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Ree Vannin

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She enmys reeoil va Ree Vannin (Ladjyn: Rex Manniae, Baarle: King of Mann) va currit er reireyderyn ennagh, seyrey ny fo smaght, va stiurey Reeriaght Vannin eddyr ny bleeantyn 1237 as 1504. Ec y traa t'ayn jiu, cha nel yn enmys ymmydit agh ta "ree" ny "benrein" Vannin enmyssit Çhiarn Vannin jiu.

Son ny smoo fys jeeagh-shiu er: Shennaghys Vannin

Reeriaght Vannin as ny h-Ellanyn (roish 1237)

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Goaill toshiaght 'sy vlein 1237, va Reeriaght Vannin as ny h-Ellanyn rheynnit ayns daa ayrn. Ren reeaghyn goll er oaie lesh nyn stiurey harrish Mannin, agh haink er ny h-ellanyn Albinagh dy ve goit stiagh myr çhiarnaght ny h-Albey. Son shennaghys ny reireyderyn va stiurey ny h-Ellanyn Albinagh lurg y date shoh, jeeagh er Çhiarn ny h-Ellanyn.

Ard-Çhiarnys Norlynn (1237 - 1265)

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Va Reeaghyn Vannin nyn sharvaantee fo smaght ec Reeaghyn Norlynn.

Reirey Albinagh (1265 - 1275)

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Stiurit dy jeeragh ec Ree ny h-Albinee

Reeriaght heyr (1275)

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Reirey Albinagh (1275 - 1290)

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Stiurit dy jeeragh ec Ree ny h-Albinee

Reirey Sostynagh (1290 - 1293)

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Stiurit dy jeeragh ec Ree Hostyn

Reirey Albinagh (1293 - 1296)

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Stiurit dy jeeragh ec Ree ny h-Albinee

Reirey Sostynagh (1296 - 1313)

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Stiurit dy jeeragh ec Ree Hostyn[1]

Reirey Albinagh (1313 - 1317)

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Stiurit dy jeeragh ec Ree ny h-Albinee

Reirey Sostynagh (1317 - 1328)

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Stiurit dy jeeragh ec Ree Hostyn

Reirey Albinagh (1328 - 1333)

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Stiurit dy jeeragh ec Ree ny h-Albinee

Reeriaght heyr (1333 - 1399)

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Er 9 Luanistyn 1333 ren Edard III shaghney dagh aggyrtyn Sostynagh er Mannin, as ren eh cur enney er Mannin myr reeriaght heyr fo'n ree eck, William Montacute, 1d Eearley Salisbury.

Totum jus et clamium quod habemus, habuimus vel aliquo modo habere poterimus, in Insula de Man cum suis pertinentiis quibuscumque; ita quod nec Nos, nec haeredes nostri, seu quivis alius nostro nomine, aliquid juris vel clamii in Insula praedicta de caetero exigere poterimus vel vindicare.

—Shaghney ny h-aggyrtyssyn er Mannin liorish Edard III, 1333[2]

By eh William le Scrope y ree jerrinagh er Mannin 'sy linney shoh, as eh gaggyrt fuilleeaght yeeragh veih The Ghorree Crovan, ny reireyderyn Loghlynagh lheah.

Reeaghyn Vannin 'sy lhing shoh

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Ard-Hiarnys Sostynagh (1399 - 1504)

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Er-yn-oyr dy ren eiyrtyssagh Inry, Edard III, cur Mannin er enney myr reeriaght heyr, cha ren Inry IV aggyrt dy jeeragh er y chrooin Vanninagh. Ayns e ynnyd, ren eh fockley magh dy row yn reeriaght currit fo haart rere barriaght. Rere y leigh eddyr-ashoonagh ec y traa shen ren yn aght shen cur fo haart yn oardagh bunraghtoil v'ayn. Er 19 Jerrey Fouyir 1399 yiall eh yn Ellan, myr fo-reill fo'n Chrooin Hostynagh, gys Henry Percy, 1d Eearley Northumberland myrane lesh cummaghtyn lheeadagh dy reill as reeoilidyn kianglt rish, myrane lesh yn aght 'Çhiarn Vannin', ayns ynnyd feudalaght as myr shen gyn seyrsnys.[3] Gyn y wooise da shen, ren Percy enmyssey eh hene myr 'Ree Vannin'.

We have given and granted … to the said Earl of Northumberland the Island, Castle, Peel and Lordship of Man, and all the islands and lordships appertaining to the said Isle of Man, which belonged to Sir William le Scrope deceased, whom in his life We lately conquered, and so have decreed him conquered, and which by reason of that conquest, as having been conquered, We seized into Our hands; which decree and conquest as touching the person of the said William and all his lands and tenements, goods and chattels, as well within as without Our Kingdom, in Our Parliament by the assent of the Lords temporal … at the petition of the Commons of Our said Kingdom, are confirmed …

—Lettyr-foshlit veih 19 Jerrey Fouyir 1399[4]

Lurg yn irree magh traitooragh liorish Percy, yiall Inry VI seyrsnys yn Ellan, er conaantyn cosoylagh agh er lhing unnane as e heihll, gys y Reejerey Juan y Stanlagh 'sy vlein 1405.[5] Ayns bishaghey lesh shen, agh er aght er lheh veih reirey yn Ellan, va patroonys Aspickys Sodor as Vannin gialdit da Juan y Stanlagh.

Va ny lettyryn-foshlit shen jeant neuvreeoil as aa-ghialdit er 6 Averil 1406. Eishtagh, va'n gialdyn eiraghtoil as va leagh feudalagh anchasley ayn - va feme er y Çhiarn Manninagh nish goaill stiagh toyrtys ammys as keesh dy ghaa hirragh dy yiall da dagh Ree Sostynagh lesh lhing nyn grooinaghey oc.[6] Jiu, ta'n tradishoon shen dy ghialdyn shirree ry-akin er armys Vannin raad ta'n shirragh shassoo er y çheu toshtal.

Reeaghyn Vannin 'sy lhing shoh

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Çhiarn Vannin (1504 - jiu)

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Cha ren mac Homase Stanlagh, 2h Eearley Derby, ymmyd jeh'n enmys 'Ree', as v'eh as y lught eiyrtyssagh echey er enney dy cadjin myr 'Çhiarn Vannin'.[7] Ansherbee, va'n enmys Ladjynagh Rex Manniae et Insularum (Ree Vannin as ny h-Ellanyn) er ymmyd ny keayrtyn ayns docamadyn oikoil derrey'n 17-oo eash er y chooid sloo.

'Sy vlein 1765 va'n enmys aa-ghreimmit stiagh ayns Crooin y Reeriaght Unnaneysit, as myr shen ta'n enmys 'Çhiarn Vannin' currit er y Ree Çhalse III.

Jeeagh er neesht

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  1. "d 139/140 - Manx Soc ym-lioar 7 'Monumenta de Insula Manniae - Vol 2' - Resumption of the Isle of Man by Edward I. A.D. 1307". Er ny hashtey veih yn lhieggan bunneydagh er 2012-03-19. Feddynit magh er 2010-08-25.
  2. pp183/184 - Manx Soc vol 7 'Monumenta de Insula Manniae - Ym-lioar 2'
  3. "pp215/219 - Manx Soc ym-lioar 7 'Monumenta de Insula Manniae - Ym-lioar 2' - Concession of the Isle of Man by Service of the Lancaster Sword, 1399". Er ny hashtey veih yn lhieggan bunneydagh er 2012-10-04. Feddynit magh er 2010-08-27.
  4. "An Abstract of the Laws, Customs and Ordinances of the Isle of Man", James Gell, Manx Society: Doolish, 10/23
  5. "pp232/234 - Manx Soc ym-lioar 7 'Monumenta de Insula Manniae - Ym-lioar 2' - Respecting the Grant of the Isle of Mann, 1405". Er ny hashtey veih yn lhieggan bunneydagh er 2008-10-07. Feddynit magh er 2010-08-27.
  6. 'History of the Isle of Man', Hannah Bullock (Longman) d.29
  7. Castletown - Ancient Capital of Mann - Castle Rushen - Kings and Lords of Mann