Vaŝingtono.[6]

  • Interracial primer New York, N.Y.: Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1943
  • Interracial workshop: progress report New York, N.Y.: Sponsored by Congress of Racial Equality and Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1947
  • Journey of reconciliation: report New York : Fellowship of Reconciliation, Congress of Racial Equality, 1947
  • We challenged Jim Crow! a report on the journey of reconciliation, April 9–23, 1947 New York : Fellowship of Reconciliation, Congress of Racial Equality, 1947
  • "In apprehension how like a god!" Philadelphia: Young Friends Movement 1948
  • The revolution in the South" Cambridge, Mass. : Peace Education Section, American Friends Service Committee, 1950s
  • Report on Montgomery, Alabama New York: War Resisters League, 1956
  • A report and action suggestions on non-violence in the South New York: War Resisters League, 1957
  • Civil rights: the true frontier New York, N.Y.: Donald Press, 1963
  • From protest to politics: the future of the civil rights movement New York: League for Industrial Democracy, 1965
  • The city in crisis (enkonduko) New York: A. Philip Randolph Educational Fund, 1965
  • "Black power" and coalition politics New York, American Jewish Committee 1966
  • Which way? (kun Daniel Patrick Moynihan) New York : American Press, 1966
  • The Watts "Manifesto" & the McCone report. New York, League for Industrial Democracy 1966
  • Fear, frustration, backlash: the new crisis in civil rights New York, Jewish Labor Committee 1966
  • The lessons of the long hot summer New York, American Jewish Committee 1967
  • The Negro community: frustration politics, sociology and economics Detroit : UAW Citizenship-Legislative Department, 1967
  • A way out of the exploding ghetto New York: League for Industrial Democracy, 1967
  • The alienated: the young rebels today and why they're different Washington, D.C. : International Labor Press Association, 1967
  • "Right to work" laws; a trap for America's minorities. New York: A. Phillip Randolph Institute 1967
  • Civil rights: the movement re-examined (contributor) New York,A. Philip Randolph Educational Fund, 1967
  • Separatism or integration, which way for America?: a dialogue (kun Robert Browne) New York,A. Philip Randolph Educational Fund, 1968
  • The Report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders, an analysis New York, American Jewish Committee 1968
  • The labor-Negro coalition, a new beginning Washington? D.C. : American Federationist?, 1968
  • The anatomy of frustration New York, Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, 1968
  • Morals concerning minorities, mental health and identity. New York, A. Philip Randolph Institute, 1969
  • Black studies: myths & realities (contributor) New York, A. Philip Randolph Educational Fund, 1969
  • Conflict or coalition?: the civil rights struggle and the trade union movement today New York, A. Philip Randolph Institute, 1969
  • Three essays New York, A. Philip Randolph Institute, 1969
  • Black rage, White fear: the full employment answer : an address Washington, D.C. : Bricklayers, Masons & Plasterers International Union 1970
  • A word to black students New York, A. Philip Randolph Institute, 1970
  • The failure of black separatism New York, A. Philip Randolph Institute, 1970
  • The blacks and the unions (contributor) New York, A. Philip Randolph Educational Fund, 1971
  • Down the line; the collected writings of Bayard Rustin Chicago Quadrangle Books 1971
  • Affirmative action in an economy of scarcity (kun Norman Hill) New York, A. Philip Randolph Institute, 1974
  • Seniority and racial progress (with Norman Hill) New York, A. Philip Randolph Institute, 1975
  • Have we reached the end of the second reconstruction? Bloomington, Ind. : The Poynter Center, 1976
  • Strategies for freedom: the changing patterns of Black protest New York, Columbia University Press 1976
  • Africa, Soviet imperialism and the retreat of American power New York, Social Democrats, USA, 1978
  • South Africa: is peaceful change possible? a report (contributor) New York, New York Friends Group, 1984
  • Time on two crosses: the collected writings of Bayard Rustin San Francisco : Cleis Press, 2003
  • I Must Resist: Bayard Rustin's Life in Letters (City Lights, 2012)


[redakti | redakti fonton]
  1. Farrell, James J.. (1997) The Spirit of the Sixties: Making Postwar Radicalism. Routledge, p. 90. ISBN 0-415-91385-3.
  2. Kahlenberg, Richard D., "Book Review: Bayard Rustin: Troubles I've Seen", Washington Monthly. Kontrolita June 12, 2008. Arkivita kopio. Arkivita el la originalo je 2012-07-08. Alirita 2022-10-22.
  3. . When Martin Luther King Jr. gave up his guns.
  4. Bennett, Scott H.. (2003) Radical Pacifism: The War Resisters League and Gandhian Nonviolence in America, 1915–1963. Syracuse University Press, p. 217. ISBN 0-8156-3003-4.
  5. Arsenault, Raymond. (2006) Freedom Riders: 1961 and the Struggle for Racial Justice. Oxford University Press, p. 62. ISBN 0-19-513674-8.
  6. De Leon, David. (1994) Leaders from the 1960s: a biographical sourcebook of American activism. Greenwood Publishing, p. 138. ISBN 0-313-27414-2.
  • Anderson, Jervis. Bayard Rustin: Troubles I've Seen (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1997).
  • Bennett, Scott H. Radical Pacifism: The War Resisters League and Gandhian Nonviolence in America, 1915–1963. (Syracuse Univ. Press, 2003). ISBN 0-8156-3028-X.
  • Branch, Taylor. Parting the Waters: America in the King Years, 1954–63 (New York: Touchstone, 1989).
  • Carbado, Devon W. and Donald Weise, editors. Time on Two Crosses: The Collected Writings of Bayard Rustin (San Francisco: Cleis Press, 2003). ISBN 1-57344-174-0
  • D’Emilio, John. Lost Prophet: Bayard Rustin and the Quest for Peace and Justice in America (New York: The Free Press, 2003).
  • D'Emilio, John. Lost Prophet: The Life and Times of Bayard Rustin (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2004). ISBN 0-226-14269-8
  • Haskins, James. Bayard Rustin: Behind the Scenes of the Civil Rights Movement (New York: Hyperion, 1997).
  • Kates, Nancy and Bennett Singer (dirs.) Brother Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustin (2003)
  • King, Martin Luther Jr.; Carson, Clayborne; Luker, Ralph & Penny A. Russell The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr.: Volume IV: Symbol of the Movement, January 1957 – December 1958. University of California Press, 2000. ISBN 0-520-22231-8
  • Podair, Jerald E. "Bayard Rustin: American Dreamer" (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Pub., 2009). ISBN 978-0-7425-4513-7
  • Levine, Daniel. (2000) Bayard Rustin and the civil rights movement. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press. ISBN 0-8135-2718-X.
  • Lewis, David L. King: A Biography. (University of Illinois Press, 1978). ISBN 0-252-00680-1.
  • Rustin, Bayard. Down the Line: The Collected Writings of Bayard Rustin (Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1971).
  • Rustin, Bayard. (2012) I Must Resist: Bayard Rustin's Life in Letters. City Lights Books. ISBN 978-0-87286-578-5.

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