👋 I'm Patrik.
Website: https://patriksvensson.se
Twitter: @firstdrafthell
Mastodon: @patriksvensson@mstdn.social
I work on projects for the .NET and Rust ecosystem like Cake, Spectre.Console, Errata, Cupboard, Ghostly, Duck, Spectre.IO, Jarvis, and Snitch, amongst other things.
Sometimes, I also blog.
- 2023-11-13: Building an iterator in Swift
- 2021-12-22: Intellisense for your GitHub Actions workflows
- 2020-10-08: Thank you Octopus Deploy!
- 2020-06-22: Deploying to NuGet from GitHub Actions using Cake and MinVer
- 2020-06-08: Enumerating monitors in Rust using Win32 API
If you like what I do, you can always ♥ sponsor me.