Check out for a mature implementation, this code is essentially abandoned
A microdata parser for Elixir. Name shamelessly stolen from Mida. There has been no time spent yet on handling abusive/malformed inputs. Midal is still too immature for even toy projects. It will be available on when that changes.
iex> Midal.parse("<div itemscope><div itemprop='name'>Midal</div></div>")
{:ok, %{"name" => "Midal"}}
Any deviation from the current specification is considered a bug. Here are the currently known limitations:
- Unsupported attributes:
- implement initial basic parser
- fix deviations from w3c spec
- add basic handling for malformed/abusively crafted inputs (likely just limits on item nesting)
- improve Floki-based implementation (horrific performance, requeries the document way too much)
- refactor Floki-implementation to provide a document querying interface,
move its current logic either to
or a new file - flesh out documentation
- write conversion utilities for JSON-LD, RDFa
- research adding features for vocabularies (validation, not sure what else is useful)
- setup CI
- general repo maintenance (contributors, issue templates, etc)
- publish on hex when stable
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding midal
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:midal, "~> 0.1.0"}
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at