All the instructions for the installation of a Zoo project WPS in Ubuntu with NGINX Serving CGI Scripts.
##Install all the dependencies (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS):
sudo apt-get install flex bison libfcgi-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev
sudo apt-get install curl openssl autoconf python-software-properties subversion python-dev build-essential
sudo apt-get install gdal-bin python-gdal libgdal1-dev libproj-dev libmozjs185-dev
sudo apt-get install libxslt1-dev python-libxslt1
sudo apt-get install libcgic2
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libgdal1-dev
##Download ZOO-Project:
svn checkout zoo-project
Before proceeding with the installation you must configure Nginx Serving CGI Scripts
Add this to: /etc/nginx/sites-available/<project_name> this:
location /cgi-bin/ {
# Disable gzip (it makes scripts feel slower since they have to complete
# before getting gzipped)
gzip off;
# Set the root to /usr/lib (inside this location this means that we are
# giving access to the files under /usr/lib/cgi-bin)
root /srv/www/<project_name>/public_html;
# Fastcgi socket
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/fcgiwrap.socket;
# Fastcgi parameters, include the standard ones
include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
# Adjust non standard parameters (SCRIPT_FILENAME)
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
Restart the NGINX service:
sudo service nginx restart
##Test the NGINX service:
sudo chmod 777 /usr/lib/cgi-bin
nano /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
Create the file:
#!/usr/bin/env python
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"
print "<h1>Hello World</h1>"
Give permission to this file:
sudo chmod +x /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
###Test it:
Install the cgic library from packages using the following command:
cd zoo-project/thirds/cgic206/
sed "s:lib64:lib:g" -i Makefile
Head to the ZOO-Kernel directory:
cd ../../zoo-project/zoo-kernel/
Create a configure file as follow:
Run configure with the desired options, for example with the following command:
./configure ./configure --with-js --with-python --with-xsltconfig=/usr/bin/xslt-config --with-gdal-config=/usr/bin/gdal-config --with-proj
Compile ZOO-Kernel as follow:
Install the by using the following command:
sudo make install
Copy the necessary files to the cgi-bin directory (as administrator user):
sudo cp main.cfg /srv/www/<project_name>/public_html/cgi-bin
sudo cp zoo_loader.cgi /srv/www/<project_name>/public_html/cgi-bin
Install ZOO ServiceProviders, for example the basic Python service (as administrator user):
cp ../zoo-services/hello-py/cgi-env/*.zcfg /srv/www/<project_name>/public_html/cgi-bin/
cp ../zoo-services/hello-py/cgi-env/ /srv/www/<project_name>/public_html/cgi-bin/ (this step is not correct in the official documentation)
cd ../zoo-services/ogr/base-vect-ops (this step is not correct in the official documentation)
Make directories:
mkdir -p /srv/datos/zoo/data/tmp
sudo chmod 777 /srv/datos
Edit the main.cfg file as follow:
nano /srv/www/<project_name>/public_html/lib/cgi-bin/main.cfg
- serverAddress =
Restart the NGINX service:
sudo service nginx restart
Test the ZOO-Kernel installation with the following requests:
###Compilation of the Gdal Elevations profile (Gdal):
cd /home/<ubuntu_user>/zoo-project/zoo-project/zoo-services/gdal/profile
sudo cp /home/<ubuntu_user>/zoo-project/zoo-project/zoo-services/gdal/profile/cgi-env/* /srv/www/<project_name>/public_html/cgi-bin
Copy your *.tiff in the dataPath:
###Test it