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Answers to our most common questions

Can I participate if I am not in the U.S.?

YES,  students from anywhere in the world can participate.

Can my parent serve as my advisor?

Teams are required to have one advisor, who must be a teacher/educator at the high school of their students’ team(s). The advisor is also responsible for registering the team(s) for the competition. Students must form a team with members (and an advisor) from the same high school. No exceptions. We recognize teams might want to get guidance from a parent, industry professional or other adult who may have investing experience and/or knowledge. We think that’s great! Teams are permitted to ask a parent or other adult to serve as a secondary advisor, and they must also have a primary teacher advisor. It’s important to note, however, that the Wharton Global High School Investment Competition does not permit paid advisors of ANY kind.

Can I participate if am 18 or older but still in high school?

YES,  you can participate as long as you have NOT graduated high school before September 30, 2024.

Where do I submit the names of my team members?

We will collect the names of your team members at a later date. More details to follow.