The data and code for paper "Transposable element activation drives human herpesvirus-mediated Alzheimer’s disease".
This document contains scripts for analyzing transposable element (TE) expression in bulk and single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) datasets. It contains four scripts.
- VIRTUS (v2.0.1) (
- Sample list, include all the samples to be analyzed
- Raw fastq file directory
- Single-end RNA-seq data: nohup sh sample.lst fastq_dir > log 2>&1 &
- Paired-end RNA-seq data: nohup sh sample.lst fastq_dir > log 2>&1 &
- umi_tools (v1.1.2):
- Viral-Track:
- Sample list: include all the samples to be analyzed
- Raw fastq file directory
- Parameters.txt: consists in a list of rows where the name of each variable is followed by an equal symbol and then the value of the parameter
- Target_file.txt: contains the list of the file paths generated by umi_tools. The files can be either .fastq or .fastq.gz files
- nohup sh sample.lst fastq_dir > log 2>&1 &
- nohup Rscript Viral_Track_scanning.R ./Parameters.txt ./Target_file.txt > log 2>&1 &
- scTE (v1.0.0):
- scanpy:
- Sample list, include all the samples to be analyzed
- Raw bam file directory
- Use scTE generated csv.gz files as input files for scanpy
- nohup sh sample.lst > log 2>&1 &
- nohup python > log 2>&1 &
- nohup python > log 2>&1 &
- nohup python > log1 2>&1 &
- nohup python > log2 2>&1 &
- locusTE_gene_FPKM.txt: This dataset contains expression matrix for each brain biobank. Note that each raw corresponds to a gene or a locus TE and column to a sample
- Metadata.csv: this table contains metadata information for the samples. Note that each raw corresponds to a sample and column to a clinical-pathologic parameter
- nohup Rscript wgcna_pipeline.R > log 2>&1 &