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Philip José Farmer

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Infotaula de personaPhilip José Farmer

(2002) Editar o valor em Wikidata
Nacemento26 de xaneiro de 1918 Editar o valor em Wikidata
Terre Haute, Estados Unidos de América (pt) Traducir Editar o valor em Wikidata
Morte25 de febreiro de 2009 Editar o valor em Wikidata (91 anos)
Peoria, Estados Unidos de América Editar o valor em Wikidata
Datos persoais
País de nacionalidadeEstados Unidos de América Editar o valor em Wikidata
EducaciónBradley University (en) Traducir
Peoria High School (en) Traducir Editar o valor em Wikidata
Ocupaciónnovelista , escritor de ciencia ficción , escritor Editar o valor em Wikidata
Período de actividade1946 Editar o valor em Wikidata -
Xénero artísticoCiencia ficción e Fantasía Editar o valor em Wikidata
Pseudónimo literarioKilgore Trout Editar o valor em Wikidata
LinguaLingua inglesa Editar o valor em Wikidata
Obras destacables

Páxina webpjfarmer.com Editar o valor em Wikidata
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Philip José Farmer, nado en Terre Haute, Indiana o 26 de xaneiro de 1918 e finado o 25 de febreiro de 2009, foi un escritor estadounidense de ficción científica e fantasía, autor de novelas e relatos breves.


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En moitas das obras de Farmer aparecen personaxes preexistentes, tomados da historia ou da ficción. É o caso de The Other Log of Phileas Fogg (1973), que reenche as elipses da coñecida novela A volta ao mundo en oitenta días, de Jules Verne, ou da Barnstormer in Oz (1982), no que o fillo adulto da protagonista do mago de Oz, Dorothy, chega ao país de Oz por un accidente do avión que estaba pilotando. Outros personaxes que aparecen frecuentemente nas súas obras son os heroes pulp Tarzán e Doc Savage: na novela The Adventure of the Peerless Peer Tarzán forma equipo con Sherlock Holmes. Farmer é tamén o creador das series de Lord Grandrith e Doc Caliban, personaxes baseados, respectivamente, en Tarzán e en Doc Savage. Esta serie componse da Feast Unknown (1969), Lord of the Trees (1970) e The Mad Goblin (1970). Farmer escribiu ademais dúas enxeñosas biografías de Tarzán e Doc Savage, Tarzan Alive (1972) e Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life (1973).

A Serie Riverworld conta as aventuras de personaxes tan diferentes entre si como Richard Francis Burton, Hermann Göring e Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain), nun estraño máis aló no cal todos os seres humanos que viviron no pasado resucitan no val dun río que se estende por todo un planeta. A saga está composta por To Your Scattered Bodies Go (1971), The Fabulous Riverboat (1971), The Dark Design (1977), The Magic Labyrinth (1980) e Gods of Riverworld (1983). Riverworld and Other Stories (1979) é unha colección de relatos que se desenvolve no mesmo mundo imaxinario; nela inclúese o conto que deu orixe á saga. A serie World of Tiers consta das novelas The Maker of Universes (1965), The Gates of Creation (1966), A Private Cosmos (1968), Behind the Walls of Terra (1970), The Lavalite World (1977) e More Than Fire (1993). Esta serie, baseada na idea dun universo paralelo, inspirou a Roger Zelazny a súa serie de Amber.

As obras de Farmer abordan a miúdo o tema do sexo: a súa recompilación de historias breves Strange Relations, de 1960, marcou un fito na historia do sexo na literatura de ciencia ficción. Tamén a relixión está presente no traballo de Farmer: Xesús aparece coma personaxe nun dos relatos de Riverworld and Other Stories e na novela Jesus on Mars.

Premios e nomeamentos

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Ciclos narrativos

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World of Tiers
  • The Maker of Universes (1965)
  • The Gates of Creation (1966)
  • A Private Cosmos (1968)
  • Behind the Walls of Terra (1970)
  • The Lavalite World (1977)
  • More Than Fire (1993)
  • Red Orc's Rage (1991) - relacionado
  • To Your Scattered Bodies Go (1971)
  • The Fabulous Riverboat (1971)
  • The Dark Design (1977)
  • The Magic Labyrinth (1980)
  • Gods of the Riverworld (1983)
  • River of Eternity (1983) - relacionado
Herald Childe
  • The Image of the Beast (1968)
  • Blown: or Sketches Among the Ruins of My Mind (1969)
  • Traitor to the Living (1973)
Doc Caliban and Lord Grandrith
  • A Feast Unknown (1969)
  • Lord of the Trees (1970)
  • The Mad Goblin (1970)
  • Hadon of Ancient Opar (1974)
  • Flight to Opar (1976)
  • Dayworld (1984)
  • Dayworld Rebel (1987)
  • Dayworld Breakup (1990)

Novelas independentes

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  • The Green Odyssey (1957)
  • Flesh (1960)
  • A Woman a Day o The Day of Timestop (1960)
  • The Lovers (1961)
  • Cache from Outer Space (1962)
  • Fire and the Night (1962)
  • Inside Outside (1964)
  • Tongues of the Moon (1964)
  • Dare (1965)
  • The Gate of Time (1966)
  • Night of Light (1966)
  • Keepers of the Secrets (1970)
  • Lord Tyger (1970)
  • Love Song (1970)
  • The Stone God Awakens (1970)
  • The Wind Whales of Ishmael (1971)
  • Time's Last Gift (1972)
  • The Other Log of Phileas Fogg (1973)
  • The Adventures of the Peerless Peer (1974) (
  • Venus on the Half-Shell (1975) (como Kilgore Trout)
  • Ironcastle (1976) (con J. H. Rosny aîné)
  • Jesus on Mars (1979)
  • Dark Is the Sun (1979)
  • Two Hawks from Earth (1979)
  • The Unreasoning Mask (1981)
  • The Cache (1981)
  • Stations of the Nightmare (1982)
  • Greatheart Silver (1982)
  • A Barnstormer in Oz (1982)
  • Nothing Burns in Hell (1988)
  • Escape From Loki (1991)
  • The Caterpillar's Question (1992) (con Piers Anthony)
  • Nothing Burns in Hell (1998)
  • Naked Came The Farmer (1998) (con Nancy Atherton, Terry Bibo, Steven Burgauer, Dorothy Cannell, David Everson, Joseph Flynn, Julie Kistler, Jerry Klein, Bill Knight, Tracy Knight, Garry Moore e Joel Steinfeldt)
  • The Dark Heart of Time (1999)

Non ficción:

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  • Tarzan Alive: A Definitive Biography of Lord Greystoke (1972)
  • Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life (1973)
  • ”O'Brien and Obrenov” (1946)
  • ”The Lovers” (1952)
  • ”Sail On! Sail On!” (1952)
  • ”The Biological Revolt (1953)
  • ”Mother (1953)
  • ”Moth and Rust (1953)
  • ”Attitudes (1953)
  • ”Strange Compulsion (1953)
  • ”They Twinkled Like Jewels” (1954)
  • ”Daughter” (1954)
  • ”Queen of the Deep” (1954)
  • ”The God Business” (1954)
  • ”Rastignac the Devil” (1954)
  • ”The Celestial Blueprint” (1954)
  • ”The Wounded” (1954)
  • ”Totem and Taboo” (1954)
  • ”Father” (1955)
  • ”The Night of Light” (1955)
  • ”The Alley Man” (1959)
  • ”Heel” (1960)
  • ”My Sister's Brother or Open to Me, My Sister” (1960)
  • ”A Few Miles” (1960)
  • ”Prometheus” (1961)
  • ”Tongues of the Moon” (1961)
  • ”Uproar in Acheron” (1962)
  • ”How Deep the Grooves” (1963)
  • ”Some Fabulous Yonder” (1963)
  • ”The Blasphemers” (1964)
  • ”The King of the Beasts” (1964)
  • ”Day of the Great Shout” (1965)
  • ”Riverworld” (1966)
  • ”The Suicide Express” (1966)
  • ”The Blind Rowers” (1967)
  • ”A Bowl Bigger than Earth” (1967)
  • ”The Felled Star (part 1)” (1967)
  • ”The Felled Star (part 2)” (1967)
  • ”The Shadow of Space” (1967)
  • ”Riders of the Purple Wage” (1967)
  • ”Don't Wash the Carats” (1968)
  • ”The Jungle Rot Kid on the Nod” (1968)
  • ”Down in the Black Gang” (1969)
  • ”The Oogenesis of Bird City” (1970)
  • ”The Voice of the Sonar in my Vermiform Appendix” (1971)
  • ”Brass and Gold” (1971)
  • ”The Fabulous Riverboat (part 1)” (1971)
  • ”The Fabulous Riverboat (part 2)” (1971)
  • ”Only Who Can Make a Tree?” (1971)
  • ”The Sliced-Crosswise Only-On-Tuesday World” (1971)
  • ”Seventy Years of Decpop” (1972)
  • ”Skinburn” (1972)
  • ”The Sumerian Oath” (1972)
  • ”Father's in the Basement” (1972)
  • ”Toward the Beloved City” (1972)
  • ”Mother Earth Wants You” (1972)
  • ”Sketches Among the Ruins of My Mind” (1973)
  • ”Monolog” (1973)
  • ”After King Kong Fell” (1973)
  • ”Opening the Door” (1973)
  • ”The Two-Edged Gift” (1974)
  • ”The Startouched” (1974)
  • ”The Evolution of Paul Eyre” (1974)
  • ”The Adventure of the Three Madmen” (1974)
  • ”Passing On” (1975)
  • ”A Scarletin Study, as Jonathan Swift Somers III” (1975)
  • ”The Problem of the Sore Bridge - Among Others, as Harry Manders” (1975)
  • ”Greatheart Silver” (1975)
  • ”The Return of Greatheart Silver” (1975)
  • ”Osiris on Crutches, as Leo Queequeg Tincrowder” (1976)
  • ”The Volcano, as Paul Chapin” (1976)
  • ”The Doge Whose Barque Was Worse Than His Bight, as Jonathan Swift Somers III” (1976)
  • ”Fundamental Issue” (1976)
  • ”The Henry Miller Dawn Patrol” (1977)
  • ”Greatheart Silver in the First Command” (1977)
  • ”Savage Shadow as Maxwell Grant” (1977)
  • ”The Impotency of Bad Karma as Cordwainer Bird” (1977)
  • ”It's the Queen of Darkness, Pal, as Rod Keen” (1978)
  • ”Freshman” (1979)
  • ”The Leaser of Two Evils” (1979)
  • ”J.C. on the Dude Ranch” (1979)
  • ”Spiders of the Purple Mage” (1980)
  • ”The Making of Revelation, Part I” (1980)
  • ”The Long Wet Dream of Rip Van Winkle” (1981)
  • ”The Adventure of the Three Madmen” (1984)
  • ”UFO vs IRS” (1985)
  • ”St. Francis Kisses His Ass Goodbye” (1989)
  • ”One Down, One to Go” (1990)
  • ”Evil, Be My Good” (1990)
  • ”Nobody's Perfect” (1991)
  • ”Wolf, Iron and Moth” (1991)
  • ”Crossing the Dark River” (1992)
  • ”A Hole in Hell as Dane Helstrom” (1992)
  • ”Up the Bright River” (1993)
  • ”Coda” (1993)
  • ”The Good of the Land” (2002)
  • ”The Face that Launched a Thousand Eggs” (2005)
  • ”The Unnaturals” (2005)
  • ”That Great Spanish Author, Ernesto” (2006)

Libros de contos

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  • Strange Relations (1960)
  • The Alley God (1962)
  • The Celestial Blueprint: And Other Stories (1962)
  • Riverworld War: The Surpressed Fiction of Philip José Farmer (1964)
  • Down in the Black Gang (1971)
  • The Book of Philip Jose Farmer (1973)
  • Riverworld and Other Stories (1979)
  • Father to the Stars (1981)
  • Stations of the Nightmare (1982)
  • Greatheart Silver (1982)
  • The Purple Book (1982)
  • The Classic Philip José Farmer, 1952-1964 (1984)
  • The Classic Philip José Farmer, 1964-1973 (1984)
  • The Grand Adventure (1984)
  • Riders of the Purple Wage (1992)
  • MYTHS FOR THE MODERN AGE: Philip José Farmer's Wold Newton Universe (2005)
  • The Best of Philip Jose Farmer (2006)
  • Stranger Relations (2006)
  • Pearls from Peoria (2006)

Véxase tamén

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