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Flag austria.jpeg
Contraception: Over-the-Counter condoms
Contraception: Prescription Required’’’ pills, IUD, injectable, implant
Emergency Contraception no prescription required
STIs testing available; no travel restrictions
Menstrual Products pads, tampons, cups
Abortion Law legally available upon request
LGBTQ Laws homosexuality legal
Related Pages Vienna

Like many Western European countries, Austria provides a relatively progressive health care environment. You can find a wide range of contraceptives, such as birth control pills, condoms, IUDs, birth control shots, birth control rings, birth control patches, and birth control injectables. However, most contraceptive methods require a prescription, which can either be administered by a health care professional in Austria or abroad. You can also get free contraceptive counseling at Pro:Woman, a health organization that focuses on sexual and reproductive health care. Furthermore, you can obtain emergency contraceptive pills (the morning after pill) without a prescription at pharmacies or clinics. You will need to pay out-of-pocket, as ECPs are not reimbursed by the Austrian health care system.

Regarding sexually-transmitted infections (STIs), you can receive free HIV tests from voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) clinics. For other STI tests, you may need to pay a fee, but costs can certainly vary. There are a wide range of services and organizations that help people who are being tested for STIs or are currently living with STIs, and there is an HIV support hotline you can call (details in the "Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs/STDs)" section. It's also important to note that, if you're a foreigner, you will not be deported if you test positive for HIV in Austria. Also, you can find Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) in Austria.

There are many hospitals, clinics, and initiatives related to women's health and autonomy in Austria. If you would like to visit a gynecologist, please visit the "Gynecological Exams" section on this page for local recommendations. If you are pregnant and employed in Austria, you are entitled to maternity leave, and you can also take parental leave. Finally, regarding abortion law in Austria, it is legally permitted and available upon request if it is performed before the 16th week of pregnancy.

Generally speaking, Austria provides many resources for women and LGBTQI, but there are still improvements to be made. Homosexuality is legal, homosexual civil unions are recognized, changing gender is legal, and there are legal protections for LGBTQI people related to housing discrimination. However, there are only laws against employment discrimination related to sexual orientation (not to gender identity).[1] Meanwhile, there are many active women's organizations, and according to GenderIndex, there are no significant discriminatory practices related to women's access to public spaces. Men and women also hold equal rights to land, financial services, and other major aspects of Austrian society. However, the gender pay gap in Austria is among the highest in the European Union.[2]


Contraception (Birth Control)

General Note: There are many types of contraceptives, also known as "birth control," including IUDs, oral contraceptives, patches, shots, and condoms, etc. If you would like to view a full list, click here.

Laws & Social Stigmas

In Austria, you can obtain condoms, spermicide or various sprays without a prescription. However, for most forms of birth control, especially for hormonal or long-lasting methods, such as contraceptive pills or IUDs, you need a prescription.[3] [4] [5] You can get a contraceptive prescription from a gynecologist. Once you do have a prescription, you can obtain contraceptives at a variety of venues, such as from a physician, clinic or pharmacy.

According to a 2015 United Nations report, it was found that about 68% of Austrian women (who were of reproductive age and married/in unions) used any form of contraception, including traditional methods. This rate was roughly similar to the Western European regional average for contraceptive use (70%) for 2015. Furthermore, it was found that a median 10% of women had unmet family planning needs (slightly higher than the Western European average at 9%). The most common contraceptive methods for Austrian women were found to be birth control pills (23%), IUDs (15%), and male condoms (14%). While some couples opted for sterilization, the rates were lower (6% for women and 4% for men). There were especially low rates of usage for contraceptive injectables (2%), contraceptive implants (1%), and the vaginal barrier method (less than 1%). Traditional methods were also used at a very low rate, such as the rhythm method (2%) and withdrawal (less than 1%).[6]

What to Get & Where to Get It

Birth control pills purchased in Austria for 20€ (February 2017)
  • NOTE: While pharmacies in Austria may offer different products, they all have access to the same products through pharmaceutical wholesalers. To get an idea of what is available, you can visit the website for the National Chamber of Pharmacies. Furthermore, if you see a product available on the website that is not carried at your local pharmacy, they can probably special order the product for you.
  • If you want to obtain condoms ("kondom" in German), you can find them sold in grocery stores, pharmacies ("apotheke" in German), and specialty stores. There is even a condom museum in the city.
  • If you want to obtain birth control pills ("antibabypillen" in German), you can find a variety of brands available in Austrian pharmacies, such as Yasmin, Diane mite, Microgynon 30, Microgynon 50, Trigynon, Valette, Gynovin, Meliane, Mirelle, and Triodena, among other brands.[7] However, you will need a prescription in order to purchase birth control pills. If you already have a prescription, you can directly purchase pills at your local pharmacy ("apotheke" in German). If you don't have a prescription yet, you will want to ensure that, ideally, you first have Austrian health insurance. You can then visit an Austrian gynecologist, who will write you a prescription. If you already have a prescription from another country, that gynecologist can review your existing prescription and write an Austrian one as well. However, you should note that it can sometimes take a while to see an Austrian gynecologist, and the wait times for an appointment can be quite lengthy.
  • If you want a contraceptive ring (i.e. Nuvaring), Nuvaring has been available in Austria since 2002.[8] You can find it offered at public and private clinics, such as at Pro:woman Ambulatorium, a sexual and reproductive health clinic in Austria that is affiliated with Marie Stopes International.
  • If you want a contraceptive patch, you can find Evra available in Austria. You can get it at many public and private clinics or pharmacies, including Pro:woman Ambulatorium.
  • If you want an intra-uterine device (IUD), intrauterine system (IUS) or copper bead balls (IUBs), you can find options such as the copper spiral, copper chain, copper ball, hormone spiral, and copper bead balls in Austria. To learn more about these options at Pro:woman Ambulatorium, click here.
  • If you want a contraceptive shot/injectable, you can find options in Austria. To learn more about these options at Pro:woman Ambulatorium, click here.
  • If you want a contraceptive implant, you can find options in Austria. To learn more about these options at Pro:woman Ambulatorium, click here.


  • You can get a free counseling session regarding contraceptive options at Pro:woman.
  • Moniq birth control (one month supply) costs around 20€ (as of February 2017).
  • The cost for copper coil IUD (device and insertion) at Pro:woman is 410€ (as of June 2018). The coil lasts for 5 years.
  • The cost for GyneFix, a hormonal coil IUD (device and insertion), at Pro:woman is 575€ (as of June 2018). The coil lasts for 5 years.
  • The cost for contraceptive implants, which last 3 years, at Pro:woman is 245€ (as of June 2018).
  • The cost for a contraceptive injection, which lasts 3 months, at Pro:woman is 95€ (as of June 2018).

Emergency Contraception (Morning After Pill)

Important Notes: Emergency contraception may prevent pregnancy for three days (72 hours) and sometimes five days (120 hours) after unprotected sex. Take EC as soon as possible after unprotected sex. If you don't have access to dedicated EC, oral contraceptives can be used as replacement EC, but remember the following: 1) Only some contraceptives work as EC 2) Different contraceptives require different dosages and time schedules to work as EC 3) You must only use the first 21 pills in 28-day packs and 4) They may be less effective than dedicated EC. For general information on emergency contraceptives, click here and here.

Laws & Social Stigmas

In Austria, you can purchase emergency contraception pills (morning after pills) from pharmacies without a prescription. You don't need to visit a doctor or receive a special consultation prior to visiting the pharmacy. However, the state support of ECPs is minimal. In Austria, emergency contraception is not included in the national policies for family planning, and the state does not reimburse or cover ECPs through social security. Furthermore, ECPs are not widely recommended by health care professionals in Austria, and it is rare for health care providers to include information about ECPs in consultations with patients.[9]

In 2012, it was estimated that about 18% of Austrian women had ever used ECPs.[10]

What to Get & Where to Get It

  • In Austria, you can purchase emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs) at a pharmacy without a prescription. The pills are usually behind the counter -- not on pharmacy shelves -- so you will need to explicitly ask the pharmacist for them. You can find LNG type fo ECPs, including Levodonna, NorLevo 1.5mg, Postinor 1500, and Vikela. You can also find UPA types, such as ellaOne.[11] You should note that ellaOne is currently the most effective ECPs on the market, as of June 2018, but it tends to cost about twice as much as the LNG type of medications.


  • You will need to pay out-of-pocket. Emergency contraceptive pills are not reimbursed or covered by social security in Austria.
  • You can expect to pay between 13 to 32 euro for ECPs, as of 2016. Generally speaking, the LNG types of emergency contraception are cheaper than the UPA types, like ellaOne.[12] [13]

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs/STDs)

Important Notes - Learn about PEP and PrEP: If you think that you've been recently exposed to HIV (i.e. within 72 hours), seek out PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis). It's a month-long treatment to prevent HIV infection after exposure, and it may be available in your city. Take PEP as soon as possible. For more information, click here. If you are at risk of HIV exposure, seek out PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis). It's a daily oral pill that can prevent HIV infection before exposure. To learn more about PrEP, click here.

Laws & Social Stigmas

In Austria, there are no travel or residency restrictions related to HIV status. This means that, if you're a foreigner and you visit Austria, you will not be asked about your HIV status or be required to provide medical certificates upon entry in the country. If you apply for a work visa, student visa, or any other long-term residency status, you will not be subject to an HIV test either. Furthermore, if you take an HIV test when you are living in or traveling in in Austria, and if the results are positive, you will not be deported or expelled from the country. You can also import antiretroviral medication. However, it should be noted that sex workers are required to undergo regular health checks.[14]

Testing Facilities

  • In Austria, you can find free HIV tests provided at the VCT centers (there are seven in the country). You can also get tested at hospitals, clinics, mobile testing centers, community-based testing centers, and other facilities. Confidential tests are available at many facilities. You can also find tests for hepatitis and other STIs at some facilities.[15]
  • Aids Hilfe Wien: They provide free and confidential HIV test. You can also get Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and Syphilis tests for a fee. Furthermore, they provide consultations and counseling. Address: Aids Help Vienna, Mariahilfer Gürtel 4, 1060 Vienna. Tel: +43 (0) 1 599 37. Email: opening hours: 9am - 5pm


  • Call 01/599 37 for a helpline. You can talk to people in German or English for counseling or to arrange an HIV test.

Treatment Facilities

  • Pulmologisches Zentrum der Stadt Wien- Prim. Dr. Norbert Vetter: This center specializes in HIV treatment/care. Address: Sanatoriumstrasse 2, 1145 Vienna
  • Allgemeines Krankenhaus der Stadt Wien (University Hospitals): This center specializes in HIV treatment/care. Address: Klin. Abt. f. immunderm. und infekt. Hautkrankheiten, OA Dr. Armin Rieger, Währinger Gürtel 18-20, 1090 Vienna
  • Steiermark - LKH Graz: This center specializes in HIV treatment/care. Address: 4. Med. Abteilung Infektionsabteilung für Erwachsene, OA Dr. Maximillian Kronawetter, Auenbruggerplatz 28, 8036 Graz
  • Salzburg - LKH Salzburg: This center specializes in HIV treatment/care. Address: Dermatologische Abteilung, Prof. Hartmut Hintner, Müllner Hauptstrasse 48, 5020 Salzburg
  • Oberösterreich - A.ö. Krankenhaus der Stadt Linz: This center specializes in HIV treatment/care. Address: Dermatologische Abteilung, Dr. Maria Theresia Geid, Krankenhausstrasse 9, 4020 Linz
  • Tirol - Univ. -Klinik für Dermatologie - Prof. Dr. Robert Zangerle: This center specializes in HIV treatment/care. Address: Anichstrasse 35, 6020 Innsbruck

Organizations for Advocacy & Support

  • AIDS Hilfe Wien: Address: Aids Hilfe Haus, Mariahilfer Gürtel 4, 1060 Wien, Telephone: +43 1 599 37, Email:
  • AIDS-Hilfen Österreichs: Address: c/o Aidshilfe Salzburg, Linzer Bundesstraße 10, 5020 Salzburg, Telephone: + 43 662 881488, Fax: +43 662 881488-3, Email:
  • Österreichische AIDS Gesellschaft: Address: Buchfeldgasse 4/14, A-1080 Wien, Email:
  • Positiver Dialog: Address: Mariahilfer Gürtel 4, 1060 Wien. Telephone: +43 676 319 26 77. Email:
  • PULSHIV: Address: Grinzingerstrasse 54/11/10, A-1190 Wien. Telephone: +43 699 114 03 426. Email:
  • Names Project Wien:


  • Every person in Austria who is over 18 years old and covered by Austrian health care is entitled to a free preventative medical check-up once a year.[16] Furthermore, Austria provides free HIV tests at VCT facilities.
  • You can get tested for Hepatitis at AIDS Hilfe Wien. Here are the prices from June 2018: Hepatitis B and C test: Expense fee €23,00; Hepatitis C test: Fee €14,00.
  • You can get tested for Syphilis at AIDS Hilfe Wien. Here are the prices from June 2018: Syphilis test: Expense fee €6,00

Medications & Vaccines

A pharmacy in Austria

Laws & Social Stigmas

What to Get & Where to Get It

  • If you have a yeast infection in Austria, you can visit a pharmacy and ask for Fluconazole, which may also be sold under the brand names of Diflucan, Difluzol, Flucosept, and Fungata, among other names.
  • You can find the HPV vaccine in Austria. There has been a nationwide HPV vaccination program since 2014, which targets vaccination from girls between the ages of 9 and 12 years old.[17]
  • We don't know if Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) is widely available in Austria, but it appears to be available in certain cases. From a 2016 report: "According to the doctors there is a demand for PrEP. One of the major problems however is the price. The only way to get the PrEP off-label is that you pay the full price that it costs in Austria. Getting PrEP over the internet is not allowed in Austria. Therefore, it is also hard for the doctors to do the official check-ups that are reimbursed by the insurance. So actually if you want to take PrEP off-label you have to pay for the medicine and for the check-ups privately."[18]
  • You can find Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) at clinics, hospitals, and certain testing sites in Austria.[19]


  • You can access PEP for free in Austria.[20]


Note: In addition to pads and tampons, you can also use menstrual cups and menstrual underwear for your period. To learn more about menstrual cups, click here. To learn more about menstrual underwear, click here.

Laws & Social Stigmas

What to Get & Where to Get It

  • You can find pads and pantyliners sold in a variety of drug stores, pharmacies, and specialty shops in Austria.
  • You can find tampons sold in a variety of drug stores, pharmacies, and specialty shops in Austria. In addition, you can find organic, chlorine-free tampons sold in stores like Denn's Biomarkt and Müller, both of which have locations throughout the country.
  • You can find menstrual cups sold in a variety of drug stores, pharmacies, and specialty shops in Austria. You may also want to check out Untertasse, which is a shop that specializes in alternative menstrual products, and they have both an online store and a physical shop in Vienne (Schottenfeldgasse 95/28-29, 1070 Wien (Tel: +436605817677). On the Untertasse website, you can find menstrual cup brands like Lunette, Lily Cup, Luneale, Yuuki, and other menstrual cup brands.


Gynecological Exams

Laws & Social Stigmas

What to Get & Where to Get It

  • TIP: You can look up gynecologists on DocFinder.
  • Gynecologist Gauff: "The medical team Dr. Gauff and Dr. Manurung is looking forward to your visit. For prescriptions no appointment is required.Please bring the E-Card or the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) with you for each appointment. We speak German as well as fluently English and Serbo-Croatian. The ordination can be easily reached with trams 9 (stop: Blumengasse), 43 (stop: Rosensteingasse) and line 42 (stop: Vinzenzgasse). To the map ."
    • Recommended Doctor: Dr. Gauff - "Excellent and friendly doctor. He speaks German and English. Accepts all insurance." - Vienna local (June 2018)
  • Dr. Hannelore Fröhlich-Dolinar: "I've been going to her for 3 years now, shes great and really nice! you have to make an appointment and the receptionist doesn't speak English but the doctor does." - Vienna local (June 2018)
  • Christian Matthai: Recommended by a Vienna local (June 2018). His specialty areas include: Gynecological endocrinology (hormones), Fertility Treatment, nutritional medicine, Lifestyle coaching, Vital substances medicine, and Well-Aging Medicine. Address: Obkirchergasse 43/6 1190 Vienna. tel. +43 (0) 1 925 47 51. fax. +43 (0) 1 2533033 1414. mail.
  • Med4Women: "Our range of services includes routine gynecological examinations , preventive measures such as cancer screening , advice on HPV vaccination, contraception and change symptoms , clarification and treatment of unmet need for children , genetic counseling , pregnancy care , surgical gynecology and health-supporting therapies." They have multiple locations in Vienna, so check their website.
    • Recommended ob/gyn: Univ. Dr. Doz. Katharina Schuchter: Specialist in gynecology, obstetrics and human genetics, director of med4women. Areas: Gynecology and obstetrics, Operative gynecology, Genetic counseling, Prenatal diagnostics, and Pregnancy care. She speaks German, English, and Italian.
  • Focus Gyn: This group practice offers a variety of services, including screening, ultrasounds, alternative therapies, vaccinations, a teen clinic, etc. You can book appointments online. Address: MED 22, Stadlauer Straße 62 / Miriam-Makebagasse 1, 1220 Vienna. Tel: 01/202 2 202. Fax: 01/202 2 202-33. email:
    • "I go to Brigitte Welzl and I'm happy. Staff is nice too. I really appreciate that I can schedule my appointments online without calling since I HATE talking on the phone. "
  • Women & Health: "The Health Center Woman & Health is home to a private clinic, which forms the heart of the center, and an ordination center. The private clinic leads the founders and masterminds of the Woman & Health idea. Andreas Nather and dr. Johannes Seidel." Address: Laurenzerberg 2, 1010 Wien. Telefon: +43 1 533 36 54, E-Mail:


  • Tip: If you are insured with WGKK, it is free of charge to get your annual pap smear/smear test, performed once a year by your gynecologist. If you take hormonal pills, they make it twice a year.


Laws & Social Stigmas

In Austria, pregnant employees are entitled to a protection period, also known as "Mutterschutz," which entitles them to at least 16 weeks of maternity leave (8 weeks before the birth and 8 weeks after the birth). During this period, they are entitled to a maternity allowance ("Wochengeld," in German), which should be about equivalent to their salaries. Freelance contractors also receive maternity allowance. Furthermore, mothers and fathers are entitled to take a parental leave period until the child reaches 24 months old. The minimum amount of time for parental leave is 2 months. During this time, childcare allowance ("Kinderbetreuungsgeld," in German) is allowed, and parents have five types of childcare allowance models to choose from.[21]

What to Get & Where to Get It

  • To see recommended ob/gyns, you can check out the "Gynecological Exams" section above.



Important Note: There are two main types of abortions: medical (also known as the "abortion pill") and surgical (also known as "in-clinic"). For medical abortions, you take a pill to induce abortion. For surgical abortions, a procedure is performed to induce abortion. For general information about medical and surgical abortions, click here.

Laws & Social Stigmas

In Austria, abortion is legally permitted and available upon request if it is performed before the 16th week of pregnancy (i.e. within three months of implantation). For an abortion to be legal, the pregnant person must first receive a consultation from a physician and receive blood tests. However, there is no required waiting period and the pregnant person does not need to give a reason for termination.[22] The pregnant person may then receive an abortion in a public hospital. After three months of pregnancy, an abortion is permitted under certain circumstances, which include: if the pregnancy threatens the life or physical/mental health of the pregnant person, if there is serious risk of fetal impairment, or if the pregnant person is under fourteen years old.[23]

What to Get & Where to Get It

Private Clinics

  • Ambulatorium Gynmed: This clinic provides medical and surgical (suction) abortion services, including: consultation on unplanned pregnancy, consultation on the method to find the most suitable for you, medication during medical abortion or the surgery incl. anesthesia (general anesthesia or local anesthesia), the surgery incl. anesthesia (general anesthesia or local anesthesia), determination of blood group and in case that you are rhesus negative the rhesus injection, and aftercare. You can expect to pay between € 560 and € 600, depending on the stage of the pregnancy, as of June 2018. Their website is in many languages, including German, English, Italian, French, Russian, etc. The clinic is open Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm. Location: Directly at the Westbahnhof, Mariahilfergürtel 37, 1150 Vienna . Phone: +43 699 178 178 00. Email: e-mail:
  • Pro:Woman: This clinic provides medical and surgical abortions. The charges include counseling, ultrasonic, pregnancy testing, drugs, and all doctor’s fees as well as any post-check up, which add up to around € 550, as of June 2018.Address: Fleischmarkt 26, Wien, 1010 Austria. Email: Phone: +43 1 512 96 31-250. info in German, English, Croatian, and Turkish.
  • The Woman & Health (Ungewollte Schwangerschaft): This clinic provides medical and surgical abortions, and has a lot of information about their services available on their website (in German, English, and Polish). From the website: "For your personal safety and for your maximum well-being we guarantee: Individual and psychological care, Fast and flexible scheduling, Top modern medical equipment, Gentle and soft anaesthesia technology, Maximum competency due to the simultaneous presence of 2 gynaecologists." Address: Woman & Health, Laurenzerberg 2, 1010 Wien. Hours of Operation: MO - TH: 9:00 - 21:00. FR: 9:00 - 18:00Tel.: +43 (0) 1 5333 654 52, Weekend hotline: +43 (0)676 5333 654 (Sa,So: 10:00-20:00). Tel.: +43 (0) 1 5333 654 52, Weekend hotline: +43 (0)676 5333 654 (Sa,So: 10:00-20:00).

Public Hospitals

Note: Some hospitals may be more expensive than clinics. You should confirm the price before booking the appointment.

  • Humanis Klinikum Niederosterreich: Standort Korneuburg, Wiener Ring 3-5, A-2100 Korneuburg. tel: 02262/780269
  • Semmelweis Frauenklinik/Department KH Rudolfstifftung: Bastiengasse 36-38, A 1180 Wien. tel:01/47615-3901
  • Sozialmedizinisches Zentrum Sud/Kaiser Franz Josef-Spital: Kundratstrasse 3, A-1100 Wien, tel:01/60191-4730
  • Krankenhaus Rudolfstifftung: Juchgasse 25, a-1130 Wien, tel: 01/71165-4741


  • In Austria, abortion is not covered by medical insurance or social security. The person who is obtaining an abortion must pay out-of-pocket, as of June 2018. This is different from many other Western European countries, where abortion is often covered for at least young people.
  • The price for an abortion in Austria will vary, depending on the clinic that you go to. However, at private clinics. you can generally expect to pay between 500 and 600 euro, as of June 2018.

Advocacy & Counseling

Laws & Social Stigmas

Austria has enacted gender-sensitive legislation related to domestic violence, stalking, rape, sexual abuse, and female genital mutilation. Under the Criminal Law Amendment Act 2001, the rape and sexual abuse of minors is punished by life imprisonment. Furthermore, rape (including spousal rape) is punishable by up to 15 years in prison.[24] [25] For details on laws related to women's autonomy and safety in Austria, click here.

What to Get & Where to Get It

  • For an emergency ambulance service in Austria, call 144.
  • You can also call the Europe-wide emergency number, which is 112.
  • For an emergency doctor (nights and weekends), you can call 141.
  • You can look up doctors in the [www.herold.atAustrian telephone directory] under “Ärzte.” For larger cities and towns, hospital are typically listed under “Krankenhaus.”


List of Additional Resources

Government Resources

LGBTQI in Austria

  • Click here to learn about LGBTQ rights and laws in Austria. Homosexuality is legal, gay marriage is legally recognized (as civil unions), and it is legal to change gender in Austria. Furthermore, there are legal protections against housing and employment discrimination for LGBTQ people, and gay adoption is legal, as of May 2018.
  • HOSI Vienna: "HOSI Vienna was founded in 1979. We are the most important political advocacy of lesbians and gays in Austria."
  • Oriental Queer Organization Austria: "The Oriental Queer Organization is fighting for recognition of the rights of migrants from the LGBT community in Austria." This organization provides networking, counseling, and individual care to refugees and asylum seeker. They aso collects donations for refugees.
  • The Turquoise Rosa Lila Villa: "The Turquoise Rosa Lila Villa is the queer community center for lesbian, gay, bi, pan, inter * and trans persons in Vienna. Help us to make the house alive, accessible and barrier-free!" The purple tip is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 5pm to 8pm. Email: Telephone: +43 1 586 81 50. You can also find them on Facebook. Address: Ground floor in the Rosa Lila Villa, Linke Wienzeile 102, 1060 Vienna U4 | 12A | 13A | 14A Pilgramgasse
  • Queer Business Women (QBW: "The QBW are an independent association of lesbian women. Invited are all lesbian women around the world of work - and those who want to participate in our topics." Address: c / o Mag. a Astrid G. Weinwurm-Wilhelm M.Sc. , Alserstrasse 45 / 4c, A-1080, Vienna. E-Mail: netzwerk (at)

Women's Organizations

  • National Council of Women Austria: "The National Council of Women - Austria (NCW Austria, Bund Österreichischer Frauenvereine) was founded in 1902 by Marianne Hainisch and has a long and illustrious tradition. Some of its member organisations were founded already in the 19th century - the oldest in 1886 - and are still active. In 1905, NCW Austria joined the International Council of Women (ICW). NCW Austria is an umbrella organisation of Austrian women's associations: it is non-party political and non-aligned." Address: National Council of Women Austria, Wilhelm Exnergasse 34, 1090 Vienna, Austria. Email:
  • FEMTech: FEMtech is an initiative of the Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT). "With the initiative FEMtech the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) supports women in research and technology and promotes equal opportunities in industrial and non-university-research, at universities of applied sciences and in focus areas of research and technology."
  • Frau In Der Wirtschaft (Woman in Business): Frauenplattform of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber for 100,000 women entrepreneurs. Address: Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, 1045 Vienna. Telephone: +43 5 90 900 3017. E-Mail:
  • Austrian Housewives Union: " Austrian family organization, the ÖHU demands both idealistic and financial recognition of the parents' family work." Address: c / o Mag. Erika Gossler, Heinrichgasse 57, 8010 Graz. Telephone: 0316 215598 (AB). E-Mail:,
  • Austrian Federation of University Women: "The Association of Austrian Academics offers qualified and committed women international and interdisciplinary relationships and encourages quality, responsibility, respect and self-confidence." Address: Reitschulgasse 2, A-1010 Vienna. Tel. +43 1 533 90 80. Email:
  • Austrian Women International (AWA): "AWA Vienna is the International Women's Club of Vienna and comprises English-speaking women from diverse backgrounds and nationalities. Our purpose is to create an open and inviting environment where women can build friendships, engage with the community, and experience all that Vienna has to offer. " Address: Rauhensteing. 7/37, 1010 Vienna, Austria. Tel: 0043 1 513 64 00
  • Women without Borders: "Women without Borders translates research into action through community-based strategies that combine theory and grassroots-level fieldwork. Women without Borders focuses on Preventing Violent Extremism, Capacity Building, Gender Based Violence, Female Leadership, and Intercultural Dialogue."
  • African Women's Organization: This NGO, based in Vienna, focuses on many women's issues, including female genital mutiliation (FGM). "Our Organization is a non-governmental organization established in 1996 by African women from Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, Nigeria, Senegal, Egypt and other African countries. We work with other non-governmental organizations as well as government agencies and offices involved with the welfare of women and immigrants. Membership is open to anyone; we invite you to be part of our efforts to make a difference." Address: African Women Organisation. Address: Schwarzspanierstrasse 15/1/2, A-1090 Vienna, Austria (EU). Tel: +43 (0) 1925 15 76. Email:
  • Gender Committee of the Faculties of Cultural Studies - Universitat Wien: "The Committee for Women's Research and Gender Studies (Gender Committee) of the faculties of historical, cultural and philological-cultural studies is an advisory body in which members of all three curia are represented." Address: Ao. Univ. Mag. Andrea Griesebner (Chair), Institute for History, University Ring 1, A-1010 Vienna. T : + 43-1-4277-40833. F : + 43-1-4277-840833. Email: gender committee @
  • Gender & Diversity Competence: "Gender & Diversity Competence deals with gender, diversity and inclusion in different contexts of impact - especially in the fields of education, medicine and budgeting. These topics are well researched in different areas." Address: Moosstrasse 130f, 5020, Salzburg. Email: silvia.kronberger (at) Phone: +43 699 11784110
  • Frauennetzwerk Medien: "We are a non-partisan association for journalists and women in media professions, founded in 1999 in Vienna." Address: c/o Presseclub Concordia, Bankgasse 8, Vienna, Austria. Email:
  • Club Alpha: This is a women's club/organization in Austria that focuses on womens' professional and persoanl development. Address: Stubenbastei 12/14 - 1010 Vienna. Tel .: 01-5134800. Fax .: 01-5134800 / 23. Email:
  • ARGE Wirtschaftswrauen: "For more than 25 years, we have been promoting the collaboration of women in working life, providing a forum for women to meet, get to know and recommend, value branch diversity, are independent and nonpartisan, commit to humanity and tolerance, meet Networking regularly, lobbying for working women and living a female leadership style."
  • Business and Professional Women Austria (BPA): "Business & Professional Women BPW is the largest international women's network with members in more than 90 nations. The aim of BPW is to promote women at all levels of the hierarchy in order to promote the equality of women in the workplace." Email:
  • Professional Women's Network (PWN) - Vienna: "PWN Global is a global movement of people working towards gender balanced leadership through professional development and international, cross-industry, online and in-person networking."
  • Successful Business Succession by Women (EUF): This organization focuses on female entrepreneurs and women in business.
  • Unternehmerinnen Netzwerk: Network for female business leaders/entrepreneurs.
  • Frau Im Fokus (Woman in Focus): "Our non-partisan network supports women in business. We rely on communication and sustainability - and in a joyful way!" Email:
  • Club for Women: "A non-partisan initiative by women from a wide range of sectors, including business, politics, media and culture. No career network. The aim is to raise public awareness of women's issues." Email:
  • Österreichischer Frauenring: "We have more than 40 associations participating (Represantatives of all Austrian Parties, Women organisations of the trade unions and the economy, Women organisatons of the Catholic and protestant church and Represantatives of autonomous groups of women. The activity of the Women's Association is concenbtrated in the following fields: Creation of quality guidelines for the work of the member organisation; Elaboration of suggestions and statements on women topics; Public relations work on the claims of women; Activities which help realizing equal rights for women; Support od cooperation between international women's associations." Teinfaltstr.7, 1010 Wien, Austria. Tel.43/1/53454277. E-mail:
