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PyPI Version Supported Python Versions License Code Style: Black

sec-cik-mapper is a Python package for generating mappings between stock and mutual fund identifier data provided by the SEC.


  • Generate up-to-date mappings from the SEC as native Python dictionaries
  • Mappings for both stocks and mutual funds
  • Mapping data exposed as a raw pandas dataframe for custom data processing and usage
  • Full support for PEP 484-style type hints and the mypy type checker
  • Pre-generated mappings, updated daily, available from GitHub and jsDelivr for use outside of Python
  • Support for Python 3.6+

Quick Start


Install and update this package using pip:

$ pip install -U sec-cik-mapper

Basic Usage


>>> from sec_cik_mapper import StockMapper
>>> from pathlib import Path

# Initialize a stock mapper instance
>>> mapper = StockMapper()

# Get mapping from CIK to tickers
>>> mapper.cik_to_tickers
{'0000320193': {'AAPL'}, '0000789019': {'MSFT'}, '0001652044': {'GOOG', 'GOOGL'}, ...}

# Get mapping from ticker to CIK
>>> mapper.ticker_to_cik
{'AAPL': '0000320193', 'MSFT': '0000789019', 'GOOG': '0001652044', ...}

# Get mapping from CIK to company name
>>> mapper.cik_to_company_name
{'0000320193': 'Apple Inc.', '0000789019': 'Microsoft Corp', '0001652044': 'Alphabet Inc.', ...}

# Get mapping from ticker to company name
>>> mapper.ticker_to_company_name
{'AAPL': 'Apple Inc.', 'MSFT': 'Microsoft Corp', 'GOOG': 'Alphabet Inc.', ...}

# Get mapping from ticker to exchange
>>> mapper.ticker_to_exchange
{'AAPL': 'Nasdaq', 'MSFT': 'Nasdaq', 'GOOG': 'Nasdaq', ...}

# Get mapping from exchange to tickers
>>> mapper.exchange_to_tickers
{'Nasdaq': {'CYRN', 'OHPAW', 'SANW', ...}, 'NYSE': {'PLAG', 'TDW-WTB', 'RS', ...}, 'OTC': {'ZICX', 'LTGJ', 'AVNI', ...}, ...}

# Get mapping from CIK to exchange
>>> mapper.cik_to_exchange
{'0000320193': 'Nasdaq', '0000789019': 'Nasdaq', '0001652044': 'Nasdaq', ...}

# Get mapping from exchange to CIKs
>>> mapper.exchange_to_ciks
{'Nasdaq': {'0000779544', '0001508171', '0001060955', ...}, 'NYSE': {'0000764478', '0000008818', '0001725057', ...}, 'OTC': {'0001044676', '0001592411', '0001284452', ...}, ...}

# Save CIK, ticker, exchange, and company name mappings to a CSV file
>>> csv_path = Path("example_mappings.csv")
>>> mapper.save_metadata_to_csv(csv_path)

# Get raw pandas dataframe
>>> mapper.raw_dataframe
              CIK Ticker                               Name Exchange
0      0000001750    AIR                           Aar Corp     NYSE
1      0000001800    ABT                Abbott Laboratories     NYSE
2      0000001961   WDDD                         Worlds Inc      OTC
3      0000002098    ACU                   Acme United Corp     NYSE
4      0000002178     AE     Adams Resources & Energy, Inc.     NYSE
...           ...    ...                                ...      ...
13167  0001894057   PPYA  Papaya Growth Opportunity Corp. I
13168  0001894370   HMAC   Hainan Manaslu Acquisition Corp.
13169  0001894630   GHIX            Gores Holdings Ix, Inc.
13170  0001897941   GTEN             Gores Holdings X, Inc.
13171  0001898416   ALVO       Alvotech Lux Holdings S.A.S.

[13172 rows x 4 columns]

Mutual Funds

>>> from sec_cik_mapper import MutualFundMapper
>>> from pathlib import Path

# Initialize a mutual fund mapper instance
>>> mapper = MutualFundMapper()

# Get mapping from CIK to tickers
>>> mapper.cik_to_tickers
{'0000002110': {'CRBYX', 'CEFZX', 'CSSRX', ...}, '0000002646': {'IIBPX', 'IPISX', 'IIBTX', ...}, '0000002663': {'IMSXX', 'VMTXX', 'IVMXX', ...}, ...}

# Get mapping from ticker to CIK
>>> mapper.ticker_to_cik
{'LACAX': '0000002110', 'LIACX': '0000002110', 'ACRNX': '0000002110', ...}

# Get mapping from CIK to series ID
>>> mapper.cik_to_series_ids
{'0000002110': {'S000009184', 'S000033622', 'S000009185', ...}, '0000002646': {'S000008760'}, '0000002663': {'S000008702'}, ...}

# Get mapping from ticker to series ID
>>> mapper.ticker_to_series_id
{'LACAX': 'S000009184', 'LIACX': 'S000009184', 'ACRNX': 'S000009184', ...}

# Get mapping from series ID to CIK
>>> mapper.series_id_to_cik
{'S000009184': '0000002110', 'S000009185': '0000002110', 'S000009186': '0000002110', ...}

# Get mapping from series ID to tickers
>>> mapper.series_id_to_tickers
{'S000009184': {'CEARX', 'CRBYX', 'ACRNX', ...}, 'S000009185': {'ACINX', 'CACRX', 'CAIRX', ...}, 'S000009186': {'LAUCX', 'LAUAX', 'CUSAX', ...}, ...}

# Get mapping from series ID to class IDs
>>> mapper.series_id_to_class_ids
{'S000009184': {'C000024956', 'C000122737', 'C000024957', ...}, 'S000009185': {'C000024958', 'C000122739', 'C000097733', ...}, 'S000009186': {'C000024962', 'C000024964', 'C000122740', ...}, ...}

# Get mapping from ticker to class ID
>>> mapper.ticker_to_class_id
{'LACAX': 'C000024954', 'LIACX': 'C000024956', 'ACRNX': 'C000024957', ...}

# Get mapping from CIK to class IDs
>>> mapper.cik_to_class_ids
{'0000002110': {'C000024958', 'C000024969', 'C000024957', ...}, '0000002646': {'C000023849', 'C000074893', 'C000028785', ...}, '0000002663': {'C000023718', 'C000028786', 'C000076529', ...}, ...}

# Get mapping from class ID to CIK
>>> mapper.class_id_to_cik
{'C000024954': '0000002110', 'C000024956': '0000002110', 'C000024957': '0000002110', ...}

# Get mapping from class ID to ticker
>>> mapper.class_id_to_ticker
{'C000024954': 'LACAX', 'C000024956': 'LIACX', 'C000024957': 'ACRNX', ...}

# Save CIK, ticker, series ID, and class ID mappings to a CSV file
>>> csv_path = Path("mutual_fund_mappings.csv")
>>> mapper.save_metadata_to_csv(csv_path)

# Get raw pandas dataframe
>>> mapper.raw_dataframe
              CIK Ticker   Series ID    Class ID
0      0000002110  ACFFX  S000009188  C000024973
1      0000002110  ACINX  S000009185  C000024961
2      0000002110  ACRNX  S000009184  C000024957
3      0000002110  ACTWX  S000009187  C000024969
4      0000002110  AUSAX  S000009186  C000024965
...           ...    ...         ...         ...
29236  0001860434   INNO  S000073580  C000230585
29237  0001860434   SIFI  S000072556  C000228889
29238  0001860434   SIHY  S000072555  C000228888
29239  0001877493    BTF  S000074058  C000231452
29240  0001877493    VBB  S000075054  C000233857

[29241 rows x 4 columns]

Supported Mappings

Mappings can be formed between the following SEC identifiers and metadata:

Key Value StockMapper MutualFundMapper
CIK Set(Tickers) βœ… βœ…
CIK Company Name βœ…
CIK Exchange βœ…
Exchange Set(CIKs) βœ…
Exchange Set(Tickers) βœ…
Ticker CIK βœ… βœ…
Ticker Company Name βœ…
Ticker Exchange βœ…
CIK Set(Series IDs) βœ…
CIK Set(Class IDs) βœ…
Class ID CIK βœ…
Class ID Ticker βœ…
Series ID CIK βœ…
Series ID Set(Class IDs) βœ…
Series ID Set(Tickers) βœ…
Ticker Class ID βœ…
Ticker Series ID βœ…

Pre-generated Mappings

Pre-generated mappings are also available for download and use outside of Python (e.g. manually or via automated scripts/curl requests). These mappings are updated daily via a fully automated daily CRON job, which fetches, transforms, validates, and uploads the latest mapping data from the SEC to GitHub (save location: sec-cik-mapper/mappings Β· GitHub). These mappings are available for download and usage from both GitHub and the jsDelivr CDN.

Example Usage

Example curl commands, which download the specified mapping files and saves them to the current working directory:


Hosted via GitHub:

$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper/main/mappings/stocks/mappings.csv -O
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper/main/mappings/stocks/cik_to_exchange.json -O
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper/main/mappings/stocks/cik_to_tickers.json -O
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper/main/mappings/stocks/ticker_to_exchange.json -O
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper/main/mappings/stocks/cik_to_company_name.json -O
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper/main/mappings/stocks/ticker_to_cik.json -O
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper/main/mappings/stocks/ticker_to_company_name.json -O
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper/main/mappings/stocks/exchange_to_tickers.json -O
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper/main/mappings/stocks/exchange_to_ciks.json -O

Hosted via jsDelivr CDN:

$ curl https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper@main/mappings/stocks/mappings.csv -O
$ curl https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper@main/mappings/stocks/cik_to_exchange.json -O
$ curl https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper@main/mappings/stocks/cik_to_tickers.json -O
$ curl https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper@main/mappings/stocks/ticker_to_exchange.json -O
$ curl https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper@main/mappings/stocks/cik_to_company_name.json -O
$ curl https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper@main/mappings/stocks/ticker_to_cik.json -O
$ curl https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper@main/mappings/stocks/ticker_to_company_name.json -O
$ curl https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper@main/mappings/stocks/exchange_to_tickers.json -O
$ curl https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper@main/mappings/stocks/exchange_to_ciks.json -O

Mutual Funds

Hosted via GitHub:

$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper/main/mappings/mutual_funds/ticker_to_class_id.json -O
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper/main/mappings/mutual_funds/series_id_to_class_ids.json -O
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper/main/mappings/mutual_funds/mappings.csv -O
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper/main/mappings/mutual_funds/cik_to_class_ids.json -O
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper/main/mappings/mutual_funds/cik_to_series_ids.json -O
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper/main/mappings/mutual_funds/series_id_to_cik.json -O
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper/main/mappings/mutual_funds/ticker_to_series_id.json -O
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper/main/mappings/mutual_funds/cik_to_tickers.json -O
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper/main/mappings/mutual_funds/class_id_to_cik.json -O
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper/main/mappings/mutual_funds/series_id_to_tickers.json -O
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper/main/mappings/mutual_funds/class_id_to_ticker.json -O
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper/main/mappings/mutual_funds/ticker_to_cik.json -O

Hosted via jsDelivr CDN:

$ curl https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper@main/mappings/mutual_funds/ticker_to_class_id.json -O
$ curl https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper@main/mappings/mutual_funds/series_id_to_class_ids.json -O
$ curl https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper@main/mappings/mutual_funds/mappings.csv -O
$ curl https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper@main/mappings/mutual_funds/cik_to_class_ids.json -O
$ curl https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper@main/mappings/mutual_funds/cik_to_series_ids.json -O
$ curl https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper@main/mappings/mutual_funds/series_id_to_cik.json -O
$ curl https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper@main/mappings/mutual_funds/ticker_to_series_id.json -O
$ curl https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper@main/mappings/mutual_funds/cik_to_tickers.json -O
$ curl https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper@main/mappings/mutual_funds/class_id_to_cik.json -O
$ curl https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper@main/mappings/mutual_funds/series_id_to_tickers.json -O
$ curl https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper@main/mappings/mutual_funds/class_id_to_ticker.json -O
$ curl https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jadchaar/sec-cik-mapper@main/mappings/mutual_funds/ticker_to_cik.json -O


If you encounter a bug or would like to see a new company filing or feature added to sec-cik-mapper, please file an issue or submit a pull request.


For full documentation, please visit sec-cik-mapper.readthedocs.io.