In this repo, you can find a Python script that powers the Mango bot, and copies of most of the custom 3D printed model I have copy of.
Although we didn't win, we learned a lot from building this robot. I made the decision to restructure the entire automatic code on the morning of the competition, which caused issues with untested code. There will be a branch for our code available for the skill test, specifically for MakeX Thailand.
After the Thai tournament, we participated in another competition, although it was not as big. We ended up securing a second place.
The script includes a custom Python intellisense for the following components:
- MakeBlock NovaPi
- NovaPi Power Expander Board
- Makeblock Power Management Module
- MakeBlock Bluetooth Gamepad
- mBuild Sensors (Smart Camera, Ranging, Button, LED Matrix, Servo Driver)
- Encoder Motor, Smart Servo
There are four copies of the code for different drive systems:
- omni
- mecanum
- 4-wheel drive tank
The tank-style drive system uses 4 encoders and lots of gears. The keymap is not carried over for every drive system; we primarily use mecanum.
There is also another copy of the code specifically for the skill test, with the grippers disabled and focusing only on shooting.
Here are some pictures of the bot:
Python go Brrrrrr. #Eatsuki No1
This is also the reason most of the team from Assumption College Sriracha now runs Python codebase instead of block, kids learn and they apprently hate block code after knowing they can build their stuff off this without putting in too much work.