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Papa Westray

O Uicipeid
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Papa Westray
Eilean, Scottish civil parish
Pàirt deArcaibh Deasaich
DùthaichRìoghachd Aonaichte Deasaich
Sgìre riaghaltais ionadailArcaibh Deasaich
Roinn-tìdeUTC±00:00 Deasaich
Siorrachd eachdraidheilArcaibh Deasaich
Faisg air an uisgeCuan Siar Deasaich
Suidheachadh cruinn-eòlaisAn Cuan a Tuath Deasaich
Domhan-leud is -fhad59°21′11″N 2°53′28″W Deasaich
Coordinates of easternmost point59°22′33″N 2°52′6″W Deasaich
Coordinates of northernmost point59°23′7″N 2°52′44″W Deasaich
Coordinates of southernmost point59°19′28″N 2°54′17″W Deasaich
Coordinates of westernmost point59°20′43″N 2°54′41″W Deasaich
Cód cataloig681, PWY, 54011 Deasaich
Làrach-lìnhttp://www.papawestray.co.uk Deasaich
List of monumentslist of listed buildings in Papa Westray, Orkney Deasaich

'S e eilean ann an Arcaibh a tha ann am Papa Westray (Lochlannais/Nornais: Papey (hin) Meiri). Ann an 2011 bha 90 daoine a' fuireach an seo.[1]

Tha plèanaichean le motaran dealanach air a bhith ag iteal eadar eileanan ann an Arcaibh, mar eisimpleir Westray agus Papa Westray.[2]


  1. National Records of Scotland 2011 Census Earr-ràdh 2: Population and households on Scotland’s inhabited islands (PDF). Air a tharraing 8 an Lùnastal 2015
  2. Scotland's first electric-powered aircraft begins Orkney test flights”, BBC News. 12mh dhen Lùnasdal 2021. Air a thogail 8mh dhen Chèitean 2023.