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GitHub - adammaj1/2D-color-gradient-or-Procedural-texture: Procedura texture in pascal ( Delphi) and in c
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Procedural texture


pascal images (up to 24 bit color)






sin(x) + sin(y)

sin(x) + sin(y) + sin(x+y)


gray = 8 bit color ( c images )



max min

star 8

himmelblau function

checkerboard and grid



Compare with:


Procedural textures are 2D or 3D plots of mathematical functions (called procedures)


  • 2D scalar field ( 2D array , image, complex plane )
  • color
    • modes
    • function f : (R x R) maps to color
  • plane transformations
  • Texture Mapping = repeatedly paint the same small picture onto your geometry

color modes

  • color depth
  • color from palette

Color depth

  • 24 bit color (rgb)
  • 8 bit color mode: gray shades ( where r=g=b)
  • 1 bit color mode: Black and White ( b&w )
 case ColorType of
                    TrueColor: if FunctionType=HSV   // 24 bit color
                    	then kolor:=k 
                    	else kolor:=Rainbow(kMin,kMAx,k mod kmax);
                    Direct:    kolor:=k;
                    GrayScale: kolor:=GrayScaleF(Round((k*256) div kmax)); // 8 bit color
                    Pseudo8bit:kolor:=GivePseudo8bitColor(k mod 255);
                    BlackAndWhite: if odd(k) then kolor:=clBlack // 1 bit color
                                         else kolor:=clWhite;
                  end; // case  ColorType }

color functions


  • input: the texture coordinates: ( x,y)
  • output: a color value

Color functions


For color functions in pascal ( Delphi) see file: ColorM.pas

Here input is a pair of integers (x,y):

  • x in [0, bitmapa.width-1]
  • y in [0, bitmapa.height-1]
Function Projection(center:TPoint;height:integer;x,y:integer;FunctionType:TFunctionType):integer;
  // F: C --> R
  //var r:extended; //radius

     case FunctionType of
            HSV:        result:= Point2Color(X,y);
            AbsZ:       result:=round(sqrt(sqr(X-center.X)+sqr(y-center.Y)));
            ArgZ:       result:=round(RadToDeg(Pi+ArcTan2(y-center.Y,center.X-x)));
            Whirl:      result:=round(sqrt(sqr(X-center.X)+sqr(y-center.Y))+RadToDeg(2*Pi+ArcTan2(y-center.Y,center.X-x)));
            ReZ:        result:=y ;  // horizontal lines
            Saddle:     result:=abs(sqr(x-center.X)-round(sqr(y-center.y) / 2)) ;
            RePlusIm:   result:=y+x;
            MaxReIm:    result:=max(abs(center.x-x),abs(center.Y-y)); // or
            AbsReIm:    result:=abs((center.x-x)*(center.Y-y));           // biomorph
            ImDivRe:    result:=floor(tan((center.Y-y) / (center.X-x+0.000001)));  //
            ImReDiv:    result:=y+x+(100*y div (x+1));
            manhattan:  result:=sqr(abs(center.X-x)+abs(center.Y-y));                                                              // ClientHeight*(sin+1)/2= [0,ClientHeight]

            sinusX:     result:=round(bitmapa.Width*sin(Pi*DegToRad(x)));
            Sinus:      result:=y+round(height*(sin(Pi*DegToRad(x))+1)/8);
            // sin   is in  [-1,+1]
            // (sin+1)      [0,2]
            // (sin+1)/2    [0,1]
            SinusXY:    result:=y+round(height*(sin(Pi*DegToRad(x + y))+1)/8);
            SinusXmY:   result:=y+round(height*(sin(Pi*DegToRad(x*y))+1)/8);
            SinXSinY:   result:=round((height * (2+sin(Pi*DegToRad(y)) + sin(Pi*DegToRad(x)))) /4);//try to change numerical values
            sinXYXY:     result:=round ( height * (2+sin(Pi*DegToRad(y)) + sin(Pi*DegToRad(x))+sin(Pi*DegToRad(x+y)))/8 );
            XorY:         result:=x or  y;
            XxorY:        result:=x xor y;
            XshlY:        result:=x shl y;
            XshrY:        result:=x shr y;
            XandY:        result:=x and y;
            sqrtM:        result:=round(sqrt(x*y)) ;
            ftMax:        result:=Round((center.Y-y) / sqr(center.X -x + 0.0001));
            plasma: result:=round(bitmapa.Width*sin(Pi*DegToRad(x)));
            else          result:=y; //
          end; // case


Here input is a pair of doubles z = (x,y)

  • x in [-1,1]
  • y in [-1,1]
double conic(double complex z)
  double argument;
  argument = carg(z); //   argument in radians from -pi to pi
  argument = fabs(argument)/ M_PI;
  return argument; // argument in range from 0.0 to 1.0
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Himmelblau%27s_function
double GiveHimmelblau(double x, double y){
	// map input to [-m,m]x[-m,m]
	double m = 6.0;
	x *= m;
	y *= m;
	double a = x*x+y-11.0;
	double b = x+y*y-7.0;
	// mapped output to 
	 return (a*a + b*b)/200.0;

	checkers, in mod form
double checker( double x, double y){

	double m = 5.0; 
	// map input from [-1,1]x[-1,1] to [-m,m]x[-m,m]
	int ix = floor(m*x);
	int iy = floor(m*y);

	return abs(ix + iy) % 2;

 r is the smooth potential and phi is the final angle
 code by xenodreambuie : "I call this texture pyramids. My code in Pascal for the Star8 texture is "

double GiveStar8(double r, double phi){
	double fr;
	double fphi;
	double t;
	double g;
	fr = fabs(frac(r));
  	fphi = fabs(frac(phi));
  	if (fphi>fr) {
    		t= fr; 
    		fr= fphi; 
	g = 1+1.5*fphi-2.5*fr;
	t = 1-2.5*fphi-fr;
	if (t> g) 
	  	{ g = t;}
	if (g<0)
	return g;

The checkerboard pattern is regular grid of equal-sized colored squares


  • ColorM.pas
  • Rainbow.exe - windows executable program, can be run also on linux
  • d.c - c version of Rainbow program
  • g.sh bash script for converting ppm files to png

See also


Chladni patterns

2D noise


Midpoint Displacement fractal



On linux ( tested on Ubuntu 20.04):

wine ./Rainbow.exe
wine ./exe/Rainbow.exe


  • open main menu, choose options item
  • choose color mode
  • use arrow up and down keys to change functions
  • use shift+arrow to change color type
  • check the options in the status bar


Old ( but still interesting) Pascal ( Borland Delphi 7.0 personal edition ) program Rainbow for windows ( but can also be run on Linux using wine)

dead old www address: fraktal.republika.pl/tecza.html

Last modification: 2005-05-29

Licence and contributors


create a new repository on the command line

echo "# Procedural-texture" >> README.md
git init
git add README.md
git commit -m "first commit"
git branch -M main
git remote set-url origin git@github.com:adammaj1/2D-color-gradient-or-Procedural-texture.git
git push -u origin main

local repo



mkdir images
git add *.png
git mv  *.png ./images
git commit -m "move"
git push -u origin main

then link the images:

![](./images/n.png "description") 
gitm mv -f 


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