The current project aimed to implement an application in the form of a one API (application programming interface) running a DHCP server.
The 2 basic mechanisms for DHCP allocation have been implemented for assigning addresses:
- Dynamic allocation is the most commonly used method and works by that each client rents an address from a DHCP server for a period of time. The server chooses the address dynamically from a shared address group.
- Manual assignment assigns an address to a specific device, just as BOOTP does it is normally used only for servers and other important permanent hosts.
In order for server to start, you need to set server lease time, address pool, and server name.
- Go to App directory
- Run
In order to test the dhcp client you can go to client_test folder and run python3
. That will simulate a client who is asking for an ip address.
The graphical interface was implemented using the tkinter library in python. Application contains 2 pages:
- page for server configuration (pool-address setting, lease-time, server name)
- home page (monitoring server activity, static address setting, forced release of an address, server information)
Through this page, the user sets the address pool by entering an ip address and a mask. The ip address does not have to be the address of the subnet, the pool of addresses being chosen so as to contain the address entered.
To start the server, the user has to fill in all 3 of these fields: setting address pool,
Through this page, the user can see the general information about the server, the address pool as well as can monitor the activity server, which has the ‘Save History’ option to save the activity history in a dhcp_history.txt file.
By checking the ‘Show Packets’ option, the user can view the composition of the packages.
The Messagebox element was used to display input errors data by the user, displaying an appropriate message.
The application works on 4 threads:
- the main thread for the graphical interface
- the thread on which the DHCP server is running
- the thread for updating the Address Pool Viewer in case an ip address has been taken or released
- the thread for synchronizing the other threads and activating the Start button when stopped server
The DHCP_Packet class is intended to encode packet fields and decode bytes received package. To do this, it uses the DHCP_Packet_Fields dictionary list and DHCP_Options_Fields, through which the packet can access the length and type of fields and call the corresponding encoder functions of the Encoder class, respectively the decoding functions from the Decoder class. For academic purposes, only 7 option fields out of the 255 that the server has DHCP were treated in the application.
The DHCP_Server class is the one that implements the functionality of the DHCP server. The implementation of the FSM (Finite State Machine) is performed in the _analyze_data method in which, at a received package the followings are checked:
- if the ip address is in the server's address pool and is free.
- whether or not the client's MAC address has an IP address.
- if the server still has free addresses available, etc.
After these things are confirmed, depending on the type of message, the server calls the function to send a corresponding specific package by the methods: send_offer, send_acknowledge, send_nacknowledge.
The DHCP_Server_GUI class lists the server configuration page and the main page of the server. The 2 pages, built on the tkinter widget. Frames are invoked by the method tkinter.tkraise.