gemini_penn is a fork of the Gemini theme with the University of Pennsylvania logo, colors, and fonts. This is NOT an official theme.
The following colors are defined:
- pennlightblue: {RGB}{130, 175, 211}
- pennorange: {RGB}{195, 90, 0}
- penngreen: {RGB}{0, 142, 0}
- pennyellow: {RGB}{242, 193, 0}
- pennpurple: {RGB}{74, 0, 66}
- penngray1: {RGB}{247, 247, 247}
- penngray2: {RGB}{242, 242, 242}
- penngray3: {RGB}{204, 204, 204}
- penngray4: {RGB}{153, 153, 153}
- penngray5: {RGB}{51, 51, 51}