(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Concordance: Greek 1. Α (alpha) -- alpha
Englishman's Concordance
Βάαλ (Baal) to Baal — 1 Occurrence
Βαβυλὼνにゅー (Babylōn) Babylon — 6 Occurrences
Βαβυλῶνにゅーιいおた (Babylōni) Babylon — 1 Occurrence
Βαβυλῶνος (Babylōnos) to Babylon — 5 Occurrences
βαθέα (bathea) depths — 1 Occurrence
βべーたαあるふぁθしーたεいぷしろんῖ (bathei) deep — 1 Occurrence
βαθέως (batheōs) very early — 1 Occurrence
βάθη (bathē) depths — 1 Occurrence
βべーたαあるふぁθしーたμみゅーνにゅー (bathmon) a degree — 1 Occurrence
βάθος (bathos) depth — 6 Occurrences
βάθους (bathous) deep — 1 Occurrence
βαθύ (bathy) deep — 1 Occurrence
βαΐα (baia) branches — 1 Occurrence
Βべーたαあるふぁλらむだαあるふぁμみゅー (Balaam) of Balaam — 3 Occurrences
Βべーたαあるふぁλらむだκかっぱ (Balak) Balak — 1 Occurrence
βάλε (bale) throw — 9 Occurrences
βべーたαあるふぁλらむだεいぷしろんῖ (balei) should cast — 1 Occurrence
βべーたαあるふぁλらむだεいぷしろんνにゅー (balein) to bring — 8 Occurrences
Βάλετε (Balete) Cast — 1 Occurrence
βαλέτω (baletō) let him cast — 1 Occurrence
βάλῃ (balē) should cast — 2 Occurrences
βάλητε (balēte) cast — 1 Occurrence
βαλλάντια (ballantia) purses — 1 Occurrence
βαλλάντιον (ballantion) purse — 2 Occurrences
βαλλαντίου (ballantiou) purse — 1 Occurrence
βάλλει (ballei) puts — 6 Occurrences
βάλλειν (ballein) to cast — 1 Occurrence
βάλλεται (balletai) is thrown — 3 Occurrences
βάλλομεν (ballomen) we put — 1 Occurrence
βαλλόμενα (ballomena) was put into [it] — 1 Occurrence
βαλλόμενον (ballomenon) is thrown — 2 Occurrences
βάλλοντας (ballontas) casting — 2 Occurrences
βάλλοντες (ballontes) casting — 2 Occurrences
βαλλόντων (ballontōn) casting — 2 Occurrences
βάλλουσαν (ballousan) casting — 1 Occurrence
βάλλουσιν (ballousin) put they — 4 Occurrences
βάλλω (ballō) cast — 2 Occurrences
βべーたαあるふぁλらむだοおみくろんσしぐまαあるふぁ (balousa) in pouring — 1 Occurrence
βべーたαあるふぁλらむだοおみくろんσしぐまιいおたνにゅー (balousin) they will cast — 3 Occurrences
βάλω (balō) put — 3 Occurrences
βάλωσιν (balōsin) they might cast — 1 Occurrence
βαπτίζει (baptizei) baptizes — 2 Occurrences
βαπτίζειν (baptizein) to baptize — 2 Occurrences
βαπτίζεις (baptizeis) baptize you — 1 Occurrence
βαπτίζομαι (baptizomai) am baptized — 4 Occurrences
βαπτιζόμενοι (baptizomenoi) are baptized — 1 Occurrence
βαπτίζονται (baptizontai) are they baptized — 1 Occurrence
βαπτίζοντες (baptizontes) baptizing — 1 Occurrence
βαπτίζοντος (baptizontos) Baptist — 1 Occurrence
βαπτίζω (baptizō) baptize — 3 Occurrences
βαπτίζων (baptizōn) baptizing — 7 Occurrences
βάπτισαι (baptisai) be baptized — 1 Occurrence
βαπτίσει (baptisei) will baptize — 3 Occurrences
βαπτισθεὶς (baptistheis) having been baptized — 3 Occurrences
βαπτισθέντες (baptisthentes) having been baptized [with] — 2 Occurrences
βαπτισθέντος (baptisthentos) having been baptized — 1 Occurrence
βαπτισθῆνにゅーαあるふぁιいおた (baptisthēnai) to be baptized — 11 Occurrences
βαπτισθήσεσθε (baptisthēsesthe) you shall be baptized [with] — 4 Occurrences
βαπτισθήτω (baptisthētō) be baptized — 1 Occurrence
βάπτισμα (baptisma) baptism — 19 Occurrences
βαπτίσματος (baptismatos) baptism — 2 Occurrences
βαπτισμοῖς (baptismois) washings — 1 Occurrence
βαπτισμοὺς (baptismous) washings — 2 Occurrences
βαπτισμῷ (baptismō) baptism — 1 Occurrence
βαπτισμῶνにゅー (baptismōn) about washings — 1 Occurrence
βαπτιστήν (baptistēn) Baptist — 3 Occurrences
βαπτιστὴς (baptistēs) Baptist — 4 Occurrences
βαπτιστοῦ (baptistou) Baptist — 5 Occurrences
βαπτίσωνται (baptisōntai) they wash — 1 Occurrence
Βαραββᾶνにゅー (Barabban) Barabbas — 9 Occurrences
Βαραββᾶς (Barabbas) Barabbas — 2 Occurrences
Βαράκ (Barak) Barak — 1 Occurrence
Βαραχίου (Barachiou) of Berekiah — 1 Occurrence
βάρβαροι (barbaroi) [the] natives — 2 Occurrences
βαρβάροις (barbarois) barbarians — 1 Occurrence
βάρβαρος (barbaros) a barbarian — 3 Occurrences
βαρέα (barea) heavy — 2 Occurrences
βάρει (barei) burden — 1 Occurrence
βべーたαあるふぁρろーεいぷしろんαあるふぁιいおた (bareiai) weighty — 2 Occurrences
βべーたαあるふぁρろーεいぷしろんῖς (bareis) grevious — 1 Occurrence
βαρείσθω (bareisthō) let be burdened — 1 Occurrence
βαρέως (bareōs) barely — 2 Occurrences
βάρη (barē) burdens — 1 Occurrence
βαρηθῶσしぐまιいおたνにゅー (barēthōsin) be burdened — 1 Occurrence
Βαρθολομαῖοおみくろんνにゅー (Bartholomaion) Bartholomew — 2 Occurrences
Βαρθολομαῖος (Bartholomaios) Bartholomew — 2 Occurrences
Βαριησοῦ (Bariēsou) [was] Bar-Jesus — 1 Occurrence
Βαριωνᾶ (Bariōna) Barjona — 1 Occurrence
Βαρνάβα (Barnaba) of Barnabas — 10 Occurrences
Βαρνάβαν (Barnaban) Barnabas — 8 Occurrences
Βαρνάβας (Barnabas) Barnabas — 10 Occurrences
βάρος (baros) burden — 4 Occurrences
βαρούμενοι (baroumenoi) being burdened — 1 Occurrence
Βαρσαββᾶνにゅー (Barsabban) Barsabbas — 2 Occurrences
Βαρτίμαιος (Bartimaios) Bartimaeus — 1 Occurrence
βαρύτερα (barytera) weightier [matters] — 1 Occurrence
βαρυτίμου (barytimou) very costly — 1 Occurrence
βασανιζομένη (basanizomenē) being in pain — 1 Occurrence
βασανιζόμενον (basanizomenon) tossed — 1 Occurrence
βασανιζόμενος (basanizomenos) tormented — 1 Occurrence
βασανιζομένους (basanizomenous) straining — 1 Occurrence
βασανίσαι (basanisai) to torment — 1 Occurrence
βασανίσῃς (basanisēs) torment — 2 Occurrences
βασανισθήσεται (basanisthēsetai) he will be tormented — 1 Occurrence
βασανισθήσονται (basanisthēsontai) they should be tormented — 2 Occurrences
βασανισμὸνにゅー (basanismon) torment — 1 Occurrence
βασανισμὸς (basanismos) torment — 2 Occurrences
βασανισμοῦ (basanismou) torment — 3 Occurrences
βασανισταῖς (basanistais) jailers — 1 Occurrence
βασάνοις (basanois) pains — 2 Occurrences
βασάνου (basanou) of torment — 1 Occurrence
βάσεις (baseis) feet — 1 Occurrence
βασιλέα (basilea) king — 15 Occurrences
βασιλεῖ (basilei) a king — 6 Occurrences
βασιλεία (basileia) kingdom — 77 Occurrences
βασιλείαν (basileian) kingdom — 61 Occurrences
βασιλείας (basileias) kingdoms — 25 Occurrences
βασιλείοις (basileiois) palaces — 1 Occurrence
βασίλειον (basileion) a royal — 1 Occurrence
βασιλεῖς (basileis) kings — 16 Occurrences
βασιλεῦ (basileu) king — 9 Occurrences
βασιλεύει (basileuei) reigns over — 1 Occurrence
βασιλεύειν (basileuein) to reign — 1 Occurrence
βασιλευέτω (basileuetō) let reign — 1 Occurrence
βασιλευόντων (basileuontōn) being kings — 1 Occurrence
βασιλεὺς (basileus) King — 48 Occurrences
βασιλεῦσしぐまαあるふぁιいおた (basileusai) to reign — 2 Occurrences
βασιλεύσει (basileusei) he will reign — 2 Occurrences
βασιλεύσῃ (basileusē) might reign — 1 Occurrence
βασιλεῦσしぐまιいおたνにゅー (basileusin) kings — 1 Occurrence
βασιλεύσουσιν (basileusousin) will reign — 4 Occurrences
βασιλέων (basileōn) of kings — 11 Occurrences
βασιλέως (basileōs) king — 9 Occurrences
βασιλικὴνにゅー (basilikēn) royal — 1 Occurrence
βασιλικῆς (basilikēs) king's — 1 Occurrence
βασιλικὸνにゅー (basilikon) royal — 1 Occurrence
βασιλικὸς (basilikos) royal official — 2 Occurrences
βασίλισσα (basilissa) The queen — 3 Occurrences
βασιλίσσης (basilissēs) queen — 1 Occurrence
βαστάζει (bastazei) carries — 1 Occurrence
βαστάζειν (bastazein) to bear them — 2 Occurrences
βαστάζεις (bastazeis) support — 1 Occurrence
βαστάζεσθαι (bastazesthai) was carried — 1 Occurrence
βαστάζετε (bastazete) carry — 2 Occurrences
βαστάζοντες (bastazontes) bearing [it] — 1 Occurrence
βαστάζοντος (bastazontos) carries — 1 Occurrence
βαστάζω (bastazō) bear — 1 Occurrence
βαστάζων (bastazōn) carrying — 3 Occurrences
βαστάσαι (bastasai) to carry — 4 Occurrences
βαστάσασά (bastasasa) has borne — 1 Occurrence
βαστάσασι (bastasasi) having borne — 1 Occurrence
βαστάσει (bastasei) will bear — 2 Occurrences
βάτου (batou) bush — 4 Occurrences
βάτους (batous) baths — 1 Occurrence
βάτραχοι (batrachoi) frogs — 1 Occurrence
βατταλογήσητε (battalogēsēte) do use vain repetitions — 1 Occurrence
βάτῳ (batō) bush — 1 Occurrence
βάψας (bapsas) having dipped — 1 Occurrence
βάψῃ (bapsē) he might dip — 1 Occurrence
βάψω (bapsō) having dipped — 1 Occurrence
Βδέλυγμα (Bdelygma) abomination — 4 Occurrences
βδελυγμάτων (bdelygmatōn) of abominations — 2 Occurrences
βδελυκτοὶ (bdelyktoi) detestable — 1 Occurrence
βδελυσσόμενος (bdelyssomenos) abhor — 1 Occurrence
βεβαία (bebaia) sure — 2 Occurrences
βεβαίαν (bebaian) sure — 5 Occurrences
βέβαιος (bebaios) confirmed — 1 Occurrence
βεβαιότερον (bebaioteron) more sure — 1 Occurrence
βεβαιούμενοι (bebaioumenoi) being strengthened in — 1 Occurrence
βεβαιοῦντος (bebaiountos) confirming — 1 Occurrence
βεβαιοῦσθαι (bebaiousthai) to be confirmed — 1 Occurrence
βεβαιῶνにゅー (bebaiōn) establishes — 1 Occurrence
βεβαιῶσしぐまαあるふぁιいおた (bebaiōsai) to confirm — 1 Occurrence
βεβαιώσει (bebaiōsei) will confirm — 1 Occurrence
βεβαιώσει (bebaiōsei) confirmation — 1 Occurrence
βεβαίωσιν (bebaiōsin) confirmation [is] — 1 Occurrence
βεβαμμένον (bebammenon) dipped — 1 Occurrence
βεβαπτισμένοι (bebaptismenoi) baptized — 1 Occurrence
βεβαρημένοι (bebarēmenoi) heavy — 2 Occurrences
βεβήλοις (bebēlois) profane — 1 Occurrence
βέβηλος (bebēlos) profane person — 1 Occurrence
βεβήλους (bebēlous) profane — 3 Occurrences
βεβηλοῦσしぐまιいおたνにゅー (bebēlousin) break — 1 Occurrence
βεβηλῶσしぐまαあるふぁιいおた (bebēlōsai) to profane — 1 Occurrence
βεβληκότος (beblēkotos) having put — 1 Occurrence
βεβλημένην (beblēmenēn) lying sick — 1 Occurrence
βεβλημένον (beblēmenon) lying — 3 Occurrences
βεβλημένος (beblēmenos) cast — 1 Occurrence
βέβληται (beblētai) is laid — 2 Occurrences
βεβρωκόσιν (bebrōkosin) had eaten — 1 Occurrence
Βεελζεβοὺλらむだ (Beelzeboul) Beelzebul — 7 Occurrences
βέλη (belē) darts — 1 Occurrence
Βελίαρ (Beliar) Belial — 1 Occurrence
βελόνης (belonēs) of a needle — 1 Occurrence
βέλτιον (beltion) better — 1 Occurrence
Βενιαμίν (Beniamin) of Benjamin — 4 Occurrences
Βερνίκη (Bernikē) Bernice — 2 Occurrences
Βερνίκης (Bernikēs) Bernice — 1 Occurrence
Βεροίᾳ (Beroia) Berea — 1 Occurrence
Βεροιαῖος (Beroiaios) a Berean — 1 Occurrence
Βέροιαν (Beroian) Berea — 1 Occurrence
Βηθανίᾳ (Bēthania) Bethany — 4 Occurrences
Βηθανίαν (Bēthanian) Bethany — 6 Occurrences
Βηθανίας (Bēthanias) Bethany — 2 Occurrences
Βηθζαθά (Bēthzatha) Bethesda — 1 Occurrence
Βηθλεὲμみゅー (Bēthleem) Bethlehem — 8 Occurrences
Βηθσαϊδά (Bēthsaida) Bethsaida — 5 Occurrences
Βηθσαιδάν (Bēthsaidan) Bethsaida — 2 Occurrences
Βηθφαγὴ (Bēthphagē) Bethphage — 3 Occurrences
βべーたμみゅーαあるふぁ (bēma) a length [of] — 2 Occurrences
βήματι (bēmati) judgment seat — 1 Occurrence
βήματος (bēmatos) judgment seat — 9 Occurrences
βήρυλλος (bēryllos) beryl — 1 Occurrence
βιάζεται (biazetai) is taken by violence — 2 Occurrences
βιαίας (biaias) violent — 1 Occurrence
βίαν (bian) violence — 1 Occurrence
βίας (bias) force — 3 Occurrences
βιασταὶ (biastai) violent — 1 Occurrence
βιβλαρίδιον (biblaridion) a little scroll — 3 Occurrences
βιβλία (biblia) books — 3 Occurrences
βιβλίοις (bibliois) books — 1 Occurrence
βιβλίον (biblion) a bill — 18 Occurrences
βιβλίου (bibliou) of [the] book — 6 Occurrences
βιβλίῳ (bibliō) book — 6 Occurrences
ΒΙΒΛΟΣ (BIBLOS) [the] book — 1 Occurrence
βίβλου (biblou) book — 1 Occurrence
βίβλους (biblous) books — 1 Occurrence
βίβλῳ (biblō) book — 7 Occurrences
Βιθυνίαν (Bithynian) Bithynia — 1 Occurrence
Βιθυνίας (Bithynias) Bithynia — 1 Occurrence
βίον (bion) livelihood — 7 Occurrences
βίου (biou) of life — 3 Occurrences
βべーたιいおたσしぐまαあるふぁιいおた (biōsai) to live — 1 Occurrence
βίωσίν (biōsin) manner of life — 1 Occurrence
βιωτικά (biōtika) things of this life — 2 Occurrences
βιωτικαῖς (biōtikais) of life — 1 Occurrence
βλαβεράς (blaberas) hurtful — 1 Occurrence
βλαστᾷ (blasta) should sprout — 1 Occurrence
βλαστήσασα (blastēsasa) having budded — 1 Occurrence
Βλάστον (Blaston) Blastus — 1 Occurrence
βλάσφημα (blasphēma) blasphemous — 1 Occurrence
βλασφημεῖ (blasphēmei) blasphemes — 2 Occurrences
βλασφημεῖνにゅー (blasphēmein) to blaspheme — 3 Occurrences
Βλασφημεῖς (Blasphēmeis) You blaspheme — 1 Occurrence
βλασφημείσθω (blasphēmeisthō) Let be evil spoken of — 1 Occurrence
βλασφημεῖτたうαあるふぁιいおた (blasphēmeitai) is blasphemed — 2 Occurrences
βλασφημηθήσεται (blasphēmēthēsetai) will be evil spoken of — 1 Occurrence
βλασφημῆσしぐまαあるふぁιいおた (blasphēmēsai) to blaspheme — 1 Occurrence
βλασφημήσαντι (blasphēmēsanti) has blasphemed — 1 Occurrence
βλασφημήσῃ (blasphēmēsē) shall blaspheme — 1 Occurrence
βλασφημήσωσιν (blasphēmēsōsin) they shall have blasphemed — 1 Occurrence
βλασφημῆτたうαあるふぁιいおた (blasphēmētai) be blasphemed — 2 Occurrences
βλασφημία (blasphēmia) blasphemy — 4 Occurrences
βλασφημίαι (blasphēmiai) slanders — 3 Occurrences
βλασφημίαν (blasphēmian) blasphemy — 3 Occurrences
βλασφημίας (blasphēmias) blasphemy — 8 Occurrences
βλάσφημοι (blasphēmoi) evil speakers — 1 Occurrence
βλάσφημον (blasphēmon) a blasphemer — 2 Occurrences
βλασφημοῦμみゅーαあるふぁιいおた (blasphēmoumai) am I evil spoken of — 1 Occurrence
βλασφημούμεθα (blasphēmoumetha) we are slanderously charged — 1 Occurrence
βλασφημοῦντας (blasphēmountas) are defaming — 1 Occurrence
βλασφημοῦντες (blasphēmountes) blaspheming — 5 Occurrences
βλασφημούντων (blasphēmountōn) were reviling [him] — 1 Occurrence
βλασφημοῦσしぐまιいおたνにゅー (blasphēmousin) do blaspheme — 3 Occurrences
βλάψαν (blapsan) having hurt — 1 Occurrence
βλάψῃ (blapsē) shall it injure — 1 Occurrence
βλέμματι (blemmati) through seeing — 1 Occurrence
Βλέπε (Blepe) Take heed to — 1 Occurrence
βλέπει (blepei) he sees — 10 Occurrences
βλέπειν (blepein) saw — 10 Occurrences
βλέπεις (blepeis) look you on — 10 Occurrences
βλέπετε (blepete) see — 33 Occurrences
βλεπέτω (blepetō) let take heed — 2 Occurrences
βλέπῃ (blepē) he might see — 1 Occurrence
βλέπῃς (blepēs) you might see — 1 Occurrence
Βλέπομεν (Blepomen) We see — 5 Occurrences
βλεπόμενα (blepomena) seen — 4 Occurrences
βλεπομένη (blepomenē) seen — 1 Occurrence
βλεπόμενον (blepomenon) seen — 1 Occurrence
βλεπομένων (blepomenōn) seen — 2 Occurrences
βλέποντα (bleponta) looking — 1 Occurrence
βλέποντας (blepontas) seeing — 2 Occurrences
βλέποντες (blepontes) seeing — 11 Occurrences
βλεπόντων (blepontōn) beholding — 2 Occurrences
βλέπουσι (blepousi) behold — 1 Occurrence
βλέπουσιν (blepousin) they see — 4 Occurrences
Βλέπω (Blepō) I see — 5 Occurrences
βλέπων (blepōn) looks upon — 12 Occurrences
βλέπωσιν (blepōsin) they might see — 7 Occurrences
βλέψετε (blepsete) you will see — 2 Occurrences
Βλέψον (Blepson) Look — 1 Occurrence
βληθεὶς (blētheis) having been cast — 1 Occurrence
βληθείσῃ (blētheisē) having cast — 1 Occurrence
βべーたλらむだηいーたθしーたνにゅー (blēthen) having been cast — 1 Occurrence
βべーたλらむだηいーたθしーたῇ (blēthē) be cast — 1 Occurrence
βべーたλらむだηいーたθしーたνにゅーαあるふぁιいおた (blēthēnai) to be cast — 4 Occurrences
βληθήσεται (blēthēsetai) will be cast down — 1 Occurrence
βληθήσῃ (blēthēsē) you be cast — 1 Occurrence
βλήθητι (blēthēti) be you cast — 2 Occurrences
βλητέον (blēteon) must be put — 1 Occurrence
βべーたοおみくろんαあるふぁὶ (boai) cries — 1 Occurrence
Βοανηργές (Boanērges) Boanerges — 1 Occurrence
βόας (boas) oxen — 2 Occurrences
Βべーたοおみくろんὲς (Boes) Boaz — 2 Occurrences
βοήθει (boēthei) help — 2 Occurrences
βοηθείαις (boētheiais) supports — 1 Occurrence
βοήθειαν (boētheian) help — 1 Occurrence
βοηθεῖτたうεいぷしろん (boētheite) help — 1 Occurrence
βべーたοおみくろんηいーたθしーたσしぐまαあるふぁιいおた (boēthēsai) to help — 1 Occurrence
βοήθησον (boēthēson) help — 2 Occurrences
βοηθός (boēthos) helper — 1 Occurrence
βόησον (boēson) cry — 1 Occurrence
βόθυνον (bothynon) a pit — 3 Occurrences
βολήν (bolēn) throw — 1 Occurrence
βολίσαντες (bolisantes) having sounded — 2 Occurrences
Βοός (Boos) of Boaz — 1 Occurrence
βορβόρου (borborou) in [the] mire — 1 Occurrence
βべーたοおみくろんρろーρろーᾶ (borra) north — 2 Occurrences
Βόσκε (Boske) Feed — 2 Occurrences
βόσκειν (boskein) to feed — 1 Occurrence
βοσκομένη (boskomenē) feeding — 3 Occurrences
βόσκοντες (boskontes) [who] fed [them] — 3 Occurrences
Βοσόρ (Bosor) [son] of Beor — 1 Occurrence
βοτάνην (botanēn) vegetation — 1 Occurrence
βότρυας (botryas) bunches — 1 Occurrence
βべーたοおみくろんυうぷしろんλらむだὰς (boulas) motives — 1 Occurrence
βούλει (boulei) you are willing — 1 Occurrence
βούλεσθε (boulesthe) wish you — 2 Occurrences
βούλεται (bouletai) he wills — 2 Occurrences
βουλεύομαι (bouleuomai) I purpose — 2 Occurrences
βουλεύσεται (bouleusetai) takes counsel — 1 Occurrence
βουλευτής (bouleutēs) Council member — 2 Occurrences
βべーたοおみくろんυうぷしろんλらむだῇ (boulē) counsel — 6 Occurrences
βουληθεὶς (boulētheis) Having willed [it] — 1 Occurrence
βουληθῇ (boulēthē) be minded — 1 Occurrence
βούλημα (boulēma) will — 1 Occurrence
βουλήματι (boulēmati) purpose — 1 Occurrence
βουλήματος (boulēmatos) [their] purpose — 1 Occurrence
βべーたοおみくろんυうぷしろんλらむだνにゅー (boulēn) counsel — 4 Occurrences
βべーたοおみくろんυうぷしろんλらむだῆς (boulēs) counsel — 1 Occurrence
βούληται (boulētai) might resolve — 2 Occurrences
βούλοιτο (bouloito) he resolved — 1 Occurrence
βούλομαι (boulomai) resolve — 6 Occurrences
βουλόμεθα (boulometha) We resolve — 1 Occurrence
βουλόμενοι (boulomenoi) desiring — 1 Occurrence
βουλόμενος (boulomenos) desiring — 8 Occurrences
βουλομένου (boulomenou) resolving — 2 Occurrences
βουλομένους (boulomenous) would — 1 Occurrence
βべーたοおみくろんνにゅー (boun) ox — 3 Occurrences
βべーたοおみくろんυうぷしろんνにゅーοおみくろんῖς (bounois) hills — 1 Occurrence
βべーたοおみくろんυうぷしろんνにゅーὸς (bounos) hill — 1 Occurrence
βべーたοおみくろんῦς (bous) an ox — 1 Occurrence
βべーたοおみくろんνにゅー (boōn) of oxen — 2 Occurrences
βべーたοおみくろんνにゅーτたうαあるふぁ (boōnta) crying — 1 Occurrence
βべーたοおみくろんῶντες (boōntes) crying out — 2 Occurrences
βべーたοおみくろんῶντος (boōntos) of one crying — 4 Occurrences
βοώντων (boōntōn) cry — 1 Occurrence
βραβεῖοおみくろんνにゅー (brabeion) prize — 2 Occurrences
βραβευέτω (brabeuetō) let preside — 1 Occurrence
βραδεῖς (bradeis) slow — 1 Occurrence
βραδύνει (bradynei) noes delay — 1 Occurrence
βραδύνω (bradynō) I should delay — 1 Occurrence
βραδυπλοοῦντες (bradyploountes) sailing slowly — 1 Occurrence
βべーたρろーαあるふぁδでるたὺς (bradys) slow — 2 Occurrences
βραδυτῆτたうαあるふぁ (bradytēta) slowness — 1 Occurrence
βραχέων (bracheōn) few words — 1 Occurrence
βραχίονι (brachioni) the arm — 1 Occurrence
βραχίονος (brachionos) arm — 1 Occurrence
βραχίων (brachiōn) arm — 1 Occurrence
βべーたρろーαあるふぁχかいὺ (brachy) a little — 6 Occurrences
βρέξαι (brexai) to rain — 1 Occurrence
βρέφη (brephē) little children — 3 Occurrences
βρέφος (brephos) baby — 4 Occurrences
βρέφους (brephous) childhood — 1 Occurrence
βρέχει (brechei) sends rain — 1 Occurrence
βρέχειν (brechein) to wet — 1 Occurrence
βρέχῃ (brechē) might fall — 1 Occurrence
βρονταί (brontai) thunders — 7 Occurrences
βροντὴνにゅー (brontēn) thunder — 1 Occurrence
Βροντῆς (Brontēs) of thunder — 3 Occurrences
βροντῶνにゅー (brontōn) of thunders — 1 Occurrence
βべーたρろーοおみくろんχかいὴ (brochē) rain — 2 Occurrences
βρόχον (brochon) a restraint — 1 Occurrence
βρυγμὸς (brygmos) gnashing — 7 Occurrences
βρύει (bryei) pours forth — 1 Occurrence
βべーたρろーῶμά (brōma) food — 6 Occurrences
βρώμασιν (brōmasin) for foods — 3 Occurrences
βρώματα (brōmata) food — 5 Occurrences
βρώματί (brōmati) food — 1 Occurrence
βρώματος (brōmatos) food — 1 Occurrence
βρωμάτων (brōmatōn) from foods — 1 Occurrence
βρώσει (brōsei) food — 1 Occurrence
βρώσεως (brōseōs) eating — 2 Occurrences
βρώσιμον (brōsimon) eatable — 1 Occurrence
βべーたρろーσしぐまιいおたνにゅー (brōsin) food — 4 Occurrences
βべーたρろーῶσις (brōsis) rust — 4 Occurrences
βυθίζεσθαι (bythizesthai) were sinking — 1 Occurrence
βυθίζουσιν (bythizousin) sink — 1 Occurrence
βべーたυうぷしろんθしーたῷ (bythō) deep [sea] — 1 Occurrence
βυρσεῖ (byrsei) a tanner — 2 Occurrences
βυρσέως (byrseōs) a tanner — 1 Occurrence
βύσσινον (byssinon) fine linen — 4 Occurrences
βυσσίνου (byssinou) of fine linen — 1 Occurrence
βύσσον (bysson) fine linen — 1 Occurrence
βべーたωおめがμみゅーνにゅー (bōmon) an altar — 1 Occurrence

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