wikititle - script for printing list all Wikipedia title in few language (if one of them/translation do not exist, line/title is ignored) from Wikipedia dump (dump are downloaded automatically - will be downloaded 2-3 files)
WARNING Wikipedia dump may require some space on disc (from ~50MB to ~2GB per file) and RAM
- for English and German (wikititle en de) require ~2GB space and ~5GB RAM
- for Polish, English and German (wikititle pl en de) require ~700MB and ~1GB RAM
- Depends on the number of article in soruce Wikipedia
Little note: All log or error info are output into stderr
wikititle [options] <source langauge> <translate languange list>
Available option:
-h, --help
- Print help message (this message)
- Reload caches (list language) and exit
-c, --clean
- Remove all unnecessary files (cache + Wikipedia dump) and exit
-f, --force
- Print title if do not have translation
--head, --header
- Print language name in first row
- Get article id (as first column) - it is id defined in specific language, not global id (Wikidata ID). Id can be used to create article link, e.g.{ID}
where {ID}
is id article for source language Wikipedia
- Ignore checking program and libs
-l, --lang
- Print all available langauge
-o, --override
- Override downloaded Wikipedia dump
-s SEP, --sep SEP, --separator SEP
- Set separator between translation (default: ';')
-w FILE_NAME, --write FILE_NAME, --file FILE_NAME
- Write output into FILE_NAME file (default is out.txt file) or redirect stdout to file
--wikitag WIKITAG
- Wiki tag for searching specific article, it will download hude Wikipedia dump (from 10GB to 50GB after decompres) e.g. {{Imiona}}
for Polish Wikipedia or [[Category:English masculine given names]]
for English Wikipedia
wikititle pl en
- run script for Polish language and English translation, print titles into STDIO
Example output:
wikititle pl en -f
- run script for Polish language and English, French translation, print titles into STDIO, print all title - if transtaltion does not exist then is empty
Example output:
wikititle en de pl -w out.tsv -s '\t'
- run script for English language and German, Polish translation, save titles into out.tsv, separator title is tabulation
Example output in out.tsv file:
Poland Polen Polska
Europe Europa Europa
wikititle pl en de ja fr --header -f --id
- run script for Polish language and English, German, Japanese, French translation, print titles into STDIO, print langauage list, print all title - if transtaltion does not exist then is empty, print id article for Polish Wikipedia
Example output:
40981;Klucz (architektura);;;;
wikititle -f --wikitag '[[Kategoria:Informatyka]]' pl en de
- run script for Polish language and English, German translation, print titles into STDIO, print all title - if transtaltion does not exist then is empty, search with Wikitag [[Kategoria:Informatyka]] - it will be download extra ~5GB Wikipedia dump for searching tag
Example output:
Teleinformatyka;Information and communications technology;Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik
Teoria systemów;Systems theory;Systemtheorie
Moc obliczeniowa;Computer performance;Rechenleistung