Explore Business

The Business of Race

In recent years, protests in response to attacks on Black Americans brought attention to the breadth and depth of racial injustice in our country, and the need for a national dialogue. The first three mini-sites in our Explore Business series for high school learners (based on Wharton’s Beyond Business discussions led by Erika James, Dean of the Wharton School), shine a light on how systemic racism impacts business and society as a whole, and ways it can be confronted. From C-suite diversity and corporate philanthropy to the role of Black culture in marketing and the impact of systemic racism on Black entrepreneurs, panelists unpack the issues and provide their insights on how business and organizations can affect change.
Meant to be incorporated into classroom discussions and assignments, we invite high school educators and students to dig into these rich learning opportunities with the help of Wharton-powered insights and tools. Explore Business with a world leader in business education.

Explore the Topics

Race and the Entrepreneur

Explore the challenges Black entrepreneurs face due to unjust practices that limit their ability to prosper.

Race and Corporate Power

Explore the financial, operational and strategic commitments firms have made to combat the systematic challenges facing the Black community.

Race and the Selling of America

Explore how Black culture has made its mark on brands and businesses around the world over the years.

“As a business school, we have a responsibility to provide the tools that will allow future leaders the ability to listen, talk, and learn from the experiences of others.”

— Wharton Dean, Erika James