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A Node.js tool to examine the correctness of Open Data Metadata and build custom dataset profiles

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Automatic Validation, Correction and Generation of Dataset Metadata

Linked Open Data (LOD) has emerged as one of the largest collection of interlinked datasets on the web. Benefiting from this mine of data requires the existence of descriptive information about each dataset in the accompanying metadata. Such meta information is currently very limited to few data portals where they are usually provided manually thus giving little or bad quality insights. To address this issue, we propose a scalable automatic approach for extracting, validating and generating descriptive linked dataset profiles. This approach applies several techniques to check the validity of the attached metadata as well as providing descriptive and statistical information of a certain dataset as well as a whole data portal. Using our framework on prominent data portals shows that the general state of the Linked Open Data needs attention as most of datasets suffer from bad quality metadata and lack additional informative metrics.

Note This application is designed for the command line (CLI) and is built using node.js


Roomba Architecture

Data Portal Identification

Data portals can be considered as data access points providing tools to facilitate data publishing, sharing, searching and visualization. CKAN is the world's leading open-source data portal platform powering websites like the DataHub, Europe's Public Data and the U.S Government's open data. Modeled on CKAN, DKAN is a standalone Drupal distribution that is used in various public data portals as well. Identifying the software powering data portals is a vital first step to understand the API calls structure. Web scraping is a technique for extracting data from Web pages. We rely on several scraping techniques in the identification process which includes a combination of the following:

  • URL inspection: Check the existence of certain URL patterns.
  • Meta tags inspection: For example, meta[content*="ckan] (all meta tags with the attribute content containing the string CKAN). This selector can identify CKAN portals whereas the meta[content*="Drupal"] can identify DKAN portals.
  • Document Object Model (DOM) inspection: Similar to the meta tags inspection, we check the existence of certain DOM elements or properties.

The identification process for each portal can be easily customized by overriding the prototype.check function for each parser. Moreover, adding or removing steps from the identification process can be easily configured.

Metadata Extraction

Data portals expose a set of information about each dataset as metadata. The model used varies across portals. However, a standard model should contain information about the dataset's title, description, maintainer email, update and creation date, etc.

Although Roomba is generic and accepts any data model to check against, for the moment we have used the the CKAN standard model.

After identifying the underlying portal software, we perform iterative queries to the API in order to fetch datasets metadata and persist them in a file-based cache system. Depending on the portal software we can issue specific extraction jobs. For example, in CKAN based portals, we are able to crawl and extract the metadata of a specific dataset, all the datasets in a specific group e.g. LOD Cloud or all the datasets in the portal.

Instance and Resource Extraction

From the extracted metadata we are able to identify all the resources associated with that dataset. They can have various types like a SPARQL endpoint, API, file, visualization ,etc. However, before extracting the resource instance(s) we perform the following steps:

  • Resource metadata validation and enrichment: Check the resource attached metadata values. Similar to the dataset metadata, each resource should include information about its mimetype, name, description, format, valid dereferenceable URL, size, type and provenance. The validation process issue an HTTP request to the resource and automatically fills up various missing information when possible, like the mimetype and size by extracting them from the HTTP response header. However, missing fields like name and description that needs manual input are marked as missing and will appear in the generated summary report.
  • Format validation: Validate specific resource formats against a linter or a validator.

Profile Validation

Metadata validation process identifies missing information and the ability to automatically correct them. Each set of metadata (general, access, ownership and provenance) is validated and corrected automatically when possible. Each profiler task has a set of metadata fields to check against. The validation process check if each field is defined and if the value assigned is valid.

There exist a bunch of special validation steps for various fields. For example, for ownership information where the maintainer email has to be defined, the validator checks if the email field is an actual valid email address. A similar process is done to URLs whenever found. However, we also issue an HTTP HEAD request in order to check if that URL is reachable or not. For the dataset resources, we use the content-header information when the request is successfull in order to extract, compare and correct further metadata values like mimetype and content size.

A preview of the event-media dataset metadata
"author": "Raphael Troncy",
        "author_email": "raphael.troncy@eurecom.fr",
        "state": "active",
        "version": "2010-09-01 (0.1)",
        "license_id": "cc-by-sa",
        "type": "dataset",
        "resources": [
                "mimetype": "",
                "cache_url": "",
                "mimetype_inner": "",
                "hash": "",
                "description": "LODE ontology",
                "format": "meta/rdf-schema",

How to run ?

You can either download this repo as a zip file or clone directly through git. Pay attention when cloning as there is a submodule defined and has to be cloned recursively as well. This can be done via:

git clone --recursive http://github.com/ahmadassaf/opendata-checker

Note If you have cloned without --recursive, you may find out that some folders are empty. To fix this:

git submodule update --init

Now, you will need to install the dependecies:

# Install the required packages
npm intall
# You may alternatively use yarn to install them
yarn install
# After the installation finish start the application
node DC.js


There are a set of options that you can customize. They can be edited from options.json file:

    "locale"         : "en",
    "cacheFolderName": "/cache/",
    "licensesFolder" : "/util/licenses/",
    "mappingFileName": "licenseMappings",
    "proxy"          : ""
  • locale the language of the messages and the prompts. Default:en
  • cacheFolderName the name of cache folder separated by /. Default:/cache/
  • licensesFolder the location of the Open Licenses Repo. It is defined as a submodule and by default it is located in /util/licenses/
  • mappingFileName the name of manual license mappings. Default:licenseMappings
  • proxy proxy server e.g. proxy:8080. Default:null


If you wish to translate the messages and prompts into other languages than English. You have to create a new language entry in the util/messages.js with the new locale code e.g. fr. Afterwards, you should keep the object keys intact by translate the values into the desired language. For example:

var messages =   {
    "en": {
        "error" : {
            "unKnownError" : "An unknown Error occurred .. ",
    "fr": {
        "error" : {
            "unkownError" : "Erreur inconnue .."

How to use ?

Roomba gives you the ability to perform the following:

  • Fetch all the information about datasets from a data portal
  • Fetch all the groups information from a data portal
  • Crawl datasets (a specific dataset, datasets in a specific group, datasets in the whole portal)
  • Execute aggregation report on a specific group or on the whole data portal
  • Profile a specific dataset, a whole group or the whole data portal

How to use

A screencast is available on: http://youtu.be/p7Y-mDN_Y2s

Note that the demo above uses publicdata.eu. However, it seems that they no longer support CKAN access as PublicData.eu is archived and no longer active. You can try http://datahub.io instead to demonstrate the tool

Report Generation

Data portal administrators need to have an overview of the datasets in their portal or in a specific group. The reporting tool gives the freedom for admins to execute various types of queries and mining information about the datasets. The reports are of three types:

  • meta-field values report: Aggregate all the values of a certain key e.g. license_title will aggregate all the licenses titles
  • key:object meta-field values report: Aggregate all the values of a certain key with an aggregate of another field as its object. e.g. license_title:title will aggregate all the license titles used and also will aggregate all the titles for all the datasets using that license title
  • Check Empty field values report: Check all the datasets containing an empty value of the passed field key

Profile Generation

The generated profile contains the information spotted in the profile as well as general statistics for them.

Roomba Quality (Objective Linked Data Quality Assessment)

The standardization of Semantic Web technologies and specifications has resulted in a staggering volume of data being published. The Linked Open Data (LOD) is a gold mine for organizations trying to leverage external data sources in order to produce more informed business decisions. However, the heterogeneous nature of data sources reflects directly on the data quality as these sources often contain inconsistent as well as misinterpreted and incomplete information. Traditional data quality is a thoroughly researched field with several benchmarks and frameworks to grasp its dimensions. Ensuring data quality in Linked Open Data is much more complex. It consists of structured information supported by models, ontologies and vocabularies and contains queryable endpoints and links. In this paper, we first propose an objective assessment framework for Linked Data quality. In a previous work, we identified potential quality issues of Linked Data and listed quality principles for all stages of data management. We have built upon this work but focus only on the objective quality indicators based on metrics that can be automatically measured. We surveyed the landscape of Linked Data quality tools to discover that they only cover a subset of the proposed quality indicators. As a result, we present an extensible quality measurement tool that helps on one hand data owners to rate the quality of their datasets and get some hints on possible improvements, and on the other hand data consumers to choose their data sources from a ranked set.

Quality Measures

The objective measures we have identified are: completeness, availability, licensing, freshness, correctness, comprehensibility, provenance

Quality Indicators

The objective quality indicators we assess are:

  • Supports multiple serializations
  • Has different data access points
  • Uses datasets description vocabularies
  • Existence of descriptions about its size
  • Existence of descriptions about its structure (MIME Type, Format)
  • Existence of descriptions about its organization and categorization
  • Existence of dereferencable links for the dataset and its resources
  • Existence of an RDF dump that can be downloaded by users
  • Existence of queryable endpoints that respond to direct queries
  • Existence of valid dereferencable URLs (respond to HTTP request)
  • Existence of human and machine readable license information
  • Existence of dereferencable links to the full license information
  • Existence of timestamps that can keep track of its modifications
  • Includes the correct MIME type for the content
  • Includes the correct size for the content
  • Absence of Syntactic errors on the links level
  • Use the HTTP URI Scheme
  • Existence of at least one exemplary RDF file
  • Existence of general information (title, URL, description) for the dataset
  • Existence of mailing list, message board or point of contact
  • Existence of metadata that describes its authoritative information
  • Usage of Versioning