A program used to find indels from next-genearation sequencing data on target gene edited by CRISPR/Cas9 and then calculate the on-target efficiency. The indel information will be presented as figures plotted by matplotlib, a module of python. You can also use other software, like OriginLab, to plot indel data by yourself.
uses Nucleotide-Nucleotide BLAST 2.4.0+ to find reads position and do local alignment and then processes the blast result to get indel and calculate the on-target efficiency.
use numpy module and matplotlib module.
User can install them by using pip:
pip install numpy
pip install matplotlib
python indel_finder.py -r ./sample/crr5ref.fa -t ./sample/target1.fa -1 ./sample/1_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq -2 ./sample/1_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq -o ./
-h show this help message and exit.
-r file name of reference file, required. The file is fasta format.
-t file name of target sequence, required. The file is fasta format.
-1 file name of read1, required. The file is fastq or fastq.gz format.
-2 file name of read2, required. The file is fastq or fastq.gz format.
-o outpout directories. Default is ./ . The blast results are in cas_temp, indel data in ./_result, figures in ./_figures.
Mosacism index is from Gini–Simpson index used to evaluate the degree of chimera.
A mosacism index close to 1 means a high degree of chimera.
It can be expressed as a transformation of true diversity of order 2:
is MIT-licensed.