(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
beatの意味・使い方・読み方|英辞郎 on the WEB 語学ごがく学習がくしゅうのアルクのサイトがおとどけする進化しんかするオンライン英和えいわ和英かずひで辞書じしょえいろう on the WEB』。大学生だいがくせいやビジネスパースンから翻訳ほんやく医療いりょう製薬せいやくぎょう関係かんけいしゃ方々かたがたまで幅広はばひろくお使つかいいただいております。
えいろう on the WEB Pro / Pro Lite
英辞郎 on WEB Pro



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1209けん 検索けんさく結果けっか一覧いちらん

beat 変化へんかがた

beats , beating , beat , beaten


beat around the bush / beat it / beat up ... もっとイディオムを


  • beat

    1. つづけざまに~を〕つ、たたく、なぐ{なぐ}る、殴打おうだ{おうだ}する
    2. てき{てき}競争きょうそう相手あいて{きょうそう あいて}などを〕かす、ち砕{くだ}く、やっつける、まいらせる
      ・I can beat him any time. : あいつなんかいつだってやっつけてやる。
      ・You can't beat that [it]. : これ以上いじょう{いじょう}のものはないですよ。/それ以上いじょう{いじょう}のぞめません。/あれにはかないません。
      ・You (just) can't beat spring. : はる魅力みりょく{みりょく}には太刀打たちうち{たちう}ちできません。/はるって最高さいこう{さいこう}。◆口語こうごてき
      ・You beat me to it. : さきこし{こ}されちゃったな。◆場面ばめん自分じぶんおうとしていたことを、さき相手あいてわれたときなど。
    3. 〔~に〕さきんじる、〔~を〕し抜{ぬ}
    4. べいぞく〉〔~を〕だます、詐欺さぎ{さぎ}にかける、だましる、詐取さしゅ{さしゅ}する
    5. 〔~を〕困惑こんわく{こんわく}させる、まいらせる、〔~の〕理解りかい{りかい}こばめ{こば}む◆るいpuzzle
    6. 〔~を〕かくはんする、スプーンやあわりつ{あわだ}などでつよくかきこん{ま}ぜる、あわりつ{あわだ}てる
    7. 〔~を〕克服こくふく{こくふく}する
    8. べいばなし〉〔料金りょうきん{りょうきん}などを〕ごまかす、踏{ふ}たおせ{たお}
    9. 懲罰ちょうばつ{ちょうばつ}税金ぜいきん{ぜいきん}などを〕めん{まぬか}れる、逃{のが}れる
    10. 〔ゲームなどを〕クリアする、最後さいご{さいご}までわらせる
      ・How long does it take to beat the game? : そのゲームはどのくらい(の時間じかん{じかん})でクリアできますか。
    1. つづけざまに〕つ、たたく、なぐ{なぐ}る、殴打おうだ{おうだ}する
    2. 心臓しんぞう{しんぞう}が〕鼓動こどう{こどう}する
      ・The heart is beating weakly. : 心拍しんぱく{しんぱく}よわい。
      ・My heart beat strongly. : わたしむね{むね}高鳴たかな{たか な}った[心臓しんぞう{しんぞう}がドキドキした]。◆興奮こうふん病気びょうきなど。
    3. みゃく{みゃく}が〕
    1. 等間隔とうかんかく{とう かんかく}つづけざまに〕つ[たたく]こと、って[たたいて]おと
    2. 警官けいかん{けいかん}などの〕巡回じゅんかい区域くいき{じゅんかい くいき}区域くいき{くいき}
    3. べい方言ほうげんゆう{すぐ}れているひと[もの]
      ・I never saw the beat of that boy. : あんなすごいおとこたことがない。◆用法ようほう通例つうれいsee the beat ofのかたち使つかわれる。
    4. はなし〉=beatnik◆Beatとも表記ひょうき{ひょうき}
    5. はくどう{はくどう}脈拍みゃくはく{みゃくはく}
      ・His pulse (rate) was 110 beats per minute. : かれ脈拍みゃくはく{みゃくはく}は1ふんとう{ぷん あ}たり110でした。
    6. 物理ぶつり》うなり
    7. 音楽おんがくはく拍子ひょうし{ひょうし}
    8. 音楽おんがく》〔指揮しきしゃ{しきしゃ}の〕{ふ}
    9. 音楽おんがく》〔ロック音楽おんがく{おんがく}の〕きょうはく{きょうはく}、ビート
    10. 韻文いんぶん{いんぶん}の〕きょういん{きょういん}
    11. つり{つ}りやりょう{りょう}で〕よく場所ばしょ{ばしょ}縄張なわばり{なわば}
    12. 〔ジャーナリズムの〕スクープ
    13. みじかあいだ{ま}俳優はいゆう{はいゆう}などがせりふをうときに、なんらかの効果こうか{こうか}のために、特定とくてい{とくてい}言葉ことば{ことば}言葉ことば{ことば}あいだいちはくく(ごくみじか時間じかん沈黙ちんもく{じかん ちんもく}する)こと。
    1. はなしつかれ{つか}って、へとへとで、くたくたで、くたびれて◆るいdead beat ; tired ; wiped out ; pooped ; exhausted ; spent
      ・I'm beat. : くたびれちゃった。/つかれ{つか}れちゃった。
      ・Are you okay? You look beat. : 大丈夫だいじょうぶ{だいじょうぶ}? なんかやつれてえるけど?
    2. ビートぞく
    【レベル】2、発音はつおんbíːt、【@】ビート、変化へんかどう》beats | beating | beat | beaten


該当がいとう件数けんすう : 1209けん
  • Beat

      《The ~》ザ・ビート
  • beat ~ __ to __

  • beat ~ a margin of __ points

  • beat ~ all hollow

    えいばなし〉~を徹底的てっていてき{てってい てき}にやっつける[かす]、~をこてんぱんにやっつける、~を完全かんぜん{かんぜん}かす、~に痛棒つうぼう{つうぼう}くわえる、~をすべ{そう}なめにする
    表現ひょうげんパターン】beat ~ (all) hollow
  • beat ~ at high speed till combined well but not aerated

    beat ~ at high until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ at high speed until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ on high until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ on high speed until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ at high until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ at high speed until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ on high until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ on high speed until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ at high until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ at high speed until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ on high until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ on high speed until combined well but not aerated
    表現ひょうげんパターン】beat [whisk, mix] ~ at [on] high (speed) till combined well but not aerated
  • beat ~ at high speed until combined well but not aerated

    表現ひょうげんパターン】beat [whisk, mix] ~ at [on] high (speed) until combined well but not aerated
  • beat ~ at high till combined well but not aerated

    beat ~ at high until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ at high speed until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ on high until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ on high speed until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ at high until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ at high speed until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ on high until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ on high speed until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ at high until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ at high speed until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ on high until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ on high speed until combined well but not aerated
    表現ひょうげんパターン】beat [whisk, mix] ~ at [on] high (speed) till combined well but not aerated
  • beat ~ at high until combined well but not aerated

    表現ひょうげんパターン】beat [whisk, mix] ~ at [on] high (speed) until combined well but not aerated
  • beat ~ at low speed till combined well but not aerated

    beat ~ at low until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ at low speed until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ on low until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ on low speed until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ at low until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ at low speed until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ on low until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ on low speed until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ at low until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ at low speed until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ on low until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ on low speed until combined well but not aerated
    表現ひょうげんパターン】beat [whisk, mix] ~ at [on] low (speed) till combined well but not aerated
  • beat ~ at low speed until combined well but not aerated

    表現ひょうげんパターン】beat [whisk, mix] ~ at [on] low (speed) until combined well but not aerated
  • beat ~ at low till combined well but not aerated

    beat ~ at low until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ at low speed until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ on low until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ on low speed until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ at low until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ at low speed until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ on low until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ on low speed until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ at low until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ at low speed until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ on low until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ on low speed until combined well but not aerated
    表現ひょうげんパターン】beat [whisk, mix] ~ at [on] low (speed) till combined well but not aerated
  • beat ~ at low until combined well but not aerated

    表現ひょうげんパターン】beat [whisk, mix] ~ at [on] low (speed) until combined well but not aerated
  • beat ~ at medium speed till combined well but not aerated

    beat ~ at medium until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ at medium speed until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ on medium until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ on medium speed until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ at medium until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ at medium speed until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ on medium until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ on medium speed until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ at medium until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ at medium speed until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ on medium until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ on medium speed until combined well but not aerated
    表現ひょうげんパターン】beat [whisk, mix] ~ at [on] medium (speed) till combined well but not aerated
  • beat ~ at medium speed until combined well but not aerated

    表現ひょうげんパターン】beat [whisk, mix] ~ at [on] medium (speed) until combined well but not aerated
  • beat ~ at medium till combined well but not aerated

    beat ~ at medium until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ at medium speed until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ on medium until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ on medium speed until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ at medium until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ at medium speed until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ on medium until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ on medium speed until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ at medium until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ at medium speed until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ on medium until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ on medium speed until combined well but not aerated
    表現ひょうげんパターン】beat [whisk, mix] ~ at [on] medium (speed) till combined well but not aerated
  • beat ~ at medium until combined well but not aerated

    表現ひょうげんパターン】beat [whisk, mix] ~ at [on] medium (speed) until combined well but not aerated
  • beat ~ by __ goals

  • beat ~ by __ points

  • beat ~ by hand

    表現ひょうげんパターン】whisk [beat, mix] ~ by hand
  • beat ~ hollow

    えいばなし〉~を徹底的てっていてき{てってい てき}にやっつける[かす]、~をこてんぱんにやっつける、~を完全かんぜん{かんぜん}かす、~に痛棒つうぼう{つうぼう}くわえる、~をすべ{そう}なめにする
    表現ひょうげんパターン】beat ~ (all) hollow
  • beat ~ in a penalty shootout

    表現ひょうげんパターン】defeat [beat] ~ in a penalty shootout
  • beat ~ in a penalty shootout after a __-__ draw

  • beat ~ in an election

  • beat ~ into

    1. ~をつよくかきこん{ま}ぜながら…にれる
    1. 知識ちしき{ちしき}わざ{わざ}などを〕(ひと)にたたき
  • beat ~ into a pulp

    1. {く}かえし{かえ}強打きょうだ{きょうだ}して~をパルプじょう{じょう}[ぐちゃぐちゃ・粉々こなごな{こなごな}]にする◆pulpの直前ちょくぜん{ちょくぜん}にaがかない場合ばあい{ばあい}もある。
      表現ひょうげんパターン】beat ~ to [into] a pulp
    1. はなし〉〔{く}かえし{かえ}強打きょうだ{きょうだ}して〕(ひと)をたたきのめす、(ひと)をちのめす、(ひと)をボコボコにする
      表現ひょうげんパターン】beat ~ to [into] a pulp
  • beat ~ into one's head

  • beat ~ into the ground

  • beat ~ just enough to get rid of pockets of flour

    表現ひょうげんパターン】beat [whisk, mix] ~ just enough to get rid of pockets of flour
  • beat ~ lightly

    ・Lightly beat 3 eggs in a bowl. : たまご{たまご}3{こ}をボウルにれ、よくわり{わ}りほぐすこと。
  • beat ~ on high speed till combined well but not aerated

    beat ~ at high until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ at high speed until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ on high until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ on high speed until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ at high until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ at high speed until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ on high until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ on high speed until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ at high until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ at high speed until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ on high until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ on high speed until combined well but not aerated
    表現ひょうげんパターン】beat [whisk, mix] ~ at [on] high (speed) till combined well but not aerated
  • beat ~ on high speed until combined well but not aerated

    表現ひょうげんパターン】beat [whisk, mix] ~ at [on] high (speed) until combined well but not aerated
  • beat ~ on high till combined well but not aerated

    beat ~ at high until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ at high speed until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ on high until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ on high speed until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ at high until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ at high speed until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ on high until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ on high speed until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ at high until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ at high speed until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ on high until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ on high speed until combined well but not aerated
    表現ひょうげんパターン】beat [whisk, mix] ~ at [on] high (speed) till combined well but not aerated
  • beat ~ on high until combined well but not aerated

    表現ひょうげんパターン】beat [whisk, mix] ~ at [on] high (speed) until combined well but not aerated
  • beat ~ on low speed till combined well but not aerated

    beat ~ at low until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ at low speed until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ on low until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ on low speed until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ at low until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ at low speed until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ on low until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ on low speed until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ at low until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ at low speed until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ on low until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ on low speed until combined well but not aerated
    表現ひょうげんパターン】beat [whisk, mix] ~ at [on] low (speed) till combined well but not aerated
  • beat ~ on low speed until combined well but not aerated

    表現ひょうげんパターン】beat [whisk, mix] ~ at [on] low (speed) until combined well but not aerated
  • beat ~ on low till combined well but not aerated

    beat ~ at low until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ at low speed until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ on low until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ on low speed until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ at low until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ at low speed until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ on low until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ on low speed until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ at low until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ at low speed until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ on low until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ on low speed until combined well but not aerated
    表現ひょうげんパターン】beat [whisk, mix] ~ at [on] low (speed) till combined well but not aerated
  • beat ~ on low until combined well but not aerated

    表現ひょうげんパターン】beat [whisk, mix] ~ at [on] low (speed) until combined well but not aerated
  • beat ~ on medium speed till combined well but not aerated

    beat ~ at medium until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ at medium speed until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ on medium until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ on medium speed until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ at medium until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ at medium speed until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ on medium until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ on medium speed until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ at medium until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ at medium speed until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ on medium until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ on medium speed until combined well but not aerated
    表現ひょうげんパターン】beat [whisk, mix] ~ at [on] medium (speed) till combined well but not aerated
  • beat ~ on medium speed until combined well but not aerated

    表現ひょうげんパターン】beat [whisk, mix] ~ at [on] medium (speed) until combined well but not aerated
  • beat ~ on medium till combined well but not aerated

    beat ~ at medium until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ at medium speed until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ on medium until combined well but not aeratedbeat ~ on medium speed until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ at medium until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ at medium speed until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ on medium until combined well but not aeratedwhisk ~ on medium speed until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ at medium until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ at medium speed until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ on medium until combined well but not aeratedmix ~ on medium speed until combined well but not aerated
    表現ひょうげんパターン】beat [whisk, mix] ~ at [on] medium (speed) till combined well but not aerated
  • beat ~ on medium until combined well but not aerated

    表現ひょうげんパターン】beat [whisk, mix] ~ at [on] medium (speed) until combined well but not aerated
  • beat ~ till fluffy

    beat ~ until fluffy
  • beat ~ till hot to the touch and the sugar dissolves

    whisk ~ until hot to the touch and the sugar dissolveswhisk ~ until it is hot to the touch and the sugar dissolvesbeat ~ until hot to the touch and the sugar dissolvesbeat ~ until it is hot to the touch and the sugar dissolvesmix ~ until hot to the touch and the sugar dissolvesmix ~ until it is hot to the touch and the sugar dissolves
    表現ひょうげんパターン】whisk [beat, mix] ~ till (it is) hot to the touch and the sugar dissolves
  • beat ~ till light and creamy

    beat ~ until light and creamy
  • beat ~ till light and fluffy

    beat ~ until light and fluffy
  • beat ~ till smooth and creamy

    beat ~ until smooth and creamy
  • beat ~ till stiff

    beat ~ until stiff
  • beat ~ to a pulp

    1. {く}かえし{かえ}強打きょうだ{きょうだ}して~をパルプじょう{じょう}[ぐちゃぐちゃ・粉々こなごな{こなごな}]にする◆pulpの直前ちょくぜん{ちょくぜん}にaがかない場合ばあい{ばあい}もある。
      表現ひょうげんパターン】beat ~ to [into] a pulp
    1. はなし〉〔{く}かえし{かえ}強打きょうだ{きょうだ}して〕(ひと)をたたきのめす、(ひと)をちのめす、(ひと)をボコボコにする
      表現ひょうげんパターン】beat ~ to [into] a pulp
* データの転載てんさいきんじられています。