This is a minimalistic stock ticker based on Yahoo's finance API for the MagicMirror² platform.
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Contribution welcome.
Please note that there have been recent changes that may affect the function of this module and require your action. Please read the linked articles if you are facing one of these problems.
I put a lot of time and effort into the creation and maintenance for this module and I'm glad so many people like it.
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- Uses Yahoo Finance API to collect current
- stock values
- indexes
- cryptocurrencies
- No API Key required
- Multiple display modes
- Static
- Vertical scroll
- Horizontal scroll
- Table
- Share Portfolio value and growth summary
- Very customizable
- Easy to use
Navigate to the
directory and execute the following commandgit clone
Change into the MMM-Jast module folder and install runtime dependencies with
cd MMM-Jast npm install
Add the module configuration into the
file (sample configuration):
module: "MMM-Jast",
position: "top_left",
config: {
currencyStyle: "code", // One of ["code", "symbol", "name"]
fadeSpeedInSeconds: 3.5,
lastUpdateFormat: "HH:mm",
maxChangeAge: 1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
maxWidth: "100%",
numberDecimalsPercentages: 1,
numberDecimalsValues: 2,
displayMode: "vertical", // One of ["none", "vertical", "horizontal", "table"]
showColors: true,
showCurrency: true,
showChangePercent: true,
showChangeValue: false,
showChangeValueCurrency: false,
showHiddenStocks: false,
showLastUpdate: false,
showPortfolioValue: false,
showPortfolioGrowthPercent: false,
showPortfolioGrowth: false,
showPortfolioPerformanceValue: false,
showPortfolioPerformancePercent: false,
showStockPerformanceValue: false,
showStockPerformanceValueSum: false,
showStockPerformancePercent: false,
stocksPerPage: 2, // Only relevant for display mode "table"
updateIntervalInSeconds: 300,
useGrouping: false,
virtualHorizontalMultiplier: 2,
stocks: [
{ name: 'BASF', symbol: 'BAS.DE', quantity: 10, purchasePrice: 70.4 },
{ name: 'SAP', symbol: 'SAP.DE', quantity: 15, purchasePrice: 90.3 },
{ name: 'Henkel', symbol: 'HEN3.DE', hidden: true },
{ name: 'Bitcoin', symbol: 'BTC-EUR' }
Option | Description |
currencyStyle |
Style of currency. Type: String Allowed values: "code" (EUR), "symbol" (€) or "name" (Euro)Default value: code |
displayMode |
Display mode for ticker. Type: String Allowed Values: "none" , "vertical" , "horizontal" or "table" Default value: "vertical" |
fadeSpeedInSeconds |
Animation speed for ticker. Type: Number Default value: 3.5 |
lastUpdateFormat |
Define dateformat, if the last update should be displayed. Type: String Default value: "HH:mm" |
locale |
Option to override the global/system locale for value formatting. Type: String Default value: undefined (system locale) |
maxChangeAge |
Maximum age of the last change to be recognized as current in milliseconds. Set to 0 to disable. Type: Number Default value: 1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 (24h) |
maxWidth |
CSS style to limit ticker width for vertical styles. Type: String Default value: "100%" |
numberDecimalsPercentages |
Number of decimals for percentages. Type: Number Default value: 1 |
numberDecimalsValues |
Number of decimals for stock values. Type: Number Default value: 2 |
showColors |
Colorize positive numbers in green, negatives in red. Type: Boolean Default value: true |
showCurrency |
Show stock`s currency. Type: Boolean Default value: true |
showChangePercent |
Show stocks change against last close in percent. Type: Boolean Default value: true |
showChangeValue |
Show stocks change against last close in absolute value. Type: Boolean Default value: false |
showChangeValueCurrency |
Show currency for change value. Type: Boolean Default value: false |
showHiddenStocks |
Ignore the hidden property for each stock. This can be useful when you use the same set of stocks with multiple module instances. Type: Boolean Default value: false |
showLastUpdate |
Show when the data was updated. Type: Boolean Default value: false |
showPortfolioGrowth |
Show portfolio value growth summary. Type: Boolean Default value: false |
showPortfolioGrowthPercent |
Show portfolio value growth summary in percent. Type: Boolean Default value: false |
showPortfolioValue |
Show portfolio value. Type: Boolean Default value: false |
showPortfolioPerformanceValue |
Show performance against purchase price value. Type: Boolean Default value: false |
showPortfolioPerformancePercent |
Show performance against purchase price in percent. Type: Boolean Default value: false |
showStockPerformanceValue |
Show performance against purchase price value. Type: Boolean Default value: false |
showStockPerformanceValueSum |
Show performance against purchase price value in total. Type: Boolean Default value: false |
showStockPerformancePercent |
Show performance against purchase price in percent. Type: Boolean Default value: false |
stocksPerPage |
Specifies how many stocks are displayed per page on table display mode. Type: number Default value: 2 |
updateIntervalInSeconds |
Interval to refresh stock data from server. (min. 120) Type: Number Default value: 600 (10 min) |
useGrouping |
Add grouping to high value numbers (i.e. BTC 60,000.00 EUR). Type: Boolean Default value: false |
virtualHorizontalMultiplier |
Virtually repeats the stocklist in horizontal display mode to avoid whitespaces. Type: Number Default value: 2 |
stocks |
Array of stocks to be displayed. Type: Array<Stock> (see below)Default value: Sample set |
Field | Description |
symbol |
Stock's symbol/key Type: String Example value: "SAP.DE" |
name |
Optional: Stock's display name Type: String Example value: "SAP" |
hidden |
Experimental! Optional: If set to true, this stock is not shown in the ticker but it is still used for portfolio calculation. Type: Boolean Default value: false |
quantity |
Optional: To calculate portfolio value and growth Type: Number Example value: 500 |
purchasePrice |
Optional: To calculate the stock and portfolio performance Type: Number Example value: 500 |
The easiest way to get the symbol for your stock is to open and use the search field on the top. You'll find the symbol either in the search preview or in the result page's URL (i.e. where BMW.DE would be the symbol).
This module is written in TypeScript and compiled with Rollup.
The source files are located in the /src
Compile target files with npm run build
Contribution for this module is welcome!