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विकिपीडिया:IPA for Greek - विकिपीडिया सामग्री पर जाएँ

विकिपीडिया:IPA for Greek

मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से

The charts below show the way in which the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) represents Ancient Greek and Modern Greek pronunciations in Wikipedia articles. Today, pronunciation of Ancient Greek is mostly based on Erasmian pronunciation. However, native Greek speakers use Modern Greek pronunciations for Ancient Greek words and phrases.

See Ancient Greek phonology and Modern Greek phonology for a more thorough look at the sounds of these languages.

IPA Examples English equivalent
for Modern Greek
Anc. Mod.
 ῾ h ἥρως [hɛ̌ːrɔːs], [ˈiros] hero
βべーた b v βべーたίος [ˈvios] vet
γがんま ɡ ɣ γがんまάλα [ˈɣala]
ʝ[1] γがんまηいーた [ʝi] yellow
δでるた d ð δでるたημοκρατία [ðimokraˈtia] then
ζぜーた d͡z[2] z ζぜーたώνη [ˈzoni] zero
θしーた θしーた θしーたεολογία [θしーたe̞oloˈʝia] thing
κかっぱ k k κかっぱαλός [kaˈlos] sky
c[1] κかっぱύκλος [ˈciklos] somewhat like key
λらむだ l l λらむだεξικό [le̞ksiˈko] lie
ʎ[3] εいぷしろんλらむだιいおたά [e̞ˈʎa] million
μみゅー m m μみゅーηχανικός [mixaniˈkos] mine
νにゅー n n νにゅーέος [ˈne̞os] nine
ɲ[3] νにゅーιいおたότη [ˈɲoti] onion
ξくしー ks ξくしーενοφοβία [kse̞nofoˈvia] tax
πぱい p πぱいρόγραμμα [ˈproɣrama] spy
ρろー r r[4] ρろーητορική [ritoriˈci] trilled r, as in Italian and Spanish
σしぐま[6] s σしぐまύστημα [ˈsistima] sea
τたう t τたうηλέφωνο [tiˈle̞fono] step
φふぁい f φふぁいαινόμενο [fe̞ˈnome̞no] fly
χかい x χかいάος [ˈxaos] loch (Scottish)
ç[1] χかいειρόγραφος [çiˈroɣrafos] (often) human
ψぷさい ps ψぷさいυχοθεραπεία [psixoθしーたe̞raˈpia] tips
γがんまγがんま ŋɡ, ŋɣ[7] αあるふぁγがんまγがんまούρι [aŋˈguri]/σしぐまυうぷしろんγがんまγがんまραφέας [siŋɣraˈfe̞as] finger
ɲɟ, ŋʝ[1][7] άγがんまγがんまελος [ˈaɲɟe̞los]/εいぷしろんγがんまγがんまενής [eɲʝe̞ˈnis] angel
γがんまκかっぱ ɡ, ŋɡ[7] εいぷしろんγがんまκかっぱώμιο [e̞ŋˈgomio] good, finger
ɟ, ɲɟ[1][7] εいぷしろんγがんまκかっぱυκλοπαίδεια [e̞ɲɟikloˈpe̞ðia] argue, angular
γがんまχかい ŋx[7] άγがんまχかいος [ˈaŋxos]
ɲç[1][7] εいぷしろんγがんまχかいείριση [e̞ɲˈçirisi]
γがんまξくしー ŋks έλεγがんまξくしーαあるふぁ [ˈe̞le̞ŋksa] thanks
μみゅーπぱい b, mb[7] εいぷしろんμみゅーπぱいάθεια [e̞mˈbaθしーたia] book, amble
νにゅーτたう d, nd[7] εいぷしろんνにゅーτたうάξει [e̞nˈdaksi] duck, under
τたうσしぐま t͡s τたうσしぐまάι [ˈt͡sai] cats
τたうζぜーた d͡z τたうζぜーたαあるふぁζぜーた [ˈd͡zaz] pads
IPA Examples English equivalent
for Modern Greek
Anc. Mod.
αあるふぁ a a αあるふぁλらむだφふぁいάβべーたηいーたτたうοおみくろん [alˈfavito] tar, spa
αあるふぁιいおた ai̯, aj between bet and bait
εいぷしろん εいぷしろんνにゅーέρろーγがんまεいぷしろんιいおたαあるふぁ [e̞ˈne̞rʝia]
εいぷしろんιいおた i[8][9] ενέργεいぷしろんιいおたαあるふぁ [e̞ˈne̞rʝia] seem
ηいーた ɛː ηいーたθしーたιいおたκかっぱή [iθしーたiˈci]
ιいおた i ιいおたσしぐまτたうοおみくろんρろーίαあるふぁ [istoˈria]
υうぷしろん[10] y υうぷしろんγιεινή [iʝiiˈni]
οおみくろんιいおた ɔi̯, oj οおみくろんιいおたκονομία [ikonoˈmia]
υうぷしろんιいおた ui̯ υうぷしろんιいおたός [iˈos]
οおみくろん o o οおみくろんργανισμός [orɣanizˈmos] hope
ωおめが ɔː ώρろーαあるふぁ [ˈora]
αあるふぁυうぷしろん au̯ av, af αύρろーαあるふぁ [ˈavra] /αあるふぁυうぷしろんθεντικός [afθしーたendiˈkos] [a] then [v] / [f]
εいぷしろんυうぷしろん eu̯ e̞v, e̞f εいぷしろんυうぷしろんρώπη [e̞vˈropi] / εいぷしろんυうぷしろんφορία [e̞foˈria] [] then [v] / [f]
ηいーたυうぷしろん ɛːu̯ iv, if εいぷしろんφふぁいηύρろーαあるふぁ [e̞ˈfivra] / ηいーたυうぷしろんξημένος [ifksiˈme̞nos] [i] then [v] / [f]
οおみくろんυうぷしろん u οおみくろんυうぷしろんτοπία [utoˈpia] boot
Stress and tone
IPA Examples
Ancient Greek
á Acute: High tone on short vowels
ǎː Acute: Rising tone on long vowels and diphthongs
a Grave: low tone ([à])
âː Circumflex: Falling tone on long vowels and diphthongs
Modern Greek
ˈa άλλος
Stress mark: placed before the stressed syllable or vowel.
Represented in monotonic orthography by tonos.
Occurs on one of final three syllables, including any enclitics.
  1. γがんま›, ‹κかっぱ›, ‹χかい›, ‹γがんまγがんま›, ‹γがんまκかっぱ›, ‹γがんまχかい represent palatal c ç ɲɟ ɲç] only before the front vowels [i] and [e]. The velar and palatal series series are sometimes analyzed as allophones of a single dorsal series.
  2. Also may have been /zd/.
  3. [ʎ] and [ɲ] are usually analysed as clusters of /li/ and /ni/ respectively, and are also spelled accordingly in Greek orthography. Palatalized pronunciation presupposes the presence of yet another vowel after the palatalized consonant and its following /i/. If there is no subsequent second vowel, palatalization does not occur.
  4. May be a tap [ɾ] intervocalically.
  5. May have been /rʰ/.
  6. σしぐま represents [z] before [b v m r ɣ] eg: Σμήνος [ˈzminos]
  7. γがんまκかっぱ, μみゅーπぱい, νにゅーτたう usually represent [ŋg~ɲɟ mb nd] when found in the middle of a Greek word, [g~ɟ b d] when found in any foreign word or in the beginning of the a Greek one. eg: αμπέλι [amˈbe̞li], μπαμπάς [baˈbas]
  8. The large number of mergers into Modern Greek /i/ is called Iotacism.
  9. Letters normally representing /i/ can also indicate a palatal pronunciation of dorsal consonants when appearing before other vowels: i.e instead of velar k x ɡ], palatal c ç ɟ] occur (eg: γιαγιά [ʝaˈʝa], κιόλας [ˈcolas], χιόνι [ˈçoni], μαγκιά [maˈɟa]. A similar process has a palatal fricative follow other consonants; [ʝ] follows voiced consonants [v b d ð z r] (eg: χέρια [ˈce̞rʝa], βαριέμαι [varˈʝe̞me̞]) and [ç] follows voiceless consonants [f p θしーた t s t͡s] (eg: καρφιά [karfˈça], ποιος [pços], ρεβύθια [re̞ˈviθしーたça]). Similarly [ɲ] follows [m] under similar situations (eg: μみゅーιいおたαあるふぁ [mɲa], καλαμιά [kalaˈmɲa]
  10. When following a vowel, υうぷしろん represents a pronunciation with [f] before θしーた›, ‹κかっぱ›, ‹ξくしー›, ‹πぱい›, ‹σしぐま›, ‹τたう›, ‹φふぁい›, ‹χかい›, ‹ψぷさい, and a pronunciation with [v] elsewhere.