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  1. China Academic Journals Full-text Database has a complete collection of academic journals in full text published in Mainland China since 1915, some of which trace back to the first issue. The content focuses on academic, technical, policy-guiding, higher scientific and educational journals, and covers disciplines such as science and technology, agriculture, philosophy, medicine, humanities and social sciences, economics, and managerial sciences, etc. 中国ちゅうごく网 (CNKI) てき中国ちゅうごくがく术期かん全文ぜんぶんすうすえ库》かんせいおさむ录中国大こくだい陆自1915ねん出版しゅっぱんいたりいまてきがく术期かんせい重要じゅうようがく术期かんかいさかのぼいたり创刊ねん,以学术、わざ术、政策せいさくゆび导、高等こうとう普及ふきゅう教育きょういく类期かん为主,内容ないよう涵盖自然しぜん科学かがく工程こうていわざ术、农业、哲学てつがく医学いがく人文じんぶん社会しゃかい科学かがく、经济与管理かんり科学かがくとうかく个领いき

    Accessibility features for China Academic Journals Full-text Database include screen reader support, keyboard navigation, alternative text for images and link destination labels.

    Available at all libraries and from home.

  2. The Chinese Periodical Full-text Database holds more than 25,000 digitised full-text periodicals published in China from 1911-1949 with vast subject coverage such as politics, military, foreign relations, education, philosophy and religion. 该数すえ库将全面ぜんめんおさむ录民こく时期2まんあまり种期かんすうすえ总量だか达1000まんへんふん11辑出版しゅっぱん内容ないよう涵盖中国ちゅうごく近代きんだい1911-1949ねん政治せいじ、军事、外交がいこう、经济、教育きょういく思想しそう文化ぶんか宗教しゅうきょうとうかく方面ほうめんてき内容ないようさく为历档案てき重要じゅうよう补充,它具有ぐゆう重要じゅうようてきがく术、史料しりょう价值,研究けんきゅう该时历史てきだいいち资料。

    Available at all libraries and from home.

  3. Airiti Library has academic resources that includes Chinese-language major full-text content spanning academic journal articles, degree theses and dissertations and conference papers. It has the Taiwanese Chinese-language academic community's largest collection of articles. There are six major academic disciplines including Humanities, Social Sciences, Basic & Applied Sciences, Health & Medical Care, Engineering as well as Bio-Agriculture. 「华艺线上图书馆Airiti Library」おさむ内容ないよう涵盖かん论文、硕博士はかせ论文、かい议论文集ぶんしゅうとう重要じゅうよう全文ぜんぶん内容ないよう台湾たいわん文学ぶんがく术界おさむ录量最大さいだいさいかんせいてきがく术平だい学科がっか包含ほうがんじん文学ぶんがく社会しゃかい科学かがくもと础与应用科学かがく工程こうていがく生物せいぶつ农学、药卫せいとうろくだいしゅ题。

    Available at all libraries and from home.

  4. This database covers approximately 500,000 articles published in 302 Chinese-language periodicals between 1833-1911. The extensive collection covers periodicals published during key historical periods in China's history such as the Opium war, the Wuxu Reform Movement of 1898, and Xinhai Revolution of 1911. The types of periodicals include women’s periodicals, comics, and periodicals in the vernacular. Topics covered include politics, military, international relations, economics, education, philosophy and religion. 该数すえ库收录了1833-1911ねん间300あまり种期かん,计28まんへん文献ぶんけん,几乎囊括りょう鸦片战争、よう务运动、つちのえいぬ变法からし革命かくめいとう时期出版しゅっぱんてき所有しょゆうかん,其中包括ほうかつ妇女类期かんしょう说期かんしろ话文かん以及科技かぎ类期かんとう

    Available at all libraries and from home.

F: 52AND14AND220AND213, 210AND158AND71AND88, 18AND68AND44AND48;

R: 100AND121AND102AND99;
