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HitBTC Elixir API Hex pm hex.pm downloads

HitBTC REST API V2 / Socket for Elixir.

Documentation available on hex.pm


First add hitbtc to your mix.exs dependencies:

def deps do
    {:hitbtc, "~> 0.2.0"}

Then run $ mix deps.get.

For Elixir below version 1.3 add :hitbtc to your applications list.

def application do
  [applications: [:hitbtc]]


There are no lot of configuration options. For now only request_timeout option is available. It will set default timeout for reply from HitBTC API. By default it set to 8 seconds

And your API keys also should be configured to use "private" APIs like Hitbtc.Http.Trading and Hitbtc.Http.Account If you will use only public APIs no need to configure API keys

You could change it using your application config.exs:

use Mix.Config

config :hitbtc, request_timeout: 10_000

config :hitbtc, api_key: "api-key-here"
config :hitbtc, api_secret: "api-secret-here"

HTTP vs Socket API's

Client contain 2 methods of communication with HitBTC.


Client contain set of actions for public usage (non account related). And this actions could be used without auth config.

All public action are into Hitbtc.Http.Public. All other methods require auth configuration.

Usage example:

iex(1)> Hitbtc.Http.Public.symbol_list
  [%{baseCurrency: "BCN", feeCurrency: "BTC", id: "BCNBTC",
    provideLiquidityRate: "-0.0001", quantityIncrement: "100",
    quoteCurrency: "BTC", takeLiquidityRate: "0.001", tickSize: "0.0000000001"},
   %{baseCurrency: "BTC", feeCurrency: "EUR", id: "BTCEUR",
     provideLiquidityRate: "-0.0001", quantityIncrement: "0.01",
     quoteCurrency: "EUR", takeLiquidityRate: "0.001", tickSize: "0.01"},
   %{baseCurrency: "DCT", feeCurrency: "BTC", ...}, %{baseCurrency: "ANT", ...},
   %{...}, ...]}

Socket client

Socket client is a process that handle communication and send messages

Initialize connection using Hitbtc.Socket.open()


iex> {:ok, pid} = Hitbtc.Socket.open(self())
{:ok, #PID<0.188.0>}
iex> Hitbtc.Socket.subscribe_orderbook(pid, "BCHETH")
iex> flush
{:frame, :response, %{id: "La3I7JKC3JkJ", jsonrpc: "2.0", result: true}}
{:frame, :response,
    jsonrpc: "2.0",
    method: "snapshotOrderbook",
    params: %{
      ask: [
        %{price: "2.033071", size: "0.03"},
        %{price: "2.033072", size: "0.13"},
        %{price: "2.033237", size: "0.21"},
      bid: [
        %{price: "2.027210", size: "0.08"},
        %{price: "2.027209", size: "1.85"},
        %{price: "2.024906", size: "1.85"},
      sequence: 36635757,
      symbol: "BCHETH"
{:frame, :response,
    jsonrpc: "2.0",
    method: "updateOrderbook",
    params: %{
      ask: [
        %{price: "2.036203", size: "0.00"},
        %{price: "2.037233", size: "0.92"}
      bid: [],
      sequence: 36635758,
      symbol: "BCHETH"


Copyright © 2017 Konstantin Zolotarev

This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.