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GitHub - hydrati/maria2: Modern & Simple RPC Library for aria2c
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Modern & Simple RPC Library for aria2.


maria2 can control aria2c by its RPC interface.


  • Simple.
  • Better TypeScript IDE Support.
  • Browser and Node.js Support.

Getting Started

  • If you are using Deno, just import it.
// See https://deno.land/x/maria2
import { open, aria2, system } from 'https://deno.land/x/maria2/index.ts'
import { createHTTP, createWebSocket } from 'https://deno.land/x/maria2/transport.ts'
  • If you are using Node.js, install this package.
pnpm i maria2

# For Node.js *
pnpm i ws
pnpm i -D @types/ws # TypeScript Support

# For Node.js <v15.6.0, <v14.17.0
pnpm i uuid
  • Run aria2c with RPC options, for example
aria2c --enable-rpc=true --rpc-listen-all=true --rpc-allow-origin-all=true --rpc-listen-port=6800
  • Connect by WebSocket
import { open, aria2 } from 'maria2'

const conn = await open(
  new WebSocket('ws://localhost:6800/jsonrpc')

  // import { createWebSocket } from 'maria2/transport'
  // createWebSocket('ws://localhost:6800/jsonrpc')

const version = await aria2.getVersion(conn)
  • Connect by HTTP
import { open, aria2 } from 'maria2'
import { createHTTP } from 'maria2/transport'

const conn = await open(

const version = await aria2.getVersion(conn)
  • Multicall
import { open, system } from 'maria2'

const conn = await open(
  new WebSocket('ws://localhost:6800/jsonrpc')

const [result0, result1] = await system.multicall({
  methodName: 'aria2.getVersion',
  params: []
}, {
  methodName: 'aria2.getGlobalStat',
  params: []



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