Supported: KEF LS50 Wireless (Requires up to date firmware)
Untested: KEF LSX
This project is based on code from Gronis ( and investigations of chimpy (wireshark god).
- Get and set volume
- Mute and unmute
- Get and set source input
- Turn off speaker
- Turn on speaker (via HA service call)
- Create folder in your home assistant main folder:
mkdir custom_components/media_player
- Copy and into that folder. This will make the custom component kefwireless available to Home Assistant:
cp custom_components/media_player
cp custom_components/media_player
- Add component to Home Assistant by adding to configuration.yaml and restart HA:
- platform: kefwireless
host: 192.168.x.x # change to the IP of you speaker, no autodetection yet
name: MyLS50W # optional, the name you want to see in Home Assistant
turn_on_service: switch.turn_on # optional, place a HA service to call in here: domain.service
turn_on_service_data: '{"entity_id": "switch.some_switch"}' # optional, place the service data in here. Must be in quotation marks ('). Must be one line
- LS50 speakers take about 20 seconds to boot. Thus, after turning them on please be patient. Turning them on via HA is not possible.
MIT License
- Robin Grönberg
- Bastian Beggel
- chimpy (wireshark god)