This is the official Python client driver for Skytable. The driver has been tested to work with Skytable 0.8.2 using the Skyhash/2 Protocol. The Python client driver provides first-class async
support using asyncio
and does not have any additional dependencies at the moment.
Install the dependency:
pip install skytable-py
Use in your code:
import asyncio
from skytable_py import Config, Query
c = Config("root", "mypassword123456789")
async def main():
db = None
db = await c.connect()
# init space
assert (await db.run_simple_query(Query("create space apps"))).is_empty()
# init model
assert (await db.run_simple_query(Query("create model apps.auth(username: string, password: string)"))).is_empty()
# insert our test row
assert (await db.run_simple_query(Query("insert into apps.auth(?, ?)", "sayan", "mypassword"))).is_empty()
# fetch data
username, password = (await db.run_simple_query(Query("select * from apps.auth where username = ?", "sayan"))).row().columns
# output
print(f"username={username.string()}, password={password.string()}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"failed with error {e}")
if db:
await db.close()
if __name__ == "__main__":
This client library is distributed under the Apache-2.0 License.