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GitHub - aishwaryanr/awesome-generative-ai-guide: A one stop repository for generative AI research updates, interview resources, notebooks and much more!
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⭐ πŸ”– awesome-generative-ai-guide

Generative AI is experiencing rapid growth, and this repository serves as a comprehensive hub for updates on generative AI research, interview materials, notebooks, and more!

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Explore the following resources:

  1. Monthly Best GenAI Papers List
  2. GenAI Interview Resources
  3. Applied LLMs Mastery 2024 (created by Aishwarya Naresh Reganti) course material
  4. Generative AI Genius 2024 (created by Aishwarya Naresh Reganti) course material
  5. List of all GenAI-related free courses (over 85 listed)
  6. List of code repositories/notebooks for developing generative AI applications

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⭐ Best Gen AI Papers List (Sept 2024)

*Updated at the end of every month

Date Title Abstract
30th September 2024 MM1.5: Methods, Analysis & Insights from Multimodal LLM Fine-tuning We present MM1.5, a new family of multimodal large language models (MLLMs) designed to enhance capabilities in text-rich image understanding, visual referring and grounding, and multi-image reasoning. Building upon the MM1 architecture, MM1.5 adopts a data-centric approach to model training, systematically exploring the impact of diverse data mixtures across the entire model training lifecycle. This includes high-quality OCR data and synthetic captions for continual pre-training, as well as an optimized visual instruction-tuning data mixture for supervised fine-tuning. Our models range from 1B to 30B parameters, encompassing both dense and mixture-of-experts (MoE) variants, and demonstrate that careful data curation and training strategies can yield strong performance even at small scales (1B and 3B). Additionally, we introduce two specialized variants: MM1.5-Video, designed for video understanding, and MM1.5-UI, tailored for mobile UI understanding. Through extensive empirical studies and ablations, we provide detailed insights into the training processes and decisions that inform our final designs, offering valuable guidance for future research in MLLM development.
26th September 2024 MIO: A Foundation Model on Multimodal Tokens In this paper, we introduce MIO, a novel foundation model built on multimodal tokens, capable of understanding and generating speech, text, images, and videos in an end-to-end, autoregressive manner. While the emergence of large language models (LLMs) and multimodal large language models (MM-LLMs) propels advancements in artificial general intelligence through their versatile capabilities, they still lack true any-to-any understanding and generation. Recently, the release of GPT-4o has showcased the remarkable potential of any-to-any LLMs for complex real-world tasks, enabling omnidirectional input and output across images, speech, and text. However, it is closed-source and does not support the generation of multimodal interleaved sequences. To address this gap, we present MIO, which is trained on a mixture of discrete tokens across four modalities using causal multimodal modeling. MIO undergoes a four-stage training process: (1) alignment pre-training, (2) interleaved pre-training, (3) speech-enhanced pre-training, and (4) comprehensive supervised fine-tuning on diverse textual, visual, and speech tasks. Our experimental results indicate that MIO exhibits competitive, and in some cases superior, performance compared to previous dual-modal baselines, any-to-any model baselines, and even modality-specific baselines. Moreover, MIO demonstrates advanced capabilities inherent to its any-to-any feature, such as interleaved video-text generation, chain-of-visual-thought reasoning, visual guideline generation, instructional image editing, etc.
26th September 2024 MaskLLM: Learnable Semi-Structured Sparsity for Large Language Models Large Language Models (LLMs) are distinguished by their massive parameter counts, which typically result in significant redundancy. This work introduces MaskLLM, a learnable pruning method that establishes Semi-structured (or ``N:M'') Sparsity in LLMs, aimed at reducing computational overhead during inference. Instead of developing a new importance criterion, MaskLLM explicitly models N:M patterns as a learnable distribution through Gumbel Softmax sampling. This approach facilitates end-to-end training on large-scale datasets and offers two notable advantages: 1) High-quality Masks - our method effectively scales to large datasets and learns accurate masks; 2) Transferability - the probabilistic modeling of mask distribution enables the transfer learning of sparsity across domains or tasks. We assessed MaskLLM using 2:4 sparsity on various LLMs, including LLaMA-2, Nemotron-4, and GPT-3, with sizes ranging from 843M to 15B parameters, and our empirical results show substantial improvements over state-of-the-art methods. For instance, leading approaches achieve a perplexity (PPL) of 10 or greater on Wikitext compared to the dense model's 5.12 PPL, but MaskLLM achieves a significantly lower 6.72 PPL solely by learning the masks with frozen weights. Furthermore, MaskLLM's learnable nature allows customized masks for lossless application of 2:4 sparsity to downstream tasks or domains. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/NVlabs/MaskLLM}.
25th September 2024 Molmo and PixMo: Open Weights and Open Data for State-of-the-Art Multimodal Models Today's most advanced multimodal models remain proprietary. The strongest open-weight models rely heavily on synthetic data from proprietary VLMs to achieve good performance, effectively distilling these closed models into open ones. As a result, the community is still missing foundational knowledge about how to build performant VLMs from scratch. We present Molmo, a new family of VLMs that are state-of-the-art in their class of openness. Our key innovation is a novel, highly detailed image caption dataset collected entirely from human annotators using speech-based descriptions. To enable a wide array of user interactions, we also introduce a diverse dataset mixture for fine-tuning that includes in-the-wild Q&A and innovative 2D pointing data. The success of our approach relies on careful choices for the model architecture details, a well-tuned training pipeline, and, most critically, the quality of our newly collected datasets, all of which will be released. The best-in-class 72B model within the Molmo family not only outperforms others in the class of open weight and data models but also compares favorably against proprietary systems like GPT-4o, Claude 3.5, and Gemini 1.5 on both academic benchmarks and human evaluation. We will be releasing all of our model weights, captioning and fine-tuning data, and source code in the near future. Select model weights, inference code, and demo are available at https://molmo.allenai.org.
25th September 2024 VPTQ: Extreme Low-bit Vector Post-Training Quantization for Large Language Models Scaling model size significantly challenges the deployment and inference of Large Language Models (LLMs). Due to the redundancy in LLM weights, recent research has focused on pushing weight-only quantization to extremely low-bit (even down to 2 bits). It reduces memory requirements, optimizes storage costs, and decreases memory bandwidth needs during inference. However, due to numerical representation limitations, traditional scalar-based weight quantization struggles to achieve such extreme low-bit. Recent research on Vector Quantization (VQ) for LLMs has demonstrated the potential for extremely low-bit model quantization by compressing vectors into indices using lookup tables. In this paper, we introduce Vector Post-Training Quantization (VPTQ) for extremely low-bit quantization of LLMs. We use Second-Order Optimization to formulate the LLM VQ problem and guide our quantization algorithm design by solving the optimization. We further refine the weights using Channel-Independent Second-Order Optimization for a granular VQ. In addition, by decomposing the optimization problem, we propose a brief and effective codebook initialization algorithm. We also extend VPTQ to support residual and outlier quantization, which enhances model accuracy and further compresses the model. Our experimental results show that VPTQ reduces model quantization perplexity by $0.01$-$0.34$ on LLaMA-2, $0.38$-$0.68$ on Mistral-7B, $4.41$-$7.34$ on LLaMA-3 over SOTA at 2-bit, with an average accuracy improvement of $0.79$-$1.5%$ on LLaMA-2, $1%$ on Mistral-7B, $11$-$22%$ on LLaMA-3 on QA tasks on average. We only utilize $10.4$-$18.6%$ of the quantization algorithm execution time, resulting in a $1.6$-$1.8\times$ increase in inference throughput compared to SOTA.
24th September 2024 Time-MoE: Billion-Scale Time Series Foundation Models with Mixture of Experts Deep learning for time series forecasting has seen significant advancements over the past decades. However, despite the success of large-scale pre-training in language and vision domains, pre-trained time series models remain limited in scale and operate at a high cost, hindering the development of larger capable forecasting models in real-world applications. In response, we introduce Time-MoE, a scalable and unified architecture designed to pre-train larger, more capable forecasting foundation models while reducing inference costs. By leveraging a sparse mixture-of-experts (MoE) design, Time-MoE enhances computational efficiency by activating only a subset of networks for each prediction, reducing computational load while maintaining high model capacity. This allows Time-MoE to scale effectively without a corresponding increase in inference costs. Time-MoE comprises a family of decoder-only transformer models that operate in an auto-regressive manner and support flexible forecasting horizons with varying input context lengths. We pre-trained these models on our newly introduced large-scale data Time-300B, which spans over 9 domains and encompassing over 300 billion time points. For the first time, we scaled a time series foundation model up to 2.4 billion parameters, achieving significantly improved forecasting precision. Our results validate the applicability of scaling laws for training tokens and model size in the context of time series forecasting. Compared to dense models with the same number of activated parameters or equivalent computation budgets, our models consistently outperform them by large margin. These advancements position Time-MoE as a state-of-the-art solution for tackling real-world time series forecasting challenges with superior capability, efficiency, and flexibility.
23rd September 2024 A Preliminary Study of o1 in Medicine: Are We Closer to an AI Doctor? Large language models (LLMs) have exhibited remarkable capabilities across various domains and tasks, pushing the boundaries of our knowledge in learning and cognition. The latest model, OpenAI's o1, stands out as the first LLM with an internalized chain-of-thought technique using reinforcement learning strategies. While it has demonstrated surprisingly strong capabilities on various general language tasks, its performance in specialized fields such as medicine remains unknown. To this end, this report provides a comprehensive exploration of o1 on different medical scenarios, examining 3 key aspects: understanding, reasoning, and multilinguality. Specifically, our evaluation encompasses 6 tasks using data from 37 medical datasets, including two newly constructed and more challenging question-answering (QA) tasks based on professional medical quizzes from the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) and The Lancet. These datasets offer greater clinical relevance compared to standard medical QA benchmarks such as MedQA, translating more effectively into real-world clinical utility. Our analysis of o1 suggests that the enhanced reasoning ability of LLMs may (significantly) benefit their capability to understand various medical instructions and reason through complex clinical scenarios. Notably, o1 surpasses the previous GPT-4 in accuracy by an average of 6.2% and 6.6% across 19 datasets and two newly created complex QA scenarios. But meanwhile, we identify several weaknesses in both the model capability and the existing evaluation protocols, including hallucination, inconsistent multilingual ability, and discrepant metrics for evaluation. We release our raw data and model outputs at https://ucsc-vlaa.github.io/o1_medicine/ for future research.
21st September 2024 Instruction Following without Instruction Tuning Instruction tuning commonly means finetuning a language model on instruction-response pairs. We discover two forms of adaptation (tuning) that are deficient compared to instruction tuning, yet still yield instruction following; we call this implicit instruction tuning. We first find that instruction-response pairs are not necessary: training solely on responses, without any corresponding instructions, yields instruction following. This suggests pretrained models have an instruction-response mapping which is revealed by teaching the model the desired distribution of responses. However, we then find it's not necessary to teach the desired distribution of responses: instruction-response training on narrow-domain data like poetry still leads to broad instruction-following behavior like recipe generation. In particular, when instructions are very different from those in the narrow finetuning domain, models' responses do not adhere to the style of the finetuning domain. To begin to explain implicit instruction tuning, we hypothesize that very simple changes to a language model's distribution yield instruction following. We support this by hand-writing a rule-based language model which yields instruction following in a product-of-experts with a pretrained model. The rules are to slowly increase the probability of ending the sequence, penalize repetition, and uniformly change 15 words' probabilities. In summary, adaptations made without being designed to yield instruction following can do so implicitly.
20th September 2024 Imagine yourself: Tuning-Free Personalized Image Generation Diffusion models have demonstrated remarkable efficacy across various image-to-image tasks. In this research, we introduce Imagine yourself, a state-of-the-art model designed for personalized image generation. Unlike conventional tuning-based personalization techniques, Imagine yourself operates as a tuning-free model, enabling all users to leverage a shared framework without individualized adjustments. Moreover, previous work met challenges balancing identity preservation, following complex prompts and preserving good visual quality, resulting in models having strong copy-paste effect of the reference images. Thus, they can hardly generate images following prompts that require significant changes to the reference image, \eg, changing facial expression, head and body poses, and the diversity of the generated images is low. To address these limitations, our proposed method introduces 1) a new synthetic paired data generation mechanism to encourage image diversity, 2) a fully parallel attention architecture with three text encoders and a fully trainable vision encoder to improve the text faithfulness, and 3) a novel coarse-to-fine multi-stage finetuning methodology that gradually pushes the boundary of visual quality. Our study demonstrates that Imagine yourself surpasses the state-of-the-art personalization model, exhibiting superior capabilities in identity preservation, visual quality, and text alignment. This model establishes a robust foundation for various personalization applications. Human evaluation results validate the model's SOTA superiority across all aspects (identity preservation, text faithfulness, and visual appeal) compared to the previous personalization models.
19th September 2024 Training Language Models to Self-Correct via Reinforcement Learning Self-correction is a highly desirable capability of large language models (LLMs), yet it has consistently been found to be largely ineffective in modern LLMs. Current methods for training self-correction typically depend on either multiple models, a more advanced model, or additional forms of supervision. To address these shortcomings, we develop a multi-turn online reinforcement learning (RL) approach, SCoRe, that significantly improves an LLM's self-correction ability using entirely self-generated data. To build SCoRe, we first show that variants of supervised fine-tuning (SFT) on offline model-generated correction traces are often insufficient for instilling self-correction behavior. In particular, we observe that training via SFT falls prey to either a distribution mismatch between mistakes made by the data-collection policy and the model's own responses, or to behavior collapse, where learning implicitly prefers only a certain mode of correction behavior that is often not effective at self-correction on test problems. SCoRe addresses these challenges by training under the model's own distribution of self-generated correction traces and using appropriate regularization to steer the learning process into learning a self-correction behavior that is effective at test time as opposed to fitting high-reward responses for a given prompt. This regularization process includes an initial phase of multi-turn RL on a base model to generate a policy initialization that is less susceptible to collapse, followed by using a reward bonus to amplify self-correction. With Gemini 1.0 Pro and 1.5 Flash models, we find that SCoRe achieves state-of-the-art self-correction performance, improving the base models' self-correction by 15.6% and 9.1% respectively on MATH and HumanEval.
19th September 2024 Scaling Smart: Accelerating Large Language Model Pre-training with Small Model Initialization The pre-training phase of language models often begins with randomly initialized parameters. With the current trends in scaling models, training their large number of parameters can be extremely slow and costly. In contrast, small language models are less expensive to train, but they often cannot achieve the accuracy of large models. In this paper, we explore an intriguing idea to connect these two different regimes: Can we develop a method to initialize large language models using smaller pre-trained models? Will such initialization bring any benefits in terms of training time and final accuracy? In this paper, we introduce HyperCloning, a method that can expand the parameters of a pre-trained language model to those of a larger model with increased hidden dimensions. Our method ensures that the larger model retains the functionality of the smaller model. As a result, the larger model already inherits the predictive power and accuracy of the smaller model before the training starts. We demonstrate that training such an initialized model results in significant savings in terms of GPU hours required for pre-training large language models.
18th September 2024 Qwen2.5-Coder Technical Report In this report, we introduce the Qwen2.5-Coder series, a significant upgrade from its predecessor, CodeQwen1.5. This series includes two models: Qwen2.5-Coder-1.5B and Qwen2.5-Coder-7B. As a code-specific model, Qwen2.5-Coder is built upon the Qwen2.5 architecture and continues pretrained on a vast corpus of over 5.5 trillion tokens. Through meticulous data cleaning, scalable synthetic data generation, and balanced data mixing, Qwen2.5-Coder demonstrates impressive code generation capabilities while retaining general versatility. The model has been evaluated on a wide range of code-related tasks, achieving state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance across more than 10 benchmarks, including code generation, completion, reasoning, and repair, consistently outperforming larger models of the same model size. We believe that the release of the Qwen2.5-Coder series will not only push the boundaries of research in code intelligence but also, through its permissive licensing, encourage broader adoption by developers in real-world applications.
18th September 2024 A Controlled Study on Long Context Extension and Generalization in LLMs Broad textual understanding and in-context learning require language models that utilize full document contexts. Due to the implementation challenges associated with directly training long-context models, many methods have been proposed for extending models to handle long contexts. However, owing to differences in data and model classes, it has been challenging to compare these approaches, leading to uncertainty as to how to evaluate long-context performance and whether it differs from standard evaluation. We implement a controlled protocol for extension methods with a standardized evaluation, utilizing consistent base models and extension data. Our study yields several insights into long-context behavior. First, we reaffirm the critical role of perplexity as a general-purpose performance indicator even in longer-context tasks. Second, we find that current approximate attention methods systematically underperform across long-context tasks. Finally, we confirm that exact fine-tuning based methods are generally effective within the range of their extension, whereas extrapolation remains challenging. All codebases, models, and checkpoints will be made available open-source, promoting transparency and facilitating further research in this critical area of AI development.
18th September 2024 LLMs + Persona-Plug = Personalized LLMs Personalization plays a critical role in numerous language tasks and applications, since users with the same requirements may prefer diverse outputs based on their individual interests. This has led to the development of various personalized approaches aimed at adapting large language models (LLMs) to generate customized outputs aligned with user preferences. Some of them involve fine-tuning a unique personalized LLM for each user, which is too expensive for widespread application. Alternative approaches introduce personalization information in a plug-and-play manner by retrieving the user's relevant historical texts as demonstrations. However, this retrieval-based strategy may break the continuity of the user history and fail to capture the user's overall styles and patterns, hence leading to sub-optimal performance. To address these challenges, we propose a novel personalized LLM model, \ours{}. It constructs a user-specific embedding for each individual by modeling all her historical contexts through a lightweight plug-in user embedder module. By attaching this embedding to the task input, LLMs can better understand and capture user habits and preferences, thereby producing more personalized outputs without tuning their own parameters. Extensive experiments on various tasks in the language model personalization (LaMP) benchmark demonstrate that the proposed model significantly outperforms existing personalized LLM approaches.
17th September 2024 NVLM: Open Frontier-Class Multimodal LLMs We introduce NVLM 1.0, a family of frontier-class multimodal large language models (LLMs) that achieve state-of-the-art results on vision-language tasks, rivaling the leading proprietary models (e.g., GPT-4o) and open-access models (e.g., Llama 3-V 405B and InternVL 2). Remarkably, NVLM 1.0 shows improved text-only performance over its LLM backbone after multimodal training. In terms of model design, we perform a comprehensive comparison between decoder-only multimodal LLMs (e.g., LLaVA) and cross-attention-based models (e.g., Flamingo). Based on the strengths and weaknesses of both approaches, we propose a novel architecture that enhances both training efficiency and multimodal reasoning capabilities. Furthermore, we introduce a 1-D tile-tagging design for tile-based dynamic high-resolution images, which significantly boosts performance on multimodal reasoning and OCR-related tasks. Regarding training data, we meticulously curate and provide detailed information on our multimodal pretraining and supervised fine-tuning datasets. Our findings indicate that dataset quality and task diversity are more important than scale, even during the pretraining phase, across all architectures. Notably, we develop production-grade multimodality for the NVLM-1.0 models, enabling them to excel in vision-language tasks while maintaining and even improving text-only performance compared to their LLM backbones. To achieve this, we craft and integrate a high-quality text-only dataset into multimodal training, alongside a substantial amount of multimodal math and reasoning data, leading to enhanced math and coding capabilities across modalities. To advance research in the field, we are releasing the model weights and will open-source the code for the community: https://nvlm-project.github.io/.
17th September 2024 Promptriever: Instruction-Trained Retrievers Can Be Prompted Like Language Models Instruction-tuned language models (LM) are able to respond to imperative commands, providing a more natural user interface compared to their base counterparts. In this work, we present Promptriever, the first retrieval model able to be prompted like an LM. To train Promptriever, we curate and release a new instance-level instruction training set from MS MARCO, spanning nearly 500k instances. Promptriever not only achieves strong performance on standard retrieval tasks, but also follows instructions. We observe: (1) large gains (reaching SoTA) on following detailed relevance instructions (+14.3 p-MRR / +3.1 nDCG on FollowIR), (2) significantly increased robustness to lexical choices/phrasing in the query+instruction (+12.9 Robustness@10 on InstructIR), and (3) the ability to perform hyperparameter search via prompting to reliably improve retrieval performance (+1.4 average increase on BEIR). Promptriever demonstrates that retrieval models can be controlled with prompts on a per-query basis, setting the stage for future work aligning LM prompting techniques with information retrieval.
17th September 2024 A Comprehensive Evaluation of Quantized Instruction-Tuned Large Language Models: An Experimental Analysis up to 405B Prior research works have evaluated quantized LLMs using limited metrics such as perplexity or a few basic knowledge tasks and old datasets. Additionally, recent large-scale models such as Llama 3.1 with up to 405B have not been thoroughly examined. This paper evaluates the performance of instruction-tuned LLMs across various quantization methods (GPTQ, AWQ, SmoothQuant, and FP8) on models ranging from 7B to 405B. Using 13 benchmarks, we assess performance across six task types: commonsense Q&A, knowledge and language understanding, instruction following, hallucination detection, mathematics, and dialogue. Our key findings reveal that (1) quantizing a larger LLM to a similar size as a smaller FP16 LLM generally performs better across most benchmarks, except for hallucination detection and instruction following; (2) performance varies significantly with different quantization methods, model size, and bit-width, with weight-only methods often yielding better results in larger models; (3) task difficulty does not significantly impact accuracy degradation due to quantization; and (4) the MT-Bench evaluation method has limited discriminatory power among recent high-performing LLMs.
16th September 2024 RetrievalAttention: Accelerating Long-Context LLM Inference via Vector Retrieval Transformer-based Large Language Models (LLMs) have become increasingly important. However, due to the quadratic time complexity of attention computation, scaling LLMs to longer contexts incurs extremely slow inference latency and high GPU memory consumption for caching key-value (KV) vectors. This paper proposes RetrievalAttention, a training-free approach to both accelerate attention computation and reduce GPU memory consumption. By leveraging the dynamic sparsity of attention mechanism, RetrievalAttention proposes to use approximate nearest neighbor search (ANNS) indexes for KV vectors in CPU memory and retrieves the most relevant ones with vector search during generation. Unfortunately, we observe that the off-the-shelf ANNS indexes are often ineffective for such retrieval tasks due to the out-of-distribution (OOD) between query vectors and key vectors in attention mechanism. RetrievalAttention addresses the OOD challenge by designing an attention-aware vector search algorithm that can adapt to the distribution of query vectors. Our evaluation shows that RetrievalAttention only needs to access 1--3% of data while maintaining high model accuracy. This leads to significant reduction in the inference cost of long-context LLMs with much lower GPU memory footprint. In particular, RetrievalAttention only needs a single NVIDIA RTX4090 (24GB) for serving 128K tokens in LLMs with 8B parameters, which is capable of generating one token in 0.188 seconds.
16th September 2024 Kolmogorov-Arnold Transformer Transformers stand as the cornerstone of mordern deep learning. Traditionally, these models rely on multi-layer perceptron (MLP) layers to mix the information between channels. In this paper, we introduce the Kolmogorov-Arnold Transformer (KAT), a novel architecture that replaces MLP layers with Kolmogorov-Arnold Network (KAN) layers to enhance the expressiveness and performance of the model. Integrating KANs into transformers, however, is no easy feat, especially when scaled up. Specifically, we identify three key challenges: (C1) Base function. The standard B-spline function used in KANs is not optimized for parallel computing on modern hardware, resulting in slower inference speeds. (C2) Parameter and Computation Inefficiency. KAN requires a unique function for each input-output pair, making the computation extremely large. (C3) Weight initialization. The initialization of weights in KANs is particularly challenging due to their learnable activation functions, which are critical for achieving convergence in deep neural networks. To overcome the aforementioned challenges, we propose three key solutions: (S1) Rational basis. We replace B-spline functions with rational functions to improve compatibility with modern GPUs. By implementing this in CUDA, we achieve faster computations. (S2) Group KAN. We share the activation weights through a group of neurons, to reduce the computational load without sacrificing performance. (S3) Variance-preserving initialization. We carefully initialize the activation weights to make sure that the activation variance is maintained across layers. With these designs, KAT scales effectively and readily outperforms traditional MLP-based transformers.
16th September 2024 On the Diagram of Thought We introduce Diagram of Thought (DoT), a framework that models iterative reasoning in large language models (LLMs) as the construction of a directed acyclic graph (DAG) within a single model. Unlike traditional approaches that represent reasoning as linear chains or trees, DoT organizes propositions, critiques, refinements, and verifications into a cohesive DAG structure, allowing the model to explore complex reasoning pathways while maintaining logical consistency. Each node in the diagram corresponds to a proposition that has been proposed, critiqued, refined, or verified, enabling the LLM to iteratively improve its reasoning through natural language feedback. By leveraging auto-regressive next-token prediction with role-specific tokens, DoT facilitates seamless transitions between proposing ideas and critically evaluating them, providing richer feedback than binary signals. Furthermore, we formalize the DoT framework using Topos Theory, providing a mathematical foundation that ensures logical consistency and soundness in the reasoning process. This approach enhances both the training and inference processes within a single LLM, eliminating the need for multiple models or external control mechanisms. DoT offers a conceptual framework for designing next-generation reasoning-specialized models, emphasizing training efficiency, robust reasoning capabilities, and theoretical grounding. The code is available at https://github.com/diagram-of-thought/diagram-of-thought.
12th September 2024 DSBench: How Far Are Data Science Agents to Becoming Data Science Experts? Large Language Models (LLMs) and Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) have demonstrated impressive language/vision reasoning abilities, igniting the recent trend of building agents for targeted applications such as shopping assistants or AI software engineers. Recently, many data science benchmarks have been proposed to investigate their performance in the data science domain. However, existing data science benchmarks still fall short when compared to real-world data science applications due to their simplified settings. To bridge this gap, we introduce DSBench, a comprehensive benchmark designed to evaluate data science agents with realistic tasks. This benchmark includes 466 data analysis tasks and 74 data modeling tasks, sourced from Eloquence and Kaggle competitions. DSBench offers a realistic setting by encompassing long contexts, multimodal task backgrounds, reasoning with large data files and multi-table structures, and performing end-to-end data modeling tasks. Our evaluation of state-of-the-art LLMs, LVLMs, and agents shows that they struggle with most tasks, with the best agent solving only 34.12% of data analysis tasks and achieving a 34.74% Relative Performance Gap (RPG). These findings underscore the need for further advancements in developing more practical, intelligent, and autonomous data science agents.
10th September 2024 PingPong: A Benchmark for Role-Playing Language Models with User Emulation and Multi-Model Evaluation We introduce a novel benchmark for evaluating the role-playing capabilities of language models. Our approach leverages language models themselves to emulate users in dynamic, multi-turn conversations and to assess the resulting dialogues. The framework consists of three main components: a player model assuming a specific character role, an interrogator model simulating user behavior, and a judge model evaluating conversation quality. We conducted experiments comparing automated evaluations with human annotations to validate our approach, demonstrating strong correlations across multiple criteria. This work provides a foundation for a robust and dynamic evaluation of model capabilities in interactive scenarios.
10th September 2024 LLaMA-Omni: Seamless Speech Interaction with Large Language Models Models like GPT-4o enable real-time interaction with large language models (LLMs) through speech, significantly enhancing user experience compared to traditional text-based interaction. However, there is still a lack of exploration on how to build speech interaction models based on open-source LLMs. To address this, we propose LLaMA-Omni, a novel model architecture designed for low-latency and high-quality speech interaction with LLMs. LLaMA-Omni integrates a pretrained speech encoder, a speech adaptor, an LLM, and a streaming speech decoder. It eliminates the need for speech transcription, and can simultaneously generate text and speech responses directly from speech instructions with extremely low latency. We build our model based on the latest Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct model. To align the model with speech interaction scenarios, we construct a dataset named InstructS2S-200K, which includes 200K speech instructions and corresponding speech responses. Experimental results show that compared to previous speech-language models, LLaMA-Omni provides better responses in both content and style, with a response latency as low as 226ms. Additionally, training LLaMA-Omni takes less than 3 days on just 4 GPUs, paving the way for the efficient development of speech-language models in the future.
10th September 2024 Can Large Language Models Unlock Novel Scientific Research Ideas? "An idea is nothing more nor less than a new combination of old elements" (Young, J.W.). The widespread adoption of Large Language Models (LLMs) and publicly available ChatGPT have marked a significant turning point in the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into people's everyday lives. This study explores the capability of LLMs in generating novel research ideas based on information from research papers. We conduct a thorough examination of 4 LLMs in five domains (e.g., Chemistry, Computer, Economics, Medical, and Physics). We found that the future research ideas generated by Claude-2 and GPT-4 are more aligned with the author's perspective than GPT-3.5 and Gemini. We also found that Claude-2 generates more diverse future research ideas than GPT-4, GPT-3.5, and Gemini 1.0. We further performed a human evaluation of the novelty, relevancy, and feasibility of the generated future research ideas. This investigation offers insights into the evolving role of LLMs in idea generation, highlighting both its capability and limitations. Our work contributes to the ongoing efforts in evaluating and utilizing language models for generating future research ideas. We make our datasets and codes publicly available.
9th September 2024 SongCreator: Lyrics-based Universal Song Generation Music is an integral part of human culture, embodying human intelligence and creativity, of which songs compose an essential part. While various aspects of song generation have been explored by previous works, such as singing voice, vocal composition and instrumental arrangement, etc., generating songs with both vocals and accompaniment given lyrics remains a significant challenge, hindering the application of music generation models in the real world. In this light, we propose SongCreator, a song-generation system designed to tackle this challenge. The model features two novel designs: a meticulously designed dual-sequence language model (DSLM) to capture the information of vocals and accompaniment for song generation, and an additional attention mask strategy for DSLM, which allows our model to understand, generate and edit songs, making it suitable for various song-related generation tasks. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of SongCreator by achieving state-of-the-art or competitive performances on all eight tasks. Notably, it surpasses previous works by a large margin in lyrics-to-song and lyrics-to-vocals. Additionally, it is able to independently control the acoustic conditions of the vocals and accompaniment in the generated song through different prompts, exhibiting its potential applicability. Our samples are available at https://songcreator.github.io/.
9th September 2024 HyperAgent: Generalist Software Engineering Agents to Solve Coding Tasks at Scale Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized software engineering (SE), demonstrating remarkable capabilities in various coding tasks. While recent efforts have produced autonomous software agents based on LLMs for end-to-end development tasks, these systems are typically designed for specific SE tasks. We introduce HyperAgent, a novel generalist multi-agent system designed to address a wide spectrum of SE tasks across different programming languages by mimicking human developers' workflows. Comprising four specialized agents - Planner, Navigator, Code Editor, and Executor. HyperAgent manages the full lifecycle of SE tasks, from initial conception to final verification. Through extensive evaluations, HyperAgent achieves state-of-the-art performance across diverse SE tasks: it attains a 25.01% success rate on SWE-Bench-Lite and 31.40% on SWE-Bench-Verified for GitHub issue resolution, surpassing existing methods. Furthermore, HyperAgent demonstrates SOTA performance in repository-level code generation (RepoExec), and in fault localization and program repair (Defects4J), often outperforming specialized systems. This work represents a significant advancement towards versatile, autonomous agents capable of handling complex, multi-step SE tasks across various domains and languages, potentially transforming AI-assisted software development practices.
9th September 2024 MemoRAG: Moving towards Next-Gen RAG Via Memory-Inspired Knowledge Discovery Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) leverages retrieval tools to access external databases, thereby enhancing the generation quality of large language models (LLMs) through optimized context. However, the existing retrieval methods are constrained inherently, as they can only perform relevance matching between explicitly stated queries and well-formed knowledge, but unable to handle tasks involving ambiguous information needs or unstructured knowledge. Consequently, existing RAG systems are primarily effective for straightforward question-answering tasks. In this work, we propose MemoRAG, a novel retrieval-augmented generation paradigm empowered by long-term memory. MemoRAG adopts a dual-system architecture. On the one hand, it employs a light but long-range LLM to form the global memory of database. Once a task is presented, it generates draft answers, cluing the retrieval tools to locate useful information within the database. On the other hand, it leverages an expensive but expressive LLM, which generates the ultimate answer based on the retrieved information. Building on this general framework, we further optimize MemoRAG's performance by enhancing its cluing mechanism and memorization capacity. In our experiment, MemoRAG achieves superior performance across a variety of evaluation tasks, including both complex ones where conventional RAG fails and straightforward ones where RAG is commonly applied.
8th September 2024 OneGen: Efficient One-Pass Unified Generation and Retrieval for LLMs Despite the recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs), which have significantly enhanced the generative capabilities for various NLP tasks, LLMs still face limitations in directly handling retrieval tasks. However, many practical applications demand the seamless integration of both retrieval and generation. This paper introduces a novel and efficient One-pass Generation and retrieval framework (OneGen), designed to improve LLMs' performance on tasks that require both generation and retrieval. The proposed framework bridges the traditionally separate training approaches for generation and retrieval by incorporating retrieval tokens generated autoregressively. This enables a single LLM to handle both tasks simultaneously in a unified forward pass. We conduct experiments on two distinct types of composite tasks, RAG and Entity Linking, to validate the pluggability, effectiveness, and efficiency of OneGen in training and inference. Furthermore, our results show that integrating generation and retrieval within the same context preserves the generative capabilities of LLMs while improving retrieval performance. To the best of our knowledge, OneGen is the first to enable LLMs to conduct vector retrieval during the generation.
6th September 2024 Paper Copilot: A Self-Evolving and Efficient LLM System for Personalized Academic Assistance As scientific research proliferates, researchers face the daunting task of navigating and reading vast amounts of literature. Existing solutions, such as document QA, fail to provide personalized and up-to-date information efficiently. We present Paper Copilot, a self-evolving, efficient LLM system designed to assist researchers, based on thought-retrieval, user profile and high performance optimization. Specifically, Paper Copilot can offer personalized research services, maintaining a real-time updated database. Quantitative evaluation demonstrates that Paper Copilot saves 69.92% of time after efficient deployment. This paper details the design and implementation of Paper Copilot, highlighting its contributions to personalized academic support and its potential to streamline the research process.
5th September 2024 Attention Heads of Large Language Models: A Survey Since the advent of ChatGPT, Large Language Models (LLMs) have excelled in various tasks but remain as black-box systems. Consequently, the reasoning bottlenecks of LLMs are mainly influenced by their internal architecture. As a result, many researchers have begun exploring the potential internal mechanisms of LLMs, with most studies focusing on attention heads. Our survey aims to shed light on the internal reasoning processes of LLMs by concentrating on the underlying mechanisms of attention heads. We first distill the human thought process into a four-stage framework: Knowledge Recalling, In-Context Identification, Latent Reasoning, and Expression Preparation. Using this framework, we systematically review existing research to identify and categorize the functions of specific attention heads. Furthermore, we summarize the experimental methodologies used to discover these special heads, dividing them into two categories: Modeling-Free methods and Modeling-Required methods. Also, we outline relevant evaluation methods and benchmarks. Finally, we discuss the limitations of current research and propose several potential future directions.
5th September 2024 How Do Your Code LLMs Perform? Empowering Code Instruction Tuning with High-Quality Data Recently, there has been a growing interest in studying how to construct better code instruction tuning data. However, we observe Code models trained with these datasets exhibit high performance on HumanEval but perform worse on other benchmarks such as LiveCodeBench. Upon further investigation, we find that many datasets suffer from severe data leakage. After cleaning up most of the leaked data, some well-known high-quality datasets perform poorly. This discovery reveals a new challenge: identifying which dataset genuinely qualify as high-quality code instruction data. To address this, we propose an efficient code data pruning strategy for selecting good samples. Our approach is based on three dimensions: instruction complexity, response quality, and instruction diversity. Based on our selected data, we present XCoder, a family of models finetuned from LLaMA3. Our experiments show XCoder achieves new state-of-the-art performance using fewer training data, which verify the effectiveness of our data strategy. Moreover, we perform a comprehensive analysis on the data composition and find existing code datasets have different characteristics according to their construction methods, which provide new insights for future code LLMs. Our models and dataset are released in https://github.com/banksy23/XCoder
5th September 2024 From MOOC to MAIC: Reshaping Online Teaching and Learning through LLM-driven Agents Since the first instances of online education, where courses were uploaded to accessible and shared online platforms, this form of scaling the dissemination of human knowledge to reach a broader audience has sparked extensive discussion and widespread adoption. Recognizing that personalized learning still holds significant potential for improvement, new AI technologies have been continuously integrated into this learning format, resulting in a variety of educational AI applications such as educational recommendation and intelligent tutoring. The emergence of intelligence in large language models (LLMs) has allowed for these educational enhancements to be built upon a unified foundational model, enabling deeper integration. In this context, we propose MAIC (Massive AI-empowered Course), a new form of online education that leverages LLM-driven multi-agent systems to construct an AI-augmented classroom, balancing scalability with adaptivity. Beyond exploring the conceptual framework and technical innovations, we conduct preliminary experiments at Tsinghua University, one of China's leading universities. Drawing from over 100,000 learning records of more than 500 students, we obtain a series of valuable observations and initial analyses. This project will continue to evolve, ultimately aiming to establish a comprehensive open platform that supports and unifies research, technology, and applications in exploring the possibilities of online education in the era of large model AI. We envision this platform as a collaborative hub, bringing together educators, researchers, and innovators to collectively explore the future of AI-driven online education.
4th September 2024 LongCite: Enabling LLMs to Generate Fine-grained Citations in Long-context QA Though current long-context large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive capacities in answering user questions based on extensive text, the lack of citations in their responses makes user verification difficult, leading to concerns about their trustworthiness due to their potential hallucinations. In this work, we aim to enable long-context LLMs to generate responses with fine-grained sentence-level citations, improving their faithfulness and verifiability. We first introduce LongBench-Cite, an automated benchmark for assessing current LLMs' performance in Long-Context Question Answering with Citations (LQAC), revealing considerable room for improvement. To this end, we propose CoF (Coarse to Fine), a novel pipeline that utilizes off-the-shelf LLMs to automatically generate long-context QA instances with precise sentence-level citations, and leverage this pipeline to construct LongCite-45k, a large-scale SFT dataset for LQAC. Finally, we train LongCite-8B and LongCite-9B using the LongCite-45k dataset, successfully enabling their generation of accurate responses and fine-grained sentence-level citations in a single output. The evaluation results on LongBench-Cite show that our trained models achieve state-of-the-art citation quality, surpassing advanced proprietary models including GPT-4o.
4th September 2024 LongLLaVA: Scaling Multi-modal LLMs to 1000 Images Efficiently via a Hybrid Architecture Expanding the long-context capabilities of Multi-modal Large Language Models~(MLLMs) is crucial for video understanding, high-resolution image understanding, and multi-modal agents. This involves a series of systematic optimizations, including model architecture, data construction and training strategy, particularly addressing challenges such as \textit{degraded performance with more images} and \textit{high computational costs}. In this paper, we adapt the model architecture to a hybrid of Mamba and Transformer blocks, approach data construction with both temporal and spatial dependencies among multiple images and employ a progressive training strategy. The released model \textbf{LongLLaVA}~(\textbf{Long}-Context \textbf{L}arge \textbf{L}anguage \textbf{a}nd \textbf{V}ision \textbf{A}ssistant) is the first hybrid MLLM, which achieved a better balance between efficiency and effectiveness. LongLLaVA not only achieves competitive results across various benchmarks, but also maintains high throughput and low memory consumption. Especially, it could process nearly a thousand images on a single A100 80GB GPU, showing promising application prospects for a wide range of tasks.
4th September 2024 Towards a Unified View of Preference Learning for Large Language Models: A Survey Large Language Models (LLMs) exhibit remarkably powerful capabilities. One of the crucial factors to achieve success is aligning the LLM's output with human preferences. This alignment process often requires only a small amount of data to efficiently enhance the LLM's performance. While effective, research in this area spans multiple domains, and the methods involved are relatively complex to understand. The relationships between different methods have been under-explored, limiting the development of the preference alignment. In light of this, we break down the existing popular alignment strategies into different components and provide a unified framework to study the current alignment strategies, thereby establishing connections among them. In this survey, we decompose all the strategies in preference learning into four components: model, data, feedback, and algorithm. This unified view offers an in-depth understanding of existing alignment algorithms and also opens up possibilities to synergize the strengths of different strategies. Furthermore, we present detailed working examples of prevalent existing algorithms to facilitate a comprehensive understanding for the readers. Finally, based on our unified perspective, we explore the challenges and future research directions for aligning large language models with human preferences.
4th September 2024 Building Math Agents with Multi-Turn Iterative Preference Learning Recent studies have shown that large language models' (LLMs) mathematical problem-solving capabilities can be enhanced by integrating external tools, such as code interpreters, and employing multi-turn Chain-of-Thought (CoT) reasoning. While current methods focus on synthetic data generation and Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT), this paper studies the complementary direct preference learning approach to further improve model performance. However, existing direct preference learning algorithms are originally designed for the single-turn chat task, and do not fully address the complexities of multi-turn reasoning and external tool integration required for tool-integrated mathematical reasoning tasks. To fill in this gap, we introduce a multi-turn direct preference learning framework, tailored for this context, that leverages feedback from code interpreters and optimizes trajectory-level preferences. This framework includes multi-turn DPO and multi-turn KTO as specific implementations. The effectiveness of our framework is validated through training of various language models using an augmented prompt set from the GSM8K and MATH datasets. Our results demonstrate substantial improvements: a supervised fine-tuned Gemma-1.1-it-7B model's performance increased from 77.5% to 83.9% on GSM8K and from 46.1% to 51.2% on MATH. Similarly, a Gemma-2-it-9B model improved from 84.1% to 86.3% on GSM8K and from 51.0% to 54.5% on MATH.
3rd September 2024 OLMoE: Open Mixture-of-Experts Language Models We introduce OLMoE, a fully open, state-of-the-art language model leveraging sparse Mixture-of-Experts (MoE). OLMoE-1B-7B has 7 billion (B) parameters but uses only 1B per input token. We pretrain it on 5 trillion tokens and further adapt it to create OLMoE-1B-7B-Instruct. Our models outperform all available models with similar active parameters, even surpassing larger ones like Llama2-13B-Chat and DeepSeekMoE-16B. We present various experiments on MoE training, analyze routing in our model showing high specialization, and open-source all aspects of our work: model weights, training data, code, and logs.
2nd September 2024 GenAgent: Build Collaborative AI Systems with Automated Workflow Generation -- Case Studies on ComfyUI Much previous AI research has focused on developing monolithic models to maximize their intelligence and capability, with the primary goal of enhancing performance on specific tasks. In contrast, this paper explores an alternative approach: collaborative AI systems that use workflows to integrate models, data sources, and pipelines to solve complex and diverse tasks. We introduce GenAgent, an LLM-based framework that automatically generates complex workflows, offering greater flexibility and scalability compared to monolithic models. The core innovation of GenAgent lies in representing workflows with code, alongside constructing workflows with collaborative agents in a step-by-step manner. We implement GenAgent on the ComfyUI platform and propose a new benchmark, OpenComfy. The results demonstrate that GenAgent outperforms baseline approaches in both run-level and task-level evaluations, showing its capability to generate complex workflows with superior effectiveness and stability.
2nd September 2024 VideoLLaMB: Long-context Video Understanding with Recurrent Memory Bridges Recent advancements in large-scale video-language models have shown significant potential for real-time planning and detailed interactions. However, their high computational demands and the scarcity of annotated datasets limit their practicality for academic researchers. In this work, we introduce VideoLLaMB, a novel framework that utilizes temporal memory tokens within bridge layers to allow for the encoding of entire video sequences alongside historical visual data, effectively preserving semantic continuity and enhancing model performance across various tasks. This approach includes recurrent memory tokens and a SceneTilling algorithm, which segments videos into independent semantic units to preserve semantic integrity. Empirically, VideoLLaMB significantly outstrips existing video-language models, demonstrating a 5.5 points improvement over its competitors across three VideoQA benchmarks, and 2.06 points on egocentric planning. Comprehensive results on the MVBench show that VideoLLaMB-7B achieves markedly better results than previous 7B models of same LLM. Remarkably, it maintains robust performance as PLLaVA even as video length increases up to 8 times. Besides, the frame retrieval results on our specialized Needle in a Video Haystack (NIAVH) benchmark, further validate VideoLLaMB's prowess in accurately identifying specific frames within lengthy videos. Our SceneTilling algorithm also enables the generation of streaming video captions directly, without necessitating additional training. In terms of efficiency, VideoLLaMB, trained on 16 frames, supports up to 320 frames on a single Nvidia A100 GPU with linear GPU memory scaling, ensuring both high performance and cost-effectiveness, thereby setting a new foundation for long-form video-language models in both academic and practical applications.
1st September 2024 ContextCite: Attributing Model Generation to Context How do language models use information provided as context when generating a response? Can we infer whether a particular generated statement is actually grounded in the context, a misinterpretation, or fabricated? To help answer these questions, we introduce the problem of context attribution: pinpointing the parts of the context (if any) that led a model to generate a particular statement. We then present ContextCite, a simple and scalable method for context attribution that can be applied on top of any existing language model. Finally, we showcase the utility of ContextCite through three applications: (1) helping verify generated statements (2) improving response quality by pruning the context and (3) detecting poisoning attacks. We provide code for ContextCite at https://github.com/MadryLab/context-cite.
31st August 2024 LongRecipe: Recipe for Efficient Long Context Generalization in Large Language Models Large language models (LLMs) face significant challenges in handling long-context tasks because of their limited effective context window size during pretraining, which restricts their ability to generalize over extended sequences. Meanwhile, extending the context window in LLMs through post-pretraining is highly resource-intensive. To address this, we introduce LongRecipe, an efficient training strategy for extending the context window of LLMs, including impactful token analysis, position index transformation, and training optimization strategies. It simulates long-sequence inputs while maintaining training efficiency and significantly improves the model's understanding of long-range dependencies. Experiments on three types of LLMs show that LongRecipe can utilize long sequences while requiring only 30% of the target context window size, and reduces computational training resource over 85% compared to full sequence training. Furthermore, LongRecipe also preserves the original LLM's capabilities in general tasks. Ultimately, we can extend the effective context window of open-source LLMs from 8k to 128k, achieving performance close to GPT-4 with just one day of dedicated training using a single GPU with 80G memory. Our code is released at https://github.com/zhiyuanhubj/LongRecipe.
29th August 2024 Mini-Omni: Language Models Can Hear, Talk While Thinking in Streaming Recent advances in language models have achieved significant progress. GPT-4o, as a new milestone, has enabled real-time conversations with humans, demonstrating near-human natural fluency. Such human-computer interaction necessitates models with the capability to perform reasoning directly with the audio modality and generate output in streaming. However, this remains beyond the reach of current academic models, as they typically depend on extra TTS systems for speech synthesis, resulting in undesirable latency. This paper introduces the Mini-Omni, an audio-based end-to-end conversational model, capable of real-time speech interaction. To achieve this capability, we propose a text-instructed speech generation method, along with batch-parallel strategies during inference to further boost the performance. Our method also helps to retain the original model's language capabilities with minimal degradation, enabling other works to establish real-time interaction capabilities. We call this training method "Any Model Can Talk". We also introduce the VoiceAssistant-400K dataset to fine-tune models optimized for speech output. To our best knowledge, Mini-Omni is the first fully end-to-end, open-source model for real-time speech interaction, offering valuable potential for future research.
29th August 2024 Jina-ColBERT-v2: A General-Purpose Multilingual Late Interaction Retriever Multi-vector dense models, such as ColBERT, have proven highly effective in information retrieval. ColBERT's late interaction scoring approximates the joint query-document attention seen in cross-encoders while maintaining inference efficiency closer to traditional dense retrieval models, thanks to its bi-encoder architecture and recent optimizations in indexing and search. In this work we propose a number of incremental improvements to the ColBERT model architecture and training pipeline, using methods shown to work in the more mature single-vector embedding model training paradigm, particularly those that apply to heterogeneous multilingual data or boost efficiency with little tradeoff. Our new model, Jina-ColBERT-v2, demonstrates strong performance across a range of English and multilingual retrieval tasks.
28th August 2024 CoRe: Context-Regularized Text Embedding Learning for Text-to-Image Personalization Recent advances in text-to-image personalization have enabled high-quality and controllable image synthesis for user-provided concepts. However, existing methods still struggle to balance identity preservation with text alignment. Our approach is based on the fact that generating prompt-aligned images requires a precise semantic understanding of the prompt, which involves accurately processing the interactions between the new concept and its surrounding context tokens within the CLIP text encoder. To address this, we aim to embed the new concept properly into the input embedding space of the text encoder, allowing for seamless integration with existing tokens. We introduce Context Regularization (CoRe), which enhances the learning of the new concept's text embedding by regularizing its context tokens in the prompt. This is based on the insight that appropriate output vectors of the text encoder for the context tokens can only be achieved if the new concept's text embedding is correctly learned. CoRe can be applied to arbitrary prompts without requiring the generation of corresponding images, thus improving the generalization of the learned text embedding. Additionally, CoRe can serve as a test-time optimization technique to further enhance the generations for specific prompts. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms several baseline methods in both identity preservation and text alignment. Code will be made publicly available.
28th August 2024 SciLitLLM: How to Adapt LLMs for Scientific Literature Understanding Scientific literature understanding is crucial for extracting targeted information and garnering insights, thereby significantly advancing scientific discovery. Despite the remarkable success of Large Language Models (LLMs), they face challenges in scientific literature understanding, primarily due to (1) a lack of scientific knowledge and (2) unfamiliarity with specialized scientific tasks. To develop an LLM specialized in scientific literature understanding, we propose a hybrid strategy that integrates continual pre-training (CPT) and supervised fine-tuning (SFT), to simultaneously infuse scientific domain knowledge and enhance instruction-following capabilities for domain-specific tasks.cIn this process, we identify two key challenges: (1) constructing high-quality CPT corpora, and (2) generating diverse SFT instructions. We address these challenges through a meticulous pipeline, including PDF text extraction, parsing content error correction, quality filtering, and synthetic instruction creation. Applying this strategy, we present a suite of LLMs: SciLitLLM, specialized in scientific literature understanding. These models demonstrate promising performance on scientific literature understanding benchmarks. Our contributions are threefold: (1) We present an effective framework that integrates CPT and SFT to adapt LLMs to scientific literature understanding, which can also be easily adapted to other domains. (2) We propose an LLM-based synthesis method to generate diverse and high-quality scientific instructions, resulting in a new instruction set -- SciLitIns -- for supervised fine-tuning in less-represented scientific domains. (3) SciLitLLM achieves promising performance improvements on scientific literature understanding benchmarks.

πŸŽ“ Courses

[Ongoing] Applied LLMs Mastery 2024

Join 1000+ students on this 10-week adventure as we delve into the application of LLMs across a variety of use cases

Link to the course website

[Feb 2024] Registrations are still open click here to register

πŸ—“οΈ*Week 1 [Jan 15 2024]*: Practical Introduction to LLMs

  • Applied LLM Foundations
  • Real World LLM Use Cases
  • Domain and Task Adaptation Methods

πŸ—“οΈ*Week 2 [Jan 22 2024]*: Prompting and Prompt Engineering

  • Basic Prompting Principles
  • Types of Prompting
  • Applications, Risks and Advanced Prompting

πŸ—“οΈ*Week 3 [Jan 29 2024]*: LLM Fine-tuning

  • Basics of Fine-Tuning
  • Types of Fine-Tuning
  • Fine-Tuning Challenges

πŸ—“οΈ*Week 4 [Feb 5 2024]*: RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation)

  • Understanding the concept of RAG in LLMs
  • Key components of RAG
  • Advanced RAG Methods

πŸ—“οΈ*Week 5 [ Feb 12 2024]*: Tools for building LLM Apps

  • Fine-tuning Tools
  • RAG Tools
  • Tools for observability, prompting, serving, vector search etc.

πŸ—“οΈ*Week 6 [Feb 19 2024]*: Evaluation Techniques

  • Types of Evaluation
  • Common Evaluation Benchmarks
  • Common Metrics

πŸ—“οΈ*Week 7 [Feb 26 2024]*: Building Your Own LLM Application

  • Components of LLM application
  • Build your own LLM App end to end

πŸ—“οΈ*Week 8 [March 4 2024]*: Advanced Features and Deployment

  • LLM lifecycle and LLMOps
  • LLM Monitoring and Observability
  • Deployment strategies

πŸ—“οΈ*Week 9 [March 11 2024]*: Challenges with LLMs

  • Scaling Challenges
  • Behavioral Challenges
  • Future directions

πŸ—“οΈ*Week 10 [March 18 2024]*: Emerging Research Trends

  • Smaller and more performant models
  • Multimodal models
  • LLM Alignment

πŸ—“οΈ*Week 11 *Bonus* [March 25 2024]*: Foundations

  • Generative Models Foundations
  • Self-Attention and Transformers
  • Neural Networks for Language

πŸ“– List of Free GenAI Courses

LLM Basics and Foundations
  1. Large Language Models by ETH Zurich

  2. Understanding Large Language Models by Princeton

  3. Transformers course by Huggingface

  4. NLP course by Huggingface

  5. CS324 - Large Language Models by Stanford

  6. Generative AI with Large Language Models by Coursera

  7. Introduction to Generative AI by Coursera

  8. Generative AI Fundamentals by Google Cloud

  9. Introduction to Large Language Models by Google Cloud

  10. Introduction to Generative AI by Google Cloud

  11. Generative AI Concepts by DataCamp (Daniel Tedesco Data Lead @ Google)

  12. 1 Hour Introduction to LLM (Large Language Models) by WeCloudData

  13. LLM Foundation Models from the Ground Up | Primer by Databricks

  14. Generative AI Explained by Nvidia

  15. Transformer Models and BERT Model by Google Cloud

  16. Generative AI Learning Plan for Decision Makers by AWS

  17. Introduction to Responsible AI by Google Cloud

  18. Fundamentals of Generative AI by Microsoft Azure

  19. Generative AI for Beginners by Microsoft

  20. ChatGPT for Beginners: The Ultimate Use Cases for Everyone by Udemy

  21. [1hr Talk] Intro to Large Language Models by Andrej Karpathy

  22. ChatGPT for Everyone by Learn Prompting

  23. Large Language Models (LLMs) (In English) by Kshitiz Verma (JK Lakshmipat University, Jaipur, India)

Building LLM Applications
  1. LLMOps: Building Real-World Applications With Large Language Models by Udacity

  2. Full Stack LLM Bootcamp by FSDL

  3. Generative AI for beginners by Microsoft

  4. Large Language Models: Application through Production by Databricks

  5. Generative AI Foundations by AWS

  6. Introduction to Generative AI Community Course by ineuron

  7. LLM University by Cohere

  8. LLM Learning Lab by Lightning AI

  9. LangChain for LLM Application Development by Deeplearning.AI

  10. LLMOps by DeepLearning.AI

  11. Automated Testing for LLMOps by DeepLearning.AI

  12. Building Generative AI Applications Using Amazon Bedrock by AWS

  13. Efficiently Serving LLMs by DeepLearning.AI

  14. Building Systems with the ChatGPT API by DeepLearning.AI

  15. Serverless LLM apps with Amazon Bedrock by DeepLearning.AI

  16. Building Applications with Vector Databases by DeepLearning.AI

  17. Automated Testing for LLMOps by DeepLearning.AI

  18. Build LLM Apps with LangChain.js by DeepLearning.AI

  19. Advanced Retrieval for AI with Chroma by DeepLearning.AI

  20. Operationalizing LLMs on Azure by Coursera

  21. Generative AI Full Course – Gemini Pro, OpenAI, Llama, Langchain, Pinecone, Vector Databases & More by freeCodeCamp.org

  22. Training & Fine-Tuning LLMs for Production by Activeloop

Prompt Engineering, RAG and Fine-Tuning
  1. LangChain & Vector Databases in Production by Activeloop

  2. Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback by DeepLearning.AI

  3. Building Applications with Vector Databases by DeepLearning.AI

  4. Finetuning Large Language Models by Deeplearning.AI

  5. LangChain: Chat with Your Data by Deeplearning.AI

  6. Building Systems with the ChatGPT API by Deeplearning.AI

  7. Prompt Engineering with Llama 2 by Deeplearning.AI

  8. Building Applications with Vector Databases by Deeplearning.AI

  9. ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers by Deeplearning.AI

  10. Advanced RAG Orchestration series by LlamaIndex

  11. Prompt Engineering Specialization by Coursera

  12. Augment your LLM Using Retrieval Augmented Generation by Nvidia

  13. Knowledge Graphs for RAG by Deeplearning.AI

  14. Open Source Models with Hugging Face by Deeplearning.AI

  15. Vector Databases: from Embeddings to Applications by Deeplearning.AI

  16. Understanding and Applying Text Embeddings by Deeplearning.AI

  17. JavaScript RAG Web Apps with LlamaIndex by Deeplearning.AI

  18. Quantization Fundamentals with Hugging Face by Deeplearning.AI

  19. Preprocessing Unstructured Data for LLM Applications by Deeplearning.AI

  20. Retrieval Augmented Generation for Production with LangChain & LlamaIndex by Activeloop

  21. Quantization in Depth by Deeplearning.AI

  1. Building and Evaluating Advanced RAG Applications by DeepLearning.AI
  2. Evaluating and Debugging Generative AI Models Using Weights and Biases by Deeplearning.AI
  3. Quality and Safety for LLM Applications by Deeplearning.AI
  4. Red Teaming LLM Applications by Deeplearning.AI
  1. How Diffusion Models Work by DeepLearning.AI
  2. How to Use Midjourney, AI Art and ChatGPT to Create an Amazing Website by Brad Hussey
  3. Build AI Apps with ChatGPT, DALL-E and GPT-4 by Scrimba
  4. 11-777: Multimodal Machine Learning by Carnegie Mellon University
  5. Prompt Engineering for Vision Models by Deeplearning.AI
  1. Building RAG Agents with LLMs by Nvidia
  2. Functions, Tools and Agents with LangChain by Deeplearning.AI
  3. AI Agents in LangGraph by Deeplearning.AI
  4. AI Agentic Design Patterns with AutoGen by Deeplearning.AI
  5. Multi AI Agent Systems with crewAI by Deeplearning.AI
  6. Building Agentic RAG with LlamaIndex by Deeplearning.AI
  7. LLM Observability: Agents, Tools, and Chains by Arize AI
  8. Building Agentic RAG with LlamaIndex by Deeplearning.AI
  9. Agents Tools & Function Calling with Amazon Bedrock (How-to) by AWS Developers
  10. ChatGPT & Zapier: Agentic AI for Everyone by Coursera
  11. Multi-Agent Systems with AutoGen by Victor Dibia [Book]


  1. Avoiding AI Harm by Coursera
  2. Developing AI Policy by Coursera

πŸ“Ž Resources

πŸ’» Interview Prep

Topic wise Questions:

  1. Common GenAI Interview Questions
  2. Prompting and Prompt Engineering
  3. Model Fine-Tuning
  4. Model Evaluation
  5. MLOps for GenAI
  6. Generative Models Foundations
  7. Latest Research Trends

GenAI System Design (Coming Soon):

  1. Designing an LLM-Powered Search Engine
  2. Building a Customer Support Chatbot
  3. Building a system for natural language interaction with your data.
  4. Building an AI Co-pilot
  5. Designing a Custom Chatbot for Q/A on Multimodal Data (Text, Images, Tables, CSV Files)
  6. Building an Automated Product Description and Image Generation System for E-commerce

πŸ““ Code Notebooks

RAG Tutorials

Fine-Tuning Tutorials

Comprehensive LLM Code Repositories

  • LLM-PlayLab This playlab encompasses a multitude of projects crafted through the utilization of Transformer Models

βœ’οΈ Contributing

If you want to add to the repository or find any issues, please feel free to raise a PR and ensure correct placement within the relevant section or category.

πŸ“Œ Cite Us

To cite this guide, use the below format:

author = {Reganti, Aishwarya Naresh},
journal = {https://github.com/aishwaryanr/awesome-generative-ai-resources},
month = {01},
title = {{Generative AI Guide}},
year = {2024}


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