Visual Studio Code & Intellij
# | Title | Language | Tags |
1 | Two Sum | Python | HashMap |
2 | Add Two Numbers | Python | Linked List |
3 | Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters | Python | HashMap |
4 | Median of Two Sorted Arrays | Java, Python | Binary Search |
5 | Longest Palindromic Substring | Python | |
6 | ZigZag Conversion | Python | Math |
11 | Container With Most Water | Python | Two Pointers |
14 | Longest Common Prefix | Python | |
16 | 3Sum Closest | Python | Two Pointers |
17 | Letter Combinations of a Phone Number | Python | BFS |
19 | Remove Nth Node From End of List | Python | Two Pointers |
23 | Merge k Sorted Lists | Python | Linked List |
25 | Reverse Nodes in k-Group | Python | Linked List |
26 | Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array | Python | Two Pointers |
33 | Search in Rotated Sorted Array | Python | Binary Search |
34 | Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array | Python | Binary Search |
35 | Search Insert Position | Java, Python | Binary Search |
39 | Combination Sum | Python | DFS |
40 | Combination Sum II | Python | DFS |
45 | Jump Game II | Python | DP, Greedy |
46 | Permutations | Python | DFS |
47 | Permutations II | Python | DFS |
49 | Group Anagrams | Python | HashSet |
50 | Pow(x, n) | Python | |
51 | N-Queens | Python | DFS |
53 | Maximum Subarray | Python | |
54 | Spiral Matrix | Python | |
55 | Jump Game | Python | DP, Greedy |
56 | Merge Intervals | Python | |
59 | Spiral Matrix II | Python | |
61 | Rotate List | Python | Linked List |
62 | Unique Paths | Python | DP |
63 | Unique Paths II | Python | DP |
64 | Minimum Path Sum | Python | DP |
70 | Climbing Stairs | Python | DP |
71 | Simplify Path | Python | Stack |
72 | Edit Distance | Python | DP |
74 | Search a 2D Matrix | Java, Python | Binary Search |
77 | Combinations | Python | DFS |
78 | Subsets | Python | DFS |
81 | Search in Rotated Sorted Array II | Python | |
82 | Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II | Python | Linked List |
83 | Remove Duplicates from Sorted List | Python | Linked List |
86 | Partition List | Python | Linked List |
88 | Merge Sorted Array | Python | |
91 | Decode Ways | Python | DP |
92 | Reverse Linked List II | Python | Linked List |
94 | Binary Tree Inorder Traversal | Python | Binary Tree |
97 | Interleaving String | Python | DP |
98 | Validate Binary Search Tree | Python | Binary Tree |
101 | Symmetric Tree | Python | Binary Tree |
102 | Binary Tree Level Order Traversal | Python | BFS |
103 | Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal | Python | BFS |
104 | Maximum Depth of Binary Tree | Python | Binary Tree |
107 | Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II | Python | BFS |
109 | Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree | Python | Linked List, Binary Tree |
110 | Balanced Binary Tree | Python | Binary Tree |
111 | Minimum Depth of Binary Tree | Python | Binary Tree |
114 | Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List | Python | Binary Tree |
115 | Distinct Subsequences | Python | DP |
116 | Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node | Python | Binary Tree |
118 | Pascal's Triangle | Python | |
119 | Pascal's Triangle II | Python | |
120 | Triangle | Python | DP |
121 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | Java, Python | |
122 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II | Java, Python | |
123 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III | Java, Python | Two State |
124 | Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum | Python | Binary Tree |
127 | Word Ladder | Python | BFS |
131 | Palindrome Partitioning | Python | DFS |
133 | Clone Graph | Python | Graph, DFS |
136 | Single Number | Python | Bit Manipulation |
138 | Copy List with Random Pointer | Python | Linked List |
139 | Word Break | Python | DP |
140 | Word Break II | Python | DFS + Memo |
141 | Linked List Cycle | Python | Linked List |
143 | Reorder Listl | Python | Linked List |
144 | Binary Tree Preorder Traversal | Python | Binary Tree |
145 | Binary Tree Postorder Traversal | Python | Binary Tree |
146 | LRU Cache | Python | Double Linked List + Hashset |
147 | Insertion Sort List | Python | Linked List, Insertion Sort |
150 | Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation | Python | Stack |
155 | Min Stack | Python | Stack |
160 | Intersection of Two Linked Lists | Python | Linked List |
162 | Find Peak Element | Python | Binary Search |
167 | Two Sum II - Input array is sorted | Python | Two Pointers |
173 | Binary Search Tree Iterator | Python | Binary Tree |
187 | Repeated DNA Sequences | Java, Python | Hash Table |
189 | Rotate Array | Python | Two Pointers |
198 | House Robber | Python | DP |
200 | Number of Islands | Python | DFS |
205 | Isomorphic Strings | Python | String |
206 | Reverse Linked List | Python | Linked List |
207 | Course Schedule | Python | Graph |
210 | Course Schedule II | Python | Graph |
213 | House Robber II | Python | DP |
217 | Contains Duplicate | Python | Hashset |
221 | Maximal Square | Python | DP |
232 | Implement Queue using Stacks | Python | Stack |
236 | Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree | Python | Binary Tree |
240 | Search a 2D Matrix | Python | Binary Search |
242 | Valid Anagram | Python | HashSet |
257 | Binary Tree Paths | Python | Binary Tree, DFS |
268 | Missing Number | Python | Math |
278 | First Bad Version | Python | Binary Search |
283 | Move Zeroes | Python | Two Pointers |
295 | Find Median from Data Stream | Python | Heap |
310 | Minimum Height Trees | Python | Graph |
322 | Coin Change | Python | BFS |
329 | Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix | Python | DFS + Memo |
304 | Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable | Python | DP |
344 | Reverse String | Python | Two Pointers |
350 | Intersection of Two Arrays II | Python | Hashmap |
384 | Shuffle an Array | Python | |
387 | First Unique Character in a String | Python | Stack |
394 | Decode String | Python | Stack |
412 | Fizz Buzz | Python | |
443 | String Compression | Python | Array |
445 | Add Two Numbers II | Python | Linked List |
458 | Poor Pigs | Python | Math |
485 | Max Consecutive Ones | Python | |
509 | FibonacciNumber | Python | DP |
529 | Minesweeper | Python | DFS |
563 | Binary Tree Tilt | Python | Binary Tree |
566 | ReshapeTheMatrix | Python | |
567 | Permutation in String | Python | Hashmap |
589 | N-ary Tree Preorder Traversal | Python | Tree |
593 | Valid Square | Python | Math |
611 | Valid Triangle Number | Python | Binary Tree |
650 | 2 Keys Keyboard | Python | Math |
662 | Maximum Width of Binary Tree | Python | Binary Tree |
701 | Insert into a Binary Search Tree | Python | Binary Tree |
704 | Binary Search | Python | Binary Search |
724 | Find Pivot Index | Python | Prefix Sum |
735 | Asteroid Collision | Python | Stack |
739 | Daily Temperatures | Python | Stack |
746 | Min Cost Climbing Stairs | Python | DP |
832 | Flipping an Image | Python | Two Pointers |
845 | Longest Mountain in Array | Python | |
853 | Car Fleet | Python | |
876 | Middle of the Linked List | Python | Two Pointers |
890 | Find and Replace Pattern | Python | Hashmap |
895 | Maximum Frequency Stack | Python | Stack |
938 | Range Sum of BST | Python | Binary Search Tree |
946 | Validate Stack Sequences | Python | Greedy |
977 | Squares of a Sorted Array | Python | Two Pointers |
991 | Broken Calculator | Python | Binary Search |
1007 | Minimum Domino Rotations For Equal Row | Python | |
1022 | Sum of Root To Leaf Binary Numbers | Java, Python | Binary Tree |
1026 | Maximum Difference Between Node and Ancestor | Python | Binary Tree |
1137 | N-th Tribonacci Number | Python | |
1143 | Longest Common Subsequence | Python | |
1217 | Minimum Cost to Move Chips to The Same Position | Python | |
1239 | Maximum Length of a Concatenated String with Unique Characters | Python | |
1283 | Find the Smallest Divisor Given a Threshold | Python | Binary Search |
1290 | Convert Binary Number in a Linked List to Integer | Python | Linked List |
1295 | Find Numbers with Even Number of Digits | Python | |
1333 | Filter Restaurants by Vegan-Friendly, Price and Distance | Python | |
1344 | Angle Between Hands of a Clock | Python | Math |
1446 | Consecutive Characters | Python | |
1440 | Running Sum of 1d Array | Python | Prefix Sum |
1448 | Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree | Python | |
1551 | Minimum Operations to Make Array Equal | Python | Math |
1594 | Maximum Non Negative Product in a Matrix | Python | DP |
1640 | Check Array Formation Through Concatenation | Python | HashMap |
1704 | Determine if String Halves Are Alike | Python | HashMap |