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GitHub - phillc73/duckdf: 🦆 SQL for R dataframes, with ducks
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🦆 Ducks all the way down

This is a convenience package for everyone who has a deep and abiding love affair with SQL (and ducks).

Instead of using other incredibly popular and useful packages like data.table or dplyr, one could use duckdf instead to slice and dice dataframes with SQL. Precedence exists in the sqldf package, but this one is better because it quacks.

It's also meant to be a bit of fun.

Quick Start

To install this package, first install duckdb:


This package has been tested against the 0.2.4 version of duckdb

Then install duckdf with the remotes package.

# install.packages("remotes")


If you want to write "normal" SQL SELECT statements in an R function, against an existing dataframe:

duckdf("SELECT mpg, cyl FROM mtcars WHERE disp >= 200")

This registers the well known mtcars dataset as a virtual table in the duckdb database, then selects just the columns mpg and cyl, where the disp column is greater than 200.

In reality, this function is just a simple wrapper around a collection of DBI functions, such as dbConnect(), dbGetQuery(), dbDisconnect() and the duckdb function duckdb_register.

If you want to fly as fast as possible, the same query may be executed, but with the dataframe specifically named:

duckdf("SELECT mpg, cyl FROM mtcars WHERE disp >= 200", 
      df_name = "mtcars")

Defining a specific dataframe name in this way is slightly faster than allowing duckdf() to figure it out by making a decision based on the query string alone. As duckdf() uses string processing to decide the dataframe name to use when one is not defined, it is probably also more robust to do define one, although perhaps not as convenient.

Multiple dataframes may be named, to support joins:

"SELECT origin, dest,
    COUNT(flight) AS num_flts,
    round(SUM(seats)) AS num_seats,
    round(AVG(arr_delay)) AS avg_delay
  FROM flights f LEFT OUTER JOIN planes p
    ON f.tailnum = p.tailnum
  WHERE distance BETWEEN 200 AND 300
    AND air_time IS NOT NULL
  GROUP BY origin, dest
  HAVING COUNT(flight) > 3000
  ORDER BY num_seats DESC, avg_delay ASC
  LIMIT 2;",
  df_name = c("flights", "planes")

Joins of up to only two dataframes are supported where no specific dataframes are defined. See the nycflights13 benchmark example below for such an SQL query.

duckdf("SELECT mpg, cyl FROM mtcars WHERE disp >= 200",
      persist = TRUE)

The above is obviously the same SQL statement, however by using persist = TRUE an on-disk duckdb database is created in the current working directory. The name of the database will be the same as the first named dataframe.

The function duckdf::persist() may also be used directly.

duckdf::persist("SELECT mpg, cyl FROM mtcars WHERE disp >= 200")

It is also possible to define a specific on-disk database name, different from the dataframe name used in the query.

duckdf("SELECT mpg, cyl FROM mtcars WHERE disp >= 200",
      persist = TRUE,
      db_name = "mt_cars")

If you've already created a DuckDB database, or received one from the flock, it is possible to return some brief information about each table it contains. Assuming the database on disk is named mtcars


If the database is found in the current working directory, this returns a list of the first five rows from each table. Each list item name corresponds with the database table name. Databases with up to two tables are currently supported.

duckdf::gander("mtcars", show_types = TRUE)

This returns a named list as well, but the table column types are now shown.

This following function simply removes all traces of the duckdb called mtcars from the current working directory.


This package also supports DuckDB's CSV reader. In the spirit of R packages using obscure verbs to describe functions, in this package we have duckdf::ingest()

duckdf::ingest(name = "descriptive_name", 
              file = "filename.csv", 
              persist = TRUE)

The above will ingest the file called filename.csv, if found in the current working directory, into a duckdb database named, descriptive_name, and save it to disk. The single table in the database will also be called descriptive_name. This data can then be queried with duckdf(query, persist = TRUE) or duckdf_persist().

If persist = FALSE, only a dataframe in the global environment is created, via a duckdb virtual table intermediate, and then duckdf() may be used to query it directly.

It is also possible to define the returned object as either a data.table or tibble. The default returned object is a data.frame.

duckdf::ingest(name = "descriptive_name", 
              file = "filename.csv", 
              persist = FALSE,
              object_type = "data.table")


Is this package any good? If some measure of good is the speed at which results are returned, then this package is reasonably good.

The benchmarks below are generated on a laptiop with an i7-8565U CPU. If you try these numbers yourself, the results will differ but the general themes should remain the same.

The current duckdf SELECT functions have been vaguely tested against other popular approaches including data.table, dplyr, dbplyr, tidyquery and sqldf.

Coinsidering only simple queries, duckdf() is significantly faster than sqldf and tidyquery, somewhat faster than the current implementation of dbplyr, not quite as fast as dplyr and much, much slower than data.table. In fact, if you'd like to query a data.table more slowly, duckdf can support that too.

duckdf_persist() is slow because it writes or reads a duckdf database to disk on each iteration.

# duckdb v0.2.4
# dplyr 1.0.3
# dbplyr 2.0.0
# sqldf 0.4-11
# data.table 1.13.7
# tidyquery 0.2.1

# Make a data.table
mtcars_data_table <- data.table(mtcars)

# dbplyr test function
dbplyr_test <- function() {
    con <- dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb(), ":memory:")

    copy_to(con, mtcars, "mtcars_dbplyr", temporary = FALSE)

    mtcars_db <- tbl(con, "mtcars_dbplyr")

    DBI::dbDisconnect(con, shutdown = TRUE)

    mtcars_result <- mtcars_db %>%
    dplyr::filter(disp >= 200) %>%



# Run the benchmark as often as you like
duck_bench <- microbenchmark(times=500,
                             # sqldf library
                             sqldf = {sqldf("SELECT mpg, cyl FROM mtcars WHERE disp >= 200")},
                             # tidyquery library
                             tidyquery =  {query("SELECT mpg, cyl FROM mtcars WHERE disp >= 200")},
                             # duckdf library
                             duckdf = {duckdf("SELECT mpg, cyl FROM mtcars WHERE disp >= 200")},
                             duckdf_df_name = {duckdf("SELECT mpg, cyl FROM mtcars WHERE disp >= 200", 
                                              df_name = "mtcars")},
                             duckdf_persist = {duckdf("SELECT mpg, cyl FROM mtcars WHERE disp >= 200", 
                                              persist = TRUE)},
                             duckdf_persist_named = {duckdf("SELECT mpg, cyl FROM mtcars WHERE disp >= 200", 
                                                    persist = TRUE, 
                                                    db_name = "mt_cars")},
                             # data.table library
                             data_table = {mtcars_data_table[disp >= 200, c("mpg", "cyl"),]},
                             # dplyr library
                             dplyr = {mtcars %>%
                               dplyr::filter(disp >= 200) %>%
                             # dbplyr library
                             dbplyr = {dbplyr_test()}


But wait, there's more. A more complex query benchmark, this time compared to tidyquery using the SQL example from their README page, and the dplyr equivalent generated through the tidyquery show_dplyr() function. The result is different and the duckdb and duckdf combination appear to be quickest.

# duckdb 0.2.4
# dplyr 1.0.3
# tidyquery 0.2.1

vs_tidyquery <- microbenchmark(times = 500,

                              tidyquery = {
                              "SELECT origin, dest,
                                  COUNT(flight) AS num_flts,
                                  round(SUM(seats)) AS num_seats,
                                  round(AVG(arr_delay)) AS avg_delay
                                FROM flights f LEFT OUTER JOIN planes p
                                  ON f.tailnum = p.tailnum
                                WHERE distance BETWEEN 200 AND 300
                                  AND air_time IS NOT NULL
                                GROUP BY origin, dest
                                HAVING num_flts > 3000
                                ORDER BY num_seats DESC, avg_delay ASC
                                LIMIT 2;"

                              duckdf = {
                              "SELECT origin, dest,
                                  COUNT(flight) AS num_flts,
                                  round(SUM(seats)) AS num_seats,
                                  round(AVG(arr_delay)) AS avg_delay
                                FROM flights f LEFT OUTER JOIN planes p
                                  ON f.tailnum = p.tailnum
                                WHERE distance BETWEEN 200 AND 300
                                  AND air_time IS NOT NULL
                                GROUP BY origin, dest
                                HAVING COUNT(flight) > 3000
                                ORDER BY num_seats DESC, avg_delay ASC
                                LIMIT 2;"

                               duckdf_named = {
                              "SELECT origin, dest,
                                  COUNT(flight) AS num_flts,
                                  round(SUM(seats)) AS num_seats,
                                  round(AVG(arr_delay)) AS avg_delay
                                FROM flights f LEFT OUTER JOIN planes p
                                  ON f.tailnum = p.tailnum
                                WHERE distance BETWEEN 200 AND 300
                                  AND air_time IS NOT NULL
                                GROUP BY origin, dest
                                HAVING COUNT(flight) > 3000
                                ORDER BY num_seats DESC, avg_delay ASC
                                LIMIT 2;",
                                df_name = c("flights", "planes")

                              dplyr = {
                                flights %>%
                                  left_join(planes, by = "tailnum", suffix = c(".f", ".p"), na_matches = "never") %>%
                                  rename(f.year = "year.f", p.year = "year.p") %>%
                                  filter(dplyr::between(distance, 200, 300) & !is.na(air_time)) %>%
                                  group_by(origin, dest) %>%
                                  filter(sum(!is.na(flight)) > 3000) %>%
                                  summarise(num_flts = sum(!is.na(flight)), 
                                            num_seats = round(sum(seats, na.rm = TRUE)), 
                                            avg_delay = round(mean(arr_delay, 
                                            na.rm = TRUE))) %>%
                                  ungroup() %>%
                                  arrange(dplyr::desc(num_seats), avg_delay) %>%


Of course there are lies, damn lies and benchmarks. Different datasets, of different size or different column types, using different queries, may produce entirely different results.


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