(virt) python manage_beta.py runserver
I strongly recommend using virtualenv to create customized python environment for development. Tutorial here: http://simononsoftware.com/virtualenv-tutorial/
(virt)-> pip install -r requirements.txt
Create the database:
(virt)-> python manage.py makemigrations
(virt)-> python manage.py migrate
Create a super user:
(virt)-> python manage.py createsuperuser
Start the server:
(virt)-> python manage.py runserver
Caution: if you use localhost:8000 to request the server, you could have CSRF errors (cross site validation). To avoid this, request the server on its IP address instead of localhost. When you make requests on thermlabs.com server with postman, you have to be logged in order to avoid CSRF errors.
One logger by django application named djoro.__application_name__
. For example, use the folllowing code in a the thermostats application :
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('djoro.thermostats')
def whatever():
logger.debug('log whatever message')