Inputs logs, outputs a daily email summary.
Helps find unusual/interesting/concerning log messages among the morass of draff. Similar to Logwatch or Epylog, but designed to integrate with ELK (Logstash + Elasticsearch + Kibana).
Write logs to a daily newline-delimited JSON dumpfile
Configure Logstash
output { … file { path => '/var/log/logstash/dump-%{+YYYYMMdd}.ndjson' codec => json_lines } }
Optionally configure Logstash to assign a unique ID to each log event before indexing to Elasticsearch
filter { … uuid { target => '_id' } } output { elasticsearch { document_id => '_id' … } … }
Now Logstash will write the unique ID to the JSON dumpfile, which enables Draff to provide a link from the email to the Kibana document viewer. (Without this, Elasticsearch will automatically assign a unique ID, but Logstash won't know about it.)
Optionally configure Logrotate to delete old daily dumpfiles.
Send daily summary emails
- Install PHP 8 and the PHP PECL yaml extension (e.g.
dnf install php-pecl-yaml
) - Copy
, then:- ⚙️ Adjust the general configuration
- 📋 Define custom tables/aggregations
- 📎 Define custom annotations
- 🔀 Define custom text replacements/deduplications
- Add a crontab entry to run it daily:
10 0 * * * /opt/draff/draff --yesterday --html --email
- Install PHP 8 and the PHP PECL yaml extension (e.g.
Review the daily summary emails to find out about exciting new problems.