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[EMNLP 2023, Findings] GRACE: Discriminator-Guided Chain-of-Thought Reasoning

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Discriminator-Guided Chain-of-Thought Reasoning



March 2024: GRACE has been incorporated into LLM-reasoners. Special thanks to the authors!

November 2023: All GRACE discriminator checkpoints 🤖 are available for all six tasks!

October 2023: GRACE was accepted to Findings of EMNLP 2023 🎉🎉!!

May 2023: GRACE is uploaded to arXiv and training and generation code is made available.



The experiments in the paper were run using torch==1.13.0. You also need to install the transformers version included in this repo since it was modified to support calculator sampling.

cd transformers/
pip install -e .

Discriminator Training

To show you how to train the discriminator, we will use GSM8K to illustrate.

Step 1: Negative Sampling

WANDB_MODE=disabled python sample_negative_solutions.py --in_file data/$TASK/train.jsonl \
                                --model_name_or_path path-to-lm \
                                --task gsm8k  --temperature 1.3 \
                                --model_tokenizer_path .path-to-lm \
                                --n_total_samples 80000 --top_k 50 \
                                --out_dir path-to-sampled-solutions \
                                --do_sample --seed 23 \
                                --bf16 --batch_size 256  --max_length 256 --sample_calc

All parameters are self-explanatory, but --sample_calc means we will use calculator sampling. That is whenever an operation such as << 4 + 5=9 >> is generated, we will invoke a calculator module to compute the result.

Steps 2 and 3: Trajectory alignment and discriminator training with max-margin

Now we want to train a FLAN-T5 encoder as a discriminator over the sampled solutions:

Description of the image

accelerate launch  --mixed_precision=bf16  --num_processes=$GPUS_PER_NODE train_discriminator.py  --task gsm8k \
                        --trajectory_path path-to-sampled-solutions/trajectories.jsonl \
                        --model google/flan-t5-large \
                        --output_dir ckpts/discrim/flan_t5_large_gsm8k/ \
                        --evaluation_strategy steps --save_steps 2000 --eval_steps  2000 --save_total_limit 2 \
                        --prediction_loss_only True \
                        --max_len 512  --margin 1.0 --logging_steps 50 --warmup_ratio 0.06 \
                        --lr_scheduler_type cosine_with_restarts --weight_decay 0.01 \
                        --per_device_train_batch_size 8 --num_train_epochs 5 --learning_rate 1e-4  \
                        --metric_for_best_model 'loss' --greater_is_better False --load_best_model_at_end True \
                        --bf16 --gradient_accumulation_steps 2 --pooling "max" --report_to 'none' \
                        --step_aligner_model roscoe --max_alignment_cost 3.0

All parameters are self-explanatory too, except for:

  • --step_aligner_model: the model used for alignment (roscoe, simcse, or openai embeddings).
  • --max_alignment_cost: The maximum alignment cost between a sampled solution and the reference solution. If the alignment cost is not above this value, the sampled solution is not used to create examples for the discriminator

Stepwise Guided Decoding

Now we run the guided decoding using the trained discriminator.

WANDB_MODE=disabled python run_grace.py \
                        --model_name_or_path path-to-lm/ \
                        --in_file data/gsm8k/dev.jsonl \
                        --task gsm8k \
                        --disc_path ckpts/discrim/flan-t5-gsm8k/ \
                        --beta 0.1 --n_candidate_steps 20 --generation_type step-score \
                        --step_sampling_method top_p --device2 cuda:0 --top_p .95 --sample_calc true \
                        --max_steps 6  --max_step_length 60 --step_delimiter '|' --temperature .8  --n_self_consistency 1 --seed 42

relevant arguments are:

  • --model_name_or_path: path to the generator/LM model. To use the fine-tuned FLAN-T5-Large models used in the paper experiments for GSM8K, SVAMP, and MathQA, pass mkhalifa/flan-t5-large-gsm8k or mkhalifa/flan-t5-large-svamp or mkhalifa/flan-t5-large-mathqa.
  • --generation_type: how we guide decoding. step-score is the method described in the paper.
  • --step_delimiter: the step delimiter token used (used to stop generation at the end of a given steps when sampling candidate steps). We use | for gsm8k, SVAMP, and MultiArith and ; for MathQA.
  • --n_self_consistency: the number of samples to use for self-consistency with grace. If set to one, then no majority voting is applied.
  • --max_steps: Maximum steps per sampled solution.
  • --step_sampling_method: how we sample candidate steps
  • --n_candidate_steps: number of candidate steps to sample and score.

Pre-trained Discriminator Checkpoints

You first need to install huggingface_hub:

pip install huggingface_hub

Then, you can use the download_models.py script to download the trained discriminators. For example, to download the GSM8K discriminator trained on samples from FLAN-T5-Large:

python download_models.py --task gsm8k

Which will save the downloaded model to `ckpts/discrim/'

Discriminators are available for all tasks: gsm8k, svamp, multiarith, mathqa, tso, coin_flip.


If you use this code, please consider citing our paper

  title={GRACE: Discriminator-Guided Chain-of-Thought Reasoning},
  author={Khalifa, Muhammad and Logeswaran, Lajanugen and Lee, Moontae and Lee, Honglak and Wang, Lu},
  booktitle={The 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},