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Grace Kelly

Daga Wikipedia, Insakulofidiya ta kyauta.
Grace Kelly
Consort of Monaco (en) Fassara

1956 - 1982
Cikakken suna Grace Patricia Kelly
Haihuwa Philadelphia, 12 Nuwamba, 1929
ƙasa Tarayyar Amurka
Harshen uwa Turancin Amurka
Mutuwa Commune of Monaco (en) Fassara, 14 Satumba 1982
Makwanci Cathedral of Our Lady Immaculate (en) Fassara
Yanayin mutuwa accidental death (en) Fassara (traffic collision (en) Fassara)
Ƴan uwa
Mahaifi John B. Kelly Sr.
Mahaifiya Margaret Majer
Abokiyar zama Rainier III, Prince of Mónaco (en) Fassara  (18 ga Afirilu, 1956 -  14 Satumba 1982)
Ahali Margaret Kelly (en) Fassara, John B. Kelly Jr. (en) Fassara da Elizabeth Kelly (en) Fassara
Yare House of Grimaldi (en) Fassara
Makaranta American Academy of Dramatic Arts (en) Fassara 1949)
Neighborhood Playhouse School of the Theatre (en) Fassara
Harsuna Turanci
Malamai Sanford Meisner (en) Fassara
Sana'a ɗan wasan kwaikwayo, model (en) Fassara, dan wasan kwaikwayon talabijin, stage actor (en) Fassara da aristocrat (en) Fassara
Tsayi 169 cm
Ayyanawa daga
Artistic movement Western (en) Fassara
Addini Cocin katolika
Jam'iyar siyasa Democratic Party (en) Fassara
IMDb nm0000038

Grace Patricia Kelly (an haife ta a ranar 12 ga wartan Nuwamba, shekarar alif 1929, ta mutu a ranar 14 ga watan Satumba shekara ta alif 1982) yar fim din Amurka ce, wanda bayan fitowarta ta haskaka a wasu manyan fina-finai a farkon-zuwa tsakiyar shekarun 1950, ta zama Gimbiya ta Monaco ta auranta da Yarima Rainier III a watan Afrilun na shekarar alif 1956.

Bayan kammala karatunta daga Kwalejin wasan kwaikwayo ta Amurka a cikin shekara ta alif 1949, Kelly ya fara fitowa a cikin abubuwan wasan kwaikwayo na New York City da kuma abubuwan wasan kwaikwayo na rayuwa sama da 40 da aka watsa a farkon 1950s Golden Age of Television . Ta kuma sami tauraro daga wasan da ta yi a cikin wasan kwaikwayo na John Ford na kasada- romancin Mogambo (1953), wanda a dalilinsa ne aka zabe ta don lambar yabo ta Academy don Mafi kyawun Jaruma Mai Tallafawa . Ta ci lambar yabo ta Academy don Mafi kyawun Jaruma saboda rawar da ta yi a wasan kwaikwayo The Country Girl (1954). [1] Sauran sananne ayyukansu sun hada da yammacin High noon (1952), da romance-comedy High Society (1956), da kuma uku a jere Alfred Hitchcock jinkirtar thrillers: Dial M for Kisa (1954), Rear Window (1954), da kuma a kama barawo ( 1955). Kelly ya yi aiki tare da wasu fitattun manyan mutane na zamanin, ciki har da Gary Cooper, Clark Gable, Ray Millan, James Stewart, Bing Crosby, William Holden, Cary Grant, Alec Guinness, da Frank Sinatra .

Kelly ta yi ritaya daga aiki tun tana da shekara 26 ta auri Rainier, kuma ta fara aikinta a matsayin Gimbiya na Monaco . Sanannen abu ne cewa Hitchcock yana fatan za ta fito a cikin wasu finafinan sa wadanda ke buƙatar fitacciyar 'yar wasan kwaikwayo, amma bai sami damar hana ta janye ba. Kelly da Rainier sunada yara uku: Princess Caroline, Prince Albert, da Princess Stéphanie . Kelly ta ci gaba da kasancewa ta hanyar haɗin gwiwa da Amurka ta zama ɗan asalin Amurka da Monégasque. Princess Grace ta mutu a Asibiti na Monaco a ranar 14 ga watan Satumba, shekarar alif 1982, sakamakon rauni da ta samu a hatsarin jirgin sama a ranar da ta gabata. A lokacin rasuwarta tana da shekara 52.

Tana cikin jerin 13th a cikin Cibiyar Fina-Finan Amurka 25 mafi girma na taurari Hollywood .

Bayan fage da rayuwa

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]
Gidan gidan Kelly wanda John B. Kelly ya gina a cikin 1929, a cikin ɓangaren Gabas na Eastasar Philadelphia

An haifi Kelly ne a ranar 12 ga watan Nuwamba, shekarar 1929, a Asibitin Jami'ar Hahnemann da ke Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, ga dangi mai wadata da kuma manyan mutane. Mahaifinta, Ailan-American John B. Kelly Sr., ya lashe uku Olympic zinare ga sculling da kuma mallakar wani cin nasara brickwork kwangilar kamfanin da aka kyau da aka sani a kan Gabas Coast. A matsayin dan takarar Demokradiyya a zaben shekarar 1935 na magajin garin Philadelphia, mafi kusa ya ragu a tarihin garin. A shekarun baya ya yi aiki a Hukumar ta Fairmount Park kuma, yayin yakin duniya na biyu, Shugaba Roosevelt ya nada shi a matsayin Daraktan Kula da Lafiya na Kasa. Brotheran uwanta Walter C. Kelly ɗan wasan tauraruwar vaudeville ne, wanda kuma ya yi fina-finai na Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer da Paramount Pictures, wani kuma mai suna George shi ne Pulitzer Prize –winwin dramatist, marubucin allo, kuma darekta.

Mahaifiyar Kelly, Margaret Katherine Majer, iyayenta yan Janus ne. Margaret ta koyar da physical education a University of Pennsylvania and had been the first woman to coach women's athletics at the institution. She also modeled for a time in her youth. After marrying John B. Kelly in 1924, Margaret focused on being a housewife until all her children were of school age, following which she began actively participating in various civic organizations.

Kelly tana da wasu 'yan uwanta biyu, Margaret da John Jr., da wata' yar uwa, Elizabeth. 'Ya'yan sun girma a cikin bangaskiyar Katolika.

Grace Kelly

Kelly ya girma ne a cikin karamar ƙaramar cocin Katolika. Saint Bridget shine Ikklesiya ta East Falls inda aka yi mata baftisma kuma ta sami ilimin farko. Saint John Neumann, Bishop na huɗu na Philadelphia, an kafa shi a cikin 1853, a lokacin Saint Bridget shine ɗan Ikklesiya na matasa, inda iyalai ke da kusanci da juna. Yayinda ta halarci makarantar Ravenhill Academy, makarantar 'yan mata' yan darikar Katolika, Kelly tayi kwalliyar fati a wajen taron sadaqa tare da mahaifiyarta da 'yan uwanta mata. A shekara ta 1942, lokacin tana 'yar shekara 12, ta jagoranci gaba a cikin Kada Ku ciyar da Dabbobin, wasan da kungiyar' Yan wasa ta Gabas ta Gabas suka gabatar. Kafin kammala karatun digiri a watan Mayu 1947 daga Stevens School, wata babbar jami'a mai zaman kanta a cikin Chestnut Hill da ke kusa, ta yi rawa da rawa. Littafin karatun ta na shekara-shekara ya jera 'yar wasan da ta fi so a matsayin Ingrid Bergman da kuma dan wasan da ta fi so a matsayin Joseph Cotten . Rubuta a sashin "Annabcin Stevens" shine: "Miss Grace P. Kelly   - sanannen tauraruwa ne na mataki da allo ". Sakamakon maki mai karancin lissafi, Kwalejin Bennington ta ki karbarta a watan Yuli na shekarar 1947.

Duk da rashin amincewar iyayenta da farko, Kelly ta yanke shawarar bin burinta na zama 'yar wasan kwaikwayo. John bai ji daɗi sosai da shawarar da ta yanke ba; ya kalli yin hakan a matsayin "wani siriri a saman bakin titi". [12] Don fara aikinta, ta nemi izinin Kwalejin Ilimin Addinin gargajiya ta Amurka a New York, ta amfani da abin kallo daga kawunta George Kelly na The Torch-Bearers a shekarar (1923). Kodayake makarantar ta riga ta cika tanadin tsarin karatun ta, amma ta samu tattaunawa da jami'in shigar da karar, Emile Diestel, kuma an karbe shi ta hannun George. [12]

Kelly ta yi aiki da himma, kuma ta yi amfani da maganarta ta amfani da rakodin tef. Ayyukanta na farko sun sa ta kai ga matakin, kuma ta yi ta farko a karon farko a Strindberg 's Uba, tare da Raymond Massey . A 19, wasan karatun ta ya kasance kamar yadda Tracy Lord a cikin Labari na Filadelfia . [12]

Shiri a talebelijin Delbert Mann cast Kelly as Bethel Merriday in an adaptation of the Sinclair Lewis novel of the same name; this was her first of nearly 60 live television programs.[2] As a theater personality, she was mentioned in Theatre World magazine as: "[a] most promising personality of the Broadway stage of 1950." Some of her well-known works as a theater actress were: The Father, The Rockingham Tea Set, The Apple Tree, The Mirror of Delusion, Episode (for Somerset Maugham's tele-serial), among others.[3]

Success on television eventually brought her a role in a major motion picture. Impressed by her work in The Father, the director of the Twentieth Century-Fox film Fourteen Hours (1951), Henry Hathaway, offered her a small role in the film. Kelly had a minor role, opposite Paul Douglas, Richard Basehart, and Barbara Bel Geddes, as a young woman contemplating divorce.[4] Kelly's co-artist Paul Douglas commented of her acting in this film: "In two senses, she did not have a bad side – you could film her from any angle, and she was one of the most un-temperamental cooperative people in the business."[5] Following the release of this film, the "Grace Kelly Fan Club" was established. It became popular all over the United States, with local chapters springing up and attracting many members. Kelly referred to her fan club as "terrifically amusing".[5].

Gary Cooper ta lura da Kelly yayin ziyarar zuwa sa'o'in hudun na Sa'a, wanda daga baya ta kasance tare da ita a High Noon (1952). Kyautatawar da ya yi mata, ya ce ita ta bambanta da waɗannan ire-iren waɗannan haɓakar da muka gani da yawa ". Koyaya, abin da Kelly ta yi a cikin Shekaru Goma sha huɗu ba su da masu sukar ba, kuma ba su kai ta ga karɓar sauran rawar da ta taka ba. Ta ci gaba da ayyukanta a cikin wasan kwaikwayo da talabijin, duk da cewa ba ta da "ƙarfin dawakai", kuma da alama ba za ta sami dogon lokacin aiki ba. [12]

Kelly a High Noon (1951), matsayinta na farko na fim


Kelly tana yin wasan ne a cikin gidan Elitch Gardens na Colorado lokacin da mai gabatar da kara Stanley Kramer ya ba ta rawar gani a gaban Gary Cooper a cikin Fred Zinnemann 's High Noon, Yammacin Yankin Yammacin Turai a wani tsohon gari da ke hakar ma'adinai a Columbia, California. Ta yarda da rawar, kuma an harbe fim din a ƙarshen bazara / farkon faɗuwar 1951 a kan jadawalin harbe-harben kwana 28 a cikin yanayi mai zafi. An jefa ta a matsayin 'yar budurwa Quaker zuwa ga Gary Cooper's stoic Marshall ", kuma ta sanya" rigar da ta dace da rigar mutuncin Victoria ", tare da Gary Cooper, wacce ke da shekaru 28. [16] The movie aka saki a lokacin rani na shekarar 1952. [18] High noon janyo hudu Academy Awards, kuma ya tun da aka ranked a cikin mafi kyau fina-finan da duk lokaci. Koyaya, High Noon ba fim din da ya sa Kelly ta zama tauraron fim ba, duk da cewa a yanzu tana ɗaya daga cikin sanannun fina-finai. Kamar yadda mawallafin tarihin H. Haughland ke faɗi: "Aikin Miss Kelly bai farantawa masu sukar lamirin ba, ko kuma sun yi rayuwa da nata." [16] Wasu masu sukar lamuni sun yi ba'a a ƙarshen fim ɗin wanda Kelly ya ceci halin Cooper. David Bishop ya bayar da hujjar cewa halayensa na rashin gaskiya, wanda ya kashe wani mutumin da ke shirin harbi mijinta, ya kasance mai sanyi. Alfred Hitchcock ya bayyana abin da ta yi a matsayin "makusantan mousy", kuma ya ce ba ta da tashin hankali. Ya ce a fina-fincinta na baya ne kawai "ta yi rawar jiki" kuma ta nuna ingancin tauraronsa na gaske.

Kawun Grace Kelly George Kelly, 'yar fim din Pulitzer ne - mai wasan kwaikwayo na mata, ta ba da shawara da ba da kulawa ga Kelly yayin fim din Hollywood. Aikin fim din ta ya kasance ne tun daga watan Satumbar shekarar 1951 zuwa watan Maris shekara ta 1956. [24]

Yin aiki a MGM

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

Bayan yin fim ɗin High Noon, Kelly ya koma New York City kuma ya ɗauki darussan koyar da zaman kansu, masu sha'awar ɗauka da muhimmanci a matsayin ’yar wasan kwaikwayo. [16] Ta yi a cikin 'yan wasan kwaikwayo a cikin wasan kwaikwayo, da kuma a shirye-shiryen talabijin. [25] Ta bayyana a cikin wasu wasannin kwaikwayo na talabijin da dama (wanda aka buga a sama da shirye-shiryen talabijin sama da sittin), da aka gwada allo domin fim din Taxi a cikin bazara na shekarar 1952. Darakta John Ford ya lura da Kelly a cikin gwajin allo na 1950, kuma injinsa ya tashi ta fito zuwa Los Angeles don dubawa a watan Satumbar shekarar 1952. Ford ya ce Kelly ya nuna "kiwo, inganci, da aji". An ba ta rawar, tare da kwangilar shekaru bakwai a ƙarancin albashi na $850 a mako. [26] Kelly ta sanya hannu kan yarjejeniyar a karkashin sharuɗɗa biyu: na farko, cewa ɗayan daga cikin shekaru biyu, tana da lokacin hutu don aiki a gidan wasan kwaikwayo; na biyu kuma, cewa ta sami damar zama a New York City a gidanta na Manhattan House, a 200 E. 66th Street, yanzu alamar ƙasa ce. [12]

Katin Mogambo (1953)


Bayan watanni biyu, a cikin watan Nuwamba shekarar 1952, Kelly da ɗan wasan sun isa Nairobi don fara fim din Mogambo . Gene Tierney da farko an jefa shi cikin rawar, amma dole ne ta sauka a cikin minti na ƙarshe saboda batutuwan sirri. Daga baya Kelly ya fadawa mawakin fina-finan Hollywood Hedda Hopper, " Mogambo yana da abubuwa uku da suka ba ni sha'awa: John Ford, Clark Gable, da tafiya zuwa Afirka, tare da biyan kuɗi. Idan an yi Mogambo a Arizona, da ba zan t sun aikata shi. " Kelly tana wasa da Linda Nordley, matar aure ce ta Turanci mai ban sha'awa tare da sha'awar soyayya a Clark Gable. Kayan riguna, wadanda Helen Rose suka tsara, sun kasance "salon safari". Sama da tsawan watanni uku, babu kayan neman mata da aka yi amfani da su. Wani hutu a cikin shirin fim din ya baiwa mata tare da Mogambo abokin Ava Gardner ziyarar zuwa Rome. An saki fim ɗin a cikin shekarar 1953, kuma yana da nasara gudu a ofishin akwatin. [26] An zaba Kelly ta lambar yabo ta Golden Globe Award don Mafi kyawun Actungiyar Tallafawa, kuma ta sami lambar yabo ta farko ta Academy Award don Mafi Kyawun ressaddamarwa na Supportwarewa saboda ayyukanta. [32].

Bayan nasarar Mogambo, Kelly ya buga fim a hanyar 'TV' The Way of Eagle tare da Jean-Pierre Aumont, kafin a jefa shi a cikin fim din da Frederick Knott 's Broadway ya buga Dial M don Murder, gaban Ray Milland da Robert Cummings . A cikin wannan fim, Kelly tana wasa da matar attajiri mai wasan ƙwallon tennis mai ritaya. [26] Darakta Alfred Hitchcock, wanda kuma ya ga gwajin allo na shekarar 1950, zai zama ɗayan masu jagoranci na ƙarshe. Matar studio ɗinta MGM ta ba da ranta (tare da wanda ta sanya hannu kan kwangilar shekaru bakwai don yin Mogambo), don yin aiki a kan fina-finai da yawa na Hitchcock, daga baya ta bayyana a cikin Rear Window da Don Kama Wani ɓarayi . [26]

Kelly a cikin hoto mai tallafi na Rear Window (1954)

Kelly ba tare da nuna wata damuwa ba, ya yi watsi da damar da ya yi wa tauraruwa tare da Marlon Brando a cikin Ruwa na Buga shekarar (1954). Eva Marie Saint, wacce ta maye gurbin ta, ta sami lambar yabo ta Academy domin wannan rawar. Madadin haka, sai ta himmatu ga rawar Lisa Fremont a cikin Wutar Window . Kelly ya ce, "Duk ta hanyar yin Dial M don Murder, shi (Hitchcock) ya zauna ya yi min magana game da Window Window koyaushe, tun ma kafin mu tattauna kasancewar ta".

Kelly's new co-star, James Stewart, was highly enthusiastic about working with her. The role of Lisa Fremont, a wealthy Manhattan socialite and model – a fashion model who "never wore the same dress twice" [6] – was unlike any of the previous women she had played. For the first time, she was playing an independent career woman. Just as he had done earlier, Hitchcock provided the camera with a slow-sequenced silhouette of Kelly, along with a close-up of the two stars kissing, finally lingering closely on her profile. Hitchcock brought her elegance to the foreground by changing her dresses many times, including: "glamorous evening short dresses, a sheer negligee over a sleek nightgown, a full-skirted floral dress, and a casual pair of jeans".[6] On the film's opening in October 1954, Kelly was again praised. Variety's film critic remarked on the casting, commenting on the "earthy quality to the relationship between Stewart and Miss Kelly", as "both do a fine job of the picture's acting demands".

Kelly ta taka rawar da matar ta yi na tsawon lokaci na Bing Crosby, Georgie Elgin, a cikin Yarinyar Kasar, bayan da wata mai ciki Jennifer Jones ta sunkuyar da kai. Lallai ya saba da wasan, Kelly ya kasance mai sha'awar sashin. Don yin shi, MGM dole ne ya bada rancen Kelly zuwa Paramount . Kelly ta nuna halin ko in kula, kuma ta yi barazanar cewa ta bar fim din, in da suka ce idan ba su ba ta damar yin fim ba, to, za ta kwashe jakarta ta tafi New York da kyau. MGM ya juya baya, kuma sashin na ya koma. Har ila yau, Kelly ta sasanta da kwangilar da za ta fi samun riba, sakamakon nasarar da ta samu. [39] A cikin fim, Kelly tana wasa da matar mai wanki, mawaƙa, wacce Crosby ta buga. Halinta ya rikice cikin damuwa tsakanin masoyanta biyu, wanda Bing Crosby da William Holden suka buga. Edith Head ta sake yin ado da ita don dacewa da rawar da ta taka a fim. Da farko an saka ta da suttattun suttura, amma wannan rigar ta canza zuwa tsoffin 'yan kaduna da kuma "rigunan gida" zuwa ƙarshen fim. [39]

As a result of her performance in The Country Girl, Kelly was nominated for and ultimately won an Academy Award for Best Actress. Her main competitor was Judy Garland for her performance in A Star Is Born. After receiving the Oscar nomination, Kelly won the New York Film Critics Circle Award for best actress for her performances in her three big movie roles of 1954: Rear Window, Dial M For Murder, and The Country Girl. At the Golden Globe Awards in 1955, Garland and Kelly both won awards for their respective performances. Garland won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Motion Picture – Comedy or Musical, and Kelly won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Motion Picture – Drama.

In April 1954, Kelly flew to Colombia for a 10-day shoot on her next project, Green Fire, with Stewart Granger. She played Catherine Knowland, a coffee plantation owner. Granger wrote in his autobiography of his distaste for the film's script, while Kelly later confided to Hedda Hopper, "It wasn't pleasant. We worked at a pathetic village – miserable huts and dirty. Part of the crew got shipwrecked ... It was awful."

Kelly don Kama barawo (1955)

Bayan fim ɗin da aka yi a jere na Rear Window, Toko-Ri, Yarinyar Countryasa, da Green wuta, Kelly ta tashi zuwa Riviera ta Faransa don fara aikinta na uku, kuma na ƙarshe, fim na Alfred Hitchcock, Don Kamawa aarawo . An ba da shi ta hanyar MGM zuwa Paramount Films a karo na biyar, Kelly yana wasa da mai riƙon da ya ɗauka "suttura mai kyan gani", yayin da Cary Grant ya taka rawar tsohon barawo cat yanzu yana neman kama "ɓarawo wanda ke kwaikwayon shi" . [41] Kelly da Grant sun inganta juna. Su biyun sun fi son lokacinsu tare har tsawon rayuwarsu. Shekaru daga baya, lokacin da aka nemi ya ba da sunan ɗan wasan da ya fi so, Grant ya amsa ba tare da wani bata lokaci ba: “Da kyau, tare da girmamawa ga masoyi Ingrid Bergman, na fi ƙaunar Alherin. Tana da nutsuwa . "

A cikin 1956, Kelly ya ba da hoton Princess Alexandra a cikin fim ɗin Burtaniya wanda Swan, wanda Charles Vidor ya jagoranta, akasin Alec Guinness da Louis Jourdan . Matsayinta na ƙarshe ya kasance a fim ɗin fim na Charles Walters High Society, sake fasalin Bikin 19400 na MGM Labari ne na Philadelphia . A cikin wannan fim ɗin, tauraruwar ta taurari a gaban Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, da Celeste Holm .

Princess ta Monaco

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

Kelly headed the U.S. delegation at the Cannes Film Festival in April 1955. While there, she was invited to participate in a photo session with Prince Rainier III, the sovereign of the Principality of Monaco, at the Prince's Palace, about 55 kilometers away from Cannes. After a series of delays and complications, she met him at the Prince's Palace of Monaco on May 6, 1955. At the time of her initial meeting with him, she was dating the French actor Jean-Pierre Aumont.

Yarima da Gimbiya na Monaco sun isa Fadar White House don cin abincin rana, 1961

After a year-long courtship described as containing "a good deal of rational appraisal on both sides", Prince Rainier married Kelly in 1956. The Napoleonic Code of Monaco and the laws of the Catholic Church necessitated two ceremonies – both a civil ceremony and a religious wedding. The 16-minute civil ceremony took place in the Palace Throne Room of Monaco on April 18, 1956, and a reception later in the day was attended by 3,000 Monégasque citizens. To cap the ceremony, the 142 official titles that she acquired in the union (counterparts of her husband's) were formally recited. The following day the church ceremony took place at Monaco's Saint Nicholas Cathedral, before Bishop Gilles Barthe. The wedding was estimated to have been watched by over 30 million viewers on live television and was described by biographer Robert Lacey as "the first modern event to generate media overkill". Her wedding dress, designed by MGM's Academy Award-winning Helen Rose, was worked on for six weeks by three dozen seamstresses. The bridesmaids' gowns were designed by Joe Allen Hong at Neiman Marcus. The 700 guests included several famous people, including Aristotle Onassis, Cary Grant, David Niven and his wife Hjördis, Gloria Swanson, Ava Gardner, Aga Khan III, Gloria Guinness, and many others. Frank Sinatra was invited but did not attend. Kelly and Rainier left that night for their seven-week Mediterranean honeymoon cruise on his yacht, Deo Juvante II.

Ma'auratan nada ya'ya uku:

  • Princess Caroline, an haufe ta a Janairun 23, 1957
  • Prince Albert, an haife shi a Maris 14, 1958, shine Prince na Monaco
  • Princess Stéphanie, an haife ta February 1, 1965

Shekaru masu zuwa

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]
Gimbiya Princess a farfajiyar Floriade, Amsterdam a 1972

Hitchcock ya bai wa Princess Grace jagora a fim din Marnie a shekarar 1962. Tana da sha'awar, amma kukan jama'a a cikin Monaco game da kasancewarta a cikin fim inda za ta yi kleptomaniac ya sa ta sake tunani kuma a ƙarshe ta ƙi aikin. Darakta Herbert Ross yayi ƙoƙarin nuna mata sha'awar a wani bangare a fim ɗin shi na Turning Point (1977), amma Rainier ya soke ra'ayin. Daga baya a waccan shekarar, ta dawo cikin fasahar zane-zane a jerin karatuttukan wakoki da ke wakoki a kan labari da labari na shirin 'Theater of The Street Street' . Ta kuma ba da labarin fim din ABC wanda aka yi da talabijin mai suna The Poppy Is shima Flower (1966).

Grace da Rainier sun yi aiki tare a cikin wani fim mai 'yanci na mintuna 33 da ake kira Rearranged a 1979, wanda ya samu karbuwa daga masu zartarwar ABC TV a 1982 bayan firaminista a Monaco, kan sharadin cewa ya kara zuwa awa daya. Kafin a kara daukar hotuna, Grace ta mutu kuma ba za a sake fitar da fim din ba ko kuma a nuna shi a bainar jama'a. [7]

A ranar 13 ga Satumabar, 1982, Kelly ta dawo da ita gida daga Monaco ta gida a Roc Agel lokacin da ta sami bugun jini. Sakamakon haka, ta rasa ikonta na 1971 Rover P6 3500. [8] kuma ta kori babbar hanya, iska mai 120 foot (37 m) da saukar da 120 foot (37 m) tsaunin dutse. 'Yarta Stéphanie, wacce ke cikin wurin fasinja, ta yi ƙoƙari amma ta gaza wajen sake mallakar motar. An kai Kelly zuwa Asibitin Monaco (daga baya aka sanya wa suna Princess Grace Hospital Center ) tare da raunin da ya samu a kwakwalwa da thorax da kuma rauni na fyade. Likitocin sun yi imanin cewa ta samu rauni a lokacin da take tuki. Ta mutu washegari a 10:55   Da dare bayan Rainier ta yanke shawarar cire mata tallafi.

The tomb of Gratia Patricia, Princess of Monaco

An gudanar da jana'izar Kelly a Cathedral of Our Lady Immaculate, ranar 18 ga Satumabar, 1982. Bayan Massiem Mass, an binne ta a cikin gidan iyayen Grimaldi. Fiye da mutane 400 suka halarci, ciki har da Cary Grant, Nancy Reagan, Danielle Mitterrand, Diana, Princess of Wales, da Empress Farah na Iran . A wani taron tunawa da wani daga baya a Beverly Hills, James Stewart ya gabatar da wannan karar:

Grace Kelly

Rainier, who did not remarry, was buried alongside her in 2005.

Zababbun fina-finai

Shekara' Suna Mataki Darekta Bayanai
1951 Fourteen Hours Louise Ann Fuller Henry Hathaway
1952 High Noon Amy Fowler Kane Fred Zinnemann
1953 Mogambo Linda Nordley John Ford
1954 Dial M for Murder Margot Mary Wendice Alfred Hitchcock
Rear Window Lisa Carol Fremont
The Country Girl Georgie Elgin George Seaton
Green Fire Catherine Knowland Andrew Marton
The Bridges at Toko-Ri Nancy Brubaker Mark Robson
1955 To Catch a Thief Frances Stevens Alfred Hitchcock
1956 The Swan Princess Alexandra Charles Vidor
High Society Tracy Samantha Lord Charles Walters

Gidan wasan kwaikwayo

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]
Shekara Take Matsayi Mai wasan kwaikwayo Harara
1949 Uba Bertha Agusta Strindberg Gidan wasan kwaikwayo na Cort, Broadway
1952 A ci gaba Wata Budurwa William Marchant Gidan wasan kwaikwayo na Booth, Broadway
  • "True Love", a duet with Bing Crosby from High Society (1956)
  • L'Oiseau du Nord et L'Oiseau du Soleil, in French and in English (1978)
  • Birds, Beasts & Flowers: A Programme of Poetry, Prose and Music (1980)

Kelly left a lasting legacy as a model, theater artist, television actress (her most prolific work, acting in around 100 TV plays), and an iconic Hollywood film star.[9] Kelly has been cited as one of the "classic Hitchcock blondes", and as one of the most elegant women in cinematic and world history. One author describes her as the "elegant glamour girl of the screen".

Grace Kelly appeared on the cover of the 31 January 1955 issue of the weekly magazine Time. The magazine hailed her as the top movie star who brought about "a startling change from the run of smoky film sirens and bumptious cuties". She was described as the "Girl in White Gloves" because she wore "prim and noticeable white gloves", and journalists often called her the "lady" or "Miss Kelly" for this reason as well. In 1954, she appeared on the Best Dressed list, and in 1955, the Custom Tailored Guild of America listed her as the "Best-Tailored Woman".[10]

In appreciation of her work with Hitchcock in three of his films, Kelly later wrote a foreword to the book The Art of Alfred Hitchcock by Donald Spoto. Spoto also had written High Society: The Life of Grace Kelly.[11]


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During her marriage, Kelly was unable to continue her acting career. Instead, she performed her daily duties as princess and became involved in philanthropic work.

She founded AMADE Mondiale, a Monaco-based non-profit organization that was eventually recognized by the UN as a Non-governmental organization. According to UNESCO's website, AMADE promotes and protects the "moral and physical integrity" and "spiritual well-being of children throughout the world, without distinction of race, nationality or religion and in a spirit of complete political independence." Her daughter, Princess Caroline, carries the torch for AMADE today in her role as President.

Kelly was also active in improving the arts institutions of Monaco, forming the Princess Grace Foundation in 1964 to support local artisans. In 1983, following her death, Princess Caroline assumed the duties of President of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation; Prince Albert is Vice-President.

Following Kelly's death, the Princess Grace Foundation-USA (PGF-USA) was established to continue the work she had done anonymously during her lifetime, assisting emerging theater, dance and film artists in America. Incorporated in 1982, PGF-USA is headquartered in New York and is a tax-exempt, not-for-profit, publicly supported organization. The Princess Grace Awards, a program of the Princess Grace Foundation-USA, has awarded nearly 800 artists at more than 100 institutions in the U.S. with more than $15 million to date. The foundation also says it "holds the exclusive rights and facilitates the licensing of her name and likeness throughout the world."

In 1965, Princess Grace accepted with pleasure the invitation to be an honorary member of La Leche League (a worldwide mother to mother support group that focuses on mothering through breastfeeding) and in 1971 was a speaker at their conference in Chicago, addressing 1400 mothers, 800 fathers and 800 babies. Princess Grace was a known advocate of breastfeeding, and successfully fed her 3 children.

While pregnant with her daughter Caroline in 1956, Kelly was frequently photographed clutching a distinctive leather handbag manufactured by Hermès. The purse, or Sac à dépêches, was likely a shield to prevent her pregnant abdomen from being exposed to the prying eyes of the paparazzi. The photographs, however, popularized the purse and became so closely associated with the fashion icon that it would thereafter be known as the Kelly bag.

Kelly was inaugurated into the International Best Dressed List Hall of Fame in 1960.

Numerous exhibitions have been held of Kelly's life and clothing. The Philadelphia Museum of Art presented her wedding dress in a 2006 exhibition to mark the 50th anniversary of her marriage, and a retrospective of her wardrobe was held at London's Victoria and Albert Museum in 2010. The V&A exhibition continued in Australia at the Bendigo Art Gallery in 2012. This famous dress, seen around the world, took thirty five tailors six weeks to complete. An exhibition of her life as Princess of Monaco was held at the Ekaterina Cultural Foundation in Moscow in 2008 in conjunction with Monaco's Grimaldi Forum. In 2009, a plaque was placed on the "Rodeo Drive Walk of Style" in recognition of her contributions to style and fashion.

After her death, Kelly's legacy as a fashion icon lived on. Modern designers, such as Tommy Hilfiger and Zac Posen, have cited her as a fashion inspiration. During her lifetime, she was known for introducing the "fresh faced" look, one that involved bright skin and natural beauty with little makeup. Her fashion legacy was even commemorated at the Victoria and Albert Museum of London, where an exhibit titled, "Grace Kelly: Style Icon" paid tribute to her impact on the world of fashion. The exhibit included 50 of her legendary ensembles. She is remembered for her "college-girl" everyday fashion, defined by her pulled-together yet simple look.

In 2016, Forbes included her on the list 10 Fashion Icons and the Trends They Made Famous.


Rashin lafiyar Kelly

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]
James Gill: "Grace Kelly in Sun" (2013)

In 1955, Kelly was photographed by Howell Conant in Jamaica. He photographed her without makeup in a naturalistic setting, a departure from the traditional portrayal of actresses. The resulting photographs were published in Collier's, with a celebrated photo of her rising from the water with wet hair making the cover. Following her marriage, Conant was the unofficial photographer to the House of Grimaldi and extensively photographed her, Rainier, and their three children. In 1992, Conant published Grace, a book of photographs that he took during her 26-year tenure as Princess of Monaco.

Kelly has been depicted by many pop artists including Andy Warhol and James Gill. Warhol made a portrait of her for the Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia as a limited edition silkscreen in 1984.

Memorial to Princess Grace in Maynooth University, Ireland.

A rose garden in Monaco's Fontvieille district is dedicated to the memory of Kelly. It was opened in 1984 by Rainier. She is commemorated in a statue by Kees Verkade in the garden, which features about 4,000 roses.

In 2003, the Henley Royal Regatta renamed the Women's Quadruple Sculls the "Princess Grace Challenge Cup." The Henley Stewards invited her to present the prizes at the 1981 regatta, expiating the ill will from her father's falling foul of its amateurism rules in 1920. Prince Albert presented the prizes at the 2004 regatta.

Gidan Iyayen Kelley

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

A 2012, Kelly's childhood home was made a Pennsylvania historic landmark, and a historical marker was placed on the site. The home, located at 3901 Henry Avenue in the East Falls section of Philadelphia, was built by her father John B. Kelly Sr. in 1929. Grace lived in the home until 1950, and Prince Rainier III proposed to her there in 1955. The Kelly family sold the property in 1974. Prince Albert of Monaco purchased the property, speculating that the home would be used either as museum space or as offices for the Princess Grace Foundation.

Kyautuka da gabatarwa

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]
Shekara Awards Rukuni Project Award
1950 Theatre World Award N/A The Father Lashewa
1953 Academy Award Best Supporting Actress Mogambo Ayyanawa
Golden Globe Award Best Supporting Actress Lashewa
1954 Academy Award Best Actress The Country Girl Lashewa
Golden Globe Award Best Actress - Motion Picture Drama Lashewa
National Board of Review Best Actress Lashewa
New York Film Critics Circle Best Actress Lashewa
British Academy Film Awards Best Actress Ayyanawa
1954 National Board of Review Best Actress Rear Window Lashewa
New York Film Critics Circle Best Actress Lashewa
1954 National Board of Review Best Actress Dial M for Murder Lashewa
New York Film Critics Circle Best Actress Lashewa
British Academy Film Awards Beest Actress Ayyanawa
Bambi Award Best International Actress Ayyanawa
1956 Golden Globe Awards World Favorite Film Female N/A Lashewa[12]

Other Honors

  • Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame (1960)
  • American Film Institute's 13th Top Female Stars of American Cinema (1999)

Girmamawa na ƙasa

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Girmamawa na ƙasashen waje

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]
Princess Grace ta gashi na makamai Kyauta ta tsarin sarauta

Manazarta daga sanannun al'adu

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

Coins da stamps

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]
  • In 1993, Kelly appeared on a U.S. postage stamp, released in conjunction with a Monaco postage stamp featuring her image on the same day.
  • To commemorate the 25th anniversary of Kelly's death, €2 commemorative coins were issued on July 1, 2007 with the "national" side bearing the image of her.
  • A 1983, a wani shirin American television film da aka kira da Grace Kelly focused on Kelly's early life was presented featuring Cheryl Ladd as Kelly and Ian McShane as Rainier.
  • Nicole Kidman portrayed Kelly in Grace of Monaco (2014), directed by Olivier Dahan. Reaction to the film was largely negative; many people, including the princely family of Monaco, felt it was overly dramatic, had historical errors, and lacked depth.
  • A season 6, na episode 20 of Once Upon a Time, Emma Swan wears a wedding dress that is highly similar to Grace Kelly's.
  • Kelly an ambace ta acikin lyrics na "Vogue" daga Madonna (1990).
  • Kelly's name is mentioned in the lyrics and title of "Grace Kelly" by MIKA (2007).
  • Kelly was also honored in the Piebald anthem, “Grace Kelly With Wings”.
  • Kelly is mentioned as Princess Grace in Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire".
  • Kelly is mentioned in Grace Kelly Blues by the band, eels.
  • In the video game Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, operator Grace "Dokkaebi" Nam is said to be named after Grace Kelly.
  1. Empty citation (help)
  2. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named jacobs201005
  3. Spoto 2010, pp. 51–52.
  4. Haugland 2006, p. 954.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Spoto 2010, p. 56.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Haugland 2006, p. 956.
  7. Transcript of Larry King Live episode "Remembering Prince Rainer of Monaco", aired April 15, 2005 on CNN
  8. References:
  9. Spoto 2010, p. 5.
  10. Haugland 2006, p. 960.
  11. Spoto 2010, p. 4.
  12. "Grace Kelly". Golden Globes. Retrieved April 6, 2019.

Haɗin waje

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]
Monegasque royalty
Title last held by
Ghislaine Dommanget
Princess consort of Monaco
Title next held by
Charlene Wittstock